Poetry for the masses


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You use the term faggot as an insult.


Surely you aren't this stupid?

You are stupid, faggot.

I just explained it. Get help with your reading comprehension, faggot.

Yeah and your explanation is utter nonsense.

Would you use the word faggot while in the company of homos?

Never, I like them. I don't like you and you're preoccupied by homosexuality. I believe it means you're closeted.

The point being, you dumb hog, is that you use a term which most queers find offensive.

Would your fag friends appreciate you using the word?

Like I said, you're a shitty liberal and a massive hippocrite.

They know I use it and who I use it with. My generation is made from sterner stuff, snowflakes.

How am I a "snowflake"? I don't care if you use the word, I use it myself. It's your hilarious hypocrisy which I take issue with.

Because you are calling her out on her hypocrisy and instead of just admitting its hypocrisy and doing better, she will just twist it into something justifiable.

Isnt that what they all do and why one of the many reasons people dont take them seriously? The constant double standards and the virtue signally demands and accusations they lay on others they wont even abide themselves?

They all always try to deflect from the real issue and twist things.

I swear, it's fucking unbearable at times...

I know. And its frustrating.

I should probably not bother with any of them because none of them care to actually talk to anyone. They just want to mock, twist and be dishonest and insulting.

It's pointless trying to debate with hateful people who are not trying to hear anyone, but rather attack, and who wont even be honest about their part in any exchanges. They make a ton of excuses for the way they treat people and always make it the other person's fault.

When you are dealing with someone who is so hypocritical that they support peoples families being used for forum ammo and private things from off the board being brought onto the board....when you wouldnt want that done to you and you complain about it being done?

It just shows how fake, how two faced someone is. The total lack of personal integrity.

You gotta just hope they enjoy the shitty fucking society they are trying really hard to build to the point where they have so much hate and resentment towards people who dont want it. I hope they find it worth it.

Their idea of diversity is such a fucking joke. All that is to them is race. Their "diverse" groups are all uni educated upper classers who just have different skin color but everything else is the same. Bahahahaha it's so stupid and closed minded.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You use the term faggot as an insult.


Surely you aren't this stupid?

You are stupid, faggot.

I just explained it. Get help with your reading comprehension, faggot.

Yeah and your explanation is utter nonsense.

Would you use the word faggot while in the company of homos?

Never, I like them. I don't like you and you're preoccupied by homosexuality. I believe it means you're closeted.

The point being, you dumb hog, is that you use a term which most queers find offensive.

Would your fag friends appreciate you using the word?

Like I said, you're a shitty liberal and a massive hippocrite.

They know I use it and who I use it with. My generation is made from sterner stuff, snowflakes.

How am I a "snowflake"? I don't care if you use the word, I use it myself. It's your hilarious hypocrisy which I take issue with.

Because you are calling her out on her hypocrisy and instead of just admitting its hypocrisy and doing better, she will just twist it into something justifiable.

Isnt that what they all do and why one of the many reasons people dont take them seriously? The constant double standards and the virtue signally demands and accusations they lay on others they wont even abide themselves?

They all always try to deflect from the real issue and twist things.

I swear, it's fucking unbearable at times...

So sad. Need a safe space, twinkie?


Factory Bastard
You use the term faggot as an insult.


Surely you aren't this stupid?

You are stupid, faggot.

I just explained it. Get help with your reading comprehension, faggot.

Yeah and your explanation is utter nonsense.

Would you use the word faggot while in the company of homos?

Never, I like them. I don't like you and you're preoccupied by homosexuality. I believe it means you're closeted.

The point being, you dumb hog, is that you use a term which most queers find offensive.

Would your fag friends appreciate you using the word?

Like I said, you're a shitty liberal and a massive hippocrite.

They know I use it and who I use it with. My generation is made from sterner stuff, snowflakes.

How am I a "snowflake"? I don't care if you use the word, I use it myself. It's your hilarious hypocrisy which I take issue with.

Because you are calling her out on her hypocrisy and instead of just admitting its hypocrisy and doing better, she will just twist it into something justifiable.

Isnt that what they all do and why one of the many reasons people dont take them seriously? The constant double standards and the virtue signally demands and accusations they lay on others they wont even abide themselves?

They all always try to deflect from the real issue and twist things.

I swear, it's fucking unbearable at times...

I know. And its frustrating.

I should probably not bother with any of them because none of them care to actually talk to anyone. They just want to mock, twist and be dishonest and insulting.

It's pointless trying to debate with hateful people who are not trying to hear anyone, but rather attack, and who wont even be honest about their part in any exchanges. They make a ton of excuses for the way they treat people and always make it the other person's fault.

When you are dealing with someone who is so hypocritical that they support peoples families being used for forum ammo and private things from off the board being brought onto the board....when you wouldnt want that done to you and you complain about it being done?

It just shows how fake, how two faced someone is. The total lack of personal integrity.

You gotta just hope they enjoy the shitty fucking society they are trying really hard to build to the point where they have so much hate and resentment towards people who dont want it. I hope they find it worth it.

Their idea of diversity is such a fucking joke. All that is to them is race. Their "diverse" groups are all uni educated upper classers who just have different skin color but everything else is the same. Bahahahaha it's so stupid and closed minded.

I liked dat post, it really spoke to your humanity.

Now, answer one simple question.

Can a black person inherit the Kingdom of your God? Just a Yes...or a no, equally acceptable.

Can a black person inherit the Kingdom of your God?

Or are you as I know a racist piece of shit. Not a question.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You use the term faggot as an insult.


Surely you aren't this stupid?

You are stupid, faggot.

I just explained it. Get help with your reading comprehension, faggot.

Yeah and your explanation is utter nonsense.

Would you use the word faggot while in the company of homos?

Never, I like them. I don't like you and you're preoccupied by homosexuality. I believe it means you're closeted.

The point being, you dumb hog, is that you use a term which most queers find offensive.

Would your fag friends appreciate you using the word?

Like I said, you're a shitty liberal and a massive hippocrite.

They know I use it and who I use it with. My generation is made from sterner stuff, snowflakes.

How am I a "snowflake"? I don't care if you use the word, I use it myself. It's your hilarious hypocrisy which I take issue with.

Because you are calling her out on her hypocrisy and instead of just admitting its hypocrisy and doing better, she will just twist it into something justifiable.

Isnt that what they all do and why one of the many reasons people dont take them seriously? The constant double standards and the virtue signally demands and accusations they lay on others they wont even abide themselves?

They all always try to deflect from the real issue and twist things.

I swear, it's fucking unbearable at times...

I know. And its frustrating.

I should probably not bother with any of them because none of them care to actually talk to anyone. They just want to mock, twist and be dishonest and insulting.

It's pointless trying to debate with hateful people who are not trying to hear anyone, but rather attack, and who wont even be honest about their part in any exchanges. They make a ton of excuses for the way they treat people and always make it the other person's fault.

When you are dealing with someone who is so hypocritical that they support peoples families being used for forum ammo and private things from off the board being brought onto the board....when you wouldnt want that done to you and you complain about it being done?

It just shows how fake, how two faced someone is. The total lack of personal integrity.

You gotta just hope they enjoy the shitty fucking society they are trying really hard to build to the point where they have so much hate and resentment towards people who dont want it. I hope they find it worth it.

Their idea of diversity is such a fucking joke. All that is to them is race. Their "diverse" groups are all uni educated upper classers who just have different skin color but everything else is the same. Bahahahaha it's so stupid and closed minded.

I liked dat post, it really spoke to your humanity.

Now, answer one simple question.

Can a black person inherit the Kingdom of your God? Just a Yes...or a no, equally acceptable.

Can a black person inherit the Kingdom of your God?

Or are you as I know a racist piece of shit. Not a question.

Why are you ashamed of your Jewish ancestry?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.
How are you gonna get me institutionalised big shot? I'm merely reminding the fahg defenders what the untermensch get up to in the bedroom... I'm sub human for what exaclty? Seeing it on the internet and thinking about Blurt? It's not my fault is it? These people need reminding exactly what being a homo involves, funny how they curl and squak when shown reality

you posted extreme BDSM WHICH ILLEGAL nutjob.
"ILLEGAL?" eh? lol

Yes, EXTREME BDSM IS ILLEGAL. you posted an illegal image.

So SHAMPAIN posted another picture of his face?!

If you call fisting and then perforating the rectums of two queers, then yes, his face indeed.

What an appalling excuse for a human being he is. And he mods this place. Shocking.

Context is everything. While I too find that kind of thing repulsive, he only posted it to make a point of how disgusting homos are and question why people like Blurt are pro-LGBT.

Nice excuse fuckwit. What's next? You going to start wiping SHAMPAIN'S ass with your tongue as well?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Two boards diverged as flame boards would,
And sorry she could not manage both
And be one owner, long Flea stood
And brought down one as far as she could
To where shat Dove in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as bare,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was gassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the trolling there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In weeds no schlep had kept on track.
Oh, she kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
Flea doubted if she should ever come back.

She shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two boards diverged as they would, and Flea—
Flea took the one less traveled by,
And that has made not one difference.

(with apologies to Robert Frost)



Oh my God, you really are a faggot. :LOL3:

You must be really jealous that you can't put it all out there and take yourself out of your comfort zone. You'd rather scuttle around here using slang terms like: "Faggot," "Ghey," and "Tranny;" while sitting on your thumb hiding your own feelings and love for other mens.

If you had the testicular fortitude to take risks like admitting you listen to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody while wearing a spandex tutu, you'd feel much better. Even free.

I really have no interest in what you get upto in your spare time.

Quick question, when was the last time you posted something without Large Lily giving you plus rep?

Post #149 & #150 in this very thread, dummy

I bet it took a lot of self-control to resist the urge to award rep and plunge your tongue further into his prostate.

You're just jealous because no one wants tongue your vagina. Maybe you can cry about that for the next 7 weeks?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You use the term faggot as an insult.


Surely you aren't this stupid?

You are stupid, faggot.

I just explained it. Get help with your reading comprehension, faggot.

Yeah and your explanation is utter nonsense.

Would you use the word faggot while in the company of homos?

Never, I like them. I don't like you and you're preoccupied by homosexuality. I believe it means you're closeted.

The point being, you dumb hog, is that you use a term which most queers find offensive.

Would your fag friends appreciate you using the word?

Like I said, you're a shitty liberal and a massive hippocrite.

They know I use it and who I use it with. My generation is made from sterner stuff, snowflakes.

How am I a "snowflake"? I don't care if you use the word, I use it myself. It's your hilarious hypocrisy which I take issue with.

Because you are calling her out on her hypocrisy and instead of just admitting its hypocrisy and doing better, she will just twist it into something justifiable.

Isnt that what they all do and why one of the many reasons people dont take them seriously? The constant double standards and the virtue signally demands and accusations they lay on others they wont even abide themselves?

They all always try to deflect from the real issue and twist things.

I swear, it's fucking unbearable at times...

I know. And its frustrating.

I should probably not bother with any of them because none of them care to actually talk to anyone. They just want to mock, twist and be dishonest and insulting.

It's pointless trying to debate with hateful people who are not trying to hear anyone, but rather attack, and who wont even be honest about their part in any exchanges. They make a ton of excuses for the way they treat people and always make it the other person's fault.

When you are dealing with someone who is so hypocritical that they support peoples families being used for forum ammo and private things from off the board being brought onto the board....when you wouldnt want that done to you and you complain about it being done?

It just shows how fake, how two faced someone is. The total lack of personal integrity.

You gotta just hope they enjoy the shitty fucking society they are trying really hard to build to the point where they have so much hate and resentment towards people who dont want it. I hope they find it worth it.

Their idea of diversity is such a fucking joke. All that is to them is race. Their "diverse" groups are all uni educated upper classers who just have different skin color but everything else is the same. Bahahahaha it's so stupid and closed minded.

I liked dat post, it really spoke to your humanity.

Now, answer one simple question.

Can a black person inherit the Kingdom of your God? Just a Yes...or a no, equally acceptable.

Can a black person inherit the Kingdom of your God?

Or are you as I know a racist piece of shit. Not a question.


What I say the first few times you asked?

And I dont listen to racists when they try to project their racism so give that up.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.
How are you gonna get me institutionalised big shot? I'm merely reminding the fahg defenders what the untermensch get up to in the bedroom... I'm sub human for what exaclty? Seeing it on the internet and thinking about Blurt? It's not my fault is it? These people need reminding exactly what being a homo involves, funny how they curl and squak when shown reality

you posted extreme BDSM WHICH ILLEGAL nutjob.
"ILLEGAL?" eh? lol

Yes, EXTREME BDSM IS ILLEGAL. you posted an illegal image.

So SHAMPAIN posted another picture of his face?!

If you call fisting and then perforating the rectums of two queers, then yes, his face indeed.

What an appalling excuse for a human being he is. And he mods this place. Shocking.
I'd take offence if I was actually ugly, didn't have a fit GF and it wasn't coming from a person who looks like this...
I think you closer resemble a prolapsed anus than me...

There are 2 sides to ugly... outside and inside, Peckerhead...

you are ugly on the inside.... clean yourself up.



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.
How are you gonna get me institutionalised big shot? I'm merely reminding the fahg defenders what the untermensch get up to in the bedroom... I'm sub human for what exaclty? Seeing it on the internet and thinking about Blurt? It's not my fault is it? These people need reminding exactly what being a homo involves, funny how they curl and squak when shown reality

you posted extreme BDSM WHICH ILLEGAL nutjob.
"ILLEGAL?" eh? lol

Yes, EXTREME BDSM IS ILLEGAL. you posted an illegal image.

So SHAMPAIN posted another picture of his face?!

If you call fisting and then perforating the rectums of two queers, then yes, his face indeed.

What an appalling excuse for a human being he is. And he mods this place. Shocking.
I'd take offence if I was actually ugly, didn't have a fit GF and it wasn't coming from a person who looks like this...
I think you closer resemble a prolapsed anus than me...

There are 2 sides to ugly... outside and inside, Peckerhead...

you are ugly on the inside.... clean yourself up.
I'm a very pleasant fellow, I donate to the dogs trust every month and I do all kinds of things for my grandparents, so there! =P


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.
How are you gonna get me institutionalised big shot? I'm merely reminding the fahg defenders what the untermensch get up to in the bedroom... I'm sub human for what exaclty? Seeing it on the internet and thinking about Blurt? It's not my fault is it? These people need reminding exactly what being a homo involves, funny how they curl and squak when shown reality

you posted extreme BDSM WHICH ILLEGAL nutjob.
"ILLEGAL?" eh? lol

Yes, EXTREME BDSM IS ILLEGAL. you posted an illegal image.

So SHAMPAIN posted another picture of his face?!

If you call fisting and then perforating the rectums of two queers, then yes, his face indeed.

What an appalling excuse for a human being he is. And he mods this place. Shocking.
I'd take offence if I was actually ugly, didn't have a fit GF and it wasn't coming from a person who looks like this...
I think you closer resemble a prolapsed anus than me...

There are 2 sides to ugly... outside and inside, Peckerhead...

you are ugly on the inside.... clean yourself up.
I'm a very pleasant fellow, I donate to the dogs trust every month and I do all kinds of things for my grandparents, so there! =P

You should share your fisting fetish with your grandparents.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)

You're a piece of subhuman scum posting pictures like that... I'd get you institutionalised for posting that..... fucking wake up to yourself meta-moron.
How are you gonna get me institutionalised big shot? I'm merely reminding the fahg defenders what the untermensch get up to in the bedroom... I'm sub human for what exaclty? Seeing it on the internet and thinking about Blurt? It's not my fault is it? These people need reminding exactly what being a homo involves, funny how they curl and squak when shown reality

you posted extreme BDSM WHICH ILLEGAL nutjob.
"ILLEGAL?" eh? lol

Yes, EXTREME BDSM IS ILLEGAL. you posted an illegal image.

So SHAMPAIN posted another picture of his face?!

If you call fisting and then perforating the rectums of two queers, then yes, his face indeed.

What an appalling excuse for a human being he is. And he mods this place. Shocking.
I'd take offence if I was actually ugly, didn't have a fit GF and it wasn't coming from a person who looks like this...
I think you closer resemble a prolapsed anus than me...

There are 2 sides to ugly... outside and inside, Peckerhead...

you are ugly on the inside.... clean yourself up.
I'm a very pleasant fellow, I donate to the dogs trust every month and I do all kinds of things for my grandparents, so there! =P

You should share your fisting fetish with your grandparents.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

And no one knows what you look like. You allegedly look like a gay sailor, but that's just speculation.

You've been dissing your kind for years now.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

You can call me a hypocrite, why not her, coward?

And no she's not capable, she's inherently incapable. It's why she has me on ignore.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

You can call me a hypocrite, why not her, coward?

And no she's not capable, she's inherently incapable. It's why she has me on ignore.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

No. She's not. She got fucked up for the last 4 days, all anyone has to do is reread any of those threads.

This must be like your "The holocaust didn't happen" excuses based on your own meaningless opinions again.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

No. She's not. She got fucked up for the last 4 days, all anyone has to do is reread any of those threads.

This must be like your "The holocaust didn't happen" excuses based on your own meaningless opinions again.
It's not an opinion though it's FACT!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

You can call me a hypocrite, why not her, coward?

And no she's not capable, she's inherently incapable. It's why she has me on ignore.


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

No. She's not. She got fucked up for the last 4 days, all anyone has to do is reread any of those threads.

This must be like your "The holocaust didn't happen" excuses based on your own meaningless opinions again.

You don't like her so obviously your summary of what happened isn't reliable due to your bias.

I could drop some red pills about the Hollowco$$t for you to examine but there's no point because you're too fucking close minded and stubborn.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Lardita on a plus rep spree again now the e-trannie is online LOL.

Yep, funny is funny. You, on the other hand, are funny looking in that gay way...creepy

You look like Danny Devito ffs.....

And look at you dissing gays again. :LOL3:

Like I said, I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

One thing I will say, I don't have gay offspring and post "Admin sucks cock" hundreds of times.

Your Hippocrisy knows absolutely no bounds.

So, am I more of a hypocrite than a woman with a gay child that posts "Admin sucks cock"? Answer the question, twat.

I'm not speaking on Dove's behalf, she's a big girl and perfectly capable of bashing you on the snout herself.

No. She's not. She got fucked up for the last 4 days, all anyone has to do is reread any of those threads.

This must be like your "The holocaust didn't happen" excuses based on your own meaningless opinions again.

You don't like her so obviously your summary of what happened isn't reliable due to your bias.

I could drop some red pills about the Hollowco$$t for you to examine but there's no point because you're too fucking close minded and stubborn.

I'm embarrassed for you that you don't believe in the Holocaust.