January 6th, "gonna be wild"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Honestly, at this point the Republicans claiming there was some how wide spread voter fraud just comes off sad and pathetic like Democrats in 2017 with their "emotional support animals" constantly screaming he is not my president! Just tantrums by emotionally stunted people unable to deal with reality.
It won’t last 4 full years tho like it did with the left

I hope you're right.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!

Im fucking ready for Dixie to break off. I cant stand liars and CHEATERS! These scumbags motherfuckers are worth about as much as the peanuts in my shit.... and thats giving them credit.

Blazor... I hate to point this out... but the south lost the Civil War.

But don’t let me interrupt the courage of your conviction... I’m really excited about breaking off ALL the land Mexico sold us including what that wall was built on... so, carry on then, carry on! :SmokeBreak2:

I tell ya, in the War of Northern Aggression, we gave them Yankees hell. When the Yanks came down, and burned all the crops, killed all the livestock, tried to destroy the salt works (used to preserve meat), tore up supply train tracks, they literally starved the South out. On top of that, they were killing civilians, women, children, and old people. Despicable what they did. That is why the South gave up, the people were starving, and there wasnt enough of to protect all the families.

Radical Republicans wanting to impose high taxes, is why the South split. Now we are dealing with Radical Democrats. We are STILL under attack. Fuck the Radical Democrats, patoo!

Why do I always watch movies based on the Civil War era? It’s romantic until the gangrene is about to set in and someone is sent to get the saw and chloroform while the main character reiterates they are NOT a surgeon.

I would have DIED from anticipation if I were alive in that era... will he ever get this dress untied? Will he require tools to get my boots and stockings off? Should someone fetch his double edged sword he brought back from the war to get this corset off me?!?? WTF is my hair permanently in a bun??!?!

Lol, or ya could just hike that dress up, and get pounded a lot quicker lol.

I should warn you... there be some ferocious bush under dem der knickers lol

Thanks for the warning! I'll come prepared :Grin3:




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If it werent on video tape and backed up by signed and notorized affidavits, it might be pathetic.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Where were you in 2017 when it was the other side crying and whining year after year? Hell, where were you a few month ago when Dems were ignoring the science even as they said "follow the science"? There is a hell of a lot of that shot to go around but I guess all you are capable of is spam lame member, right?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Here we go. Gonna get interesting! Be Yuge!

LMAO. Alright, you alt-righters. Go for it.

I think its funny, how I've mostly proclaimed to be a Libertarian, and you always say "dont call me a Lefty! Im not a Liberal!", but the moment anyone says some shit against your grain its "Alt Right!" "Racist" and my favorite..... "NAZI white supremacist!" hahahaha.

I hope you invested in Orville Redenbacher, cause you gonna want some popcorn for the show on January 6th. And hey, its low carb!


maybe whatcha all needs down south is a two state system, Blazor


2 sets of laws. 2 Supreme Courts

For People who think 'Red' and for the other who think 'Blue'.

I'd go for that.

The Blue states could become part of Canada.

We'll annex the parts with the nice weather.

Then I'could go to Hawaii every year when it gets cold out...like right now!

passport no longer needed!

Im fucking ready for Dixie to break off. I cant stand liars and CHEATERS! These scumbags motherfuckers are worth about as much as the peanuts in my shit.... and thats giving them credit.

Blazor... I hate to point this out... but the south lost the Civil War.

But don’t let me interrupt the courage of your conviction... I’m really excited about breaking off ALL the land Mexico sold us including what that wall was built on... so, carry on then, carry on! :SmokeBreak2:

I tell ya, in the War of Northern Aggression, we gave them Yankees hell. When the Yanks came down, and burned all the crops, killed all the livestock, tried to destroy the salt works (used to preserve meat), tore up supply train tracks, they literally starved the South out. On top of that, they were killing civilians, women, children, and old people. Despicable what they did. That is why the South gave up, the people were starving, and there wasnt enough of to protect all the families.

Radical Republicans wanting to impose high taxes, is why the South split. Now we are dealing with Radical Democrats. We are STILL under attack. Fuck the Radical Democrats, patoo!

Why do I always watch movies based on the Civil War era? It’s romantic until the gangrene is about to set in and someone is sent to get the saw and chloroform while the main character reiterates they are NOT a surgeon.

I would have DIED from anticipation if I were alive in that era... will he ever get this dress untied? Will he require tools to get my boots and stockings off? Should someone fetch his double edged sword he brought back from the war to get this corset off me?!?? WTF is my hair permanently in a bun??!?!

Lol, or ya could just hike that dress up, and get pounded a lot quicker lol.

I should warn you... there be some ferocious bush under dem der knickers lol

Thanks for the warning! I'll come prepared :Grin3:



Nah, thats for trimming the weeds hahaha.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?

Will you cry for mercy if somebody rips your piss weak but beating heart from your chest as you watch?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

LOL! The Guard smoking those liberal fuckers was a great thing! Too bad they dont take out the fascists at antifa!

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

LOL! The Guard smoking those liberal fuckers was a great thing! Too bad they dont take out the fascists at antifa!

Why do you want to kill everything? WTF is your problem?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?

Will you cry for mercy if somebody rips your piss weak but beating heart from your chest as you watch?




Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

LOL! The Guard smoking those liberal fuckers was a great thing! Too bad they dont take out the fascists at antifa!

Why do you want to kill everything? WTF is your problem?
He's a little soft in the head, take it with several grainis of salt.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why do you want to kill everything? WTF is your problem?

UGHHHH! Could you be a bigger dripping pussy? I dont know if you noticed, but people that should be hanged dont get hanged or otherwise killed these days. That leads to people who would otherwise lead a long and productive life having their lives cut short.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

LOL! The Guard smoking those liberal fuckers was a great thing! Too bad they dont take out the fascists at antifa!

Why do you want to kill everything? WTF is your problem?
He's a little soft in the head, take it with several grainis of salt.
Quiet, sally! I got this!

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.
He's not a warrior. He's a liberty hating chump and his military leaders so that for themselves

Dr Bill Jiden

Dr. Bill Jiden, Actual President elect of the US
Why do you want to kill everything? WTF is your problem?

UGHHHH! Could you be a bigger dripping pussy? I dont know if you noticed, but people that should be hanged dont get hanged or otherwise killed these days. That leads to people who would otherwise lead a long and productive life having their lives cut short.

You believe the death penalty is a deterrent? I guess that's what we're talking about now. :facepalm:


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.
Biggie couldn't get past the ASVAB's to save his life, let alone even make it through boot camp. He's just one of yer average short fat keyboard kommandos.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.
He's not a warrior. He's a liberty hating chump and his military leaders so that for themselves
He's talking directly at you shit for brains.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Why do you want to kill everything? WTF is your problem?

UGHHHH! Could you be a bigger dripping pussy? I dont know if you noticed, but people that should be hanged dont get hanged or otherwise killed these days. That leads to people who would otherwise lead a long and productive life having their lives cut short.

You believe the death penalty is a deterrent? I guess that's what we're talking about now. :facepalm:

Expulsion under threat of death is the best deterrent...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.
Biggie couldn't get past the ASVAB's to save his life, let alone even make it through boot camp. He's just one of yer average short fat keyboard kommandos.
never got my ass handed to me by a bunch of slipper wearing rice farmers tho.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Proud Boyz leader arrested when he got to DC. From where he burnt a BLM sign a while back.
It'll be interresting seeing them try to charge a black dude with a hate crime! :LOL1:
Cool story Kids!

Look at the LA and overall Cali chapters for numbers uptakes of the proud boys.

What's cool is that you've the IQ of a spineless jellyfish when faced with facts.

Few want you in the US... the majority would just assume slit your throat for being a gullible dupe.

...and if you're not that, ram a hatchet into your skull while you're watching.
Don't give up on your ESL classes Pedro!

Shush, Mongo...
Will you cry tomorrow after it's all over?
The ballot packing wont be done by tomorrow.
The Pentagon is Sending the Kent State National Guard to deal with the Proud Momma's Boys in DC tomorrow, I hope thay packed enough body bags.

You mean they're sending in real soldiers and not piss weak dishonorably discharged little pansies like you?

Are you a veteran too? Nothing like spitting in the faces of our current or former warriors. It's like the 60's again.
He's not a warrior. He's a liberty hating chump and his military leaders so that for themselves
He's talking directly at you shit for brains.
Are you all angry n shit princess? Cause I pulled your card?
