Hey Lily, let me ask you a question...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
....have you noticed that when we get into it with dipshits like, Biggie Banned, Aryan Assboxed, Freud and Oerdin; for some reason they think that that's cause to pm us or try to talk to us on the phone. I mean your own experience with that talking dingle berry Freud, when you guys were going at it and then he wants to call you, thinking you actually want to talk to the stupid fucker outside of the forums. That's just like when that fucking dork fake Neo Nazi twat Aryan tried pming me and then tried to actually sweet talk me, thinking i'd forget what a real piece of shit he is. I can only speak on my experience with the dickhead, but he tried to be Mr. Suave, thinking that somehow I would be swept off my freshly pedicured feet. It was horrible! It was actually cringe reading how Aryan tried e-hitting on me. I mean, he came off as some lumbering jackass wearing an animal skin and showing me how big his wooden club was. To tell you the truth I was not impressed in the least bit. Then it got worse as the fucking idiot started going on and on about fucking professional wrestling, there were a few times I almost threw up in my mouth. After all that pillow talk, Aryan later claims it was a "ruse" then a "test" after already admitting it was an "olive branch." That right there tells me that he cannot handle rejection beause he's grown use to it. Big surprise. The guys on these forums are losers. Okay, let me rephrase that, most of the guys on the forums are losers. There are a few that are stand up guys, but those guys rarely post because they've got better things going on in their real life.

Perhaps the funniest rejection was when you straight up told Freud that you didn't want to correspond with him via cellular phone. I was here when he was mad and tried to play all that shit down. I totally know what you were going through. He tried that same shit with me when I first came to BH, he had the nerve to pm and ask me if i'd like to participate in a "troll" with him. Guess what this "troll" entailed? Yep, you guessed it. I was supposed to "fall in love" with him after 16 hours of meeting him. We then were supposed to graffiti our "love" all over BH in threads, and with pictures. Then after 2 weeks, he would break up with me in public on the BH forums. I mean fucking wow! What girl would pass ALL that up? So when I watched Freud try to chat with you, it just brought up memories of his lame attempt at pretty much doing the same thing he tried doing with you.

So if you want, or if you can, could you expound on this a little more?


An Claidheam Anam
Did anyone read that?


Tell a bitch to settle down about her shoes and she goes off like nobodies business.

I feel sorry for any man in this Flynn cunt's life. That's gotta be a hard row to hoe.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Did anyone read that?


Tell a bitch to settle down about her shoes and she goes off like nobodies business.

I feel sorry for any man in this Flynn cunt's life. That's gotta be a hard row to hoe.

I know you read it. I can wrap you around my pinky like i'm doing and have you await with abated breath for my next post to you or about you or just a post in general. See, when you're as skilled as I am in the field of knowing who i'm posting to, it's pretty easy to pull your strings. For days you've been trying to get my attention with your poorly written out prose disguised as avant-garde posts designed to impress me which they do not. Try not trying and you might have better luck wowing me.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I've talked to:
My Hunni and longtime friend-
The Countess.
Breaky, my brother.
All at the SAME TIME on Discord.
Talk about a clusterfuck lol
Twice btw.

X too, but that dude dropped us like Dilf lays a fat log and went ghost.
Honestly, nobody noticed for an hour but geeze, say goodbye or sumthin' at least, y'know?

Point being,
And abiding by the confidentiality agreement covering these meetings,
I will just say this:
Of the crew,
I was undoubtedly the least 'normal sounding' amongst us.
No question,
As it should be.

These are probably just average ordinary people.
Except for me.
And X, Of course.
Jes' sayin'.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’ve talked to

Peaches ~ RIP
Joo ~ the most
King Martini
Farmer aka Oerdin

Honestly, I decided no RL contact with anyone from the forums after 2018ish. The only person I talk to off the boards now is Lily and that’s because we have things in common.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
....have you noticed that when we get into it with dipshits like, Biggie Banned, Aryan Assboxed, Freud and Oerdin; for some reason they think that that's cause to pm us or try to talk to us on the phone. I mean your own experience with that talking dingle berry Freud, when you guys were going at it and then he wants to call you, thinking you actually want to talk to the stupid fucker outside of the forums. That's just like when that fucking dork fake Neo Nazi twat Aryan tried pming me and then tried to actually sweet talk me, thinking i'd forget what a real piece of shit he is. I can only speak on my experience with the dickhead, but he tried to be Mr. Suave, thinking that somehow I would be swept off my freshly pedicured feet. It was horrible! It was actually cringe reading how Aryan tried e-hitting on me. I mean, he came off as some lumbering jackass wearing an animal skin and showing me how big his wooden club was. To tell you the truth I was not impressed in the least bit. Then it got worse as the fucking idiot started going on and on about fucking professional wrestling, there were a few times I almost threw up in my mouth. After all that pillow talk, Aryan later claims it was a "ruse" then a "test" after already admitting it was an "olive branch." That right there tells me that he cannot handle rejection beause he's grown use to it. Big surprise. The guys on these forums are losers. Okay, let me rephrase that, most of the guys on the forums are losers. There are a few that are stand up guys, but those guys rarely post because they've got better things going on in their real life.

Perhaps the funniest rejection was when you straight up told Freud that you didn't want to correspond with him via cellular phone. I was here when he was mad and tried to play all that shit down. I totally know what you were going through. He tried that same shit with me when I first came to BH, he had the nerve to pm and ask me if i'd like to participate in a "troll" with him. Guess what this "troll" entailed? Yep, you guessed it. I was supposed to "fall in love" with him after 16 hours of meeting him. We then were supposed to graffiti our "love" all over BH in threads, and with pictures. Then after 2 weeks, he would break up with me in public on the BH forums. I mean fucking wow! What girl would pass ALL that up? So when I watched Freud try to chat with you, it just brought up memories of his lame attempt at pretty much doing the same thing he tried doing with you.

So if you want, or if you can, could you expound on this a little more?

I haven't thought about that phone call attempt in a while. I think Freud definitely has an out-sized ego and thinks he's God's gift to women. I suppose he wants to add notches to his e-belt. I've looked at his supposed pictures. He's not a bad looking man as I looked at it objectively. Unfortunately, I'd already had been exposed to him before I even met him. Thus, I no longer saw him based on his looks. My opinions are determined by the kind of person he is, one that I would never befriend; he's an asshole. He had posted bizarre troll attempts at this defunct site, one of several of the cindybins out there. So, not knowing me, never having met me, he was talking shit. WTF? Maybe this is a cultural thing, with me being Latin, but FAFO is there underneath the surface at anytime, anyplace.

At SG, he was sort of all over the place. I just exchanged posts online with him from a neutral space. Then the phone call request came across, in PM and publicly. My instinct told me he wasn't trustworthy. I declined the offer. Yeah, I guess he felt rejected. He's been a little bitch since then. He thinks that there was something wrong with me for not talking to someone from a troll forum. LOL...like I should put myself and my life out there for the guttersnipe of online humanity. I don't know what these clowns really want, beyond feeding their egos. Well, maybe personal information.

Now in a larger sense, I think most of my detractors, have all been men that I've rejected for social reasons, either their "friendship" or romantic interest. I have this reputation among these mental midgets for "suddenly" snapping and "turning on them". Well, I've never, before today actually, addressed this publicly. The reason I "snap" is that I've been "tolerating" most of them. Focusing on any good I can find in them...after all, even a broke clock is right twice a day. That is my nature, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt. Life has beat that out of me a bit, but that's still who I am at a fundamental level.

A day comes when I've had it. I'm fed up because they are basically one-trick pony dumbasses. Nothing that stimulates my intellect or positive feelings at all. It's dull, stupid and boring. Then I let them have it when they poke at me. They freak out.

Since I've been here, at BF, I've had several men sniff around. Jesus Christ, only one was a remote possibility...like super remote, in another place and time sort of thing. The rest have been nice men, but I have traveled that path before and it doesn't end well. Of those, two went badly and my profile as Lily was revealed. The other went apeshit when I wouldn't join forced with him against you. One went silent without any drama, and the other I still consider an e-friend. But that's a 50% batshit rate. By any measure, it's a fail.

The weirdest thing about this is that I have never approached a man first for flirtation or otherwise in 17 years of being on message boards or forums. I came to forums from Yahoo message boards where it was pure trolling as far as I could tell. Joined my first forum and eventually started with PMs from different men. I could be more flirtatious back then, but that got me nothing but trouble. There was a time when some of the guys told me that I wasn't as fun as I used to be. Being fun online has to be set within strict parameters, there are a lot of broken men out there. These rejects have no sense of scale. The whole online flirtation thing is fantasy from my point of view. Some of them took it so seriously.

Others thought that it was some God given right to poke at me with a stick constantly though they pretended to be "friends". Once I grabbed the stick away and shoved it up their asses, they felt rejected. Who knows why?

Men are extremely fragile creatures. Emotionally, they're a mess. They are caught up in, gasp, I'll use that term, small dick energy. It's expressed of course in exaggerated amounts. The misogyny, the objectification of women, etc...is off the charts in the virtual anonymity of the web. So brave, yeah? lol And I will be honest, the women here that feed and stroke their egos, as women do all over the world, makes the problem worse. I have always said I'm online to have some laughs and occasional discussion like we're having. I'm not here to shop for a male. I don't think the good catches are hanging on forums, for whatever that's worth. Again, there are exceptions, but they are rare.

A real man should have self-confidence based on how self-realized he has become. I think what were dealing with here, are a shitload of men that aren't self-realized and they know it, it's right beneath the skin.

You can boil all that down to: there are some entitled clowns online that think that they are owed attention and energy from whatever woman they're interested in. Especially clowns like Freud who seems to want recognition from women but also the rep for talking to everyone.
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Frood needs his liver checked. The rollercoaster rage flareups are mostly likely stemming from a prolonged, unhealthy lifestyle and chain smoking. The admitted sweat hog also has an overactive thyroid issue. Being thin doesn’t translate to being healthy. SMH


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’m pretty seasoned in men… and I’m positive the most dangerous type man online is the insecure lonely one.

Farmer is a prime example.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Frood needs his liver checked. The rollercoaster rage flareups are mostly likely stemming from a prolonged, unhealthy lifestyle and chain smoking. The admitted sweat hog also has an overactive thyroid issue. Being thin doesn’t translate to being healthy. SMH

He is certainly a simmering pot


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’m pretty seasoned in men… and I’m positive the most dangerous type man online is the insecure lonely one.

Farmer is a prime example.

Tell me about it. I can't imagine going to the lengths males like him have. I refuse to call them men. They haven't earned it.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Tell me about it. I can't imagine going to the lengths males like him have. I refuse to call them men. They haven't earned it.

I’d prefer the ego led wannabe alpha male over someone like Farmer every day of the week.

But ego is also derived from insecurities. Like Big… I’ve never wanted to save a man from himself and all his mama issues more.

I’ll always turn pain into power. That journey away from my own toxic patterns led me to a wonderful, generous, attentive, present, & affectionate man.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’d prefer the ego led wannabe alpha male over someone like Farmer every day of the week.

But ego is also derived from insecurities. Like Big… I’ve never wanted to save a man from himself and all his mama issues more.

I’ll always turn pain into power. That journey away from my own toxic patterns led me to a wonderful, generous, attentive, present, & affectionate man.

Girl, I do not...DO NOT...pick up strays. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Wait, I lie. I did once...it was over in little over a year of long distance dating. I said never again.

eta: As my Ana said "Mejor sola que mal acompañada, mija". Better alone than in bad company, mija.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
But ego is also derived from insecurities. Like Big… I’ve never wanted to save a man from himself and all his mama issues more.

Get over it.

He gave you a mercy fuck. It is over. Let him forget about it. He feels dirty and ashamed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The story is that he banged her once (she basically raped him), and he never let that skank get close to him again.

Is @Murdy trying to claim otherwise?

Rape? Did she use a broom handle? She was there for several days and had sex more than once. He's a fucking liar.

He's been lying about Seamajor for years.


peace through anarchy
....have you noticed that when we get into it with dipshits like, Biggie Banned, Aryan Assboxed, Freud and Oerdin; for some reason they think that that's cause to pm us or try to talk to us on the phone. I mean your own experience with that talking dingle berry Freud, when you guys were going at it and then he wants to call you, thinking you actually want to talk to the stupid fucker outside of the forums. That's just like when that fucking dork fake Neo Nazi twat Aryan tried pming me and then tried to actually sweet talk me, thinking i'd forget what a real piece of shit he is. I can only speak on my experience with the dickhead, but he tried to be Mr. Suave, thinking that somehow I would be swept off my freshly pedicured feet. It was horrible! It was actually cringe reading how Aryan tried e-hitting on me. I mean, he came off as some lumbering jackass wearing an animal skin and showing me how big his wooden club was. To tell you the truth I was not impressed in the least bit. Then it got worse as the fucking idiot started going on and on about fucking professional wrestling, there were a few times I almost threw up in my mouth. After all that pillow talk, Aryan later claims it was a "ruse" then a "test" after already admitting it was an "olive branch." That right there tells me that he cannot handle rejection beause he's grown use to it. Big surprise. The guys on these forums are losers. Okay, let me rephrase that, most of the guys on the forums are losers. There are a few that are stand up guys, but those guys rarely post because they've got better things going on in their real life.

Perhaps the funniest rejection was when you straight up told Freud that you didn't want to correspond with him via cellular phone. I was here when he was mad and tried to play all that shit down. I totally know what you were going through. He tried that same shit with me when I first came to BH, he had the nerve to pm and ask me if i'd like to participate in a "troll" with him. Guess what this "troll" entailed? Yep, you guessed it. I was supposed to "fall in love" with him after 16 hours of meeting him. We then were supposed to graffiti our "love" all over BH in threads, and with pictures. Then after 2 weeks, he would break up with me in public on the BH forums. I mean fucking wow! What girl would pass ALL that up? So when I watched Freud try to chat with you, it just brought up memories of his lame attempt at pretty much doing the same thing he tried doing with you.

So if you want, or if you can, could you expound on this a little more?

Wow you ladies really giving your digits away on websites where people enjoy making fun of each other? What could go wrong? Damn girl, if you really needed a chat, just hit me up. I only post off and on because I get bored easy; probably undiagnosed adhd or some shit, but irl you couldn't even pick me out if we worked together because I'm a listener. Not a talker. There's a reason we have two eyes, two ears and only one mouth.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Wow you ladies really giving your digits away on websites where people enjoy making fun of each other? What could go wrong? Damn girl, if you really needed a chat, just hit me up. I only post off and on because I get bored easy; probably undiagnosed adhd or some shit, but irl you couldn't even pick me out if we worked together because I'm a listener. Not a talker. There's a reason we have two eyes, two ears and only one mouth.

They ask and they get the door shut in the face.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He asked for that too.



peace through anarchy
I don't think I should do discord because Flynn gets a headache every time she hears my voice because she faints while swooning and bangs her sexy noggin.

Unless I can be there to catch her, it's just too unsafe.

Edit: And sorry about the Vocaroos, Baby!


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
what's happening in this thread? Lists about Pm's or phonecalls?
here's my list
none of your fuckin' business! (also, too short a list to be interesting to normies)

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
@Murdy on here claiming she was fucked "Moar than once!!!" by a guy who is disgusted by her is one of the greatest displays of low self-esteem that I have ever witnessed.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
@Murdy on here claiming she was fucked "Moar than once!!!" by a guy who is disgusted by her is one of the greatest displays of low self-esteem that I have ever witnessed.

Right? The minute a man that I’ve dealt with called me a fat pig that couldn’t get his dick hard, would’ve have been the last time he got thought of. He’d never get a mention again.

Some people have no shame