"Stop having kids"... The message from a Jew in Portland

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
No doubt this only applies to white people...


Early this year, two mysterious billboards rose above the city.

The boards, at Northeast Killingsworth Street and Interstate 205 and Southeast Division and 106th Avenue, went up Jan. 3 and 12, respectively. Both blare the same terse message: “Stop Having Kids,” in white text on a black background.

The billboards say they are paid for by a little-known organization called Stop Having Kids.

Stop Having Kids spokeswoman Ashley Riddle says the group started informally in Portland a few months before March 2021 and identifies itself as a “collective liberation movement.” Its website makes the group’s platform clear: The organization is “antinatalist,” meaning it’s against all human reproduction.

Riddle says money for the billboards came from an anonymous donor, and actually getting them put up was a long process: “There was some difficulty in finding a company that would follow through. [Companies] would seem all for it, and then they stopped responding.”

She declined to identify the founder of Stop Having Kids by his full name, saying she knows him only as “Dietz.”

State records show, however, that Stop Having Kids was incorporated in January 2021 by Eric Goldberg, a Portland photographer whose middle name is Dietz.

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Domestically feral
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United states
So basically they are collecting and using resources to lecture and hound people to not have any children because of all the suffering in the world and that you are only TRULY caring and compassionate if you dont have kids.

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So they are a wanna be outreach wasting time/resources on this garbage message that they could be using to help others.

Let me know when their charity work catches up to the Christian church.

How many people could have been fed/helped with the money wasted on the billboard?

When the outreaches here in my state are full do they have a number or beds for people to keep them off the street? I somehow think these people are not going to network with any existing outreaches based on ideology.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…

Why is it that people who claim this are never willing to unalive themselves to be a team player? They just want other people to sacrifice.

Break had children. Break wants to enjoy his life. But he thinks there are too many people on the planet so other people should be kind enough to sacrifice a family or stop sucking air.

Seriously. If people are that concerned about the amount of people on the planet how do they justify staying alive and using these resources they claim are limited or further killing the planet? Why should OTHER people be lectured and expected to sacrifice?

No one should be telling people to do things they themselves would not be willing to do. Jmo. I get called "judgemental" and "self righteous" but no one will ever see me guilting people for being alive or desiring children and protecting life.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Right, I'm sure it's just a Cohencidence that the message is placed in one of the whitest cities in the US, even if it is full of soyboy ANTIFA cucks and spikey pink haired Feminists....

Can we expect to see these messages in New York or Philly?
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Leftists "concerned about over-population" but they demonise anyone who wants to close the border or limit immigration. :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.
Our great grandfathers had large families back in the day too.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.

Yeah it's pretty much ALWAYS the "poors" who are the problem and the access population that's ruining the planet.

I hear you.

It's not our place or our job to mess with them at all. I'm in firm opposition to bothering any of those people. They are not ours, they are not our responsibility or issue and if you cant help people(they way they need help....not the way you think they need it) than you leave them alone.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.

Yeah it's pretty much ALWAYS the "poors" who are the problem and the access population that's ruining the planet.

I hear you.

It's not our place or our job to mess with them at all. I'm in firm opposition to bothering any of those people. They are not ours, they are not our responsibility or issue and if you cant help people(they way they need help....not the way you think they need it) than you leave them alone.

I think we should offer them incentives and help to bring their birth rates down.

But not in favor of continued unconditional support for nation which fail to meet population targets because it is a drain on the planet. An example is all those Central American countries having twice as many children as a wealthy country like the United States. Those places the population has definitely exceeded the ability of the land or their resources to sustain them & population control is needed so they don't keep showing up at the Mexican us border.


People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.
Our great grandfathers had large families back in the day too.
But the thing here is, that if all the caring, thoughtful and intelligent people stop having kids that will only leave conservatives to reproduce. There must be a better way.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.
Our great grandfathers had large families back in the day too.
But the thing here is, that if all the caring, thoughtful and intelligent people stop having kids that will only leave conservatives to reproduce. There must be a better way.
Tax Credits for Republican Abortions?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
God says have kids:
"God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Genesis 1:28


God says have kids:
"God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Genesis 1:28
Mission Accomplished !


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
No doubt this only applies to white people...


Early this year, two mysterious billboards rose above the city.

The boards, at Northeast Killingsworth Street and Interstate 205 and Southeast Division and 106th Avenue, went up Jan. 3 and 12, respectively. Both blare the same terse message: “Stop Having Kids,” in white text on a black background.

The billboards say they are paid for by a little-known organization called Stop Having Kids.

Stop Having Kids spokeswoman Ashley Riddle says the group started informally in Portland a few months before March 2021 and identifies itself as a “collective liberation movement.” Its website makes the group’s platform clear: The organization is “antinatalist,” meaning it’s against all human reproduction.

Riddle says money for the billboards came from an anonymous donor, and actually getting them put up was a long process: “There was some difficulty in finding a company that would follow through. [Companies] would seem all for it, and then they stopped responding.”

She declined to identify the founder of Stop Having Kids by his full name, saying she knows him only as “Dietz.”

State records show, however, that Stop Having Kids was incorporated in January 2021 by Eric Goldberg, a Portland photographer whose middle name is Dietz.

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White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way
That's a point I agree with, yet it is whitey's technology which has lead to overpopulation and pollution of the environment. One should always look before leaping headlong into the pot of gold.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
God says have kids:
"God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Genesis 1:28
I agree, the nuke the entire planet into glass, and then pave it over!



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way
That's a point I agree with, yet it is whitey's technology which has lead to overpopulation and pollution of the environment. One should always look before leaping headlong into the pot of gold.
lol what white technology has led to overpopulation? Yes, ok our technology has led to pollution BUT the damage wasn't known back then and we're at the forefront of finding cleaner tech... I'm on the fence about global warming but other damage is definitely being done to the planet... The Chinks are upping their coal use despite all these warnings and the cheeky bastards said something like "the West has burnt coal for centuries, we're behind so we have the right to burn as much coal as they did to catch up" How retarded and infuriating is that? That's one race that has no respect for life AT ALL!


White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way
That's a point I agree with, yet it is whitey's technology which has lead to overpopulation and pollution of the environment. One should always look before leaping headlong into the pot of gold.
lol what white technology has led to overpopulation? Yes, ok our technology has led to pollution BUT the damage wasn't known back then and we're at the forefront of finding cleaner tech... I'm on the fence about global warming but other damage is definitely being done to the planet... The Chinks are upping their coal use despite all these warnings and the cheeky bastards said something like "the West has burnt coal for centuries, we're behind so we have the right to burn as much coal as they did to catch up" How retarded and infuriating is that? That's one race that has no respect for life AT ALL!
Oh please. The Chinks were living a very nice quiet isolated life until Nixon woked them.

...and yes, Euro/American tech extended life, changed humans to urban industrial.
It is that, without forethought, which has imperiled us all.