Holliday's World Famous Fishing Thread - 2023 Version

Holliday Unchained

Tough decision today but decided to take it up to a local small lake, many pads and weeds. Throw some spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, ...plastics and see if them Bass are hungry. Want to get over to the wild trout stream but she's running a bit high and hard. Maybe tomorrow, and pick up a meal.

Got a new kayak - havin fun with it so far.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I've never been into fishing.

And funny thing is I have a lake adjacent to my 2 acre property and never once have I gone out there to fish despite it being some prime fishing to be had there according to the various youngin who have trespassed across my property to fish there


find you a river, let it talk to you, and the fish will listen to your bait. i'll be doing it every day soon be north of toronto for over 4 months or so at the family cabin, FISHING, camping, MORE fishing, getting drunk whenever i want to.. Will be exploring many parts of Ontario I haven't been to and going back to some beautiful spots

Holliday Unchained

I spent about 2 1/4 hrs in total at 2 lakes. Mostly ar one where I landed 8 Largemouth Bass, lost another and had 2 good strikes that didn't hang for me.
Pre-spawn boy Bass, waiting for girls to happen by.
.You know it's spring-on when the Hummingbirds arrive - Which they have.

Holliday Unchained

..... Today I decided to supplement my diet with a little fresh caught trout.
. I do that once every spring pretty much just because.
. so I go to this nice section of the wild trout stream I had mentioned, which is a river by name, and start tossing the in-line spinners that had seemed so delicious to them Brownies earlier in the year. Nada, ugatz, zilch.
. So I'm not one to give up so easy. I tie on a lure I had been meaning to try for them trouts. Great action, size #7 which should be about right - Rapala in Rainbow Trout color. Whenever I start feeling guilty about mistreating fish I remind myself that they are nothing but vicious murdering cannibals - Which they are.
...and in a few casts I got a nice one on in a life and death struggle, which I eventually won in spite of my drag being set too low.
. It's my practice on these rare occasions that I mean to harvest a trout that I dispatch it forthwith with a sharp blow to the back of the head. So I'm looking around for a suitable basher and like
..this one, no, this one, no, how about this one..no, for like a minute which seems an eternity. I mean, I'm in a woods, you'd think that a serviceable stick would be in arms reach anywhere you are but no, I need a very specific stick of a special length girth and weight, ya know. It takes a minute, but I get my masher and deftly whack the fish on the back of the head. I've done this enough times that you'd think a single blow would take care of matters, but it never has, it always takes three before the fish goes limp, stops thrashing and quivering. I do not like the process - it makes me feel evil, or rather that I am being evil doing what I am at that moment, and maybe that's why once a year is enough.

....and because I know that quality content must include an occasional picture.

The Rapala minnow #7 in Rainbow Trout color:

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Holliday Unchained

..Got out a bit, a short time at the lake I mentioned a couple days ago.
Not too much happening - 3 Bass in an hr and a half.
.. Forgot my high quality content camera or I might have gotten a pic of life and death struggle, the sort that goes on every day in the natural world and which those of us who aren't perpetually engaged in internet culture, spending time in the wild places occasionally witness. I'll try to be better about offering pics so no one should have to struggle with reading all of these words. Anyway, along the shoreline I witnessed a commotion which at first I assumed was Bass spawning or in pre-spawn carving out a bed. I could see a Bass' back coming above the water then submerging. Getting closer I saw that the Bass was in the grip of a large snapping turtle. The turtle had the fish by the lower lip which as Bassers know immobilizes a fish. I think that was likely a lucky coincidence. In any case the Bass was motionless, but not appearing dead though no doubt that turtle had bad intentions. Of course this is the time of year both Bass and other fish, and the turtle are sharing space briefly. The female turtles are coming ashore to lay their eggs passing through the fish nests and collecting an occasional meal. I have to be honest with you, I was feeling sort of bad for that Bass and that it would not be around to spawn, and you know - fuck that snapping turtle anyway. A short time later, I had passed around that scene and looking back in that direction at just the right moment saw a Bass clear the water in a leap. It was about the same size as that captured fish and I am hoping it had escaped and was jumping for sheer joy of freedom. Fuck that mean snapper.

A Largemouth Bass:

A Snapping Turtle:


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
This bridge was amazing… and this adventure led to one of my favorite fishing trips ever. I wish this place had a gallery so I could upload my catch for the day… which was a salamander I hooked through his tail reeling back in :GiggleBitch:


The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
.. Now, umm...many of you have been calling and writing asking if I've been up to the Big Res this year, and until today the answer was no. But yesterday I had decided to go up today and after picking up the fishing pards new peddle kayak last night, I set up my gear and set out early afternoon, in spite of a fierce hangover and the crappy Canada fire air quality, on the long trek to the golden shores of that venerated reservoir.

. I had tied on a vintage Spit n Image topwater lure in the rare pumpkinseed sunny pattern and started working it deliberately over those submerged boulders and shoals I know so well.
. 4 hrs of amazing no stop action, I believe aided by the haze - 20 beautiful Smallies landed in 4 hrs, many 2-2 1/2 lbers (5 others got off the hook). Hard fighters, leapers and tail-walkers. Another awesome day at the Big Res.

.. Sorry bout the no pictures. :SadFace:


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
.. Now, umm...many of you have been calling and writing asking if I've been up to the Big Res this year, and until today the answer was no. But yesterday I had decided to go up today and after picking up the fishing pards new peddle kayak last night, I set up my gear and set out early afternoon, in spite of a fierce hangover and the crappy Canada fire air quality, on the long trek to the golden shores of that venerated reservoir.

. I had tied on a vintage Spit n Image topwater lure in the rare pumpkinseed sunny pattern and started working it deliberately over those submerged boulders and shoals I know so well.
. 4 hrs of amazing no stop action, I believe aided by the haze - 20 beautiful Smallies landed in 4 hrs, many 2-2 1/2 lbers (5 others got off the hook). Hard fighters, leapers and tail-walkers. Another awesome day at the Big Res.

.. Sorry bout the no pictures. :SadFace:
Thank you for the crucial update my inbox runneth over with love.



Factory Bastard
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I was out for Fluke [Summer Flounder] yesterday. I kept getting throwbacks. I was seeing birds working but nothing massive or long lived. Then all of a sudden they started up right in front of me. I was right up against the shore in two feet of water and I could see the fish heads popping out of the water. I had a rod rigged with a 1oz diamond jig and I tossed it right in front of my boat. BANG! A Bluefish grabbed it and ran me all over the place. I eventually got him close enough to swing aboard. He was only 20" but if you have never caught a Bluefish, think run-away train that wants to bite your fingers off. I dropped him into the live well where he proceeded to rip the steel leader to shreds. By the time I re-rigged, they were gone.
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The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
.. It's been quite a successful year to this point. I'm approaching 300 Bass caught over a month earlier than last year. Having fished for as long as I have it's rare to have an experience unlike never had before - but today was one of those days, never before have I caught and released a Bass this way.
I was fishing a topwater bait that I have had very good results with at this time of year. It's a bait that closely enough mimics a dragonfly in distress upon the water's surface. In these summer months you may witness Bass coming out of the water like missiles in an attempt to snag a dragonfly on the wing. I have no idea what the success rate is but apparently them insects are tasty and nutritious or why expend all of that energy trying to catch them. So today I have on a black shore minnow color and had caught one Largemouth already when I get another strike. I pause to feel the weight of the fish, then set the hook - the line gives way (bad knot, weak line?). 15 minutes this fish is jumping trying to throw that hook. I feel like shit when that sort of thing happens - not so much for the lose of lure but that the fish is stuck with that lure in its mouth. Eventually, I see what I initially think is the lure resting on the surface and think Yay the fish threw it and I start trying to snag it with another topwater lure. Then I realize, no, it's the fish I see resting there. Continued efforts to hook it up fail, but it is slowly drifting to a rocky outcrop where the water is shallow enough to wade out an secure it....which is just what I did. At one point the fish started to swim off as I yelled (softly) "no no fishy, do not swim away or I can not rescue you from certain death!" The fish seemingly understood and floated gently back to the surface where I collected it, removed the lure, and released it - it eventually recovered its wind and swam off. What a wonderfully happy ending to what might have been a tragic tale.

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Factory Bastard
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.. It's been quite a successful year to this point. I'm approaching 300 Bass caught over a month earlier than last year. Having fished for as long as I have it's rare to have an experience unlike never had before - but today was one of those days, never before have I caught and released a Bass this way.
I was fishing a topwater bait that I have had very good results with at this time of year. It's a bait that closely enough mimics a dragonfly in distress upon the water's surface. In these summer months you may witness Bass coming out of the water like missiles in an attempt to snag a dragonfly on the wing. I have no idea what the success rate is but apparently them insects are tasty and nutritious or why expend all of that energy trying to catch them. So today I have on a black shore minnow color and had caught one Largemouth already when I get another strike. I pause to feel the weight of the fish, then set the hook - the line gives way (bad knot, weak line?). 15 minutes this fish is jumping trying to throw that hook. I feel like shit when that sort of thing happens - not so much for the lose of lure but that the fish is stuck with that lure in its mouth. Eventually, I see what I initially think is the lure resting on the surface and think Yay the fish threw it and I start trying to snag it with another topwater lure. Then I realize, no, it's the fish I see resting there. Continued efforts to hook it up fail, but it is slowly drifting to a rocky outcrop where the water is shallow enough to wade out an secure it....which is just what I did. At one point the fish started to swim off as I yelled (softly) "no no fishy, do not swim away or I can not rescue you from certain death!" The fish seemingly understood and floated gently back to the surface where I collected it, removed the lure, and released it - it eventually recovered its wind and swam off. What a wonderfully happy ending to what might have been a tragic tale.

Have you eaten 300 bass so far this year?


Factory Bastard
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Yes, I am evil, but very nicely.
.. Would I be a better person if I ate them all?
Of course not. I'm not trying to be a butthead. I'm just wondering why you catch so many if you throw them all back. And, yes, I do also know catch and release is better than eating them all. I'm just curious.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Of course not. I'm not trying to be a butthead. I'm just wondering why you catch so many if you throw them all back. And, yes, I do also know catch and release is better than eating them all. I'm just curious.
I'm a fisherman, Lotus. Fisherman do fisherman things.
.. I am a student of the science and art of Bass fishing.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I suppose that I grew up on a Bass lake, and there were no nearby trout streams.
.. Bass is the king of freshwater gamefish in any case.

Trout is sort ooooof.....um.. froo frooish.
.. Bass is a blue collar manly man fish.

Why is it froo frooish? What does that mean? They do put up a good fight.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Why is it froo frooish? What does that mean? They do put up a good fight.
LoLz - pound for pound, no freshwater fish fights like a Smallmouth Bass. Largemouth second.
.. Trout make a better meal though. I hear Perch and Walleye are excellent also but I don't target them - catch them occasionally by accident.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
LoLz - pound for pound, no freshwater fish fights like a Smallmouth Bass. Largemouth second.
.. Trout make a better meal though. I hear Perch and Walleye are excellent also but I don't target them - catch them occasionally by accident.

Maybe I just enjoy rivers vs lakes...I like the movement of swift rivers and streams. Probably just a product of my formative years and fishing.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Maybe I just enjoy rivers vs lakes...I like the movement of swift rivers and streams. Probably just a product of my formative years and fishing.
I love river and stream fishing too. I have the beautiful Lenapehanna in my (so to speak) backyard, and a number of excellent trout streams/creeks etc nearby. I wet wade them, shore fish. I love climbing on rocky banks, and getting in the water. It too is a skill to develop.