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The Countess

Hood with it
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Are you angry that she dragged you because you decided to use Ozempic after paying for a bbl?

Do you think a BBL goes away cuz of Ozempic? I know you’re smarter than that.

That bitch couldn’t drag me if I gave her the way. She’s white, nuff said


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Do you think a BBL goes away cuz of Ozempic? I know you’re smarter than that.

That bitch couldn’t drag me if I gave her the way. She’s white, nuff said

I know weight loss happens throughout the body. The butt and thighs are usually the last place to go. If you continue on that medicine, I imagine at some point you will lose weight there too.

I don't drag you for it because the bbl was years before Ozempic was released in the US.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
No, she isn't. So far, I haven't seen anyone's picture online that is bigger than Hugely...he must be a size 5-6xl short.

He has gained a lot of weight since I saw him in person 10/2016. Also, he lost a lot of hair on top right in front and most of it is going grey now. His face plumped up like a hot dog during a 4th of July bbq. Most alarming: he looks miserable.

I’ll stick with my man, who she also claims is fat. But he looks delish even 20 lbs heavier than when we started dating.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I know weight loss happens throughout the body. The butt and thighs are usually the last place to go. If you continue on that medicine, I imagine at some point you will lose weight there too.

I don't drag you for it because the bbl was years before Ozempic was released in the US.

Exactly. Ozempic isn’t a forever thing and I know exactly what I’m doing. I exercise and eat right. I can always get it retouched too.

I don’t get the hate tho. If being thinner makes me happy, what is the problem? That goes for all the shamers. I’m 46, it’s harder to lose weight on your own at this age.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Exactly. Ozempic isn’t a forever thing and I know exactly what I’m doing. I exercise and eat right. I can always get it retouched too.

I don’t get the hate tho. If being thinner makes me happy, what is the problem? That goes for all the shamers. I’m 46, it’s harder to lose weight on your own at this age.

Tell me about it, I'm 56. I'm on my way down, I don't care if it takes me took me years to put it on...


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Are you angry that she dragged you because you decided to use Ozempic after paying for a bbl?

Pretty sure she is mad mad that she has spent $40k to deflate a fupa that is still there.

All she has to do now is pay $12,000 for a tummy tuck and maybe I’ll stop clowning teh DUMB bitch.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Pretty sure she is mad mad that she has spent $40k to deflate a fupa that is still there.

All she has to do now is pay $12,000 for a tummy tuck and maybe I’ll stop clowning teh DUMB bitch.

Oh man, you don’t want me Proving who the real fupa-sporting fat fuck is. I suggest you run along with your big fat self before I drop a nuke and make you cry like the worthless bitch that you are.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Oh man, you don’t want me Proving who the real fupa-sporting fat fuck is. I suggest you run along with your big fat self before I drop a nuke and make you cry like the worthless bitch that you are.

I wish you would have fought Dove and Hugely this hard when they stole your forum. This is just sad to see.


Mr. Excitement
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Maybe it's one of those "keep your friends close, but enemies closer" type of things...but probably not.
Nope. She is more concerned with being liked than having self-respect. Dove and Biggie don't give a shit about her feelings. They pretend to and she's fooled by it. I dislike Biggie but he's not a stupid man. He's good at making others believe his words are sincere when they're not. She can keep me on ignore all she wants but she's missing out on making friends with someone who is telling her the truth. Until she decides to love herself more than the opinions of others she will never make any true friends who will like her for her.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Nope. She is more concerned with being liked than having self-respect. Dove and Biggie don't give a shit about her feelings. They pretend to and she's fooled by it. I dislike Biggie but he's not a stupid man. He's good at making others believe his words are sincere when they're not. She can keep me on ignore all she wants but she's missing out on making friends with someone who is telling her the truth. Until she decides to love herself more than the opinions of others she will never make any true friends who will like her for her.

That is an interesting point. I know Hugely doesn't care about anyone but himself and "winning the internet".

I know who my real friends are. Frankly, they're not on the internet. People online are my "acquaintances". I like them well enough, but online is not real life. People that are actually there for you through thick and thin. My family knows my friends. They don't know anyone online, nor should they.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Nope. She is more concerned with being liked than having self-respect. Dove and Biggie don't give a shit about her feelings. They pretend to and she's fooled by it. I dislike Biggie but he's not a stupid man. He's good at making others believe his words are sincere when they're not. She can keep me on ignore all she wants but she's missing out on making friends with someone who is telling her the truth. Until she decides to love herself more than the opinions of others she will never make any true friends who will like her for her.

I agree they are both total narcissists who don’t give a fuck about her.


Mr. Excitement
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That is an interesting point. I know Hugely doesn't care about anyone but himself and "winning the internet".

I know who my real friends are. Frankly, they're not on the internet. People online are my "acquaintances". I like them well enough, but online is not real life. People that are actually there for you through thick and thin. My family knows my friends. They don't know anyone online, nor should they.
My worst forum experience was on a now closed site that was about gaming. I didn't even know how to quote another member's post or even how to post images. It was embarrassing so I was teased a lot by some of the members. One member made a post telling me not to worry, that I'm a newb and we are all one big family. I believed her words and thanked her for her post.

She then began laughing at me because I bought her shit. The next day when I logged in there was a pm waiting for me. It was from another member who was a mod. He said that I was looking foolish because I was new, that's true but don't believe anyone here that says we're one big family. Far from it. I was a little offended that he agreed that I was acting like a fool, but he was giving it to me straight. I respected that.

I had mentioned this some time ago, but in case you may have not read it, here it is:

It is extremely easy to be fooled online. Especially on troll boards because you don't have the luxury of seeing another member's facial expressions or body language when they make remarks. If me and someone I know are sitting at a table at McDonald's and he or she calls me a pencil dick, I can tell by the facial expression and body language that he or she is just razzing me. This isn't so on the internet unless your using something like Skype. Emojis help but are no substitute. It's much harder to measure another member's sincerity in their words. The Countess is being fooled by Biggie and Dove. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever. I know from experience. I'm acting like a child negging all of her posts but in truth I feel for her. I really do.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
My worst forum experience was on a now closed site that was about gaming. I didn't even know how to quote another member's post or even how to post images. It was embarrassing so I was teased a lot by some of the members. One member made a post telling me not to worry, that I'm a newb and we are all one big family. I believed her words and thanked her for her post.

She then began laughing at me because I bought her shit. The next day when I logged in there was a pm waiting for me. It was from another member who was a mod. He said that I was looking foolish because I was new, that's true but don't believe anyone here that says we're one big family. Far from it. I was a little offended that he agreed that I was acting like a fool, but he was giving it to me straight. I respected that.

I had mentioned this some time ago, but in case you may have not read it, here it is:

It is extremely easy to be fooled online. Especially on troll boards because you don't have the luxury of seeing another member's facial expressions or body language when they make remarks. If me and someone I know are sitting at a table at McDonald's and he or she calls me a pencil dick, I can tell by the facial expression and body language that he or she is just razzing me. This isn't so on the internet unless your using something like Skype. Emojis help but are no substitute. It's much harder to measure another member's sincerity in their words. The Countess is being fooled by Biggie and Dove. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever. I know from experience. I'm acting like a child negging all of her posts but in truth I feel for her. I really do.

I understand. I can be gullible and naïve. I have always assumed that most people aren't out to harm anyone. I have learned through life experience that it just isn't the case. I was exposed online by an insecure man, and his friends, simply because I trolled them better. I didn't post any PI, I didn't contact their families...I was banned and went away, but they followed me to another forum and posted pictures of my home, where I lived as a single mom. I did call the police. It wasn't that I was fearful that the people that posted it would show up at the door really. It was that anyone reading and seeing the information could if they were local. IDGAF, that was a fuck around and find out moment. As a mother with minor children, 10 and 12 years old...I would GLADLY do it again if I could move back in time.

I was raised to not go out looking for trouble, but if it came to be to always, always defend myself...that putting up with bullies was not okay. It is my instinct to hit back. It was so ingrained in me, I hit a school yard duty worker in 3rd grade. I was being a kid and running around him while being chased by kids. I dunno why he decided to swat me on the behind, but he did. When he bent over to scold another kid, I remember making a fist and bringing it down on the middle of his back, hard. I ran away and I don't recall if I got in trouble. We were not to let ANYONE hit or bother us without doing something about it.

I have mellowed out a lot over the years. However, I will never stand down to bullies. Leave me alone or deal with me. It's a choice.


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I'm the king of making fun O people ... Murd's very regular if anything .... meh no ammo here LOL


Mr. Excitement
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Yep. Absolutely. I was taught the same thing. When I was around 12yo this prick that lived up the street who was a year older than me, his name was Larry Sybbl, used to pick on me something awful almost daily. One day I came home crying and told my mother she said to just walk away. That's all well and good, but it's pretty tough to walk away when the bully chases you. My father stepped in and said exactly this: "If he comes after you again, pin that bastard to the ground and pound the shit out of him." I did so and he never bothered me again. If you stand up to a bully you may get your ass kicked, but you may also earn their respect by doing so.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Yep. Absolutely. I was taught the same thing. When I was around 12yo this prick that lived up the street who was a year older than me, his name was Larry Sybbl, used to pick on me something awful almost daily. One day I came home crying and told my mother she said to just walk away. That's all well and good, but it's pretty tough to walk away when the bully chases you. My father stepped in and said exactly this: "If he comes after you again, pin that bastard to the ground and pound the shit out of him." I did so and he never bothered me again. If you stand up to a bully you may get your ass kicked, but you may also earn their respect by doing so.

My dad was very Mexican...fight them or come home and deal with me. Uhm, he was scarier than them...he was a Marine in his time. lol


Mr. Excitement
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My dad was very Mexican...fight them or come home and deal with me. Uhm, he was scarier than them...he was a Marine in his time. lol
Yeah, you don't mess military men. lol

My father wasn't in the military but was a tough man. When I was a teenager I called him a bastard. I don't think I have to tell you what happened after that. lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Yeah, you don't mess military men. lol

My father wasn't in the military but was a tough man. When I was a teenager I called him a bastard. I don't think I have to tell you what happened after that. lol
My parents had both Mexican heritage with some Southern sensibilities as well, being Texans. I can only imagine what your father did. I think I would have been in deep shit myself if I ever did that. It never even crossed my mind.

I got back at my dad with my wit and sense of humor. And that was only when he was in a tolerant mood.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
My parents had both Mexican heritage with some Southern sensibilities as well, being Texans. I can only imagine what your father did. I think I would have been in deep shit myself if I ever did that. It never even crossed my mind.

I got back at my dad with my wit and sense of humor. And that was only when he was in a tolerant mood.
I was at the age where I thought I was tough so I disrespected the old man and got humbled right away. I never disrespected him again after that. No adult likes a mouthy little teen prick. Your father sounds like hard man but he also sounds like he loved you a lot.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I was at the age where I thought I was tough so I disrespected the old man and got humbled right away. I never disrespected him again after that. No adult likes a mouthy little teen prick. Your father sounds like hard man but he also sounds like he loved you a lot.

I'm sure he did. He was born in the 1940's...times were tougher back then.


> you
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. o O
I'd say the Murdy pic is far from 'average' (don't know if she's 'regular', ;))
She looks happy and alive. That usually comes from a person who is not ugly or dead on the inside, which most ppl seem to be.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Your mother’s a fupa, you fucking dumb whore


Now, what was that about a fupa, you big backed, Samoan built fucking SLOB? Bitch, you’re a balding ass white slut who is wider than a football field. No amount of editing or waist trainers will change that.

Let’s play, you rabid cunt. I’m game.
But using Bigly Buttock's Passport picture as an emoji is bad? I don't think your ozempic addiction is helping with your mental defects.

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