Poetry for the masses


Domestically feral
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United states
But there is a choice of whether to view it or not, as is the choice at this forum. That is why there is an entire sub-forum for "Erotica" if that's what you want to call that.

If you are going to take a leftist stance and support deviant activities like those in the video clip, and you are going to support pornography, then viewing these things should not disturb you.

You are burying your head in the sand. Ignorance is bliss.

The hypocrisy is that you claim the moral high ground. You claim to care about people. But when they do these awful things to themselves, you just would rather not deal with the issue.

You do not care about these people. You are indifferent.

They really DONT care one bit.

They FEELING better than other people. So while people who DO care stand against harmful things....they get a feeling of righteousness supporting that thing.


Domestically feral
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United states
Where is that logic? If I support freedom for consenting adults, I have to participate in it?

That is not logical whatsoever.

The hypocrisy lies in your claim that you care about people. That you are compassionate.

Supporting freedom is good. That is actually very right-wing of you. But that does not mean you cannot and should not express concern to people about certain behaviours. Helping people is a good thing. Discouraging them from partaking in harmful activities is compassionate.

You say "As long as I do not have to see it, let people do what they want." That is indifference. It is not compassion.

You talk about education. Well seeing video clips of what these deviants do is education. I know I do not like seeing it. But I understand that it is necessary to know what goes on if I am going to have an opinion about something.

When I expressed outrage and upset about men being able to be placed in womens prison and how women are being forced to share cells with rapists and murders....and being abused and raped?

She only commented to be angry and shitty and call me a hypocrite because women have been getting raped by prison guards ANYWAY.

It's always about THEM so they assume the same of everyone. They dont think "omg these are human beings suffering"....they see some one up partisan argument.

You cannot get them to see humanity. You cant. I've tried over and over. Its never ending "got chas" and hostility.

A girl was anally raped at school by a boy in a skirt and the father was treated like a scum bag.

It was nothing but a partisan shit fight. You cant even foster unity in opposition to the rape and abuse of women and girls. As long as their SIDE is responsible they will fight FOR it.

It fucking disturbs me SO MUCH. This shouldnt even BE political. Its fucking wrong, attacks our rights and dignity as women....they could really not give a fuck.


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I do/say what I want, not what you say. It's called freedom of expression.


Like a spoiled brat child who has argued herself into a corner, you refuse to answer a "Yes/No" question.


Hey Coach !!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"Uneducated" would have been a better term.

It would have been.

And the fact that you are being corrected by a mathematics and software engineer professional about the proper use of words, which was you area of education, should tell you what, exactly?

I post informally on a forum. I am not at work. I don't worry about how I say it too much. They can't recognize a well-known poem in English literature.

That's sad.

It is truly a shit poem from the lowest order. The author needs lessons from Regan.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
"Uneducated" would have been a better term.

It would have been.

And the fact that you are being corrected by a mathematics and software engineer professional about the proper use of words, which was you area of education, should tell you what, exactly?

I post informally on a forum. I am not at work. I don't worry about how I say it too much. They can't recognize a well-known poem in English literature.

That's sad.

It is truly a shit poem from the lowest order. The author needs lessons from Regan.

He's been dead for a couple hundred years. Regan really can't help Shelley now, or then, for that matter.


Domestically feral
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United states
Does Blandy know Lily hates straight white cis men?

Or is he cool because he is self loathing?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.

I reported it and would do it again. He deleted the report. I had to resort to contacting site owner directly. It's become a cess pool with these inbreds posting here.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"Uneducated" would have been a better term.

It would have been.

And the fact that you are being corrected by a mathematics and software engineer professional about the proper use of words, which was you area of education, should tell you what, exactly?

I post informally on a forum. I am not at work. I don't worry about how I say it too much. They can't recognize a well-known poem in English literature.

That's sad.

It is truly a shit poem from the lowest order. The author needs lessons from Regan.

He's been dead for a couple hundred years. Regan really can't help Shelley now, or then, for that matter.

It's a good thing he is dead and cannot write anymore drivel....


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
"Uneducated" would have been a better term.

It would have been.

And the fact that you are being corrected by a mathematics and software engineer professional about the proper use of words, which was you area of education, should tell you what, exactly?

I post informally on a forum. I am not at work. I don't worry about how I say it too much. They can't recognize a well-known poem in English literature.

That's sad.

It is truly a shit poem from the lowest order. The author needs lessons from Regan.

He's been dead for a couple hundred years. Regan really can't help Shelley now, or then, for that matter.

It's a good thing he is dead and cannot write anymore drivel....

It's interesting to see your opinion of one of the greats of English Literature...it truly is...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
this is the perfect thread for beatnik poet blandscape to showcase his talent.

instead of acting like a cunt wrangler.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
this is the perfect thread for beatnik poet blandscape to showcase his talent.

instead of acting like a cunt wrangler.

I don't know if you're right about this being the perfect place actually...

Of course it is, he is not mentally stable or talented enough to join a real poetry website, so this is the perfect place for him to showcase his writings.

Maybe he will provide an audio file of himself reading it too, that will be so cool.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
this is the perfect thread for beatnik poet blandscape to showcase his talent.

instead of acting like a cunt wrangler.

I don't know if you're right about this being the perfect place actually...

Of course it is, he is not mentally stable or talented enough to join a real poetry website, so this is the perfect place for him to showcase his writings.

Maybe he will provide an audio file of himself reading it too, that will be so cool.

So, he's like everyone else here. Got it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Really, you dipshits? All ya got on any given topic is "Oak is fat?"

And you pay money to post that spam day after day? WTF is WRONG with yez?

And evidently it's contagious...

Well, really what's left when it's from Shelley and they have no remote idea who that is and why most of them should have an inkling...

Btw, my old man was sitting here next to me. I told him about the situation and the first two responses to the OP. He laughed out loud...

Oh really?... I managed an A for 5th year high school English Literature which is analysing English text. There are literally100s of 1,000s of good to great writers fortunately for us year 12 we got to study good and exciting writers...

You're acting like a pompous prick. Not a good look babe.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Really, you dipshits? All ya got on any given topic is "Oak is fat?"

And you pay money to post that spam day after day? WTF is WRONG with yez?

And evidently it's contagious...

Well, really what's left when it's from Shelley and they have no remote idea who that is and why most of them should have an inkling...

Btw, my old man was sitting here next to me. I told him about the situation and the first two responses to the OP. He laughed out loud...

Oh really?... I managed an A for 5th year high school English Literature which is analysing English text. There are literally100s of 1,000s of good to great writers fortunately for us year 12 we got to study good and exciting writers...

You're acting like a pompous prick. Not a good look babe.

I'm surprised you don't know Shelley in that case.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Really, you dipshits? All ya got on any given topic is "Oak is fat?"

And you pay money to post that spam day after day? WTF is WRONG with yez?

And evidently it's contagious...

Well, really what's left when it's from Shelley and they have no remote idea who that is and why most of them should have an inkling...

Btw, my old man was sitting here next to me. I told him about the situation and the first two responses to the OP. He laughed out loud...

Oh really?... I managed an A for 5th year high school English Literature which is analysing English text. There are literally100s of 1,000s of good to great writers fortunately for us year 12 we got to study good and exciting writers...

You're acting like a pompous prick. Not a good look babe.

Acting? That's just her. Pompous and sanctimonious.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Really, you dipshits? All ya got on any given topic is "Oak is fat?"

And you pay money to post that spam day after day? WTF is WRONG with yez?

And evidently it's contagious...

Well, really what's left when it's from Shelley and they have no remote idea who that is and why most of them should have an inkling...

Btw, my old man was sitting here next to me. I told him about the situation and the first two responses to the OP. He laughed out loud...

Oh really?... I managed an A for 5th year high school English Literature which is analysing English text. There are literally100s of 1,000s of good to great writers fortunately for us year 12 we got to study good and exciting writers...

You're acting like a pompous prick. Not a good look babe.

Acting? That's just her. Pompous and sanctimonious.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

Eleanor Roosevelt


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Really, you dipshits? All ya got on any given topic is "Oak is fat?"

And you pay money to post that spam day after day? WTF is WRONG with yez?

And evidently it's contagious...

Well, really what's left when it's from Shelley and they have no remote idea who that is and why most of them should have an inkling...

Btw, my old man was sitting here next to me. I told him about the situation and the first two responses to the OP. He laughed out loud...

Oh really?... I managed an A for 5th year high school English Literature which is analysing English text. There are literally100s of 1,000s of good to great writers fortunately for us year 12 we got to study good and exciting writers...

You're acting like a pompous prick. Not a good look babe.

I'm surprised you don't know Shelley in that case.

Well do you know Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson, Dorothea MacKellar?

Stop being a snooty bitch...
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Really, you dipshits? All ya got on any given topic is "Oak is fat?"

And you pay money to post that spam day after day? WTF is WRONG with yez?

And evidently it's contagious...

Well, really what's left when it's from Shelley and they have no remote idea who that is and why most of them should have an inkling...

Btw, my old man was sitting here next to me. I told him about the situation and the first two responses to the OP. He laughed out loud...

Oh really?... I managed an A for 5th year high school English Literature which is analysing English text. There are literally100s of 1,000s of good to great writers fortunately for us year 12 we got to study good and exciting writers...

You're acting like a pompous prick. Not a good look babe.

I'm surprised you don't know Shelley in that case.

Well do you know Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson, Dorothea MacKellar?

Stop being a snooty bitch...

No. I never ran across them in any English Literature class that I can recall.

Your ignorance doesn't make me a snooty bitch. Just one educated differently than you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Man from Snowy River by Banjo Paterson was made into a movie....it had Kirk Douglas in it

Was any of Shelly's poems made into movies?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
The Man from Snowy River by Banjo Paterson was made into a movie....it had Kirk Douglas in it

Was any of Shelly's poems made into movies?

Not that I'm aware of, there were no movies in the 18th century....But there is English Lit, and then there is English Language Lit...such as American Literature, Australian Literature, etc.

I have to admit that I've only taken American Literature...Edgar Allen Poe, James Fenimore Cooper, Hemingway...all with movies too (oooh) and then English Literature, which as you many know, is very, very old...most of it written before there were movies...like Chaucer, though there have been several of Shakespeare's plays made into movies.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Banjo Paterson wrote his poetry in the 1800s and died in 1941...

His poem about The Man from Snowy River was made into a movie 1982.

Young Tom Burlinson was the main star. His singing voice is a mirror image sound to Frank Sinatra.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
anyway... the person in our current times that writes excellent and entertaining poetry is Regan by a country mile. Beautifully blended recaps mixed with a creative imagination.

Blurt just plagiarised...
