Trumpty Dumpty Makes Public Plea of Insanity

The New Holliday

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Nice article:

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Facing 78 felonies in three different jurisdictions, with a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, still waiting to weigh in — and perhaps facing additional federal charges or possible state charges in Michigan, Arizona and elsewhere — Donald Trump has spent the last few days spewing forth an extraordinary level of venom, even for him. While our current president is dealing with the economy, an overseas war and increased aggression in the Middle East and Asia, Trump is running for president hoping to avoid prison time, while also seeking revenge for his 2020 defeat. He is unquestionably insane, either temporarily or for good.

Perhaps he's setting himself up to plead diminished mental capacity after a slew of recent posts on his favorite social media platform that sound like a horrible cry for help. Call it the wailing of the banshees or whatever else you want, but Trump now seems the living embodiment of Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting in oil tempera, pastel and crayon, "The Scream." He is out there with only his Kool-Aid drinkers beside him as he melts down into a puddle of sweat, makeup and a Rodney Dangerfield suit.

On stage in New Hampshire this week, standing behind a bright light that cast harsh shadows and resembled for all the world a prison-yard searchlight focused on an escaped con, Donald Trump erupted against several of his enemies for a variety of fictional slights. His latest target was Fani Willis, the Atlanta prosecutor who is likely to present evidence before a grand jury next week that could lead to an extensive array of racketeering charges related to the last presidential election. Trump has called Willis (who is Black) a "racist" and spread stories that she "ended up having an affair with the head of a gang or a gang member." She wants to prosecute him, Trump said, for another "perfect phone call," one even "more perfect" than the call with Volodymyr Zelenskyy that got him impeached in 2019. (In the more recent call, if you're keeping score, Trump asked the Georgia secretary of state to "find" him thousands of nonexistent votes.)

In that same speech, Trump alluded to what a great favor he's doing the country by running for president again. "I could have been relaxing at Mar-a-Lago or the South of France," he said, "which I would prefer to being in this country, frankly."

That's a unique campaign strategy, if not a literally insane one. He'd prefer to be in another country, but he's got such a big heart he'll agree to run this one. I've never heard anyone campaign for president that way before.

To top it all off, Trump reminded us that "I went to Wharton School of Finance. We never studied indictment. We never studied arrest. We never studied prison. These are sick people we're dealing with."

Maybe he should have studied a bit of law, honestly.

Read on......
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Let's start with that last statement from the article.
What it means is that the corrupt fascist FBI under the instruction of FAKE president Biden murdered a true patriot who was trying to save the nation from democracy "authoritarianism".

Am I right?

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.... in response to his indictment for his alleged crimes of Jan. 6 and the larger plot against democracy, Trump has been escalating his threats of violence, both direct and implied, against Special Counsel Jack Smith, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Judge Tanya Chutkan and the other prosecutors, members of law enforcement, and potential jurors who are attempting to hold him accountable under the law. Law enforcement and other experts in domestic terrorism and national security are continuing to warn that Trump, his MAGA followers and the larger white right constitute an extreme danger to the country's security. On Wednesday, for example, the FBI said that a Utah man who had made threats to President Biden and several prosecutors on different Trump criminal cases was
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during an FBI raid.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Let's start with that last statement from the article.
What it means is that the corrupt fascist FBI under the instruction of FAKE president Biden murdered a true patriot who was trying to save the nation from democracy "authoritarianism".

Am I right?

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Contrary to what many professional centrists and hope-peddlers in the American mainstream news media and political class would like to believe, the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol was not the climax of the Age of Trump. In reality, Jan. 6 was a proof of concept for how the Republican fascists will use political violence to obtain and keep power against and over the democratic will of the American people in an increasingly diverse society. In all, Jan. 6 was not the end of something but rather the next chapter in what journalist Jeff Sharlet has described as a "slow civil war" here in America.

To that point, in response to his indictment for his alleged crimes of Jan. 6 and the larger plot against democracy, Trump has been escalating his threats of violence, both direct and implied, against Special Counsel Jack Smith, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Judge Tanya Chutkan and the other prosecutors, members of law enforcement, and potential jurors who are attempting to hold him accountable under the law. Law enforcement and other experts in domestic terrorism and national security are continuing to warn that Trump, his MAGA followers and the larger white right constitute an extreme danger to the country's security. On Wednesday, for example, the FBI said that a Utah man who had made threats to President Biden and several prosecutors on different Trump criminal cases was
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during an FBI raid.

They are unAmerican proto-fascists