Jews will not replace us!!!!


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There, I said it.


Now Im in the crosshairs of the alphabet group that monitors this site lulz.

To them, I say "Lick my taint! Cunt fucks!"


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ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Ffs .. Jesus was a bagel muncher people worship him, 100000s die for him

The Jew has infiltrated all aspects of our culture incorporated business practices and ethics geared for the jew that's elite shadow government strong...

Good luck with that..

ROTHCHILD dies in prances the nazis and the WEF


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They have advocacy groups who attack anyone who criticizes them.

They have legal groups which bring lawsuits against anyone they dislike.

They have a powerful lobby that every important politician has to go before and grovel.

They have a huge media apparatus to push their narratives.

They have a street thug movement in Antifa which will violently attack anyone trying to organize.

They have laws protecting them from legal first amendment criticism and boycott.

They make up half the countries billionaires and are the richest demographic in America.

There has never been a more privileged and protected group than the modern jew, and unlike talking about “globalists” or the “NWO,” if you speak out about them, you will be attacked


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"Why are white people so afraid of becoming a minority? Does America treat minorities poorly or something?"

Anti-White fiends ask this question constantly like it's a rhetorical "own," like it's a lights-out mic-drop moment, like the answer isn't 100% obvious & 100% defensible.

White people, as a majority, are the most hated & discriminated against people in America. Again: as a m-a-j-o-r-i-t-y. Should we expect that to change once we're a minority?

The overwhelming majority of interracial crime is committed by minorities against Whites. Should we expect that to change once we're a minority?

Whites are officially discriminated against in hiring & academic admissions. Should we expect that to change once we're a minority?

The majority of non-Whites do not support free speech or gun rights, two foundational principles of the American nation supported by the majority of White Americans. Should we expect that to change once we're a minority?

The broader political beliefs & voting patterns of the majority of non-Whites are totally at odds with those of the majority of White Americans. Should we expect that to change once we're a minority?

Latinos & Blacks are the largest non-White population blocks. Average lifetime US budget impact for
Latino = -$588k
Black = -$751k
White = +$221k
Should we expect the US budget to improve once we're a minority?

Restate the question around places where Whites are already a minority:

Question: Why are White people so afraid of going to Detroit / Baltimore / DC / St Louis / Memphis / etc?

Answer: Because they don't want to die.

Minorities in America are the most well treated, catered to, provided for, & glorified non-majority that has ever existed anywhere. For at least two generations, minorities in America have been the beneficiaries of unambiguous privilege over the White majority.

Whites are the most altruistic group. White people have, by far, the lowest in-group preference of any race. You can make your own value judgements of these traits, but the data bears these facts out. This results in the observable pattern of Whites treating non-Whites well, while non-Whites do not reciprocate (spare me the NAXALT, we're talking about broad social patterns).

So the answer to "does America treat minorities poorly?" is an emphatic "no." But what no one will say out loud is that minorities treat Whites, & America, poorly. Even the most bleeding-heart Whites know this, which is why they don't move to minority neighborhoods. Many minorities treat their own homogeneous areas so poorly that the minute one can afford to, they flee...

To a Whiter area.

Before any of this, though, the real question is:

Why SHOULD any people be minoritized in their own country?

There are a million reasons to reject it, but "because we don't want to" is enough.

No race voluntarily suicides itself.

No race embraces its own genocide.

The very notion is fundamentally insane.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?


Put your glasses on!
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Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"
Fuck off coward.


Put your glasses on!
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Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"
Fuck off coward.

Fuck yourself, bitch!!!!



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"
Fuck off coward.

Fuck yourself, bitch!!!!

Waaah, I could have been somebody except niggers and joos!


Suck it up buttercup, you are a nut less shrieking cunt. Hanging on to a failed ideology, with a white knuckle death grip.

Sucks to be a loser for so long. How many generations ago was that for you? You should let it go, I have.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"
Fuck off coward.

Fuck yourself, bitch!!!!

Waaah, I could have been somebody except niggers and joos!


Suck it up buttercup, you are a nut less shrieking cunt. Hanging on to a failed ideology, with a white knuckle death grip.

Sucks to be a loser for so long.

Im rubber, you're glue.
Whatever you say, sticks to you.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Why dont you go walk up to them and take away their guns?

Dont these sorts of 2A demonstrations usually offend you?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"
Fuck off coward.

Fuck yourself, bitch!!!!

Waaah, I could have been somebody except niggers and joos!


Suck it up buttercup, you are a nut less shrieking cunt. Hanging on to a failed ideology, with a white knuckle death grip.

Sucks to be a loser for so long. How many generations ago was that for you? You should let it go, I have.

Why dont go ahead and explain what Blazors "ideology" is and when it "died".

You we know exactly what he should "let go of".


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"
Fuck off coward.

Fuck yourself, bitch!!!!

Waaah, I could have been somebody except niggers and joos!


Suck it up buttercup, you are a nut less shrieking cunt. Hanging on to a failed ideology, with a white knuckle death grip.

Sucks to be a loser for so long. How many generations ago was that for you? You should let it go, I have.

Why dont go ahead and explain what Blazors "ideology" is and when it "died".

You we know exactly what he should "let go of".

He dont even know lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"
Fuck off coward.

Fuck yourself, bitch!!!!

Waaah, I could have been somebody except niggers and joos!


Suck it up buttercup, you are a nut less shrieking cunt. Hanging on to a failed ideology, with a white knuckle death grip.

Sucks to be a loser for so long. How many generations ago was that for you? You should let it go, I have.

Why dont go ahead and explain what Blazors "ideology" is and when it "died".

You we know exactly what he should "let go of".

He dont even know lol.

He has this propaganda induced vision that all the southern Republicans fought the civil war because they hate black people and it was about slavery.

So he thinks anyone with a confederate flag is all "hate the blacks, slavery is awesome". Of course we know it absolutely doesnt mean that at all to those who do have that flag, but once a narrative gets rooted into these people? That's all there is for them.

This is why I call them narrow minded. They think they have the authority to decide reality for everyone and they do their best to force their rigid and over simplified version of things onto everyone.

So no matter what someone who values the history of the country says....they are going to ignore or reject it and instead tell you why you have the flag. YOUR reality is moot. They dont need to use any energy to deepen their understanding of anything. That's our job. We have figure out what the fuck these people want and get on board and adopt their views or we villains.

Theyve decided what narratives are going to be correct and dictate the direction of the country and we are either with them or we are hateful and divisive bigots.

Just imagine having that level of closed minded entitlement.