
Factory Bastard
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@Joe That is so sad.

What you are really saying is that you do not really have a special place that you can call home.
Yknow @The Prowler youre right. Im not that attached to Vancouver. It has a lotta things going for it, but Im ready to venture out there & explore, eh?

Mind you I wouldnt just leave my city entirely and cut off contact with my roots like this guy did - Andrew Henderson - of the Nomad Capitalist - who actually renounced hus US citizenship:

That seems a bit extreme eh?

I think you need a home base to venture out there. Canada may have its share of flaws & shortcomings but for all its minuses at least it is politically socially and economically stable Prowler.

Ie - if you deposit your hard earned cash in RBC you'll know your money and even the bank will still be there in 10 years. As youre probably aware some countries dont even have that basic level of stability - or - if their countries and currency will even exist/be around in a decade.

Anyways you oughta follow Nomad Capitalist on YouTube. Even if you dont agree with his rants or arent interested in implementing his ideas its still interesting ta watch and listen to what he has to say.

Btw he's a conservative minded Trudeau hater like you. Lol.
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Factory Bastard
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Here's another guy I watch on YouTube @The Prowler :

Jeremiah Babe. A politically conservative NRA gun advocate who I dont necessarily agree with. But he's a hands on everyone's kinda guy who discusses whats actually happening on the ground & not the news media. So he's like a barometer of the actual economic situation.

even if I dont agree with the people i like to keep an open mind and at least listen to what they have to say.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here's another guy @The Prowler.

Only he disagrees with Jermiah Babe but he offers own perspective & a different angle on the same subject:


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Here's another guy I watch on YouTube @The Prowler :

Jeremiah Babe. A politically conservative NRA gun advocate who I dont necessarily agree with. But he's a hands on everyone's kinda guy who discusses whats actually happening on the ground & not the news media. So he's like a barometer of the actual economic situation.

even if I dont agree with the people i like to keep an open mind and at least listen to what they have to say.

@Joe I have hobbies to keep me busy. I have no interest in following anyone on YouTube.


Factory Bastard
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@Joe I do not have time to worry about the economy.

I would rather play a video game.
you dont have to.

I just point out that I try to be open to different pov's because they all have interesting things to say.....

whether I agree with them or not.

I tend to be more center left but I will still take the time to tune on and listen to conservative commentators such as Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan & Patrick Bet. Even watch Fox News.

Even I dont agree with them at least I will try to keep an open mind.

BTW i dont always agree with people on the Left either. But i will listen to them.


Factory Bastard
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The comment i was gonna make @The Prowler is the Elites are playing games with the economy & they hire 'experts' who carefully manipulate it & the data to fool us. But 1 day behind the mirage a tsunami could be released that will wipe many people out.

If we go back 50 years & i was alive back then....2023 feels a lot like 1973.Not great...but not terrible either. 1974-75 was slightly worse & the rest of the decade was so so til it reached a crescendo between 1979 - 1981. And then there was a severe economic recession between 1981-84. Canada didnt recover well into the 1990s.

I believe the same scenario could play itself out again with a deep recession/ crash by 2030 something. The telltale signs are there. Massive government debt. High inflation. A stagnant stock market. Steadily increasing interest rates.

Governments kicking the can down the road while posting massive deficits. At some point theyre gonna run outta money and sonethings gotta give.

Anyways enjoy somewhat good times while they last Prowler. Cash in while you can. But Tomorrow could look a lot different.
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Factory Bastard
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@Joe I think you did not hear me the first time.
People often shut out what they dont want to see or hear @The Prowler.

It was similarly difficult to accept my mother's sudden passing & to see her for 1 last time at the hospital.

Bad news is never good news. Nobody wants to hear or accept reality.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
@Joe Does worrying about the economy serve any purpose?

@Joe You must be looking at a million dollar or more inheritance with you mother's passing. Do you have an investment strategy that you would care to share?


Factory Bastard
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@Joe What do you think you are achieving by constantly worrying about the economy?
Well @The Prowler I'm certainly no money expert.

That being said I suspect the best way to invest is to:

1. Preserve the value of every dollar invested. Ie - land, gold.

2. Find ways to invest a dollar in things which will increase its value over time & hopefully produce dividends or a profit. Stocks which pay dividends like Banks.

3. Avoid 'destructive forms of spending' on frivolous items or extremely risky investments with shaky foundations. Ie Flashy cars, overpriced cryptocurrencies.

4. Find ways to improve your health, physical fitness & sense of well being. Workout. Golf. Ski swim whatever.

5. Do things to help your community & friends in need by investing in businesses which enhance not destroy our environment or oppress others. Ie Don't invest in private prisons or business which employ prison/slave labor. Dont invest in companies like Pfizer or companies which profit from pandemics. But Investing in the work of well known artists can increase in value over time while providing someone with a livelihood.

6. Even on vacations a person should 'work' by promoting a business or to find ways to build passive income.

7. Join investment clubs & attend small business meetings to get ideas & network with like minded individuals.

With regards to #4 - I had a relative who became a multi millionaire but died in poor health before age 65. So it's one thing to get rich but another to take care of yourself as well & not neglect one's health.

Other thing is to be a 'guilt-free investor' @The Prowler. Avoid investments which hurt others or destroy the livelihoods of others. Don't sell your soul on the way to riches. Ie - Our family took good care of our mother. At no point did we threaten or proceed to throw her in an old folks home. We gave her a golden retirement granted all her last wishes. Therefore no one in our family feels guilt in her passing because we know she was taken care of, loved and treated well. That is an example of being 'guiltless' at The End.

BTW i have a cousin who threw his mother in an old folks home where she suffered and died unexessarily. I think he did it to hasten her death so he could inherit her properties. And now everyone blames him for mustreating his mother & sending her to the grave. He has blood on his hands that wont wash off.

Look back and think that you treated others well & with respect Prowler. Didnt try to profit from the suffering of others.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Well @The Prowler I'm certainly no money expert.

That being said I suspect the best way to invest is to:

1. Preserve the value of every dollar invested. Ie - land, gold.

2. Find ways to invest a dollar in things which will increase its value over time & hopefully produce dividends or a profit. Stocks which pay dividends like Banks.

3. Avoid 'destructive forms of spending' on frivolous items or extremely risky investments with shaky foundations. Ie Flashy cars, overpriced cryptocurrencies.

4. Find ways to improve your health, physical fitness & sense of well being. Workout. Golf. Ski swim whatever.

5. Do things to help your community & friends in need by investing in businesses which enhance not destroy our environment or oppress others. Ie Don't invest in private prisons or business which employ prison/slave labor. Dont invest in companies like Pfizer or companies which profit from pandemics. But Investing in the work of well known artists can increase in value over time while providing someone with a livelihood.

6. Even on vacations a person should 'work' by promoting a business or to find ways to build passive income.

7. Join investment clubs & attend small business meetings to get ideas & network with like minded individuals.

With regards to #4 - I had a relative who became a multi millionaire but died in poor health before age 65. So it's one thing to get rich but another to take care of yourself as well & not neglect one's health.

Other thing is to be a 'guilt-free investor' @The Prowler. Avoid investments which hurt others or destroy the livelihoods of others. Don't sell your soul on the way to riches. Ie - Our family took good care of our mother. At no point did we threaten or proceed to throw her in an old folks home. We gave her a golden retirement granted all her last wishes. Therefore no one in our family feels guilt in her passing because we know she was taken care of, loved and treated well. That is an example of being 'guiltless' at The End.

BTW i have a cousin who threw his mother in an old folks home where she suffered and died unexessarily. I think he did it to hasten her death so he could inherit her properties. And now everyone blames him for mustreating his mother & sending her to the grave. He has blood on his hands that wont wash off.

Look back and think that you treated others well & with respect Prowler. Didnt try to profit from the suffering of others.

@Joe Blah Blah Blah

Did you ever answer my question?

@Joe What do you think you are achieving by constantly worrying about the economy?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Joe Blah Blah Blah

Did you ever answer my question?

@Joe What do you think you are achieving by constantly worrying about the economy?
Well Ive answered part of your question - how to invest.

So I'll answer the 2nd.

The world economy is in a precarious state so you ought to be prepared for uncertainty & possible quagmire that may be coming. You probably dont understand this because you never lived thru the early 80s like I did. That was a hard time & I never forgot it. We went from decent times to hard tines almost overnight.

Im sure Obama remembers & so does Stephen Harper. That might explain why both advocated the massive stimuls packages during the 2008 financial crisis. Because as young men/students they suffered too in the 80s.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Well Ive answered part of your question - how to invest.

So I'll answer the 2nd.

The world economy is in a precarious state so you ought to be prepared for uncertainty & possible quagmire that may be coming. You probably dont understand this because you never lived thru the early 80s like I did. That was a hard time & I never forgot it. We went from decent times to hard tines almost overnight.

Im sure Obama remembers & so does Stephen Harper. That might explain why both advocated the massive stimuls packages during the 2008 financial crisis. Because as young men/students they suffered too in the 80s.

@Joe You did not answer my question.

@Joe What do you think you are achieving by constantly worrying about the economy?

Hint: Your answer should talk about what you want to achieve for yourself. So it should not what you think is good for is good for me.

So start this way @Joe: "I am hoping to achieve, for myself, ..."


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Joe You did not answer my question.

@Joe What do you think you are achieving by constantly worrying about the economy?

Hint: Your answer should talk about what you want to achieve for yourself. So it should not what you think is good for is good for me.

So start this way @Joe: "I am hoping to achieve, for myself, ..."
We are affected by what goes in the real world @The Prowler. We are not impervious to these events. What was true in the time of Noah's Ark or civilians fleeing Europe during World War II still holds true today. You cant ignore them because they are greater than life events which shape yours and mine.

When critical events are factored in then a person can proceed to achieve what they want to for themselves. But of course they need to take care of the loose odds and ends first. That is reality & you can't escape it.

We can't live in a bubble.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
@Joe has no ideas why he is so worried about the economy. He just. Is.

So @Joe, are you getting your share of your mother's estate? How much are you looking at? A million? More?

Are you concerned that your government benefits will end if you get too much?


Factory Bastard
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Simply awesome DD