What do you think of the flooding of Illegal Immigration?


Factory Bastard
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From the horse's mouth. Yes, Biden-Harris created the border crisis.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I rarely hit Taco Bell, but once in a while I like to pick up a few of their basic cheap plain Taco's to scarf down. Well today when I drive up to my local, there is a line of illegal aliens lined up around the block applying for our jerbs!

This made me very angry with my station in life, I think I will order a Matchbox Car!

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip
Hmmm... Liberals calming the nerves of detained immigrants.




Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Look at the white lib traitor, helping groom ,drug and rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot be arsed posting more, oh there's plenty!! Notice how a strange majority of them look so similar? Inbreeding with cousins!!! The stats on deformities and such due to inbreeding in the UK has gone up like a rocket, literally, none in 60,s then a few 70s on a steady climb until it reached recent years and fuck me, thousands every year! Their backwords religion is not compatible with the Old Western culture we all used to know, wee example...

If I chopped the head off a horse and it was recorded or just bang to rights I done it, I could face up to 4 years in prison I think? Around that but it's happening to cows, lambs etc every week and daily all over the country, Gotta be thousands of them put in those machines that grab them, turn the poor buggers upside down to get a fully aware experience of seeing their own kind in utter distress to get their throat sliced/chopped, I've seen the vids, I had to MAKE myself watch some of it for another inconvenient truth that libs can not get along with, it's like the worst death factories imaginable while hearing "bismillah Rahman Rahim, bismillah Rahman Rahim"(not those exact words that's the most common prayer they(MUZRATS) wail out when they're shitting themselves)

The good Old United Kingdom that was once a glorious country spreading knowledge, and better ways of life for people, not some evil war-hungry bastards, WE'RE all the same as those Brits that opened up the world, yes the vast majority of you Americans are those Brits!!! That's your people!!! But something's happened? The UK in 20fuckin22!!!!! Is allowing medieval cruelty because of Stories, written by human beings, firstly used as a control measure, make people scared to steal bread for example because a big man is watching you ALWAYS! hahahahaha Fuck off, these supposed epitome of GOOD stories by human authors have caused the worst violence and cruelty imaginable to human beings since we came up with stories because we just couldn't understand what we actually are, we're on a spinning rock fs no heaven in the clouds, insanity!

Yet the purple-haired fucks WILL go after fox hunters because it's NASTY well-off white people, fits their narrative...
We should be trying harder to be meat-free, love a steak myself because it tastes good but our evolution must include an end to killing animals, fcukn fin


Domestically feral
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United states
We have to eat meat, Shamp. We are carnivores.

Kill them quickly with respect and dignity. No excuse for abusing them. But we do have to eat them.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Britain has NEVER lost a war in over 1,ooo years, we always win in the end... And @Dove our digestive system isn't built for red meat so we aint gotta do nothing our brains tell us not to do... Alternatives are there, packed with protein


Domestically feral
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United states
So basically, in the mind of a leftist when border towns become scant on resources due to overwhelming floods of migrants due to democrat policies, they are simply supposed to suck it up and bear it. Do not spread the burden to any of the areas where leftists are pontificating their virtue on this matter.

How generous with the resources, or lack thereof, you leftists are when it is someone else bearing the burden. How magnanimous.


Factory Bastard
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Breaks my heart to see those people out there in the cold. The arduous trek north with what they could carry. It shows how fucked up their home countries are, and how desperate they are to leave. All are stuck with crooked one way dictators. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador. The treasury is looted, money is worthless. Creates poverty. All of these countries could be prosperous, with honest legit leadership. Maybe they’d prefer to stay home. I’m a bleeding heart. I have no real answers. Looking at the cause.


Domestically feral
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United states
Breaks my heart to see those people out there in the cold. The arduous trek north with what they could carry. It shows how fucked up their home countries are, and how desperate they are to leave. All are stuck with crooked one way dictators. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador. The treasury is looted, money is worthless. Creates poverty. All of these countries could be prosperous, with honest legit leadership. Maybe they’d prefer to stay home. I’m a bleeding heart. I have no real answers. Looking at the cause.
Would you consider 41 degrees cold? That's the temperature in El Paso Texas right now according to weather.com

And the same source shows a temperature differential of 13 degrees between El Paso and the destination where they were bused. So, at the end of the day BOTH destinations are cold.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Leaving people outdoors in the weather out in that part of the country?

I don't know. Guess.

Why dont wealthier democrat areas take some of the burden they demand TX shoulder?

We know what happens when wealthy democrats have their time to shine dont we?

You guys want other people to take on your causes and you guys wont help. And then you sit there all righteous labeling the people who are being overwhelmed with immigrants. A good portion of which are probably human traffickers, drug cartel gang members and rapists. We dont really have great vetting right now and when 4 year olds are raped in bathrooms that's only news in TX.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

What do you think of the flooding Admin's inbox with pictures of Hunter Biden's penis?​

Would he love it? Dumb question.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Breaks my heart to see those people out there in the cold. The arduous trek north with what they could carry. It shows how fucked up their home countries are, and how desperate they are to leave. All are stuck with crooked one way dictators. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador. The treasury is looted, money is worthless. Creates poverty. All of these countries could be prosperous, with honest legit leadership. Maybe they’d prefer to stay home. I’m a bleeding heart. I have no real answers. Looking at the cause.

My best friend's parents were from Central America. They came sometime in the 60's since he and his older sister were born here. Clearly, Latin Americans have been coming for opportunity for a very long time.

Their dictators (right and left) have all been crooks.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
So basically, in the mind of a leftist when border towns become scant on resources due to overwhelming floods of migrants due to democrat policies, they are simply supposed to suck it up and bear it. Do not spread the burden to any of the areas where leftists are pontificating their virtue on this matter.

How generous with the resources, or lack thereof, you leftists are when it is someone else bearing the burden. How magnanimous.
Western civilisation fell from the sky according to them and certainly nothing to do with the struggles and toil of Europeans who built it...