Windows 11 Announced with Mixed Reviews

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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Lotusbud should create a petition. Admin should Start a class action lawsuit. Seamajor should report it to MODs.

Hang tight Joe we’ll get this handled.


Factory Bastard
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Each version just becomes an ever more bloated piece of shit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Each version just becomes an ever more bloated piece of shit.

Are you using Windows 10, Oerdin?

What did you like or dislike about past versions?

What in your opinion was the best version?

BTW, I'm not a Windows user as I own a Mac.

But I want to install Windows on my Mac at some point.

So I'll install the version which are most worthy of the effort.

See what I've been missin' in the Windows world for the past 10 years.

Last Windows version I actively used was Windows XP in 2010, which on a Dell, was pretty good in its day.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am using windows 10, my PC is about 2.5 years old and so cannot be upgraded. I have used all windows going back to 3.11 (we skipped 3.1 and qere still using ms/dos way back then). I liked Windows and 97, disliked Win2000, loved XP 7 was ok but bloated, didn't upgrade agaon until win 10. Way back around Win95 we also used IBM OS/2 for a while but it was a dog. Tried Unix on an old PC a decade back just to try to learn some stuff but found it impractical and a pain in the ass.

I am keeping Win10 until I upgrade. I have to admit when I was young I'd buy a new pc every two years or less but these days my gives a shit seems to be broken plus I don't play many games these days so my motivation to keep spending to stay on the cutting edge is gone.


Factory Bastard
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XP was the best imho but it is no longer supported so its out. For now 10 is where it is at but I see no reason to switch to 11 given the ridiculous hardware requirements. I know a ton of businesses are still being cheap and using ancient NT systems.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am keeping Win10 until I upgrade. I have to admit when I was young I'd buy a new pc every two years or less but these days my gives a shit seems to be broken plus I don't play many games these days so my motivation to keep spending to stay on the cutting edge is gone.

For some reason, I get the feeling Windows 11 will be short-lived and not around for long. The next Windows 8 or Vista.

So by the time people get around to upgrading to it, something else will replace it & those who pour lots of money into expensive hardware upgrades will get burned again.

It doesn't appear that either Microsoft or Apple have a clear idea what they're doing or a solid roadmap of where their future is headed. So if people invest their money into buying into that, they're on shaky ground and in for some rude surprises. Apple is already on System 11.3, almost right after they released 10.15 & nobody even had a chance to get used to 10.15 or install it on their machines. And that was all just last year. So Microsoft appears to be following the same path - transitioning way too soon for its user base to keep up.

The end game of either Microsoft or Apple is they don't seem to give a damn about their PC user base. It's all geared towards selling more phones or tablets. So whatever new development arrives in that dept, they'll expect their PC Users to change accordingly. But in the process, it will create an unstable foundation for them.
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Factory Bastard
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The thing is, as the guy in the videosaid, MS really doesn't care about its user base. It allows free upgrades for existing users so it doesn't make any money off of existing users (other than selling their data) and instead it makes its money off of people buying new machines with new software licenses. Thus why they make new versions with such high hardware requirements the majority of brand new systems sold today do not qualify for or aren't supported by Win11.

They also team up with Intel as together they can drive each others sales. MS makes the latest version of Windows only work on elite systems thus driving sales for Intel's highest range of chip sets. Because the latest elite chips are available MS justifies pushing for ever more bloated and monstrously oversized versions of Windows. Customers aren't consulted if they want their one year old or less machines to become obsolete or not.
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  • Interesting
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Factory Bastard
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The thing is, as the guy in the videosaid, MS really doesn't care about its user base. It allows free upgrades for existing users so it doesn't make any money off of existing users (other than selling their data) and instead it makes its money off of people buying new machines with new software licenses. Thus why they make new versions with such high hardware requirements the majority of brand new systems sold today do not qualify for or aren't supported by Win11.

They also team up with Intel as together they can drive each others sales. MS makes the latest version of Windows only work on elite systems thus driving sales for Intel's highest range of chip sets. Because the latest elite chips are available MS justifies pushing for ever more bloated and monstrously oversized versions of Windows. Customers aren't consulted if they want their one year old or less machines to become obsolete or not.

There may be some Apple/Macintosh models that you can install Windows 11 on and try it out.

I think they came with the equivalent of TPM 2.0 in their chipset.

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So Windows 11 might work on 'em.

I think there were some people who were even installing it on 10+ year old Macs which don't meet the hardware requirments but they had to use a hack.

I'd like to try it out, just to see if it works.

Not sure if it will, but it's worth a try.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Stay away from anything Microsoft releases until most of the major bugs are discovered and fixed. Sometimes they never are.

That's how I avoided Windows Me, Vista, and 8. I don't think I ever got Windows 98 either until they came out with the "Second Edition".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Stay away from anything Microsoft releases until most of the major bugs are discovered and fixed. Sometimes they never are.

That's how I avoided Windows Me, Vista, and 8. I don't think I ever got Windows 98 either until they came out with the "Second Edition".

The Mac I got has 4 hard drives.

So if the install goes bad, I'll just reformat the drive and either start over again Or install something else like Linux over it.

Anyways I never even got around to installing Windows 7 and a fresh new copy of it is still sitting shrink wrapped in the closet. I haven't even tried that one out yet.

Trouble is, Microsoft and Apple put out so many releases of their operating systems, that by the time many users have just gotten around to buying a new computer, 3 or 4 generations have already passed us by.

I'd still like to try out Windows 7. Just about when I was gonna install Windows 10 too, it's declared 'obsolete'

I'd even like to give Windows 8 a whirl too. I had it on a Nookia cellphone I bought 2nd hand for $10 and it worked fine.

I'm somehwat reluctant to go out and buy a new computer every year cuz then the basement becomes full of obsolete pc's.


Factory Bastard
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Quite the opposite, I've owned EVERY edition of windows since 95. Back in the day I usually had address nighmares with the newest peripherals wanting to share addresses on Win95 thru Win98SE. I actually thought SE was worse! I'm one of the few who liked Windows Me better than 98. Windows 7 and up have been just fine and easy to use. Then there was the formatting wars. Damn that sucked. FAT16,32,NTSF was no joy! And then when memory got cheap and you could still only have a limited amount. And when SATA first came out and large drives couldnt be formatted on a single partition. And when M.2 came out and you couldnt get that shit to work on anyones BIOS without a fist fight. Computer complaints compared to 20 years ago are literally nothing. Having to teach myself to use REGEDIT is something I NEVER want to have to do again! Just the setup when you had to make boot files just to get the CD ROM working! UGH!!!


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Anybody on windows 11? The change from windows ten is easy but before you install you need to set windows 11 as admin, most people get errors if they dont... It's pretty much the same as 10 tbh...


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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I am using windows 10, my PC is about 2.5 years old and so cannot be upgraded. I have used all windows going back to 3.11 (we skipped 3.1 and qere still using ms/dos way back then). I liked Windows and 97, disliked Win2000, loved XP 7 was ok but bloated, didn't upgrade agaon until win 10. Way back around Win95 we also used IBM OS/2 for a while but it was a dog. Tried Unix on an old PC a decade back just to try to learn some stuff but found it impractical and a pain in the ass.

I am keeping Win10 until I upgrade. I have to admit when I was young I'd buy a new pc every two years or less but these days my gives a shit seems to be broken plus I don't play many games these days so my motivation to keep spending to stay on the cutting edge is gone.

Linux sounds great in name only

Of course, it maybe enough for basic usage for the average user, but trying to do anything beyond is a pain in the ass

Most hardware won't work, sometimes it can't even recognize a simple printer, forget about using USB wifi and others

When you have to "compile kernels" to do something as simple as installing a driver, you know it's just a novel for the normal user.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Will never be better than windows 7
I got Windows 7 installed on my Intel Mac @Kingoffrogs on a separate hard drive. I also have Win 10 on another. I just press the option key at boot up to select the OS I need.

So I can use 10-20 year old software as well as the brand newest of the new.

I can boot into Mac OS and linux too.

I will be installing linux on a separate hard drive in the future such as centos or its successor, 'Rocky'

I currently have 4 separate hard drives with the option to add 2 separate Flash drives.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I have several computers.

My main machine, which is a pretty decent gaming PC.

My business machine, which is a pretty barebones PC.

My wife has a decent general use PC.

I have my old game machine in the basement with my music gear so we can look stuff up like lyrics and guitar tabs while practicing.

I run a Web server.

I have a couple backup Web servers.

We do not have a decent notebook/laptop computer. My last two are old and slow, and my wife's convertible notebook died a month or two ago.