"Stop having kids"... The message from a Jew in Portland

Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
So let me get this straight, Holly is blaming whitey for creating superior living standards in first world countries which has resulted in people living longer? Holy fuck, I knew lefties were away with the fairies (quite literally in Admin's case), but this is another level of retardation...

No mention from him of course about third worlders who pop out kids like they're taking a shit and have zero concern about how they're going to support them or how most white nations are overcrowded these days due to a massive influx of third worlders pouring into them.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
So let me get this straight, Holly is blaming whitey for creating superior living standards in first world countries which has resulted in people living longer? Holy fuck, I knew lefties were away with the fairies (quite literally in Admin's case), but this is another level of retardation...

No mention from him of course about third worlders who pop out kids like they're taking a shit and have zero concern about how they're going to support them or how most white nations are overcrowded these days due to a massive influx of third worlders pouring into them.
Sometimes your naïveté is amusing.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.

Yeah it's pretty much ALWAYS the "poors" who are the problem and the access population that's ruining the planet.

I hear you.

It's not our place or our job to mess with them at all. I'm in firm opposition to bothering any of those people. They are not ours, they are not our responsibility or issue and if you cant help people(they way they need help....not the way you think they need it) than you leave them alone.

I think we should offer them incentives and help to bring their birth rates down.

Then start a charity and people who are concerned about people in other countries can contribute.

But that absolutely shouldnt be a burden for tax payers on top of everything else.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So let me get this straight, Holly is blaming whitey for creating superior living standards in first world countries which has resulted in people living longer? Holy fuck, I knew lefties were away with the fairies (quite literally in Admin's case), but this is another level of retardation...

No mention from him of course about third worlders who pop out kids like they're taking a shit and have zero concern about how they're going to support them or how most white nations are overcrowded these days due to a massive influx of third worlders pouring into them.

Well they are actual white supremacists and they genuinely think every single advancement is made by white people. And thusly every single advancement is also bad because of pollution and....longer life spans.

If you dont agree with this than you are the dumb one, too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
People have been concerned about over-population since at least the ancient Greeks, this is nothing new under the sun, in the 60's or 70's the movement had some traction under the banner of ZPG or Zero Population Growth.

But sure get real mad because maybe this time a Jewish person said it.

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Population control has pretty much always been a battle cry of human rights violations. Like the forced sterilizations of black women and eugenics. The cruel and inhumane forced abortions in China.

Come the fuck on.

If these people are truly concerned about the suffering of others they are free to get out there and become part of the millions of people globally who are already devoted to helping. They dont need to be telling people that desiring children and family is the opposite of care and compassion.

I think the 1st World countries are getting their populations under control but the 3rd world ones are not.

That's the world should target their efforts.

It pisses me off when 3rd world refugees show up at our borders with 5 or 6 kids.

So the more birth control we give them & incentives to control their populations they better.

If there's a population meltdown it won't be in rich nations but the poor ones like in Africa, the Middle East or Asia.

Yeah it's pretty much ALWAYS the "poors" who are the problem and the access population that's ruining the planet.

I hear you.

It's not our place or our job to mess with them at all. I'm in firm opposition to bothering any of those people. They are not ours, they are not our responsibility or issue and if you cant help people(they way they need help....not the way you think they need it) than you leave them alone.

I think we should offer them incentives and help to bring their birth rates down.

Then start a charity and people who are concerned about people in other countries can contribute.

But that absolutely shouldnt be a burden for tax payers on top of everything else.

Well when all these migrants keep showing up at the Mexican US border wanting to bust their way into your country it is a problem @Dove

Have you ever been there? San Diego Tijuana?

It's like Night and day.

San Diego is this 1st World Oasis but as you step into Tijuana it becomes this 3rd world dump.

Never seen such a huge contrast in my life.

No wonder they all wanna get in.
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Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
So let me get this straight, Holly is blaming whitey for creating superior living standards in first world countries which has resulted in people living longer? Holy fuck, I knew lefties were away with the fairies (quite literally in Admin's case), but this is another level of retardation...

No mention from him of course about third worlders who pop out kids like they're taking a shit and have zero concern about how they're going to support them or how most white nations are overcrowded these days due to a massive influx of third worlders pouring into them.

Well they are actual white supremacists and they genuinely think every single advancement is made by white people. And thusly every single advancement is also bad because of pollution and....longer life spans.

If you dont agree with this than you are the dumb one, too.

Well, it's undeniable that whitey has played an enormous role in creating the standard of living which we almost take for granted nowadays. However, lefties have been programmed to feel shame and regard it as some kind of unfair privilege....

The whole concept is just ludicrous, but of course they don't see it that way and believe that white people have some kind of debt to pay to minorities for past so called injustices.

Fuck that and fuck them. If they want to take the knee to blacks, that's upto them, but this Aryan would never lower myself by behaving like a snivelling guilt-ridden cuck.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way
That's a point I agree with, yet it is whitey's technology which has lead to overpopulation and pollution of the environment. One should always look before leaping headlong into the pot of gold.
lol what white technology has led to overpopulation? Yes, ok our technology has led to pollution BUT the damage wasn't known back then and we're at the forefront of finding cleaner tech... I'm on the fence about global warming but other damage is definitely being done to the planet... The Chinks are upping their coal use despite all these warnings and the cheeky bastards said something like "the West has burnt coal for centuries, we're behind so we have the right to burn as much coal as they did to catch up" How retarded and infuriating is that? That's one race that has no respect for life AT ALL!
Oh please. The Chinks were living a very nice quiet isolated life until Nixon woked them.

...and yes, Euro/American tech extended life, changed humans to urban industrial.
It is that, without forethought, which has imperiled us all.
Yeah it's all our fault... :facepalm: There's something wrong with the liberal brain I tell thee...


White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way
That's a point I agree with, yet it is whitey's technology which has lead to overpopulation and pollution of the environment. One should always look before leaping headlong into the pot of gold.
lol what white technology has led to overpopulation? Yes, ok our technology has led to pollution BUT the damage wasn't known back then and we're at the forefront of finding cleaner tech... I'm on the fence about global warming but other damage is definitely being done to the planet... The Chinks are upping their coal use despite all these warnings and the cheeky bastards said something like "the West has burnt coal for centuries, we're behind so we have the right to burn as much coal as they did to catch up" How retarded and infuriating is that? That's one race that has no respect for life AT ALL!
Oh please. The Chinks were living a very nice quiet isolated life until Nixon woked them.

...and yes, Euro/American tech extended life, changed humans to urban industrial.
It is that, without forethought, which has imperiled us all.
Yeah it's all our fault... :facepalm: There's something wrong with the liberal brain I tell thee...
Evolution is not a smoothly paved path, fren.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…
That's exactly what the kikes want, mixed breed mutts with no loyalty to any soil! Like Hitler said "They can't become master of any peoples except a bastardised people"... It's written in their holy scripts that when the last gentile is no more the second coming happens and THEY'LL all rise from the grave... They mummify their dead and bury them in tunnels under Israel for when this happens, they want whites gone and they're getting away with genocide techniques... FACTS, I've no idea why people aren't taking this seriously man...
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding

Europe has taken in shitloads of Afghans and other third world refugees, Britain included.

Israel has the worst record for refusing asylum seekers, they prefer sending them to the west.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding
Islam is the worst kind of religion. Subserviencing their women, killing in the name of Allah for anyone disagreeing with their archaic values, poor work ethic sitting around multiple times a day on a prayer mat….these people need to be sent back to the desert.

White Ukrainians seem to be a good sort. From heavyweight world boxing champs to anal porn queens (hi Hotkinkyjo); these people need to mingle fo fo sure!

But the Muslims are no good to anyone. We need to outlaw that obnoxious volition of the mind…

Everyone who agrees say: AYE!
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding
Islam is the worst kind of religion. Subserviencing their women, killing in the name of Allah for anyone disagreeing with their archaic values, poor work ethic sitting around multiple times a day on a prayer mat….these people need to be sent back to the desert.

White Ukrainians seem to be a good sort. From heavyweight world boxing champs to anal porn queens (hi Hotkinkyjo); these people need to mingle fo fo sure!

But the Muslims are no good to anyone. We need to outlaw that obnoxious volition of the mind…

Everyone who agrees say: AYE!

Did you know that Ukraine has been a hotbed for child porn production over the last couple of decades and rife with sex trafficking?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…
That's exactly what the kikes want, mixed breed mutts with no loyalty to any soil! Like Hitler said "They can't become master of any peoples except a bastardised people"... It's written in their holy scripts that when the last gentile is no more the second coming happens and THEY'LL all rise from the grave... They mummify their dead and bury them in tunnels under Israel for when this happens, they want whites gone and they're getting away with genocide techniques... FACTS, I've no idea why people aren't taking this seriously man...
Had Hitler not lost his marbles, then his dream may have come into fruition…but I highly doubt it. Humanity has compassion, and while we have compassion, we will fuck and suck until we’re all coffeeish. Mark my words…


White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way
That's a point I agree with, yet it is whitey's technology which has lead to overpopulation and pollution of the environment. One should always look before leaping headlong into the pot of gold.
lol what white technology has led to overpopulation? Yes, ok our technology has led to pollution BUT the damage wasn't known back then and we're at the forefront of finding cleaner tech... I'm on the fence about global warming but other damage is definitely being done to the planet... The Chinks are upping their coal use despite all these warnings and the cheeky bastards said something like "the West has burnt coal for centuries, we're behind so we have the right to burn as much coal as they did to catch up" How retarded and infuriating is that? That's one race that has no respect for life AT ALL!
Oh please. The Chinks were living a very nice quiet isolated life until Nixon woked them.

...and yes, Euro/American tech extended life, changed humans to urban industrial.
It is that, without forethought, which has imperiled us all.
Yeah it's all our fault... :facepalm: There's something wrong with the liberal brain I tell thee...
Do you people really not understand how things work?

.Typical conservatives.
Last edited:


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding
Islam is the worst kind of religion. Subserviencing their women, killing in the name of Allah for anyone disagreeing with their archaic values, poor work ethic sitting around multiple times a day on a prayer mat….these people need to be sent back to the desert.

White Ukrainians seem to be a good sort. From heavyweight world boxing champs to anal porn queens (hi Hotkinkyjo); these people need to mingle fo fo sure!

But the Muslims are no good to anyone. We need to outlaw that obnoxious volition of the mind…

Everyone who agrees say: AYE!

Did you know that Ukraine has been a hotbed for child porn production over the last couple of decades and rife with sex trafficking?
Hmmmmm…not particularly. But where there’s poverty lies evil of the most vile kind. Giving honest Ukrainians a chance to excel in the world, will bring about their best traits, both for themselves and humanity as a whole. Amen.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding
Islam is the worst kind of religion. Subserviencing their women, killing in the name of Allah for anyone disagreeing with their archaic values, poor work ethic sitting around multiple times a day on a prayer mat….these people need to be sent back to the desert.

White Ukrainians seem to be a good sort. From heavyweight world boxing champs to anal porn queens (hi Hotkinkyjo); these people need to mingle fo fo sure!

But the Muslims are no good to anyone. We need to outlaw that obnoxious volition of the mind…

Everyone who agrees say: AYE!

Did you know that Ukraine has been a hotbed for child porn production over the last couple of decades and rife with sex trafficking?
Hmmmmm…not particularly. But where there’s poverty lies evil of the most vile kind. Giving honest Ukrainians a chance to excel in the world, will bring about their best traits, both for themselves and humanity as a whole. Amen.

I read about it recently, it was in the 2000's, a photo studio which employed under age Ukranian girls in the 8-14 range to pose naked. It went on for years before getting busted, you should try and find the article...


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding
Islam is the worst kind of religion. Subserviencing their women, killing in the name of Allah for anyone disagreeing with their archaic values, poor work ethic sitting around multiple times a day on a prayer mat….these people need to be sent back to the desert.

White Ukrainians seem to be a good sort. From heavyweight world boxing champs to anal porn queens (hi Hotkinkyjo); these people need to mingle fo fo sure!

But the Muslims are no good to anyone. We need to outlaw that obnoxious volition of the mind…

Everyone who agrees say: AYE!

Did you know that Ukraine has been a hotbed for child porn production over the last couple of decades and rife with sex trafficking?
Hmmmmm…not particularly. But where there’s poverty lies evil of the most vile kind. Giving honest Ukrainians a chance to excel in the world, will bring about their best traits, both for themselves and humanity as a whole. Amen.

I read about it recently, it was in the 2000's, a photo studio which employed under age Ukranian girls in the 8-14 range to pose naked. It went on for years before getting busted, you should try and find the article...
This kinda shit happens everywhere unfortunately. Poverty brings about the evils within. But there is good within every nation…we just need to process them accordingly and carefully and allow them to integrate and become upstanding citizens of our modern societies.

And outlaw Islam of course…there’s no place for that kind of bad behaviour.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
If these clowns are really concerned with overpopulation they can lead by example and off themselves

But they won’t do that because liberals are sniveling cowards by default


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…
That's exactly what the kikes want, mixed breed mutts with no loyalty to any soil! Like Hitler said "They can't become master of any peoples except a bastardised people"... It's written in their holy scripts that when the last gentile is no more the second coming happens and THEY'LL all rise from the grave... They mummify their dead and bury them in tunnels under Israel for when this happens, they want whites gone and they're getting away with genocide techniques... FACTS, I've no idea why people aren't taking this seriously man...
Had Hitler not lost his marbles, then his dream may have come into fruition…but I highly doubt it. Humanity has compassion, and while we have compassion, we will fuck and suck until we’re all coffeeish. Mark my words…
According to scientists in the field, the white race will NEVER die out naturally...


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…

And then Muslims complain that Canada and other nations are racist because they don't wanna let them in. When Afghanistan fell, many Western countries closed their doors to Afghan refugees.

But suddenly when White Ukrainians need a new home Canada USA & the others say they'll let 'unlimited 'numbers in.

Western nations don't want 3rd world riff raff or having to support multiple wives & uncontrolled breeding
Islam is the worst kind of religion. Subserviencing their women, killing in the name of Allah for anyone disagreeing with their archaic values, poor work ethic sitting around multiple times a day on a prayer mat….these people need to be sent back to the desert.

White Ukrainians seem to be a good sort. From heavyweight world boxing champs to anal porn queens (hi Hotkinkyjo); these people need to mingle fo fo sure!

But the Muslims are no good to anyone. We need to outlaw that obnoxious volition of the mind…

Everyone who agrees say: AYE!

Did you know that Ukraine has been a hotbed for child porn production over the last couple of decades and rife with sex trafficking?
Hmmmmm…not particularly. But where there’s poverty lies evil of the most vile kind. Giving honest Ukrainians a chance to excel in the world, will bring about their best traits, both for themselves and humanity as a whole. Amen.

I read about it recently, it was in the 2000's, a photo studio which employed under age Ukranian girls in the 8-14 range to pose naked. It went on for years before getting busted, you should try and find the article...
Because no White Anglo Saxon Republican has never ever ever done that, riight?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…
That's exactly what the kikes want, mixed breed mutts with no loyalty to any soil! Like Hitler said "They can't become master of any peoples except a bastardised people"... It's written in their holy scripts that when the last gentile is no more the second coming happens and THEY'LL all rise from the grave... They mummify their dead and bury them in tunnels under Israel for when this happens, they want whites gone and they're getting away with genocide techniques... FACTS, I've no idea why people aren't taking this seriously man...
Had Hitler not lost his marbles, then his dream may have come into fruition…but I highly doubt it. Humanity has compassion, and while we have compassion, we will fuck and suck until we’re all coffeeish. Mark my words…
According to scientists in the field, the white race will NEVER die out naturally...
I’m not too sure about that. The “darker” more common gene seems to be more dominant. As an Applied Scientist of Horticulture, I witness this dominant and recessive gene phenomenon in many plant species. Us “whites” are considered recessive in the genetic pool of humanity. It’s what I know and what I have studied with flora…fauna have the same principles. Don’t shoot the messenger..


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…
That's exactly what the kikes want, mixed breed mutts with no loyalty to any soil! Like Hitler said "They can't become master of any peoples except a bastardised people"... It's written in their holy scripts that when the last gentile is no more the second coming happens and THEY'LL all rise from the grave... They mummify their dead and bury them in tunnels under Israel for when this happens, they want whites gone and they're getting away with genocide techniques... FACTS, I've no idea why people aren't taking this seriously man...
Had Hitler not lost his marbles, then his dream may have come into fruition…but I highly doubt it. Humanity has compassion, and while we have compassion, we will fuck and suck until we’re all coffeeish. Mark my words…
According to scientists in the field, the white race will NEVER die out naturally...
I’m not too sure about that. The “darker” more common gene seems to be more dominant. As an Applied Scientist of Horticulture, I witness this dominant and recessive gene phenomenon in many plant species. Us “whites” are considered recessive in the genetic pool of humanity. It’s what I know and what I have studied with flora…fauna have the same principles. Don’t shoot the messenger..
Same being a bit of a math phobe, I took as much biology in hi school and college w/o math as I could find to get my Science Credits. and yessir, the thinking in the 70's and 80's was us blue eyed blond mother fuckers were on the downhill side of evolution, boo hoo.