Breakfall Straightens You Nyiggas Out Daily


Put your glasses on!
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How about your fat saggy ass? Must be closing in on the floor by now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
If one likes to sleep with cousins daily, it might be appropriate


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Ahw fuck it, I'll save this shit by dredging up a pic Flea PM'd me months ago.


She sent it to me right after seeing my dick in her mouth over the toilet like the blumpkin champ she is, like most spicas...

Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Ahw fuck it, I'll save this shit by dredging up a pic Flea PM'd me months ago.


She sent it to me right after seeing my dick in her mouth over the toilet like the blumpkin champ she is, like most spicas...


Is that all you know how to do?

Posting up pictures with big breasted women?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Ahw fuck it, I'll save this shit by dredging up a pic Flea PM'd me months ago.


She sent it to me right after seeing my dick in her mouth over the toilet like the blumpkin champ she is, like most spicas...


I see some surgery in the near future.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Is that all you know how to do?

Would you like to see what else I can do? Wait, you already did, after weeks of me intentionally hyping you up about a badass thread I was making, and you believed me, as you should.

Then I posted it and you were the played-out bitch who saw it all first, as you had to be since you were the mod charged with editing all the code off all the images and gifs -- to your utmost horror, Flynn.

Did that never occur to you? I set you up and knocked you down - tell us all how you felt when you first saw the final gif that I posted showing the REPLAY that Flea and I had. I still hate the bitch for spitting my load out like she did. I call animal abuse on that shit!

Did you feel sinisterly betrayed once it all caught up to you, hyped moderator? Be honest now. Did your dumb ass ever think I did both you and Flea that bad at the same time together, ever? You ladies should like, do what I like - double team a player like me and like, turn in your badge and retire again because of me...

- I know how to like, do other stuff too.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Hold on, did I bust you out like that without making a thread detailing it, stickied by whoever replaces you when you immediately step down again?

- Train 555 never stops for scrubs like you Flynn.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Would you like to see what else I can do? Wait, you already did, after weeks of me intentionally hyping you up about a badass thread I was making, and you believed me, as you should.

Then I posted it and you were the played-out bitch who saw it all first, as you had to be since you were the mod charged with editing all the code off all the images and gifs -- to your utmost horror, Flynn.

Did that never occur to you? I set you up and knocked you down - tell us all how you felt when you first saw the final gif that I posted showing the REPLAY that Flea and I had. I still hate the bitch for spitting my load out like she did. I call animal abuse on that shit!

Did you feel sinisterly betrayed once it all caught up to you, hyped moderator? Be honest now. Did your dumb ass ever think I did both you and Flea that bad at the same time together, ever? You ladies should like, do what I like - double team a player like me and like, turn in your badge and retire again because of me...

- I know how to like, do other stuff too.

Hyped what? Another lackluster thread that deals in nothing but genitalia? Oh, boy! Can't wait for that!

Do you really think I give a fuck about you or any of your cheese ball ideas? Was part of your overall plan begging me in more than one pm to "sticky" your thread/s? As you know SSS you gotta earn your respect with me. You thought much like the other nitwit Martini. You both are two of the laziest fucks around. You both want all these accolades but won't work for it.

You didn't "set up" or "knock down" shit. Much like Aryan and a few other's, I'm hip to the old school tricks of social engineering.

Try again, SSS. This time try not being soo very transparent.


peace through anarchy

The problem with Aylana's and Flynn's and hell, for that matter, every chaturbate I try to enjoy is that I can't get that .25 slowmo I love jackin it to and even if I could, Aylana & Flynn both wank their meatsicles too fast for me to push my eye up against the screen and really take in the veins and wrinkles of those lusty cockmonsters.

Good they are both so hot or else I'd be fucking gay.

Yeah. So gooooood.


peace through anarchy
Bastard Factory Update
4:16 PM EST

- Breakfall quits Bastard Factory after being AssBoxed.

- Oerdin plunges down the Biggest Pussy BFF Member list.

- Aylana is on suicide watch for depression and chronic complaining.

Breakfall hops into "post here, get banned thread".

Breakfall posts & gets banned.

Breakfall doesn't understand.

Breakfall is clinically retarded.



peace through anarchy

Here's the thing. I go to a strip club and there is alcohol and women dancing. I go to chaturbate and women are just sitting there staring back at me, with clothes still on. Hell, I could get that sitting in jail with a visit from my sister on the other side of the glass. Booooorrrrriiiing.


Back in my day, we walked up hill both ways for school and/or job and we shook our fucking asses all night long. These lazy sumbitches are so into "living their best life", that they can't even best make a living at life. Sho shad.

Sitting there in front of a camera. You think you're bored? How the fuck you think a paying customer feels hon? Get reals. My $$$ can go to you or food and right now your shiftless still yoga pants covered unappreciated ass is looking like the lesser of two evils when if you want your heiny to be tbe lessor then you'd want me shoveling you cash to put my face all up in your stash.

You sit around waiting for life to happen and I'm here to tell you if not for grabbing it by the fucking horns, that shit is flyin you by right into a dull grave because the manufacturer made the knife a weapon but the user, i.e. yourself has a duty to keep your own shit SHARP.

So off topic and yet still so on point. I'm stabbing my way into your heart.


peace through anarchy

- Make another one.

The fact you sang in this tells me you have sang before. No lies now. It only takes more than once to be a habit. Karaoke SSS. Got me a fine wife & fiddle and cakes on a griddle. John Denver is your hero. I see it all. Clear as a West BY GOD Virginia sky, bro.

No worries. I'm a Dan Seals man, myself. So Flynn can Marie Osmond and Meet Me In Montana. We can fuck til the cows come home which is forever because we're farmers.

Ho ho holy cow patty.

Hey Flynner. Dare to inSPIRE me with your pitchfork tines while I pitch a tent in me pants and pant a hard sweat over plowing your golden fields of barley?

You are what you whEat.


peace through anarchy
SSS sounds like a gawddamn psychopath
Buffalo Bill lived in Perryopolis Pennsylvania, honey. North, South, a nemesis is boundless.

"Savior faire is everywhere."

The ability to speak fluently in social situations is a chameleon-like gift to blending into the foreground in order to strike from the background. Although you are turned off by a mix of his "bad boy" persona and text, in a setting of peers, he would dissect your defenses and leave you with cryogenically filled spaces of bought and paid for possibilities of what your future children could be. The dude fucks. Sometimes he fucks down. Sometimes he fucks up. Continuing to fuck is a consequence of genetic superiority because those who didn't give a fuck, didn't get a fuck, and thereby were disassimilated by evolution. I.e. your friend in tight genes.


peace through anarchy
LOL, SSS check this article out from ol' CJ...........

To get myself into the spirit of the Easter holiday, I did what any good Jew would do. I played a drinking game to The Passion of the Christ.

Sure, some might label such an act a "hell-worthy" sin or a one-way ticket to "damnation-ville." But I prefer to view the game as a pious sacrament. If Jesus is, indeed, suffering for my sins, shouldn’t I be suffering along with him? Thus, for every atrocity in the movie committed against the Lord and Savoir (including allowing it to be directed by Mel Gibson), I force myself to take a shot of gut-rot, plastic-bottled tequila. It’s my little way of saying, "I sympathize, my Jewish brother."

For those of you worrying about the destruction I’ve wrought upon my immortal soul in two short paragraphs, I’ll remind you that the whole "suffering in remembrance" style of worship is, in fact, a very Jewish way to approach a holiday. Don’t believe me? If you’ll recall, we’re mid- Passover right now, a holiday that tells us: "3,000 years ago our ancestors suffered without bread, so now we should spend a week out of every year not eating bread." Isn’t that kind of like saying "if your parents worked hard to put food on the table and a roof over your head, for the rest of your life, no matter how successful you may be, you should spend a week living on the streets and eating out of garbage cans to thank them." I’m sure that’s exactly what your parents wanted by working so hard.

Back to the movie. I had forgotten just how funny it is. I know it was common for people in theaters to start crying, but I’m pretty sure I was the only person in my theater crying from laughter. Blasphemous, I know, but the entire story is ridiculous. And I don’t mean that to be the stab at Christianity some of you more shocked and appalled folks are thinking it is. I mean it to be a stab at Mel Gibson and Miramax. It made $370 million in the theaters. And who knows how much the DVD sales pulled in. And yet, did I mention Miramax was started by two brothers named Harvey and Bob Weinstein? Are we supposed to believe The Passion of the Christ was written for the benefit of Christians? Does Hollywood think we’re that gullible?

Sadly, most of us are, and The Passion became, in its genre, the top grossing movie of all time.

Was The Passion of the Christ actually intended to be the epic portrayal of sacrifice meant to inspire all Christians? On this holy day, I’d like to argue that it was not. Harvey and Bob Weinstein were simply using Mel Gibson as a pawn in the larger, Jewish conspiracy that’s been whispered among us "Chosen Folks" for hundreds of years.

Before I retell the true story of the resurrection, let it be known here that if you never hear from me again, the conspiracy theory must be true. We could be talking about some serious, and ironic, Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory type of shit could be going down right here on the pages of CJ. Only I have no Julia Roberts to back me up. Just remember, the information I’m revealing was never supposed to leave the circles of the hook-nosed-ones. I know this precaution sounds extreme, but even though they don’t look it, the Jews are a powerful bunch. As my dad used to say: "You never need to know how to fight if you own people who can fight for you."

With that caution said, here it is… the true story of the resurrection:

For thousands of years, the Jewish priests had a monopoly on monotheism. Who could practice it, who could perform miracles, and who was in charge were all dictated by the elders of the temple. But then this Jesus of Nazareth character and his small, start-up form of Judaism was becoming the Mac to the High Priests’ Microsoft. Sure it wasn’t as powerful, but damn did it look cool, and boy was it easier to use. Plus, something about it just made prospective buyers want to smile.

The elder Jewish priests bitched and moaned and bitched and moaned until the government stepped in (a government, though not overtly controlled by the Jews, was no doubt influenced by powerful and wealthy Jewish lobbies). Pontius Pilot, who, the day before, had "coincidentally" been seen tooling around the old city in his new, deluxe chariot fresh off the lot of one of the temple elders’ sons, gave the command to have Jesus tortured and executed, and blah, blah, blah, what would eventually become the suffering for the sins of man.

So Jesus takes his little cross and drags it up to the top of the hill. But while he’s making the trip, Mary Magdalene manages to slip him a gold coin she "worked" extra hard for.

Everything is going swell, and the elders are just about to have the Savior’s final hand nailed to the cross when, using the last of his energy, Jesus manages to dig the coin out of his loin cloth and toss it down the hill.

Though hardly audible to gentiles, the sound of money hitting the ground to a Jew is, for folks like you and I, akin to the sound of an air horn. The Jewish elders chased the coin down the hill, leaving Jesus, with the help of Mary and Co., an opportunity to escape.

When the elders returned and discovered the cross empty, they simply told everyone he had been killed (thus accounting for his relatively brief stint on the cross before death), and went home to observe the Sabbath. When, three days later, people began reporting sightings of Jesus, the Jews simply continued their lie, expecting people to believe their word over a few nut jobs.

The only problem was that these nut jobs were continuously growing in numbers. But the elder priests saw a perfect business opening. That fool, Jesus, had told his followers they couldn’t loan money. But the Jews still could. The elders had to make a decision: Either use their considerable force to stop the spread of Christianity, or let Christianity continue to grow, providing a bigger market for their money lending companies.

The choice they made, as you can plainly see, was for the latter, and the rest is history.

Keep it extra kosher on this early Easter Sunday,

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Lol, @Aryan and @UncleDiLF ^^^^^^
I told someone that Jesus overturned the tables selling items at the temple because Jesus is against capitalism. I.e. basically you can twist & contort any act into a lego piece advocating a peace of your own fortress of bullshit. Some people believe only that which they see. I even distrust mine own eyes because I look TWICE before entering into traffic. If you accept we all are human and therefore fallable and open to total fuck-upery, then you accept the error of margin is wider than the grand canal.


peace through anarchy
If one likes to sleep with cousins daily, it might be appropriate
Hot cousins are not to be dismissed lightly, nary the passion of the flesh be diminished via likelihood of diminished outcomes.

I.e. If humanity being evolved enough to make their own decisions, decide to inbreed resulting to their own demise, therein the circle of life be completed in due time.


peace through anarchy
:STFU Seamajor:
:STFU Seamajor:
When I fuck women like Gwen Stefani and appreciate their beauty regardless of mammarary size, I'm comforted by the fact I am propagating a species dependant more upon overall fuckery than judgemental status, because if we are "so smart" that we fuck less then we are doomed and by evolutionary standards we fucking should be. You dig?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
:STFU Seamajor:
:STFU Seamajor:
this place was really beginning to improve when that imbecile fell face first into the ban thread and got himself tossed like the utter fucking moron he is