Trannies on Reddit LMFAO

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Ok I just had to share this, these people are fucking insane...


"Like many of you, I started off pretty moderate, and the lefts antics drove me to my beliefs today. Even now, I have no issue with people doing what they want and leaving me alone. So, the issue isn't necessarily that they're trans, gay, feminist, whatever.
It is that they're petty tyrants. Look at pic related. This is a person who has felt overpowered and defenseless their entire lives. Now that they have found an avenue for exterting power over others, as trivial as it may be, they take it srs and engage in tyrannical commands and reprisals.
This bleeds throughout the entire left. They claim we hate them because of what they are, their lifestyles; when in reality most of us hate them just because of behavior like this. We hate them because they're petty tyrants, who claim to stand for justice, while daydreaming about being Stalin, because they hate how weak they are."

Man, I love lurking on pol. :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ok I just had to share this, these people are fucking insane...


"Like many of you, I started off pretty moderate, and the lefts antics drove me to my beliefs today. Even now, I have no issue with people doing what they want and leaving me alone. So, the issue isn't necessarily that they're trans, gay, feminist, whatever.
It is that they're petty tyrants. Look at pic related. This is a person who has felt overpowered and defenseless their entire lives. Now that they have found an avenue for exterting power over others, as trivial as it may be, they take it srs and engage in tyrannical commands and reprisals.
This bleeds throughout the entire left. They claim we hate them because of what they are, their lifestyles; when in reality most of us hate them just because of behavior like this. We hate them because they're petty tyrants, who claim to stand for justice, while daydreaming about being Stalin, because they hate how weak they are."

Man, I love lurking on pol. :LOL3:
Tell that cunt to come over here. I'll give him a fresh view on trannies!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Ok I just had to share this, these people are fucking insane...

"Like many of you, I started off pretty moderate, and the lefts antics drove me to my beliefs today. Even now, I have no issue with people doing what they want and leaving me alone. So, the issue isn't necessarily that they're trans, gay, feminist, whatever.
It is that they're petty tyrants. Look at pic related. This is a person who has felt overpowered and defenseless their entire lives. Now that they have found an avenue for exterting power over others, as trivial as it may be, they take it srs and engage in tyrannical commands and reprisals.
This bleeds throughout the entire left. They claim we hate them because of what they are, their lifestyles; when in reality most of us hate them just because of behavior like this. We hate them because they're petty tyrants, who claim to stand for justice, while daydreaming about being Stalin, because they hate how weak they are."

Perfectly said.

I cant even object to allowing dick and balls into female spaces without being called "transphobe" and attacked. Its vile.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Ok I just had to share this, these people are fucking insane...


"Like many of you, I started off pretty moderate, and the lefts antics drove me to my beliefs today. Even now, I have no issue with people doing what they want and leaving me alone. So, the issue isn't necessarily that they're trans, gay, feminist, whatever.
It is that they're petty tyrants. Look at pic related. This is a person who has felt overpowered and defenseless their entire lives. Now that they have found an avenue for exterting power over others, as trivial as it may be, they take it srs and engage in tyrannical commands and reprisals.
This bleeds throughout the entire left. They claim we hate them because of what they are, their lifestyles; when in reality most of us hate them just because of behavior like this. We hate them because they're petty tyrants, who claim to stand for justice, while daydreaming about being Stalin, because they hate how weak they are."

Man, I love lurking on pol. :LOL3:
It's nice to see you find something you can be passionate about!
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Ok I just had to share this, these people are fucking insane...


"Like many of you, I started off pretty moderate, and the lefts antics drove me to my beliefs today. Even now, I have no issue with people doing what they want and leaving me alone. So, the issue isn't necessarily that they're trans, gay, feminist, whatever.
It is that they're petty tyrants. Look at pic related. This is a person who has felt overpowered and defenseless their entire lives. Now that they have found an avenue for exterting power over others, as trivial as it may be, they take it srs and engage in tyrannical commands and reprisals.
This bleeds throughout the entire left. They claim we hate them because of what they are, their lifestyles; when in reality most of us hate them just because of behavior like this. We hate them because they're petty tyrants, who claim to stand for justice, while daydreaming about being Stalin, because they hate how weak they are."

Man, I love lurking on pol. :LOL3:
Tell that cunt to come over here. I'll give him a fresh view on trannies!

I don't like them either, but he (or she) wrote a very eloquent and accurate description of how lefties behave, especially when given any kind of power or authority.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hello this is your captain speakimg.

Admin is requesting a facial on aisle 6


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Obese mentally ill transvestite accuses tiny baby of being transphobic.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Holy fuck.

It's an astounding level of narcissism. So many people like this view the whole universe like it all centers on them and their stupid fucking identity issues. Like everything is about them. Everything. Other people being concerned about their OWN rights isnt even a thought in their selfish minds.... they just respond with "nu uh! You just hate people who are different!"

It's like they are only valid humans that exist and everyone else is either with them or against them and no one every thinks about anything but them. No one else really exists. Just them.

Even babies are either transphobes or allis. They get to force themselves and this ideology on children. FUCK all these people.

These gender cultists and trans activists are psychopaths. No consideration, no empathy and no regard for any other people.

People are gonna be wondering how "teh right" got so big and they wont have any awareness of why or how and how they created it.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Holy fuck.

It's an astounding level of narcissism. So many people like this view the whole universe like it all centers on them and their stupid fucking identity issues. Like everything is about them. Everything. Other people being concerned about their OWN rights isnt even a thought in their selfish minds.... they just respond with "nu uh! You just hate people who are different!"

It's like they are only valid humans that exist and everyone else is either with them or against them and no one every thinks about anything but them. No one else really exists. Just them.

Even babies are either transphobes or allis. They get to force themselves and this ideology on children. FUCK all these people.

These gender cultists and trans activists are psychopaths. No consideration, no empathy and no regard for any other people.

People are gonna be wondering how "teh right" got so big and they wont have any awareness of why or how and how they created it.
give that sick tranny another year or two and he’ll be assaulting those kids

Mark my words


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Holy fuck.

It's an astounding level of narcissism. So many people like this view the whole universe like it all centers on them and their stupid fucking identity issues. Like everything is about them. Everything. Other people being concerned about their OWN rights isnt even a thought in their selfish minds.... they just respond with "nu uh! You just hate people who are different!"

It's like they are only valid humans that exist and everyone else is either with them or against them and no one every thinks about anything but them. No one else really exists. Just them.

Even babies are either transphobes or allis. They get to force themselves and this ideology on children. FUCK all these people.

These gender cultists and trans activists are psychopaths. No consideration, no empathy and no regard for any other people.

People are gonna be wondering how "teh right" got so big and they wont have any awareness of why or how and how they created it.
give that sick tranny another year or two and he’ll be assaulting those kids

Mark my words

They DO feel entitled to violence when they think they are being opposed or "discriminated" against.

They call misgendering "violence" and they argue that it's okay to respond to "violence" with violence.

They often attack and go after feminists and call for violence against "transphobes" and "terfs". Women. Its men calling for violence against women. Totally acceptable and encouraged in leftwing "trans activism".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Really? Did you need to start yet another thread about transsexuals?

Are are you just another fucking alt-right hypocrite?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Fucking 8 years having to be confronted with their teachers "gender identity".

Kids dont go to school to learn about their teachers ideologies or gender or sexuality so why the fuck is this even a thing?

Absolutely NO respect for other people. None.

Could you imagine if a public school teacher was telling the kids about her Christian beliefs and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! the kids to think like a Christian and to ask about it and be told this is how the world should be seen?

But the gender cult beliefs have to be forced on everyone and everyone has to operate within this fucked ideology. Its harrassment and abuse.

These activists have just decided what reality we all have to live in and even babies and children have to get with the program. Seriously fuck these people.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Really? Did you need to start yet another thread about transsexuals?

Are are you just another fucking alt-right hypocrite?

Yeah get used to it because the more this gets pushed and forced the more of topic its gonna be and the bigger the "alt right" is going to get......since apparently the alt right is now redefined as "everyone who disagrees with the gender cult".

So Lotus when I posted about that girl who was anally raped at school and you said you would care if it was real, that was a lie right? Because it's been proven and you are just ignore it. You can ADMIT you really dont care.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Really? Did you need to start yet another thread about transsexuals?

Are are you just another fucking alt-right hypocrite?

How about commenting on the absurdity of the moderator's behaviour, rather than complaining because one of the left's "protected groups" is being criticised...