Hey Lily, let me ask you a question...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
heh you're typing to anyone, stupid. you are the desperate thirsty slut that went after sumcun`Ts best friend as a bitter hapless lame attempt at clinging drama queen flametown groupieness.

She made a mistake.... it happens. I heard you threw a spazz at him... I didn't see it so I am dying to know what you did....tell, tell....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So why are some "mistakes" forgiven and others aren't?

Well, some are just a passing interest and swap a few letters while others additionally bump uglies in a scurrilous way after they swap a few letters....
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I've talked to:
My Hunni and longtime friend-
The Countess.
Breaky, my brother.
All at the SAME TIME on Discord.
Talk about a clusterfuck lol
Twice btw.

X too, but that dude dropped us like Dilf lays a fat log and went ghost.
Honestly, nobody noticed for an hour but geeze, say goodbye or sumthin' at least, y'know?

Point being,
And abiding by the confidentiality agreement covering these meetings,
I will just say this:
Of the crew,
I was undoubtedly the least 'normal sounding' amongst us.
No question,
As it should be.

These are probably just average ordinary people.
Except for me.
And X, Of course.
Jes' sayin'.

ha ha you like me .. you said X twice

I'll discord anytime with you guise, I miss it .. just that breakfall is a goof so I had to exclude myself .
I went ghost because duHHvv was rambling on an on about shit, I was sitting there mouthing WTF is rong with this broad to myself LOL got bored and left chat


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
ha ha you like me .. you said X twice

I'll discord anytime with you guise, I miss it .. just that breakfall is a goof so I had to exclude myself .
I went ghost because duHHvv was rambling on an on about shit, I was sitting there mouthing WTF is rong with this broad to myself LOL got bored and left chat

She doesn't let anyone get a word in edgewise...

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
ha ha you like me .. you said X twice

I'll discord anytime with you guise, I miss it .. just that breakfall is a goof so I had to exclude myself .
I went ghost because duHHvv was rambling on an on about shit, I was sitting there mouthing WTF is rong with this broad to myself LOL got bored and left chat

Shit, I fell asleep and woke up at 12am and they were still chatting away lol.


> you
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. o O
u could go to my discord X but nobody in their right mind does that. ;)
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The Countess

Hood with it
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it was cool countess, I was a you vitty and frrood fan, but online frood comes across as such a twit LOL

It was Blazor, Vit, Breaky, Dovey, Freud, Prowler, Rancid and I forgot who else. Definitely need to do it again
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Youi gyuise ever need someone so bad but they dont even know yo bresath andyou dfeel all like shot shot fuck them who needs them anyway ?


> you
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. o O
invite yourself X'y poop

you could contemplate this:


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Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
ha ha you like me .. you said X twice

I'll discord anytime with you guise, I miss it .. just that breakfall is a goof so I had to exclude myself .
I went ghost because duHHvv was rambling on an on about shit, I was sitting there mouthing WTF is rong with this broad to myself LOL got bored and left chat
We will. Tough for me because of the timing. Bedtime. I fell asleep the second meeting for a half hour or so.
Bro, of course there's gonna be rambling. We had three conversations all going at the same time. You gotta adapt.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
....have you noticed that when we get into it with dipshits like, Biggie Banned, Aryan Assboxed, Freud and Oerdin; for some reason they think that that's cause to pm us or try to talk to us on the phone. I mean your own experience with that talking dingle berry Freud, when you guys were going at it and then he wants to call you, thinking you actually want to talk to the stupid fucker outside of the forums. That's just like when that fucking dork fake Neo Nazi twat Aryan tried pming me and then tried to actually sweet talk me, thinking i'd forget what a real piece of shit he is. I can only speak on my experience with the dickhead, but he tried to be Mr. Suave, thinking that somehow I would be swept off my freshly pedicured feet. It was horrible! It was actually cringe reading how Aryan tried e-hitting on me. I mean, he came off as some lumbering jackass wearing an animal skin and showing me how big his wooden club was. To tell you the truth I was not impressed in the least bit. Then it got worse as the fucking idiot started going on and on about fucking professional wrestling, there were a few times I almost threw up in my mouth. After all that pillow talk, Aryan later claims it was a "ruse" then a "test" after already admitting it was an "olive branch." That right there tells me that he cannot handle rejection beause he's grown use to it. Big surprise. The guys on these forums are losers. Okay, let me rephrase that, most of the guys on the forums are losers. There are a few that are stand up guys, but those guys rarely post because they've got better things going on in their real life.

Perhaps the funniest rejection was when you straight up told Freud that you didn't want to correspond with him via cellular phone. I was here when he was mad and tried to play all that shit down. I totally know what you were going through. He tried that same shit with me when I first came to BH, he had the nerve to pm and ask me if i'd like to participate in a "troll" with him. Guess what this "troll" entailed? Yep, you guessed it. I was supposed to "fall in love" with him after 16 hours of meeting him. We then were supposed to graffiti our "love" all over BH in threads, and with pictures. Then after 2 weeks, he would break up with me in public on the BH forums. I mean fucking wow! What girl would pass ALL that up? So when I watched Freud try to chat with you, it just brought up memories of his lame attempt at pretty much doing the same thing he tried doing with you.

So if you want, or if you can, could you expound on this a little more?
Listen you drug-addled, cross-dressing, abomination, nobody in their right mind would have interpreted that brief interaction as "e-flirting" or anything remotely close.

Here's some friendly advice, rather than spending all your spare time gambling, smoking meth, LARP'ng as a female online and obsessing over certain male members on obscure internet forums, try focusing your time on your imaginary husband and kids... aka be a good "wife". :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Fuck off , cracked out Buffalo Bill. Just cuz you’re safe here, don’t mean I can’t maul your third world living ass elsewhere. Creep
I’m not your hubby, and I sure as fuCK don’t like Compton. Compton as most know is 30 miles beyond any third world country. Cracked out? Get a life fat ass
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Listen you drug-addled, cross-dressing, abomination, nobody in their right mind would have interpreted that brief interaction as "e-flirting" or anything remotely close.

Here's some friendly advice, rather than spending all your spare time gambling, smoking meth, LARP'ng as a female online and obsessing over certain male members on obscure internet forums, try focusing your time on your imaginary husband and kids... aka be a good "wife". :LOL3:
God, listen to the Door Monitor going off.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Listen you drug-addled, cross-dressing, abomination, nobody in their right mind would have interpreted that brief interaction as "e-flirting" or anything remotely close.

Here's some friendly advice, rather than spending all your spare time gambling, smoking meth, LARP'ng as a female online and obsessing over certain male members on obscure internet forums, try focusing your time on your imaginary husband and kids... aka be a good "wife". :LOL3:

Of course you're going to say that you gigantic failure. Your idiotic story about "reaching out" to me has changed 3 fucking times. You pm'd me with the sole intention of trying to "flirt," then when you saw that I wasn't buying into your overloaded crock of shit, you went into spin mode. To this day you still can't come up with a fucking straight answer on why you invaded my pm box.

Here's some advice to you loser, instead of coming out here and getting Assboxed, why don't you find a job, get your own place and find a guy you share similar interests with and start butt fucking each other like rabbits, instead of showing everyone out here why you're a proven tool.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Of course you're going to say that you gigantic failure. Your idiotic story about "reaching out" to me has changed 3 fucking times. You pm'd me with the sole intention of trying to "flirt," then when you saw that I wasn't buying into your overloaded crock of shit, you went into spin mode. To this day you still can't come up with a fucking straight answer on why you invaded my pm box.

Here's some advice to you loser, instead of coming out here and getting Assboxed, why don't you find a job, get your own place and find a guy you share similar interests with and start butt fucking each other like rabbits, instead of showing everyone out here why you're a proven tool.

I have to make a confession. The minute he posted to you today, I was pleased that he gave you an opportunity to stick a tree branch up his backside to skewer him.

Aryan on a stick. Yes, that pleases me a great deal. :YaY:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I have to make a confession. The minute he posted to you today, I was pleased that he gave you an opportunity to stick a tree branch up his backside to skewer him.

Aryan on a stick. Yes, that pleases me a great deal. :YaY:


And here's the thing. It's quite simple actually. All he has to do is start posting like a normal human being and my foot will leave his well traveled anus.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

And here's the thing. It's quite simple actually. All he has to do is start posting like a normal human being and my foot will leave his well traveled anus.

Dumbass wants to "run people off". Doesn't he understand that is exactly the opposite of what any forum owner wants? Who is he going to "troll", "flame" or whatever anyone would call what he does?

God, he'd need a promotion to be a retard.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Dumbass wants to "run people off". Doesn't he understand that is exactly the opposite of what any forum owner wants?

God, he'd need a promotion to be a retard.

How many people are turned off by his repetitive shit? He comes out everytime with the same old crap. If he were funny it would be one thing, but he's not. He's soo far from funny that you can't even see his funny using the James Web telescope.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
How many people are turned off by his repetitive shit? He comes out everytime with the same old crap. If he were funny it would be one thing, but he's not. He's soo far from funny that you can't even see his funny using the James Web telescope.

You know, I wouldn't fit into a Neo-Nazi, white supremacist forum. I don't go to those forums. Why isn't he at places where his point of view, and repetitiveness would be appreciated?

Why is this so hard for some people to figure out?