I am stunned how many people refuse to see


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
that the US is on its last legs. The death rattle is imminent.

In most places in the US now, honest working people cannot afford a home. Homelessness is an epidemic.

No one can survive on a minimum wage job in the US. And the American ethos is to idolize people with lots of money and condemn those with little. That is a mental illness, imo, and a danger to the soul of the country.

The US is the only developed country in the world without universal healthcare.

Education is failing in the US. Europeans are far better educated, and college is low cost or free.

Violence is epidemic. In Portugal, for instance, if there was a single incident where someone went into a public place and shot people, the country would react immediately, and harshly. No one would run out and buy a gun, and the incident would be front page news for weeks. People would be out on the streets. Of course, it has NEVER happened here. In the US, no one can keep track of how often this shit happens.

The US is a country of pill poppers. Americans pop more pills than any other developed country. It's destroying lives.

Too many Americans are completely ignoring climate change.

The US is toast. TOAST, I tell you.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Thinking the same. It’s about politics and lining up on one side or another. Funny thing is we see some good, some bad on each side. Why does one have to line up one one side or the other? At the same time it’s so easy to live here. People aren’t so militant over politics


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Thinking the same. It’s about politics and lining up on one side or another. Funny thing is we see some good, some bad on each side. Why does one have to line up one one side or the other? At the same time it’s so easy to live here. People aren’t so militant over politics

And I imagine they haven't made money their god.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Thinking the same. It’s about politics and lining up on one side or another. Funny thing is we see some good, some bad on each side. Why does one have to line up one one side or the other? At the same time it’s so easy to live here. People aren’t so militant over politics
You should be heeding your own advice Mr Seamajor, instead of churning out your same endless crap. Trump, DD and the vaccine...fuck me dead!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

I don’t think you read my posts.
I could never move to Portugal. I have too many guns!

Good God, you need em


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

I don’t think you read my posts.
I could never move to Portugal. I have too many guns!

Good God, you need em
America would be better off as a republic. Look at the fucking clown in charge now. Cheaters never win.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

LMAO. Defeat communism? You still think that's the thing you have to worry about, when the world is falling down around you due to malignant capitalism and 21st century feudalism, and there is precious little communism in the world right now? You need a reality check.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

LMAO. Defeat communism? You still think that's the thing you have to worry about, when the world is falling down around you due to malignant capitalism and 21st century feudalism, and there is precious little communism in the world right now? You need a reality check.
This is why I reckon you’re stooopid.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And I imagine they haven't made money their god.

Funny thing you should mention that.

I know someone just like that. A hard core religious conservative Trump supporter who once claimed I was his friend & then he recently knifed me in the back over $800.

Money, not friendship is what they value. Money IS their God.

Always watch out for people like that. They claim they worship God, but in reality are hucksters for the Devil. They're full of demons. You can't trust them & they'll rip you off or betray you.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
And I imagine they haven't made money their god.

Funny thing you should mention that.

I know someone just like that. A hard core religious conservative Trump supporter who once claimed I was his friend & then he recently knifed me in the back over $800.

Money, not friendship is what they value. Money IS their God.

Always watch out for people like that. They claim they worship God, but in reality are hucksters for the Devil. They're full of demons. You can't trust them & they'll rip you off or betray you.

Wow 800 was your price.. hope it was a small blade..


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Trump was a major failure. I got vaccinated back in March because I wanted to travel. Oh bad me. Maybe you can expand on the wonderful thing Trump accomplished. Sorry I do t share your point of view. Why do you care, It’s not your country
Maintaining a strong allegiance with America and the UK will help Australia defeat communism. I realise you liberals will never understand this glaringly obvious fact or reason. If things were left solely up to the bleeding liberals, we would all be speaking fucking Mandarin by now.

LMAO. Defeat communism? You still think that's the thing you have to worry about, when the world is falling down around you due to malignant capitalism and 21st century feudalism, and there is precious little communism in the world right now? You need a reality check.

The CCP loves stupid people like you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Just about all bad things in the country have been caused by left wing politicians.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
More power to the government just results in more corruption.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
that the US is on its last legs. The death rattle is imminent.

In most places in the US now, honest working people cannot afford a home. Homelessness is an epidemic.

No one can survive on a minimum wage job in the US. And the American ethos is to idolize people with lots of money and condemn those with little. That is a mental illness, imo, and a danger to the soul of the country.

The US is the only developed country in the world without universal healthcare.

Education is failing in the US. Europeans are far better educated, and college is low cost or free.

Violence is epidemic. In Portugal, for instance, if there was a single incident where someone went into a public place and shot people, the country would react immediately, and harshly. No one would run out and buy a gun, and the incident would be front page news for weeks. People would be out on the streets. Of course, it has NEVER happened here. In the US, no one can keep track of how often this shit happens.

The US is a country of pill poppers. Americans pop more pills than any other developed country. It's destroying lives.

Too many Americans are completely ignoring climate change.

The US is toast. TOAST, I tell you.

If you can honestly say that people are "refusing to see that" than you are not listening to anyone. We talk all the time about how the country is fucked.

Just because we dont agree with you that MORE centralized power is the solution(because that's not the answer, but the final bullet) doesnt mean we dont know.

You on the left are just so culturally imprisoned by these stereotypes and narratives about people who are "cons" or to the right of center that you cant even have honest discussions about anything. No real discussions can be had when people are so tribalized. You and the other lefties here dont even understand basic easy points anyone on the other "side" make. It's like two entirely different languages and mostly you just dismiss it as "crazy", claim others are having some emotional episode or that people are racist or dumb. So there is really no way to go deeper or move forward with a landscape like this.

Like Gurk said, it's now people who want their liberty and people who want to be rid of liberty.

Our future would likely look much better if people just shifted into confederacies and built their own communities, because there is no way Americans can live with eachother.

We cant even discuss how America doesnt even HAVE the free market capitalism that those of us opposing the left WANT. You guys cant talk about it or understand our position because you are stuck on your own agenda, slamming capitalism to promote more socailism. So there isnt even a way to have a mutual understanding of what is even happening, let alone a way to move towards real progress.

We have completely different views and a power struggle on whose reality is valid. There is no objectivity, no compromise, no nuance. The lefties have absolutely zero desire to do anything but dominate. So we get the gaslighting, name calling, our views being twisted and maligned by people who just will not even attempt to see things any other way. And even leftwing podcasters like Jimmy Dore have pointed this out about the left....so it's not just MY bias, we see this even here.

And as this goes on, the establishment and elites fuel this and use it to their power grabbing advantage.

I'm literally watching people completely turn on other people and align with legitimate fascism.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And I imagine they haven't made money their god.

Funny thing you should mention that.

I know someone just like that. A hard core religious conservative Trump supporter who once claimed I was his friend & then he recently knifed me in the back over $800.

Money, not friendship is what they value. Money IS their God.

Always watch out for people like that. They claim they worship God, but in reality are hucksters for the Devil. They're full of demons. You can't trust them & they'll rip you off or betray you.

One guy is not a representative of millions, Joe. I doubt anyone here would condone that behavior.

It's not that black and white. People are not monoliths and this mentality that they are is a huge part of the problem.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How companies buy government in order to block competition.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Our education system is broken because of corrupt unions who own politicians. Charter schools do a better job, kids in charter schools get better test scores, and charters get the same job while costing $4000 less per student per year. Parents line up by the thousands to get their children into Charter schools but the unions hate competition and always try to kill them.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Our education system is broken because of corrupt unions who own politicians. Charter schools do a better job, kids in charter schools get better test scores, and charters get the same job while costing $4000 less per student per year. Parents line up by the thousands to get their children into Charter schools but the unions hate competition and always try to kill them.

Wouldnt it be awesome if this is how all schools operated?

It would never happen. Even while scores are low, illiteracy is a real problem....the priority is cultural engineering with CRT. Or over the top sexual "education".

All to the benefit of the elites to get votes and power. And money. Not for the benefit of the kids and communities. They dont give a shit about kids and communities.

Unions used to be a good thing.....today it's just toxic. The purpose has changed. The agendas are not the same.

Hearing some of the shit that comes out of the mouths of school administrators and board members and the shit way they treat parents....while kids are actually suffering on every level. It's just garbage. We shouldnt have to keep paying for it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Just last night they had a Governorship debate in Virginia and the left wing Democrat said parents should have no say in theor children's education. Parents had been protesting transsexuals indoctrination for 8 year olds.

The parents MUST have the deciding vote on their children's education not politicians nor the corrupt unions who prop them up. The working people pay the taxes these parasites live off of and they work for the people not the other way around.