January 6th, "gonna be wild"



Put your glasses on!
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Y'all motherfuckers lololol.. We SHALL SEE!!!!! Bitches lol. The whole lot of you......... BITCHES!!! hahahaha

Give it up. It's embarrassing.

I like Blazer. He gets it. It will be done tomorrow

I wish it was all over 2 months ago. I have a feeling, something major is gonna happen tomorrow, but may not be over just yet, if they get their 10 day investigation.

If Biden had won legitimately, I would be fine knowing he won fair and square, by the voice of the people. But that is simply not the case, and I want to see justice prevail.

Another main worry I have, if all fails, and Democrats get in in Georgia today, the Dems will have control of the House AND the Senate, AND if Joe gets in, they have pretty much complete control. We will be fucked.

Well, no you wouldn't, because he did win fair and square.

Tell me something. Did you demand a recount in 2000 when Bush won by 150 contested votes and the electoral votes of ONE state, and Gore won the popular vote?

And, if you're being honest, you will admit that we are fucked whether it's all cons, all dems, or a mix. This country was bought a long time ago, and we don't matter.

No Lotus, he did not win fair and square, FACT!

I didnt even get into politics in 2000 hahahaha.

Yes, I know we fucked either way, but I like knowing how Im gonna get fucked lol. Nah, I know, ol' George Carlin had it right. I also know Trump is part of the Royal Bloodline, so I've never trusted him completely. But I like seeing him call out the fake news media. I like that he supports the Confederacy. I like that he is pro gun. I like that he doesnt bend to the will of DemonRats.

Lotus, I see a lot of things I love, going down the shitter under Democratic rule.

He calls out the fake news because they insult him, not because he is in pursuit of the truth. He is not. And he gives no shits about you. Wake up.

He did not win. You are reading bullshit.

Let me ask you this. When dems were in control, did they take your guns? How many? Who came to get them?

The Fake news media is all in on it, been hating on the man since day one. Same with Big Tech.

I know what I see Lotus, a TON of fraud.

My state governor, is a Demo. He made a bunch of gun laws this year. They start whittling away, bit by bit, til all you can own is a Nerf gun, if even that.

Also my Demo state governor, overturned a law that was over 100 years old, that said our Confederate monuments couldnt be touched. Now they can, and been coming down, without the voice of the people. In the counties that actually gave the citizens the vote, they all agreed to keep the monuments, by 75-90%.

Obama was a Demo. You dont recall his anti-gun tactic? He caused an ammo shortage for 3 years, when he purchased 2 BILLION rounds of ammo. I remember the shelves, empty. Cant shoot a gun, if you dont have ammo.


Why is proof of voter fraud so dang hard to find?


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·Reporter, HuffPost
Tue, January 5, 2021, 12:25 AM EST

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admitted in a roundabout way Monday that there is no evidence to support President
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’s claims the
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was “stolen” from him.
Dobbs, who has remained one of Trump’s most steadfast media cheerleaders in the wake of his reelection loss, asked GOP political strategist Ed Rollins why it has been so hard to find any proof to support the allegations.
“We’re eight weeks from the election, and we still don’t have verifiable, tangible support for the crimes that everyone knows were committed — that is, defrauding other citizens who voted with fraudulent votes,” Dobbs said.
“We know that’s the case in Nevada, we know it’s the case in Pennsylvania and a number of other states, but we have had a devil of a time finding actual proof. Why?”

Well Lou - it's obvious. Deep State Aliens have covered their tracks using universal mind control.
Really, it's all right in front of us, all around to be seen, if only we weren't blinded by these infernal Z-Rays.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!

Im fucking ready for Dixie to break off. I cant stand liars and CHEATERS! These scumbags motherfuckers are worth about as much as the peanuts in my shit.... and thats giving them credit.

Blazor... I hate to point this out... but the south lost the Civil War.

But don’t let me interrupt the courage of your conviction... I’m really excited about breaking off ALL the land Mexico sold us including what that wall was built on... so, carry on then, carry on! :SmokeBreak2:

I tell ya, in the War of Northern Aggression, we gave them Yankees hell. When the Yanks came down, and burned all the crops, killed all the livestock, tried to destroy the salt works (used to preserve meat), tore up supply train tracks, they literally starved the South out. On top of that, they were killing civilians, women, children, and old people. Despicable what they did. That is why the South gave up, the people were starving, and there wasnt enough of to protect all the families.

Radical Republicans wanting to impose high taxes, is why the South split. Now we are dealing with Radical Democrats. We are STILL under attack. Fuck the Radical Democrats, patoo!

Why do I always watch movies based on the Civil War era? It’s romantic until the gangrene is about to set in and someone is sent to get the saw and chloroform while the main character reiterates they are NOT a surgeon.

I would have DIED from anticipation if I were alive in that era... will he ever get this dress untied? Will he require tools to get my boots and stockings off? Should someone fetch his double edged sword he brought back from the war to get this corset off me?!?? WTF is my hair permanently in a bun??!?!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!

Im fucking ready for Dixie to break off. I cant stand liars and CHEATERS! These scumbags motherfuckers are worth about as much as the peanuts in my shit.... and thats giving them credit.

Blazor... I hate to point this out... but the south lost the Civil War.

But don’t let me interrupt the courage of your conviction... I’m really excited about breaking off ALL the land Mexico sold us including what that wall was built on... so, carry on then, carry on! :SmokeBreak2:

I tell ya, in the War of Northern Aggression, we gave them Yankees hell. When the Yanks came down, and burned all the crops, killed all the livestock, tried to destroy the salt works (used to preserve meat), tore up supply train tracks, they literally starved the South out. On top of that, they were killing civilians, women, children, and old people. Despicable what they did. That is why the South gave up, the people were starving, and there wasnt enough of to protect all the families.

Radical Republicans wanting to impose high taxes, is why the South split. Now we are dealing with Radical Democrats. We are STILL under attack. Fuck the Radical Democrats, patoo!

Why do I always watch movies based on the Civil War era? It’s romantic until the gangrene is about to set in and someone is sent to get the saw and chloroform while the main character reiterates they are NOT a surgeon.

I would have DIED from anticipation if I were alive in that era... will he ever get this dress untied? Will he require tools to get my boots and stockings off? Should someone fetch his double edged sword he brought back from the war to get this corset off me?!?? WTF is my hair permanently in a bun??!?!

And why the fuck did actual brothers kill their own brothers...


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!

Im fucking ready for Dixie to break off. I cant stand liars and CHEATERS! These scumbags motherfuckers are worth about as much as the peanuts in my shit.... and thats giving them credit.

Blazor... I hate to point this out... but the south lost the Civil War.

But don’t let me interrupt the courage of your conviction... I’m really excited about breaking off ALL the land Mexico sold us including what that wall was built on... so, carry on then, carry on! :SmokeBreak2:

I tell ya, in the War of Northern Aggression, we gave them Yankees hell. When the Yanks came down, and burned all the crops, killed all the livestock, tried to destroy the salt works (used to preserve meat), tore up supply train tracks, they literally starved the South out. On top of that, they were killing civilians, women, children, and old people. Despicable what they did. That is why the South gave up, the people were starving, and there wasnt enough of to protect all the families.

Radical Republicans wanting to impose high taxes, is why the South split. Now we are dealing with Radical Democrats. We are STILL under attack. Fuck the Radical Democrats, patoo!

Why do I always watch movies based on the Civil War era? It’s romantic until the gangrene is about to set in and someone is sent to get the saw and chloroform while the main character reiterates they are NOT a surgeon.

I would have DIED from anticipation if I were alive in that era... will he ever get this dress untied? Will he require tools to get my boots and stockings off? Should someone fetch his double edged sword he brought back from the war to get this corset off me?!?? WTF is my hair permanently in a bun??!?!

Lol, or ya could just hike that dress up, and get pounded a lot quicker lol.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
A frightened and despondent Trump is told to keep out of Scottland as he frantically searches for a safe space, inn which to hide out on what from what is sure to be the best inauguration this country has ever seen.

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:LOL2: "RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!" The Donald


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He calls out the fake news because they insult him, not because he is in pursuit of the truth. He is not. And he gives no shits about you. Wake up.

He did not win. You are reading bullshit.

Let me ask you this. When dems were in control, did they take your guns? How many? Who came to get them?

First off, the lib news has been caught red handed lying all the fukin time over the last 4 years...and they got the nerve to call Trump a liar! LOL!

The election problem is, we have video proof that dem operatives shut down the count, ejected everyone in the middle of the night, and then immediately started counting as soon as everyone left. There's no way to have confidence in who won. A do-over is in order. We also have dozens of Signed Affidavits. If these people are lying, libs/dems better get to disproving them and prosecuting those who signed em because thats undermined the confidence as well !

When clinton was in office, they sure as fuck outlawed the purchase of certain guns. MANY dems campaigned in 2020 on taking guns from people. "Hell yea we're gonna come take your AK47!" Biden has stated he will come after "weapons of war". Problem is, ACTUAL "weapons of war" are typically viewed as select fire or full auto fire, both which already require a FFL and are highly restricted. He's talking about semi-auto weapons, and yes, the asshole has stated that you would have to buy a tax stamp not only to keep legal ownership of your AR-15, but also for every mag you have with over 30 round capacity. I own a wood stock .22 rimfire rifle with a 25 round factory magazine. There would be a $200 tax on the $300 gun that I already own and another $200 tax on the magazine that costs $35 by itself. My AR-15 is identical in function except its center fire and a different caliber. Many AR's cost $800.00 on average.

All the above is fine with most libs and if they had their way, they'd take pistols and bolt action rifles away as well. There's already democRAT initiatives to ban certain bolt action rifles and libs are notorious for trying to ban many pistols in the 80's, even some six shot revolvers like the .38 Saturday Night Special (snub nosed revolver).

Again, I realize most of you people are ok with all of this. Its the outright lying about your positions I have a problem with.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Lol. The “”war zero”” is back after a night of pearl clutching



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!

Im fucking ready for Dixie to break off. I cant stand liars and CHEATERS! These scumbags motherfuckers are worth about as much as the peanuts in my shit.... and thats giving them credit.

Blazor... I hate to point this out... but the south lost the Civil War.

But don’t let me interrupt the courage of your conviction... I’m really excited about breaking off ALL the land Mexico sold us including what that wall was built on... so, carry on then, carry on! :SmokeBreak2:

I tell ya, in the War of Northern Aggression, we gave them Yankees hell. When the Yanks came down, and burned all the crops, killed all the livestock, tried to destroy the salt works (used to preserve meat), tore up supply train tracks, they literally starved the South out. On top of that, they were killing civilians, women, children, and old people. Despicable what they did. That is why the South gave up, the people were starving, and there wasnt enough of to protect all the families.

Radical Republicans wanting to impose high taxes, is why the South split. Now we are dealing with Radical Democrats. We are STILL under attack. Fuck the Radical Democrats, patoo!

Why do I always watch movies based on the Civil War era? It’s romantic until the gangrene is about to set in and someone is sent to get the saw and chloroform while the main character reiterates they are NOT a surgeon.

I would have DIED from anticipation if I were alive in that era... will he ever get this dress untied? Will he require tools to get my boots and stockings off? Should someone fetch his double edged sword he brought back from the war to get this corset off me?!?? WTF is my hair permanently in a bun??!?!

Lol, or ya could just hike that dress up, and get pounded a lot quicker lol.

I should warn you... there be some ferocious bush under dem der knickers lol


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!

Im fucking ready for Dixie to break off. I cant stand liars and CHEATERS! These scumbags motherfuckers are worth about as much as the peanuts in my shit.... and thats giving them credit.

Blazor... I hate to point this out... but the south lost the Civil War.

But don’t let me interrupt the courage of your conviction... I’m really excited about breaking off ALL the land Mexico sold us including what that wall was built on... so, carry on then, carry on! :SmokeBreak2:

I tell ya, in the War of Northern Aggression, we gave them Yankees hell. When the Yanks came down, and burned all the crops, killed all the livestock, tried to destroy the salt works (used to preserve meat), tore up supply train tracks, they literally starved the South out. On top of that, they were killing civilians, women, children, and old people. Despicable what they did. That is why the South gave up, the people were starving, and there wasnt enough of to protect all the families.

Radical Republicans wanting to impose high taxes, is why the South split. Now we are dealing with Radical Democrats. We are STILL under attack. Fuck the Radical Democrats, patoo!

Why do I always watch movies based on the Civil War era? It’s romantic until the gangrene is about to set in and someone is sent to get the saw and chloroform while the main character reiterates they are NOT a surgeon.

I would have DIED from anticipation if I were alive in that era... will he ever get this dress untied? Will he require tools to get my boots and stockings off? Should someone fetch his double edged sword he brought back from the war to get this corset off me?!?? WTF is my hair permanently in a bun??!?!

Lol, or ya could just hike that dress up, and get pounded a lot quicker lol.

I should warn you... there be some ferocious bush under dem der knickers lol

Thanks for the warning! I'll come prepared :Grin3:



Put your glasses on!
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Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!
LOL! WTF does that even mean, meme idiot? :Popcorn:
It means his daddy was a woman that taught him to pee sitting down while day dreaming about being a war hero

War hero. Lulz
How's the diet going lumpy?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!
LOL! WTF does that even mean, meme idiot? :Popcorn:
It means his daddy was a woman that taught him to pee sitting down while day dreaming about being a war hero

War hero. Lulz
How's the diet going lumpy?
Hows your toy soldier war going daydreamer?


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Did you two fahhgits trying to hurt each others E-feelZzzzz ??



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Honestly, at this point the Republicans claiming there was some how wide spread voter fraud just comes off sad and pathetic like Democrats in 2017 with their "emotional support animals" constantly screaming he is not my president! Just tantrums by emotionally stunted people unable to deal with reality.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Honestly, at this point the Republicans claiming there was some how wide spread voter fraud just comes off sad and pathetic like Democrats in 2017 with their "emotional support animals" constantly screaming he is not my president! Just tantrums by emotionally stunted people unable to deal with reality.
It won’t last 4 full years tho like it did with the left