January 6th, "gonna be wild"


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
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The numerous lies out of the MSM are just stupid to the extreme. Here are excellent examples of MSM outlets flip flopping based upon which side they are talking about.



Factory Bastard
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Oh look! Even yahoo had to run the story debunking the air claim that Officer Sicknick died in an attack!

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Fukin rare moment of spreading truth from yahoo!

Still, committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, said in his
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that “seven people lost their lives” in the riot. The number would appear to include Sicknick, two officers who died by suicide in the following days, a protester shot by police, two protesters who suffered fatal heart attacks, and another who died of a suspected drug overdose.
Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn also perpetuated the claim regarding Sicknick in his remarks.
“I’d like to take a moment of my time to ask for a moment of silence for my fallen colleague, Officer Brian Sicknick, who died from injuries he sustained in the line of duty defending the Capitol of our beloved democracy,” Dunn said.
And Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell said that “as a result of that day, we lost officers — some really good officers.”
The only person killed during the riot was Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran and Trump supporter who was shot by an as-yet unidentified Capitol Police officer as she attempted to climb through a broken window near the Speaker's Lobby. The officer was not charged.


Factory Bastard
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libs want feelings to be the truth:

In its initial January statement on Sicknick, the Capitol Police said he "was injured while physically engaging with protesters" and that he "was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.” The Capitol Police released a
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after the medical examiner’s findings were made public, saying it accepted the findings but noting it considered his death as occurring in the line of duty.
In the days following the Capitol riot, Metropolitan Police Officer
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and Capitol Police Officer
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both died by suicide. Their families want their deaths to be recognized as having come in the line of duty.


Domestically feral
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United states
The numerous lies out of the MSM are just stupid to the extreme. Here are excellent examples of MSM outlets flip flopping based upon which side they are talking about.

The people who need to hear this wont. They've already decided they are enemies of their own countrymen....sadly.

They bought it, they like, they enjoy the hate and contempt they feel for those who are not buying it and they love the bullshit they've been led to believe about us because feeling like they are heros gives their empty, miserable lives a sense of purpose and importance. They dont want to deal with themselves.....so they villanize people to feel empowered by fighting some imaginary evil. Completely unaware they are the ones spreading hate and destroying the country.
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Domestically feral
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United states

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

Really you should be sent to a country more your liking where you can be all protected from any sort of democracy and opposition views and have the government make all your decisions....you shouldnt be so hatefully eager to impose that on everyone here.

You guys cant even run your own shit fucking states. You harm your own residents and destroy your own cities and progressive states are fucking garbage. Women and girls are not even safe anymore.

Just fuck off to Cuba, all of you. I'm sure tens of millions of Americans who value this country would love to have the Cubans fighting for freedom and get rid of you marxist sacks of hateful shit.
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Philosopher King
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West Coast

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.


Domestically feral
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United states
" however, it is seditious to merely question Joe Biden’s victory in the November election. Friday, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) went on CNN and delivered herself of this accusation: “These senators and members of Congress who have refused to acknowledge that we had a free and fair election in which Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by over 7 million votes, are bordering on sedition and treason.” If questioning the legitimacy of a presidential election really did constitute “sedition and treason,” many Democrats would have long since been tried, convicted, and incarcerated for claims about Trump’s 2016 victory. Return to Professor Turley, who is by no means a fan of President Trump, for a more enlightened perspective:

Questioning an election is not treason, but seeking to punish those who question an election can be tyranny. This is the exercise of free speech and the use of the constitutional process. For a member of Congress to denounce colleagues as traitors for raising objections is the worst form of demagoguery.… Polls show that over 70 percent of Republicans and many independents and Democrats believe that this election was flawed or even rigged. Are they all traitors?

Of course not. Moreover, the Democrats and the media who insist on using words like “sedition” know it. What, then, is the point of deploying such words, particularly when the purported winner of the November election has called for national unity? Historically, authoritarian regimes have used fictitious tales of treason as the pretext for crushing their political rivals and cowing their citizens into submission. This is invariably enabled by propaganda organs willing to parrot the regime’s party line while less compliant media are censored. But that could never happen here, right? We’re Americans, right? We wouldn’t sit obediently behind our useless masks enduring a new wave of ineffective lockdowns while it appears that a presidential election is being stolen before our eyes, right? Right?"

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The left wants us to know that challenging them is sedition and treason and protesting them is domestic terror and people will be jailed and stripped of rights.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.

So protesting at the Capitol is violating FL law?

Can you cite that law?

Right because hating anti American psychopaths who want to charge and punish people based on politics mean I havent read or understood the Constitution?

Show us in the Constitution were our 2A can be infringed on.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.

As a side note why does the state agricultural commissioner control licensing of fire arms permits?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.
No dummy. This:

"TALLAHASSEE — Florida’s only Democrat elected statewide has suspended concealed carry weapons permits for
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. "


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.
No dummy. This:

"TALLAHASSEE — Florida’s only Democrat elected statewide has suspended concealed carry weapons permits for
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. "
So you are in support of violent felons having fire arms? Explain the freedomosity of your "reasoning stylisms"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.
No dummy. This:

"TALLAHASSEE — Florida’s only Democrat elected statewide has suspended concealed carry weapons permits for
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. "
So you are in support of violent felons having fire arms? Explain the freedomosity of your "reasoning stylisms"
I am in support of free men owning firearms. MS-13 members who arent in prison? YEP! Bet your fukin ass! We have the constitutional right to own howitzers BTW. FULLY automatic weapons too!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.
No dummy. This:

"TALLAHASSEE — Florida’s only Democrat elected statewide has suspended concealed carry weapons permits for
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. "
So you are in support of violent felons having fire arms? Explain the freedomosity of your "reasoning stylisms"

We dont support labeling political opposition violent felons. Unless they are destroying communities and attacking innocent people. Like what your ilk does.

YOU idiots are attacking democracy and fighting for a one party government.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.

So protesting at the Capitol is violating FL law?

Can you cite that law?

Right because hating anti American psychopaths who want to charge and punish people based on politics mean I havent read or understood the Constitution?

Show us in the Constitution were our 2A can be infringed on.

Trust me, you don't wanna have this conversation with me. I'm not the Florida Secretary of Agriculture And Consumer Whatever, and unlike you I'm not licensed to practice law in FL or anywhere else. You can research the law if you like and send her a well-reasoned bitch slap. As for me, I ain't got time for your legal expertise on any and all matters.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Trust me, you don't wanna have this conversation with me.

I don't think any normal woman wants to have a conversation with a guy who's face looks like a toilet opening with eyes.

Fuck off and snort a beehive whole, monster


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.

So protesting at the Capitol is violating FL law?

Can you cite that law?

Right because hating anti American psychopaths who want to charge and punish people based on politics mean I havent read or understood the Constitution?

Show us in the Constitution were our 2A can be infringed on.

Trust me, you don't wanna have this conversation with me. I'm not the Florida Secretary of Agriculture And Consumer Whatever, and unlike you I'm not licensed to practice law in FL or anywhere else. You can research the law if you like and send her a well-reasoned bitch slap. As for me, I ain't got time for your legal expertise on any and all matters.

Right so unless we study law, we cant point out the unequal application of law enforcement based upon politics and notice that the democrats have now decided that anyone who protests them should lose their rights.

That BLM/antifa riots that have destroyed communities, killed police officers and innocent citizens, injured hundreds more, attacked federal buildings and terrorized the public get BAILED out by Harris Freedom fund while people who trespassed on Jan 6th have been in solitary confinement for months now being called terrorists.

But since we havent studied law we cant point this out?

I dont think anyone from BLM studied law either but they can destroy communities and riot for months demanding "justice" for criminals who attacked police.

And the fucked up thing is, you guys who support this are angry as fuck. Anytime someone starts challenging these narratives or opposing something these shit bag politicains are doing, YOU guys get angry.

None of you ever have discussions. You all just get pissed off and shitty and condescending. I'm thinking it's because you all know this is not good and indefensible but at some point you all decided you hate your political opposition more than you care about the country and actual liberal democracy just isnt something you guys want.

I guess as our country becomes a one party authoritarian state, you can take comfort that people with "legal expertise" have it covered and we can submit to experts. That seems to be programming everyone is supposed to have.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.

So protesting at the Capitol is violating FL law?

Can you cite that law?

Right because hating anti American psychopaths who want to charge and punish people based on politics mean I havent read or understood the Constitution?

Show us in the Constitution were our 2A can be infringed on.

Trust me, you don't wanna have this conversation with me. I'm not the Florida Secretary of Agriculture And Consumer Whatever, and unlike you I'm not licensed to practice law in FL or anywhere else. You can research the law if you like and send her a well-reasoned bitch slap. As for me, I ain't got time for your legal expertise on any and all matters.

Right so unless we study law, we cant point out the unequal application of law enforcement based upon politics and notice that the democrats have now decided that anyone who protests them should lose their rights.

That BLM/antifa riots that have destroyed communities, killed police officers and innocent citizens, injured hundreds more, attacked federal buildings and terrorized the public get BAILED out by Harris Freedom fund while people who trespassed on Jan 6th have been in solitary confinement for months now being called terrorists.

But since we havent studied law we cant point this out?

I dont think anyone from BLM studied law either but they can destroy communities and riot for months demanding "justice" for criminals who attacked police.

And the fucked up thing is, you guys who support this are angry as fuck. Anytime someone starts challenging these narratives or opposing something these shit bag politicains are doing, YOU guys get angry.

None of you ever have discussions. You all just get pissed of and shitty and condescending. I'm thinking it's because you all know this is not good and indefensible but at some point you all decided you hate your political opposition more than you care about the country and actual liberal democracy just isnt something you guys want.

I guess as our country becomes a one party authoritarian state, you can take comfort that people with "legal expertise" have it covered and we can submit to experts. That seems to be programming everyone is supposed to have.
He doesn’t have a nose. So I can see why he would be angry.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Basically this is saying that the government can strip your Constitutional rights based on politics.

And if you support this, you are an anti American useful idiot.

No, actually it's saying that an elected Floriduh state official who's also an attorney, and unlike you has read and understands that state's constitution, is doing the job the voters elected her to do.

Most likely that job includes determining when a CCW license holder, licensed by her office, has violated FL law and needs their license suspended.

So protesting at the Capitol is violating FL law?

Can you cite that law?

Right because hating anti American psychopaths who want to charge and punish people based on politics mean I havent read or understood the Constitution?

Show us in the Constitution were our 2A can be infringed on.

Trust me, you don't wanna have this conversation with me. I'm not the Florida Secretary of Agriculture And Consumer Whatever, and unlike you I'm not licensed to practice law in FL or anywhere else. You can research the law if you like and send her a well-reasoned bitch slap. As for me, I ain't got time for your legal expertise on any and all matters.

Right so unless we study law, we cant point out the unequal application of law enforcement based upon politics and notice that the democrats have now decided that anyone who protests them should lose their rights.

That BLM/antifa riots that have destroyed communities, killed police officers and innocent citizens, injured hundreds more, attacked federal buildings and terrorized the public get BAILED out by Harris Freedom fund while people who trespassed on Jan 6th have been in solitary confinement for months now being called terrorists.

But since we havent studied law we cant point this out?

I dont think anyone from BLM studied law either but they can destroy communities and riot for months demanding "justice" for criminals who attacked police.

And the fucked up thing is, you guys who support this are angry as fuck. Anytime someone starts challenging these narratives or opposing something these shit bag politicains are doing, YOU guys get angry.

None of you ever have discussions. You all just get pissed of and shitty and condescending. I'm thinking it's because you all know this is not good and indefensible but at some point you all decided you hate your political opposition more than you care about the country and actual liberal democracy just isnt something you guys want.

I guess as our country becomes a one party authoritarian state, you can take comfort that people with "legal expertise" have it covered and we can submit to experts. That seems to be programming everyone is supposed to have.
He doesn’t have a nose. So I can see why he would be angry.

Hey.....if you think your rights are being violated, too bad. You are not a legal expert so you cant defend any rights. Only legal experts can let you know if your rights are being violated.

Because grown Americans are too stupid to know their rights, so we must submit to whatever experts are deemed qualified.

The possibilities of tyranny are endless of course.....but unless you have an approved legal expert to tell you its tyranny....you shouldnt run your uneducated mouth!

The proper authorities will inform us unstudied swine of our rights, that's not our scope! Now check the box....are you D or R? This will tell us if you even have rights or if you are a terrorist.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

No one bludgeoned a cop at the Capitol either. I guess you missed that part?

See how you guys cling to bullshit?

So no care about the hundreds of cops injured in unhinged leftwing riots but let's fake outrage over a blatant lie that didnt even happen right?

You guys are liars. Plain and simple.


Domestically feral
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United states


Domestically feral
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United states
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Imagine working security in the Capital Building of the USA, and being called a Nigger.

Imagine being a Portland officer in a warzone level riot and have people calling you a nigger

Imagine being a black American and white leftists calling you house nigger and accusing you of internalized racism and invalidating you based on color because you reject the cult narratives of the left

But you guys only care about it when you can twist it into a narrative, right?

Liars be lying.