They're coming for you too, liberals


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
I LOVE IT!!! "USED TO" (past tense, bitches) That shit gets my blood boiling.....that fucking porch monkey doesn't know wtf he's talking people's land....rotflmao!!!! Get the fuck outta here!!! Ignorance is bliss. Some black people are okay.....the one's that are resilient against BLM....the one's that have common sense and know their history....the one's that fly the confederate flag with pride because they fought in that war. Then you have these NIGGERS that are dumb as fuck....yes, NIGGERS....ignorant mf's that parade around demanding reprimand. I was never a slave were never a slave. Not all white people are racist. Then they wanna blame the US government and the education system for their "lack" of being educated. Racism is what made them drop out of school...or not attend to begin with. Racism is what put them in the hood. Racism is what "made" them sell dope on the streets so they can put those $2k "shoes" on their cadi's. Racism is what made them go to the food stamp office and apply for our racist government benefits so they wouldn't have to spend money on groceries when they'd rather drop it on the damn bmw's they drive around town. So many things racism has caused. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the decisions THEY made in life. It's the white racists fault that they live in "poverty". being brought up again....if our educational system has failed them due to racism, how the fuck did all these BLACK actresses, lawyers, congressmen and women, doctors, etc. become who they are today? If racism PREVENTS all of the possible "success" in their life, wtf are there black lawyers, congressmen and women, doctors, etc. that are BLACK!!!!! IT'S A LAZY ASS FUCKING COP OUT! THEY DON'T WANT TO WORK. THEY DON'T WANT TO MAKE SOMETHING OF THEMSELVES. HUSTLING ON THE STREET IS EASIER THAN WORKING. THE MONEY FLOWS FASTER. THEY WANT TO BLAME ALL THEIR DECISIONS IN LIFE THAT BACKFIRE ON THEM ON WHITE PEOPLE. FUCK EM' ALL. Just brushed that shit off my shoulders......NEXT!!


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HA HA there it is, the retard seal of approval :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:



If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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We don’t seem to have this sort of problem in CR.

And why do you think that is ? My though would be that most of the natives are half black and some day will be the same in the USA and then will half to fine something else to bitch about !