King Martini's time in prison and his crimes against minors.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh, and do try the same old lie again. That you got more than a year in the state pen simply for giving a cigarette to a minor. Sure. I doubt anyone believes your lie, you child sex offender.

I hope you die, bitch, I hope you die screaming in pain.
A year for giving a minor a smoke?! Jesus Christ. Where was this? Turkey?

EDIT: Ignore the reply, I misread the post.


Domestically feral
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United states
I think accusing someone of being inappropriate with an adolescent is more than simple gossip. Maybe that's just me.

Someone stating what is on his record isn't accusing him. It's just repeating what's on his record.

So you are going to deny that you condoned him calling my job, but you are not going to admit it was wrong.

Because you have weak and fake moral convictions that you adjust according to whoever you currently hate. Which is fine, btw. But you dont have the spine to just admit that and you act all high and mighty over other people and I'm just pointing out why so many others (including myself) just don't buy it or take you seriously.


Domestically feral
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United states
I still remember the first time Chaos400lbs addressed the community and told us to not use our real email address online….

PI was something that Edna would use to troll you on TV in a funny way. I had logged in from my work computer and she lifted a pic of my boss and created a dual profile. She totally caught me by surprise one night talking about “get back to work!” in a post. I had an oh shit!!! moment, read the room and realized it was in fun and then laughed my ass off with her and the dual boss for the rest of the night.

I’ve had CO posters share PI of their enemies with me, but I’ve never shared it with anyone or posted it. That’s how I was taught to play this game.

But then Farmer contacted my then husband and posters urged me to contact his wife after HFB gave me all of his PI. The creepiest thing about that entire situation was figuring out how corrupt and far gone the forum community was with their PI mining obsession.

During the Dovid & KM fiasco, I was contacted by Dove who claimed that KM was and I quote “dangerous.” She said that he gave her one age and Caskur confirmed another… and she divulged this sob story of how dangerous he was, he abused his wife, he had restraining orders from his former girlfriends, he is a bad father, women are afraid of him, and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. She claimed KM took her to his brother’s house where he lived in the basement. Mind you, I was still concerned for her and her sobriety at this point…. So, I did what I do best… and I researched online. I pieced together some interesting information that proved Dove’s theories about KM were absolutely WRONG. I did a title search of the address and figured out it wasn’t where KM lived. This was his grandparents hime they bought brand new in the early 70s… the grandfather was in hospice based on the tax hold which explains the condition of the home while she was there tbh. I confirmed there was only a small, unfinished basement in tax assessor records with no permits pulled for refinishing. I also told her the brother has the same name as the grandfather and was not the owner ~ which she swore he was and that this was Mr. Pickle’s house.

I went through their county court records and confirmed that there were no cases or restraining orders from former girlfriends like she claimed, which the girlfriend we trolled TBC with the eyeball was from this county as well. This is when I realized Dove is pathological. I did all of this while Big was on a 3 way call with us ~ he is also pathological and claimed I did this from my work computer using licensed software. It would have been illegal since I had no retainer with Dove.

I could have logged into my Lexus Nexis account and done the full background search on KM and I didn’t because it’s traceable back to me. I don’t fuck around when it comes to work like some people in this community who are lured out of executive level jobs in handcuffs… which is also public record.

I have never shared KMs PI with anyone other than the details I have confirmed in his defense when I realized Dovid is a dox thirsty trick.

I live in Santa Monica and I own multiple properties now thanks to my father’s estate. My fiancé also owns multiple properties here. You won’t get as much as a flinch out of me if you try some shit. I promise you that.

Most of this is complete bullshit and why is this being discussed here?

Absolutely no one has asked this wackjob what her version of someone else's drama is. Wizer asked for the definition of PI and was challenging something specific. No one gives a gotdamn shit about Murds "side" of me and Pooftards fight from a few years ago.

Everything is about Murd though. She constantly retells other people's stories with her own stupid and dishonest spin on it in threads where it's not even close to appropriate to discuss. And the idiotic flaming attempts on the upper boards which I'm sure is excused by the current "staff" because people like Murd shouldn't be expected to act like civil people or have standards placed on them. Js.


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Anyone with half a brain who has been following this thread should know better than to perpetuate what is clearly a nothing more than a falsehood.

I for one, am ashamed of participating in the "piling on" of a member whose real life reputation and credibility has been dragged through the mud. What is nothing more than mutual bitterness between two ex's has become something more. A lot more. Serious lines have been crossed here given that we're talking about a person's supposed criminal actions in real life. At the least, causing them embarrassment and at worst, potentially causing them severe damage offline, as their anonymity is not longer protected here.

@Dove, you know I like you, you're one of only about a half dozen people I've met online in almost 2 decades of forums so we have that connection. But if this was a legal issue, and I was your defense attorney I'd tell you to stop talking immediately, never mention this topic again, and take a plea bargain. Every post you continue to make on the subject digs you deeper into a hole of your own making.

It's not outside the realm of possibility that this thing could actually turn into a real legal issue. Please reconsider what you've said and done in regard to this person who has not been convicted of a serious crime. At the very least you are strongly inferring that he committed one, and at worst, outright accusing him of it.

@King Martini I'm sorry for any posts I made in regard to this topic that added to the piling on- no one deserves this.
Last edited:


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
Anyone with half a brain who has been following this thread should know better than to perpetuate what is clearly a nothing more than a falsehood.

I for one, am ashamed of participating in the "piling on" of a member whose real life reputation and credibility has been dragged through the mud. What is nothing more than mutual bitterness between two ex's has become something more. A lot more. Serious lines have been crossed here given that we're talking about a person's supposed criminal actions in real life. At the least, causing them embarrassment and at worst, potentially causing them severe damage offline, as their anonymity is not longer protected here.

@Dove, you know I like you, you're one of only about a half dozen people I've met online in almost 2 decades of forums so we have that connection. But if this was a legal issue, and I was your defense attorney I'd tell you to stop talking immediately, never mention this topic again, and take a plea bargain. Every post you continue to make on the subject digs you deeper into a hole of your own making.

It's not outside the realm of possibility that this thing could actually turn into a real legal issue. Please reconsider what you've said and done in regard to this person who has not been convicted of a serious crime. At the very least you are strongly inferring that he committed a serious sex crime against a minor, and at worst, outright accusing him of it.

@King Martini I'm sorry for any posts I made in regard to this topic that added to the piling on- no one deserves this.
You are the biggest hypocrite ever here.

First you give smack, see that the majority is sissying around and you get weak???
Jizzer. You are lame. A lame attempt to get more post counts to beAT me, on the cost of other users.

Please LOGG OFF!!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How is repeating what is public record on an obscure forum gonna cause legal issues?

Is there some gag order put on America where we can't talk about Martinis record?

I'm not saying I want to sit and discuss it. I really don't think it's all that important. It's the drama it caused that has me completely entertained.

I'm genuinely curious how simply stating what's on his public record would cause legal issues and what those legal issues would be. I'm not aware of any laws that say people can't talk about public record.

Slander and libel are civil matters and that's only an issue if you've lied and I can easily show I haven't lied about a thing....and having some "forum reputation" damaged is not really important at all to normal thinking people.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Poofer actually gave me permission to get the BG. I know it’s not true tho.

Funny cuz no one remembers ever hearing about this from you. No one has seen any evidence and won’t see it because it doesn’t exist. If it did, we’d have seen it years ago.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
You can say whatever but telling people you’ve seen a background check with sex charges and minors is foul as fuck. Thankfully no one believes it but Oerdin.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm gonna send KM a link to the internet defamation lawyer group that our company uses.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
I wonder how very different this thread would have been if rock solid proof was presented. lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Nope... you don't get a year in jail for giving a ciggy to a minor though, so he obviously did something worse.
Let us not forget the alleged photos of him with a 14 year old that he supposedly claimed to be dating while in his 50's. I haven't seen that photo, for obvious reasons, but hearing about it made my skin crawl.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Poofer actually gave me permission to get the BG. I know it’s not true tho.

Funny cuz no one remembers ever hearing about this from you. No one has seen any evidence and won’t see it because it doesn’t exist. If it did, we’d have seen it years ago.
Can you show that?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Can you show that?

Do you still believe that crap? It’s been discredited for the past two days. You’re the only one who fell for it.

I don’t need to show anyone anything and only a disturbed individual would post someone’s background info. I’ll repeat this again, it’s not true. We were all there during that drama and none of us ever heard that whopper before.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Let us not forget the alleged photos of him with a 14 year old that he supposedly claimed to be dating while in his 50's. I haven't seen that photo, for obvious reasons, but hearing about it made my skin crawl.

You HEARD. You didn’t see it and neither have I. Do you have legit proof they were dating or again, did you just believe someone’s word?