The King Martini/ Blandscape Match Discussion Thread


Factory Bastard
Since then Mr Pickles was quite complimentary about me, especially after he learned who I was.

He left KM's website before I did. He helped set it up and write the rules. KM could not stick to the rules. Mr Pickles' rules.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
seven fucking days
My match with Scoundrel was way better than the current one.

Poofs you've lost your touch plus ANYONE and I mean ANYONE could beat blandscape... even 3 blind mice sitting on an iceberg eating a fur seal in Canickstan.

Person 1 could not even understand a word, Person 2 thought Bleh was voicing his love of Hollywood films, Especially the Transformers series, Person 3 thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto, person 4 just started retching, and person 5 went off and hung himself.

This was very funny...3 especially. "thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto. That cracked me up.


Factory Bastard
seven fucking days
My match with Scoundrel was way better than the current one.

Poofs you've lost your touch plus ANYONE and I mean ANYONE could beat blandscape... even 3 blind mice sitting on an iceberg eating a fur seal in Canickstan.

Person 1 could not even understand a word, Person 2 thought Bleh was voicing his love of Hollywood films, Especially the Transformers series, Person 3 thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto, person 4 just started retching, and person 5 went off and hung himself.

This was very funny...3 especially. "thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto. That cracked me up.
Of course it did. Just like your Da being eaten by sharks cracked me up!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
seven fucking days
My match with Scoundrel was way better than the current one.

Poofs you've lost your touch plus ANYONE and I mean ANYONE could beat blandscape... even 3 blind mice sitting on an iceberg eating a fur seal in Canickstan.

Person 1 could not even understand a word, Person 2 thought Bleh was voicing his love of Hollywood films, Especially the Transformers series, Person 3 thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto, person 4 just started retching, and person 5 went off and hung himself.

This was very funny...3 especially. "thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto. That cracked me up.
Of course it did. Just like your Da being eaten by sharks cracked me up!

Well everyone knows you are a spiteful short vertically challenged person so it doesn't surprise me all.


Factory Bastard
seven fucking days
My match with Scoundrel was way better than the current one.

Poofs you've lost your touch plus ANYONE and I mean ANYONE could beat blandscape... even 3 blind mice sitting on an iceberg eating a fur seal in Canickstan.

Person 1 could not even understand a word, Person 2 thought Bleh was voicing his love of Hollywood films, Especially the Transformers series, Person 3 thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto, person 4 just started retching, and person 5 went off and hung himself.

This was very funny...3 especially. "thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto. That cracked me up.
Of course it did. Just like your Da being eaten by sharks cracked me up!

Well everyone knows you are a spiteful short vertically challenged person so it doesn't surprise me all.

Quite the contrary lass, there is nuffing spiteful about what you shared via your own keyboard, and in terms of your own life.

I am a bit flippant sometimes, but more often than not it is meant wiff the degree of certainty, that my opponents demand from their own credulity.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
It's more fun to watch you obsequiously ask "How high?" when the toady King Martini says "Jump". :PuffPuffPass:


3 posts in 7 days? that ain't flaming that some geriatric fuckstain that lost his teeth in one the nurses cunts and his opponent is his teeth


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Blandy sez:

Foxy is The Histrionic Woman and Martino is The Six Million Follow'r Man.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
seven fucking days
My match with Scoundrel was way better than the current one.

Poofs you've lost your touch plus ANYONE and I mean ANYONE could beat blandscape... even 3 blind mice sitting on an iceberg eating a fur seal in Canickstan.

Check the Turd Rail archives, Blandscape was a huge stinker in the matches and TWAP was always calling him a drunk bastard who was wasting the boards times with pathetic match posts.

Here is Mr. Pickles summing up a Blandscape aka Bleh Match:

Now the whole basis of this file is that he hacked Brain's account and stole some of *his* files. The key word being "His" files. The problem is that these "files" that Brain had written read like Bleh wrote them.

Now unless Bleh and Brain are the same person and Brain is pulling one of the most brilliant trolls on TRF, this makes no sense. Bleh did not even attempt to make the *files* read like Brain actually wrote them. Instead we get that all to familiar herky jerky, stilted shit that Beh is famous for.

It's like a drunk Dennis Miller, minus the irony,sarcasm,wit, and humor.

And did Tawt loan Bleh that putty like blob image he used like 2 days ago or did bleh just go "Fuck it" and stole it hoping no one would notice.

Props go to Bleh for making an effort, but he almost symbiotically feeds off of Fox posts, he mentions Trump after Fox posted a huge ass photo of him 2 posts up. He also ends the file in standard Bleh weirdness by mentioning "cum" More disgusting than witty.

Post 3 Bleh whines about Shoutbox.

Post 4 Bleh shows an upgrade in his ability to run an image thru word perfect and post it. Mention of Jews, what took him so long, even tho we all know Fox is a Korean anime fan who spends all his spare time owning everyone in those televised Starcraft tournaments.

Post 5 Bleh scours Google pics for the most unimaginative photo of a fat guy and uses it, along with more bleh bleh i'sm

Post 6 nothing worth reading.

Post 7 Bleh whines again about Fox not providing a narrative, who fucking cares, especially when you do not take your own advice. 7 fucking days and Bleh drips drips out this "files" schtick and then whines about how someone else decides to post.

Post 8 and 9 Are more of the Bleh bleh character, I do not know if this is how he is all the time or this is just a TRF act.

Like someone who posts only in Haiku's, its cute the first few times, but then just becomes unreadable.

I feel that the Rashomon effect also takes effect here. I had 5 different people read Post 8 and asked them what Bleh was trying to say and got 5 different answers.

Person 1 could not even understand a word, Person 2 thought Bleh was voicing his love of Hollywood films, Especially the Transformers series, Person 3 thought Bleh was speaking Esperanto, person 4 just started retching, and person 5 went off and hung himself.

7 fucking days, way too long. I think Bleh hoped to dull the fuck out of everyone until even Fox started posting like bleh does and the whole match winds up with them getting gay married and opening a scottish pub together.

It seems the longer bleh goes the more he starts shitting himself. And does every scott who comes across a dead horse in the road just start beating him like it was their cultural duty?

I felt that bleh was just dragging shit (7 Fucking days) out and hoping to put everyone to sleep so he could slip out the back and eat haggis.

Over all Fox did a Quentin Tarantino like tv show from hell while Bleh just drank wine and acted like a douche bag while taking 7 fucking days to post 1 file every other day.

Bleh, good effort, better graphic skills, needs to expand his range more and pick funnier photos to highlight his points.

Fox did what most Korean Gamers do, spend all night in an internet cafe downing red bull, playing World of warcraft and ridiculing Bleh, all at the same time.

My vote, Fox.
Jesus…imma not reading all that. Phew….pew, pew,pew,pew….penis monsters! :GiggleBitch:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
hmmpf, so much being a self-phalating appointed intellectual being scared of reading a few extra paragraphs... You'd be easy to smash in a match.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
hmmpf, so much being a self-phalating appointed intellectual being scared of reading a few extra paragraphs... You'd be easy to smash in a match.
Hahahahaa…anytime love. We don’t have to take a week to prep either! Weekend is almost upon us. We can have a jovial flame then eh? I need a bit of a smoke to fire myself up!



Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
“I come from Chicago and flip burger patties and pull beer taps for a living. But we have guns here so I’m not that subservient really…I kick ass playing Fortnite too I might add!”
