but but but... critical race theory is just teaching the same history that's always been taught in class


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Domestically feral
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United states
Okay @Admin. Let's try again.

So what parts of real history that we have all been taught is for the purpose of "feeling good about ourselves"? And how is that even a thing? History has never been about our feelings. Until CRT.

So what parts of history is that meme referring to? Help us understand this.

Also.....who "automatically believes the exact opposite of what authorities say"?

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Okay @Admin. Let's try again.

So what parts of real history that we have all been taught is for the purpose of "feeling good about ourselves"? And how is that even a thing? History has never been about our feelings. Until CRT.

So what parts of history is that meme referring to? Help us understand this.

Also.....who "automatically believes the exact opposite of what authorities say"?

I decided to ignore it as its twitter level drivel.

The truth is you dont need to know much history, just the broad outlines. As you go through life you learn more according to your pursuits and encounters.

The problem is millenials and zoomers live compartmentalised lives which are ahistorical, so when they go on like theyve just invented the civil rights movement the correct answer is to tell them to fuck offf and read some books.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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I agree, we need to defund the cops and allow violent blacks that committed terrible crimes to go free without bail, that'll solve things. Right?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Critical race theory bad!

White Supremacy Theory good!

Do you know how powerful he feels to say this to a group of kids that include minority kids? He doesn't fear any consequences, and given it's Texas, he's probably right.

Don't look now but there's white privilege in action right there.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
He said that deep down he feels that his race is superior, and he thinks that people of other races feel the same way about their own race.

He might be correct. What makes a race superior is very subjective, and people of any race may prioritize their own race's strengths.

I think this is a subject that is too advanced for teenagers. But he is probably delving into it because teenagers are being exposed to other contrary ideas that are also too advanced for their level of understanding and their stage of mental development.


Domestically feral
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United states
Critical race theory bad!

White Supremacy Theory good!

This is the same thing as CRT. Both are fucking racist trash.

Also we already have hate crime Bill's and no....some idiot racist teacher isnt why we need to pay reparations.

Honestly we should round up people like this guy, and round all the CRT trash up....and drop all of you off the fucking planet so the rest of us can all live in peace and not waste our time obsessing over skin color.

Do you get that? The rest of us white, black, brown people want ALL of you gone? That we dont view you different from this guy? Racists is racist and all of you need to fuck off the rest of us. Go to an island and kill eachother.


Domestically feral
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United states
Do you know how powerful he feels to say this to a group of kids that include minority kids? He doesn't fear any consequences, and given it's Texas, he's probably right.

Don't look now but there's white privilege in action right there.

There are black people who have been spewing racism in class rooms for years now and they are not held to the same standards this guy will be held to.

So who is priviledged?

FYI "anti racism" is also a bullshit world view that teaches white people are superior. It's disgusting. Many people dont understand why democrats are so obsessed with race.

But we fantasize about all of you disappearing and taking your racist hate with you.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
He said that deep down he feels that his race is superior, and he thinks that people of other races feel the same way about their own race.

He might be correct. What makes a race superior is very subjective, and people of any race may prioritize their own race's strengths.

I think this is a subject that is too advanced for teenagers. But he is probably delving into it because teenagers are being exposed to other contrary ideas that are also too advanced for their level of understanding and their stage of mental development.

What he did was atrocious. How does racial superiority fit into any curriculum?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
What he did was atrocious. How does racial superiority fit into any curriculum?
I do not know if it fits into any high school curriculum.

Like I said, what he is trying to discuss is too advanced for high school students. It is too advanced for most adults.

He was not discussing whether or not any race is superior over another race.

He was discussing the possibility that most people, if they are being honest, think that their own race is superior.

That is a big "if", though, because society has told people that is "hateful" and "racist" to have that opinion. So people will struggle to be honest with themselves and others if that is their opinion. That struggle can be a source of confusion and internal conflict for many people (e.g. Am I a horrible person because I think East Asians are the best?!?!?).

The Truth is that it is not hateful to think that your race is superior over other races. And nobody has to take offense to someone feeling that way. And nobody has to feel any animosity towards anyone else who feels that way.

What the teacher is probably doing is trying to bring people together. Having different opinions does not mean people have to be pitted against each other.

White guy: "I think the white race is the best because white people have invented the greatest machinery."

Black guy: "I think the black race is the best because black people jump higher and run faster."

Asian guy: "I think the Asian race is the best because Asian people have the greatest discipline."

White guy, Black guy, Asian guy: "Cool. Let's play some X-Box."


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
What the teacher is probably doing is trying to bring people together

I vociferously disagree with most of your points, but the idea that he's trying to bring people together by telling his black students that he thinks their race is inferior to his...uhm, is pretty damned stupid.

I would call that an "epic fail" and you can see it in his students. One young man said "I used to have respect for you. Now I don't".

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I vociferously disagree with most of your points, but the idea that he's trying to bring people together by telling his black students that he thinks their race is inferior to his...uhm, is pretty damned stupid.
Maybe you need some time to ponder what is being said.

Let me ask you a few questions.

If a black person thinks that the black race is superior over the white race, should I be offended?

Should I dislike that person based on his opinion?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Maybe you need some time to ponder what is being said.

Let me ask you a few questions.

If a black person thinks that the black race is superior over the white race, should I be offended?

Should I dislike that person based on his opinion?

I don't proscribe what anyone should feel. Or who they should dislike.

How can you possibly believe that if someone says to your face "I'm superior to you" it doesn't create a conflict, whether big or small?

Interesting troll...not very helpful as it relates to race relations though.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I don't proscribe what anyone should feel. Or who they should dislike.

Okay, then you can speak for yourself.

If a black person thinks that the black race is superior over your race, would you be offended?

Would you dislike that person based on his opinion?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
How can you possibly believe that if someone says to your face "I'm superior to you" it doesn't create a conflict, whether big or small?
Well, if it is relevant to a discussion we are having, then it would create no conflict at all.

And if it did create a small conflict for certain people, that is probably a good thing. Because it would be a learning opportunity for those people. They might be able to learn to accept that other people have different opinions, and that is not a reason to have an emotional conflict.

Acceptance and understanding. Easier said than done.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Okay, then you can speak for yourself.

If a black person thinks that the black race is superior over your race, would you be offended?

Would you dislike that person based on his opinion?

Probably, yes. I don't think any race is superior to another.

I might not like them, I'm not sure. I don't see how I could have a constructive relationship to someone that thinks that they are superior in any way. Race, politics, etc.

Any feelings of actual superiority (no trolling involved) over another is condescending and patronizing. I can't find common ground when that dynamic exists.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Well, if it is relevant to a discussion we are having, then it would create no conflict at all.

And if it did create a small conflict for certain people, that is probably a good thing. Because it would be a learning opportunity for those people. They might be able to learn to accept that other people have different opinions, and that is not a reason to have an emotional conflict.

Acceptance and understanding. Easier said than done.

This is so antithetical to any of the philosophies of attaining peace. When did the Buddha, Jesus, or any other figure that seeks to bring peace and spirituality to people ever speak of superiority and inferiority?

It's is about humility, humility, humility...we're all flawed.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm sure you didn't have to Google that word. :LOL3:

Yeah, I didn't. Do not project your inadequacies onto me. You know how I learned words like "vociferously"? Reading.
There are places where you can get books for free. Buildings full of books. They're called libraries.

Chop, chop...

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Another term for this phenomenon which Prowler is referring to is "ethnocentrism". I believe it was Kevin McDonald who coined the term...

All ethnic groups have this tribal mentality, where they prefer to be around their own kind.

However, in modern society it's somehow regarded as shameful and those who harbour that mindset are attacked and ridiculed by the MSM.

Strange how this only happens to Whites and other races who espouse racial pride are left alone.
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