Biden breaks silence on the death and dismemberment in Kabul


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm not opposed to bombing the shit out of Kabul as soon as we can get everyone we can out (Americans and allies). I think the US embassy, and other key targets.

Why don't you troll that motherfuckers?! Trump and Pompeo took their word that there wouldn't allow terrorism in the country when we withdrew. We're not even gone and they went terrorist today. Fuck them and their backward ass country. They're not fit for the modern world.

Trump was not going to pull the troops out in one night. He had a plan to evacuate Americans, gather up all our weapons and equipment and bomb out facilities so no sensitive info was compromised. Biden, just Biden, fucked the whole thing up and it makes my blood boil that ya’ll voted this senile old fucktard in. I don’t get involved in politics but you people REALLY FUCKED UP voting this lucid piece of shit in. OWN IT

Losing a war is never fun, it was going to be a shit show regardless.

I'll own this failure of a war if you will own the 600K that died from covid because Trump politicized that war that HE failed.

All the people surrounding Trump at the time said he fucked this exit strategy up, McMaster, Bolton and others. The Doha Agreement he made with the Taliban was a failure. Dumb fuck Pompeo left the government of Afghanistan out of the deal. He legitimized the Taliban simply by doing that. What hope did they have if the US didn't even back them up to fight off these 4th century cave dwellers?

If you're going to blame me for anything, back up your blame with facts.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Libtards were solely focused on eliminating bad orange man. They thought all they had to do was cheat him out of office and their world would be all rainbows and unicorns.

A MAN, a REAL man like Trump, wouldnt have fucked this all up. Sure, they wanna blame Trump for everything but its because they're fukin failures and pussies. biden is president now and he could have INCREASED troops if he wanted to. Trump has nothing to do with it.

If Trump hadnt had the election stolen from him, I guarantee you the government there would still be intact today! If ISIS and the Taliban fucked around, they'd be getting their asses handed to them.

P.S., Trump handled covid 100x better than ANY democRAT did.