Pro-life Kellyanne abusing her daughter



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Dovey's post reminds me of a woman I used to work with. We were in a research program at an education department at university, and we used to have these meetings. Invariably, this one woman at the meetings would go on a rant. Every time. And it was always the same: "God damn liberals. They are always going on and on about politics. I hate liberals" followed by a litany of complaints about liberals and politics. And she was literally the ONLY person who ever brought up politics, EVER.

Well you are reading me pretty wrong than. I dont hate people and I'm pretty much the only one that tries to have civil discussions about politics. I avoid political confrontations in the work place like the fucking plague.

In fact whatever my patient is, I typically will kinda be too.

Come on, Dovey. Were you drunk when you were posting those diatribes, day in and day out, a literal book's worth? Do you not remember what you wrote? You accused me repeatedly of being pro-murder.

Lotus....we are at Bastard Factory in 2021. We are not at SG circa 2018/19 lol.

This isnt SG where people were fine arguing politics. And Flea literally muzzled me on abortion in the battle grounds, remember?

I didnt throw a fit and accuse her of allowing pro abortion rhetoric but silencing anti abortion rhetoric.

The whole point is they dont want politics to consume the forum like it did at SG.

Honey, you posted about it 10 to one over everyone else combined.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Yup is politics.... As I promised I would help you by reporting those illegal posts

LMAO. Check out Brainfail. He's making political posts all over the place. So is Strapon.
@Bastard Factory yes they are.... Lots of those posts have also been reported. Why do you not act?! These people deserve a timeout in Meltdown

Why cant you ask him in a pm? We arent even talking about politics right now. Not really .....we are talking the abuse of a child in a well known political family.

BF doesnt want to be treated like the Conway kid. So it's a good analogy for why BF wants to find a way to manage the political exchanges without killing the board and without cutting off discussions entirely.

He is trying to navigate something new so the board works for everyone. Not just us that like to cluck about this topic all day.

Dont be a dick, mang. There is a bigger picture here.
Check who posted a screenshot of a personal message.... Your friendly @Bastard Factory. He's the one moving the discussion here....

Ah true. Fair enough.

But the point of my post still stands, Q.

He isnt doing this to punish or silence anyone.

Let's be patient while he figures out how to let us Americans blow our political loads in these unprecedented times without getting it all over everyone elses face, yeah?

He doesnt have to host us at all.

Q isn't American.

It's Brainfail's whinging that brought us here. He's not upset about us posting American politics, he's upset about liberals posting about politics. He is free to say anything he wants, and to post about SA politics all he wants. He just doesn't want any liberal posts. He is closed-minded and a big crybaby.

Yeah, I love you, too, @Breakfall

It's really more nuanced than that. It's probably easier for me to see how because I'm used to these kinds of boards.

It's not so much they want no mention of politics whatsoever. You guys are mistaking snarky comments mocking culture for right wing political comments. I can see why.....but I can also see the difference between those comments and actual partisan arguing.

What's going on is you guys are taking comments like that as a serious political jab and than an argument kicks up.

Do you really think a guy who is posting shit and piss gifs in every political thread is worried about which group has the bigger megaphone? He has gotten after me a few times too.

He just wants you guys to loosen up and not take it all so seriously here.

No. He doesn't want liberal posts. Just like Strapon. It's not nuanced at all. I am quite good at nuance. These guys aren't smart enough for that.

I don't think he's worried about who has a bigger megaphone. He just wants no left-leaning anything here, including nuance. Nuance, if you can call what they do that, has to be righty.

Lotus.....that's really not it. I can understand how it might feel like that, but that's really not the case. You guys tend to take the posts much more seriously than the rest of us.....he just wants people to loosen up a bit. That's all.

If you made some snarky and funny comments about the current political culture they wouldnt have a problem, they'd just laugh about it.

It's the seriousness and the fighting about it ending up all over the place that's problematic because it's taking BF in a direction it's not intended to go in. The shits serious enough in real life....this place is a break from real life.

I cant speak for BF but I'm 90 percent sure they wanted a time out on politics so that those of fighting about them can start getting along better by posting together on different topics and finding some sort of common grounds so that when politics are allowed again it wont be the toxic cancer spreading into everything.

They want to keep things light is all. Try not to take Big so seriously. He just pushes buttons.

But that's just not fucking true. It's a typical "I see it when you do it, but not when I do it," response. You righties go on diatribes, serious ones, all the damn time. Jesus, Dove, you have done it literally a thousand times and all of your diatribes were 10 times longer than any I ever wrote. Why do you do that, instead of just posting light one liners? And why is it no big deal when you do it? Because it's okay for you, and not for us.

Lotus! Dude I made a comment how if I masturbated to a video of a black woman teaching cunniligus on a cut fruit I would be "doing a white supremacy" and you took that as a serious political comment lol.

I'm not saying I've never gone off on this topic, I know I have. And Breakfall has gotten after me for it too.

All I'm saying is, they just want us to keep it light. BF is trying to find a balance with letting people discuss political topics without having toxic political back and forths all over the board. They are not worried about light hearted snarky comments.

Havent you been on boards that host mostly trolls before?

I have always been on boards full of trolls with free rein to post about politics as well. Never until SG did I ever post on a board that flipped out about politics. And the flipping out on SG was 100% double standard bullshit. Now it's happening here. Give me a break. I was talking about your endless diatribes about abortion, and about liberals in general, and how they are ruining the world, not that stupid white supremacy comment. Come on, Dovey. You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.

The issue isnt on topic comments or on topic "diatribes". It's the inability for people to lighten up and participate in other discussions......without political arguments.

I'm not trying to argue right now, either. It's their board and we are the newbies, and I get what their issue is and I'm trying to communicate that.

They just dont want the arguments being the main course at this board. More like a side dish. And they feel its taking over and shifting the board into something else.

It really doesn't have to be extremes like "no mention of politics whatsoever" or "let's talk about politics all day in every thread".

They just wanna find a middle that works for the whole board.

Well, I've posted hundreds of non-political posts. It's not my fault the only reactions and actual two way conversations that arise come up in political threads. That's not on me. I find it funny that the only thing Brainfail involves himself in talking about passionately is the very thing he wants to curtail.

I'm fine with leaving, as I've said before. If someone is going to dog me all the time and tell me I should be talking about something else, then this place is no fun for me. I'll let Brainfail have his little control freak platform, gladly.

And btw, I joke about political stuff all the damn time. It's not my fault people aren't nuanced enough to get that.
Hey...I don’t want you to leave, just show us your more gracious side. You can still be rough around the edges, just not a pain in arse!


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Do you understand that analogy?
No - and this isn't your factory floor, and we aren't employees. So STFU asshole.
Oi...fuck off to your other forum arsehole, you’re not wanted!
He is A LOT MORE wanted than you are!
I haven’t done a police-check as tell?
The call I had with the australian Sidney police? How do you know about this?


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Yup is politics.... As I promised I would help you by reporting those illegal posts

LMAO. Check out Brainfail. He's making political posts all over the place. So is Strapon.
@Bastard Factory yes they are.... Lots of those posts have also been reported. Why do you not act?! These people deserve a timeout in Meltdown

Why cant you ask him in a pm? We arent even talking about politics right now. Not really .....we are talking the abuse of a child in a well known political family.

BF doesnt want to be treated like the Conway kid. So it's a good analogy for why BF wants to find a way to manage the political exchanges without killing the board and without cutting off discussions entirely.

He is trying to navigate something new so the board works for everyone. Not just us that like to cluck about this topic all day.

Dont be a dick, mang. There is a bigger picture here.
Check who posted a screenshot of a personal message.... Your friendly @Bastard Factory. He's the one moving the discussion here....

Ah true. Fair enough.

But the point of my post still stands, Q.

He isnt doing this to punish or silence anyone.

Let's be patient while he figures out how to let us Americans blow our political loads in these unprecedented times without getting it all over everyone elses face, yeah?

He doesnt have to host us at all.

Q isn't American.

It's Brainfail's whinging that brought us here. He's not upset about us posting American politics, he's upset about liberals posting about politics. He is free to say anything he wants, and to post about SA politics all he wants. He just doesn't want any liberal posts. He is closed-minded and a big crybaby.

Yeah, I love you, too, @Breakfall

It's really more nuanced than that. It's probably easier for me to see how because I'm used to these kinds of boards.

It's not so much they want no mention of politics whatsoever. You guys are mistaking snarky comments mocking culture for right wing political comments. I can see why.....but I can also see the difference between those comments and actual partisan arguing.

What's going on is you guys are taking comments like that as a serious political jab and than an argument kicks up.

Do you really think a guy who is posting shit and piss gifs in every political thread is worried about which group has the bigger megaphone? He has gotten after me a few times too.

He just wants you guys to loosen up and not take it all so seriously here.

No. He doesn't want liberal posts. Just like Strapon. It's not nuanced at all. I am quite good at nuance. These guys aren't smart enough for that.

I don't think he's worried about who has a bigger megaphone. He just wants no left-leaning anything here, including nuance. Nuance, if you can call what they do that, has to be righty.

Lotus.....that's really not it. I can understand how it might feel like that, but that's really not the case. You guys tend to take the posts much more seriously than the rest of us.....he just wants people to loosen up a bit. That's all.

If you made some snarky and funny comments about the current political culture they wouldnt have a problem, they'd just laugh about it.

It's the seriousness and the fighting about it ending up all over the place that's problematic because it's taking BF in a direction it's not intended to go in. The shits serious enough in real life....this place is a break from real life.

I cant speak for BF but I'm 90 percent sure they wanted a time out on politics so that those of fighting about them can start getting along better by posting together on different topics and finding some sort of common grounds so that when politics are allowed again it wont be the toxic cancer spreading into everything.

They want to keep things light is all. Try not to take Big so seriously. He just pushes buttons.

But that's just not fucking true. It's a typical "I see it when you do it, but not when I do it," response. You righties go on diatribes, serious ones, all the damn time. Jesus, Dove, you have done it literally a thousand times and all of your diatribes were 10 times longer than any I ever wrote. Why do you do that, instead of just posting light one liners? And why is it no big deal when you do it? Because it's okay for you, and not for us.

Lotus! Dude I made a comment how if I masturbated to a video of a black woman teaching cunniligus on a cut fruit I would be "doing a white supremacy" and you took that as a serious political comment lol.

I'm not saying I've never gone off on this topic, I know I have. And Breakfall has gotten after me for it too.

All I'm saying is, they just want us to keep it light. BF is trying to find a balance with letting people discuss political topics without having toxic political back and forths all over the board. They are not worried about light hearted snarky comments.

Havent you been on boards that host mostly trolls before?

I have always been on boards full of trolls with free rein to post about politics as well. Never until SG did I ever post on a board that flipped out about politics. And the flipping out on SG was 100% double standard bullshit. Now it's happening here. Give me a break. I was talking about your endless diatribes about abortion, and about liberals in general, and how they are ruining the world, not that stupid white supremacy comment. Come on, Dovey. You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.

The issue isnt on topic comments or on topic "diatribes". It's the inability for people to lighten up and participate in other discussions......without political arguments.

I'm not trying to argue right now, either. It's their board and we are the newbies, and I get what their issue is and I'm trying to communicate that.

They just dont want the arguments being the main course at this board. More like a side dish. And they feel its taking over and shifting the board into something else.

It really doesn't have to be extremes like "no mention of politics whatsoever" or "let's talk about politics all day in every thread".

They just wanna find a middle that works for the whole board.

Well, I've posted hundreds of non-political posts. It's not my fault the only reactions and actual two way conversations that arise come up in political threads. That's not on me. I find it funny that the only thing Brainfail involves himself in talking about passionately is the very thing he wants to curtail.

I'm fine with leaving, as I've said before. If someone is going to dog me all the time and tell me I should be talking about something else, then this place is no fun for me. I'll let Brainfail have his little control freak platform, gladly.

And btw, I joke about political stuff all the damn time. It's not my fault people aren't nuanced enough to get that.
Hey...I don’t want you to leave, just show us your more gracious side. You can still be rough around the edges, just not a pain in arse!
But you should still kill yourself. Why did you not yet do this?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yup is politics.... As I promised I would help you by reporting those illegal posts

LMAO. Check out Brainfail. He's making political posts all over the place. So is Strapon.
@Bastard Factory yes they are.... Lots of those posts have also been reported. Why do you not act?! These people deserve a timeout in Meltdown

Why cant you ask him in a pm? We arent even talking about politics right now. Not really .....we are talking the abuse of a child in a well known political family.

BF doesnt want to be treated like the Conway kid. So it's a good analogy for why BF wants to find a way to manage the political exchanges without killing the board and without cutting off discussions entirely.

He is trying to navigate something new so the board works for everyone. Not just us that like to cluck about this topic all day.

Dont be a dick, mang. There is a bigger picture here.
Check who posted a screenshot of a personal message.... Your friendly @Bastard Factory. He's the one moving the discussion here....

Ah true. Fair enough.

But the point of my post still stands, Q.

He isnt doing this to punish or silence anyone.

Let's be patient while he figures out how to let us Americans blow our political loads in these unprecedented times without getting it all over everyone elses face, yeah?

He doesnt have to host us at all.

Q isn't American.

It's Brainfail's whinging that brought us here. He's not upset about us posting American politics, he's upset about liberals posting about politics. He is free to say anything he wants, and to post about SA politics all he wants. He just doesn't want any liberal posts. He is closed-minded and a big crybaby.

Yeah, I love you, too, @Breakfall

It's really more nuanced than that. It's probably easier for me to see how because I'm used to these kinds of boards.

It's not so much they want no mention of politics whatsoever. You guys are mistaking snarky comments mocking culture for right wing political comments. I can see why.....but I can also see the difference between those comments and actual partisan arguing.

What's going on is you guys are taking comments like that as a serious political jab and than an argument kicks up.

Do you really think a guy who is posting shit and piss gifs in every political thread is worried about which group has the bigger megaphone? He has gotten after me a few times too.

He just wants you guys to loosen up and not take it all so seriously here.

No. He doesn't want liberal posts. Just like Strapon. It's not nuanced at all. I am quite good at nuance. These guys aren't smart enough for that.

I don't think he's worried about who has a bigger megaphone. He just wants no left-leaning anything here, including nuance. Nuance, if you can call what they do that, has to be righty.

Lotus.....that's really not it. I can understand how it might feel like that, but that's really not the case. You guys tend to take the posts much more seriously than the rest of us.....he just wants people to loosen up a bit. That's all.

If you made some snarky and funny comments about the current political culture they wouldnt have a problem, they'd just laugh about it.

It's the seriousness and the fighting about it ending up all over the place that's problematic because it's taking BF in a direction it's not intended to go in. The shits serious enough in real life....this place is a break from real life.

I cant speak for BF but I'm 90 percent sure they wanted a time out on politics so that those of fighting about them can start getting along better by posting together on different topics and finding some sort of common grounds so that when politics are allowed again it wont be the toxic cancer spreading into everything.

They want to keep things light is all. Try not to take Big so seriously. He just pushes buttons.

But that's just not fucking true. It's a typical "I see it when you do it, but not when I do it," response. You righties go on diatribes, serious ones, all the damn time. Jesus, Dove, you have done it literally a thousand times and all of your diatribes were 10 times longer than any I ever wrote. Why do you do that, instead of just posting light one liners? And why is it no big deal when you do it? Because it's okay for you, and not for us.

Lotus! Dude I made a comment how if I masturbated to a video of a black woman teaching cunniligus on a cut fruit I would be "doing a white supremacy" and you took that as a serious political comment lol.

I'm not saying I've never gone off on this topic, I know I have. And Breakfall has gotten after me for it too.

All I'm saying is, they just want us to keep it light. BF is trying to find a balance with letting people discuss political topics without having toxic political back and forths all over the board. They are not worried about light hearted snarky comments.

Havent you been on boards that host mostly trolls before?

I have always been on boards full of trolls with free rein to post about politics as well. Never until SG did I ever post on a board that flipped out about politics. And the flipping out on SG was 100% double standard bullshit. Now it's happening here. Give me a break. I was talking about your endless diatribes about abortion, and about liberals in general, and how they are ruining the world, not that stupid white supremacy comment. Come on, Dovey. You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.

The issue isnt on topic comments or on topic "diatribes". It's the inability for people to lighten up and participate in other discussions......without political arguments.

I'm not trying to argue right now, either. It's their board and we are the newbies, and I get what their issue is and I'm trying to communicate that.

They just dont want the arguments being the main course at this board. More like a side dish. And they feel its taking over and shifting the board into something else.

It really doesn't have to be extremes like "no mention of politics whatsoever" or "let's talk about politics all day in every thread".

They just wanna find a middle that works for the whole board.

Well, I've posted hundreds of non-political posts. It's not my fault the only reactions and actual two way conversations that arise come up in political threads. That's not on me. I find it funny that the only thing Brainfail involves himself in talking about passionately is the very thing he wants to curtail.

I'm fine with leaving, as I've said before. If someone is going to dog me all the time and tell me I should be talking about something else, then this place is no fun for me. I'll let Brainfail have his little control freak platform, gladly.

And btw, I joke about political stuff all the damn time. It's not my fault people aren't nuanced enough to get that.
Hey...I don’t want you to leave, just show us your more gracious side. You can still be rough around the edges, just not a pain in arse!

I don't take kindly to people telling me I can't post about politics. I don't enjoy watching grown men literally melt when someone has an intelligent counter argument to their political stupidity, either. And I demand my right to be as much of a pain in the arse as the next guy.
  • Winner
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Duhv is willing to let politics take a back seat now that its fuhrer is out of power
but as you noted, Lotus, next time it gets a belly full of JD it'll be spewing right-wing hate posts
easy as barfing bad chili.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Yup is politics.... As I promised I would help you by reporting those illegal posts

LMAO. Check out Brainfail. He's making political posts all over the place. So is Strapon.
@Bastard Factory yes they are.... Lots of those posts have also been reported. Why do you not act?! These people deserve a timeout in Meltdown

Why cant you ask him in a pm? We arent even talking about politics right now. Not really .....we are talking the abuse of a child in a well known political family.

BF doesnt want to be treated like the Conway kid. So it's a good analogy for why BF wants to find a way to manage the political exchanges without killing the board and without cutting off discussions entirely.

He is trying to navigate something new so the board works for everyone. Not just us that like to cluck about this topic all day.

Dont be a dick, mang. There is a bigger picture here.
Check who posted a screenshot of a personal message.... Your friendly @Bastard Factory. He's the one moving the discussion here....

Ah true. Fair enough.

But the point of my post still stands, Q.

He isnt doing this to punish or silence anyone.

Let's be patient while he figures out how to let us Americans blow our political loads in these unprecedented times without getting it all over everyone elses face, yeah?

He doesnt have to host us at all.

Q isn't American.

It's Brainfail's whinging that brought us here. He's not upset about us posting American politics, he's upset about liberals posting about politics. He is free to say anything he wants, and to post about SA politics all he wants. He just doesn't want any liberal posts. He is closed-minded and a big crybaby.

Yeah, I love you, too, @Breakfall

It's really more nuanced than that. It's probably easier for me to see how because I'm used to these kinds of boards.

It's not so much they want no mention of politics whatsoever. You guys are mistaking snarky comments mocking culture for right wing political comments. I can see why.....but I can also see the difference between those comments and actual partisan arguing.

What's going on is you guys are taking comments like that as a serious political jab and than an argument kicks up.

Do you really think a guy who is posting shit and piss gifs in every political thread is worried about which group has the bigger megaphone? He has gotten after me a few times too.

He just wants you guys to loosen up and not take it all so seriously here.

No. He doesn't want liberal posts. Just like Strapon. It's not nuanced at all. I am quite good at nuance. These guys aren't smart enough for that.

I don't think he's worried about who has a bigger megaphone. He just wants no left-leaning anything here, including nuance. Nuance, if you can call what they do that, has to be righty.

Lotus.....that's really not it. I can understand how it might feel like that, but that's really not the case. You guys tend to take the posts much more seriously than the rest of us.....he just wants people to loosen up a bit. That's all.

If you made some snarky and funny comments about the current political culture they wouldnt have a problem, they'd just laugh about it.

It's the seriousness and the fighting about it ending up all over the place that's problematic because it's taking BF in a direction it's not intended to go in. The shits serious enough in real life....this place is a break from real life.

I cant speak for BF but I'm 90 percent sure they wanted a time out on politics so that those of fighting about them can start getting along better by posting together on different topics and finding some sort of common grounds so that when politics are allowed again it wont be the toxic cancer spreading into everything.

They want to keep things light is all. Try not to take Big so seriously. He just pushes buttons.

But that's just not fucking true. It's a typical "I see it when you do it, but not when I do it," response. You righties go on diatribes, serious ones, all the damn time. Jesus, Dove, you have done it literally a thousand times and all of your diatribes were 10 times longer than any I ever wrote. Why do you do that, instead of just posting light one liners? And why is it no big deal when you do it? Because it's okay for you, and not for us.

Lotus! Dude I made a comment how if I masturbated to a video of a black woman teaching cunniligus on a cut fruit I would be "doing a white supremacy" and you took that as a serious political comment lol.

I'm not saying I've never gone off on this topic, I know I have. And Breakfall has gotten after me for it too.

All I'm saying is, they just want us to keep it light. BF is trying to find a balance with letting people discuss political topics without having toxic political back and forths all over the board. They are not worried about light hearted snarky comments.

Havent you been on boards that host mostly trolls before?

I have always been on boards full of trolls with free rein to post about politics as well. Never until SG did I ever post on a board that flipped out about politics. And the flipping out on SG was 100% double standard bullshit. Now it's happening here. Give me a break. I was talking about your endless diatribes about abortion, and about liberals in general, and how they are ruining the world, not that stupid white supremacy comment. Come on, Dovey. You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.

The issue isnt on topic comments or on topic "diatribes". It's the inability for people to lighten up and participate in other discussions......without political arguments.

I'm not trying to argue right now, either. It's their board and we are the newbies, and I get what their issue is and I'm trying to communicate that.

They just dont want the arguments being the main course at this board. More like a side dish. And they feel its taking over and shifting the board into something else.

It really doesn't have to be extremes like "no mention of politics whatsoever" or "let's talk about politics all day in every thread".

They just wanna find a middle that works for the whole board.

Well, I've posted hundreds of non-political posts. It's not my fault the only reactions and actual two way conversations that arise come up in political threads. That's not on me. I find it funny that the only thing Brainfail involves himself in talking about passionately is the very thing he wants to curtail.

I'm fine with leaving, as I've said before. If someone is going to dog me all the time and tell me I should be talking about something else, then this place is no fun for me. I'll let Brainfail have his little control freak platform, gladly.

And btw, I joke about political stuff all the damn time. It's not my fault people aren't nuanced enough to get that.
Hey...I don’t want you to leave, just show us your more gracious side. You can still be rough around the edges, just not a pain in arse!

I don't take kindly to people telling me I can't post about politics. I don't enjoy watching grown men literally melt when someone has an intelligent counter argument to their political stupidity, either. And I demand my right to be as much of a pain in the arse as the next guy.
I’m actually more intelligent than you, would you believe? But I certainly won’t be divulging that fact just now.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?
Nope, WE are not the newbies. You are, I was there already when you signed up for a long time. And this forum was online earlier and then shutdown, I also was on the old forum. So, I do not consider myself a "newbie".

And some things are just VERY WRONG here. I like to try to make things better


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Yup is politics.... As I promised I would help you by reporting those illegal posts

LMAO. Check out Brainfail. He's making political posts all over the place. So is Strapon.
@Bastard Factory yes they are.... Lots of those posts have also been reported. Why do you not act?! These people deserve a timeout in Meltdown

Why cant you ask him in a pm? We arent even talking about politics right now. Not really .....we are talking the abuse of a child in a well known political family.

BF doesnt want to be treated like the Conway kid. So it's a good analogy for why BF wants to find a way to manage the political exchanges without killing the board and without cutting off discussions entirely.

He is trying to navigate something new so the board works for everyone. Not just us that like to cluck about this topic all day.

Dont be a dick, mang. There is a bigger picture here.
Check who posted a screenshot of a personal message.... Your friendly @Bastard Factory. He's the one moving the discussion here....

Ah true. Fair enough.

But the point of my post still stands, Q.

He isnt doing this to punish or silence anyone.

Let's be patient while he figures out how to let us Americans blow our political loads in these unprecedented times without getting it all over everyone elses face, yeah?

He doesnt have to host us at all.

Q isn't American.

It's Brainfail's whinging that brought us here. He's not upset about us posting American politics, he's upset about liberals posting about politics. He is free to say anything he wants, and to post about SA politics all he wants. He just doesn't want any liberal posts. He is closed-minded and a big crybaby.

Yeah, I love you, too, @Breakfall

It's really more nuanced than that. It's probably easier for me to see how because I'm used to these kinds of boards.

It's not so much they want no mention of politics whatsoever. You guys are mistaking snarky comments mocking culture for right wing political comments. I can see why.....but I can also see the difference between those comments and actual partisan arguing.

What's going on is you guys are taking comments like that as a serious political jab and than an argument kicks up.

Do you really think a guy who is posting shit and piss gifs in every political thread is worried about which group has the bigger megaphone? He has gotten after me a few times too.

He just wants you guys to loosen up and not take it all so seriously here.

No. He doesn't want liberal posts. Just like Strapon. It's not nuanced at all. I am quite good at nuance. These guys aren't smart enough for that.

I don't think he's worried about who has a bigger megaphone. He just wants no left-leaning anything here, including nuance. Nuance, if you can call what they do that, has to be righty.

Lotus.....that's really not it. I can understand how it might feel like that, but that's really not the case. You guys tend to take the posts much more seriously than the rest of us.....he just wants people to loosen up a bit. That's all.

If you made some snarky and funny comments about the current political culture they wouldnt have a problem, they'd just laugh about it.

It's the seriousness and the fighting about it ending up all over the place that's problematic because it's taking BF in a direction it's not intended to go in. The shits serious enough in real life....this place is a break from real life.

I cant speak for BF but I'm 90 percent sure they wanted a time out on politics so that those of fighting about them can start getting along better by posting together on different topics and finding some sort of common grounds so that when politics are allowed again it wont be the toxic cancer spreading into everything.

They want to keep things light is all. Try not to take Big so seriously. He just pushes buttons.

But that's just not fucking true. It's a typical "I see it when you do it, but not when I do it," response. You righties go on diatribes, serious ones, all the damn time. Jesus, Dove, you have done it literally a thousand times and all of your diatribes were 10 times longer than any I ever wrote. Why do you do that, instead of just posting light one liners? And why is it no big deal when you do it? Because it's okay for you, and not for us.

Lotus! Dude I made a comment how if I masturbated to a video of a black woman teaching cunniligus on a cut fruit I would be "doing a white supremacy" and you took that as a serious political comment lol.

I'm not saying I've never gone off on this topic, I know I have. And Breakfall has gotten after me for it too.

All I'm saying is, they just want us to keep it light. BF is trying to find a balance with letting people discuss political topics without having toxic political back and forths all over the board. They are not worried about light hearted snarky comments.

Havent you been on boards that host mostly trolls before?

I have always been on boards full of trolls with free rein to post about politics as well. Never until SG did I ever post on a board that flipped out about politics. And the flipping out on SG was 100% double standard bullshit. Now it's happening here. Give me a break. I was talking about your endless diatribes about abortion, and about liberals in general, and how they are ruining the world, not that stupid white supremacy comment. Come on, Dovey. You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.

The issue isnt on topic comments or on topic "diatribes". It's the inability for people to lighten up and participate in other discussions......without political arguments.

I'm not trying to argue right now, either. It's their board and we are the newbies, and I get what their issue is and I'm trying to communicate that.

They just dont want the arguments being the main course at this board. More like a side dish. And they feel its taking over and shifting the board into something else.

It really doesn't have to be extremes like "no mention of politics whatsoever" or "let's talk about politics all day in every thread".

They just wanna find a middle that works for the whole board.

Well, I've posted hundreds of non-political posts. It's not my fault the only reactions and actual two way conversations that arise come up in political threads. That's not on me. I find it funny that the only thing Brainfail involves himself in talking about passionately is the very thing he wants to curtail.

I'm fine with leaving, as I've said before. If someone is going to dog me all the time and tell me I should be talking about something else, then this place is no fun for me. I'll let Brainfail have his little control freak platform, gladly.

And btw, I joke about political stuff all the damn time. It's not my fault people aren't nuanced enough to get that.
Hey...I don’t want you to leave, just show us your more gracious side. You can still be rough around the edges, just not a pain in arse!

I don't take kindly to people telling me I can't post about politics. I don't enjoy watching grown men literally melt when someone has an intelligent counter argument to their political stupidity, either. And I demand my right to be as much of a pain in the arse as the next guy.
I’m actually more intelligent than you, would you believe? But I certainly won’t be divulging that fact just now.
No, you have proven too many times how STUPID you are! You only think you are smart, because you're too stupid to see you're not


Yup is politics.... As I promised I would help you by reporting those illegal posts

LMAO. Check out Brainfail. He's making political posts all over the place. So is Strapon.
@Bastard Factory yes they are.... Lots of those posts have also been reported. Why do you not act?! These people deserve a timeout in Meltdown

Why cant you ask him in a pm? We arent even talking about politics right now. Not really .....we are talking the abuse of a child in a well known political family.

BF doesnt want to be treated like the Conway kid. So it's a good analogy for why BF wants to find a way to manage the political exchanges without killing the board and without cutting off discussions entirely.

He is trying to navigate something new so the board works for everyone. Not just us that like to cluck about this topic all day.

Dont be a dick, mang. There is a bigger picture here.
Check who posted a screenshot of a personal message.... Your friendly @Bastard Factory. He's the one moving the discussion here....

Ah true. Fair enough.

But the point of my post still stands, Q.

He isnt doing this to punish or silence anyone.

Let's be patient while he figures out how to let us Americans blow our political loads in these unprecedented times without getting it all over everyone elses face, yeah?

He doesnt have to host us at all.

Q isn't American.

It's Brainfail's whinging that brought us here. He's not upset about us posting American politics, he's upset about liberals posting about politics. He is free to say anything he wants, and to post about SA politics all he wants. He just doesn't want any liberal posts. He is closed-minded and a big crybaby.

Yeah, I love you, too, @Breakfall

It's really more nuanced than that. It's probably easier for me to see how because I'm used to these kinds of boards.

It's not so much they want no mention of politics whatsoever. You guys are mistaking snarky comments mocking culture for right wing political comments. I can see why.....but I can also see the difference between those comments and actual partisan arguing.

What's going on is you guys are taking comments like that as a serious political jab and than an argument kicks up.

Do you really think a guy who is posting shit and piss gifs in every political thread is worried about which group has the bigger megaphone? He has gotten after me a few times too.

He just wants you guys to loosen up and not take it all so seriously here.

No. He doesn't want liberal posts. Just like Strapon. It's not nuanced at all. I am quite good at nuance. These guys aren't smart enough for that.

I don't think he's worried about who has a bigger megaphone. He just wants no left-leaning anything here, including nuance. Nuance, if you can call what they do that, has to be righty.

Lotus.....that's really not it. I can understand how it might feel like that, but that's really not the case. You guys tend to take the posts much more seriously than the rest of us.....he just wants people to loosen up a bit. That's all.

If you made some snarky and funny comments about the current political culture they wouldnt have a problem, they'd just laugh about it.

It's the seriousness and the fighting about it ending up all over the place that's problematic because it's taking BF in a direction it's not intended to go in. The shits serious enough in real life....this place is a break from real life.

I cant speak for BF but I'm 90 percent sure they wanted a time out on politics so that those of fighting about them can start getting along better by posting together on different topics and finding some sort of common grounds so that when politics are allowed again it wont be the toxic cancer spreading into everything.

They want to keep things light is all. Try not to take Big so seriously. He just pushes buttons.

But that's just not fucking true. It's a typical "I see it when you do it, but not when I do it," response. You righties go on diatribes, serious ones, all the damn time. Jesus, Dove, you have done it literally a thousand times and all of your diatribes were 10 times longer than any I ever wrote. Why do you do that, instead of just posting light one liners? And why is it no big deal when you do it? Because it's okay for you, and not for us.

Lotus! Dude I made a comment how if I masturbated to a video of a black woman teaching cunniligus on a cut fruit I would be "doing a white supremacy" and you took that as a serious political comment lol.

I'm not saying I've never gone off on this topic, I know I have. And Breakfall has gotten after me for it too.

All I'm saying is, they just want us to keep it light. BF is trying to find a balance with letting people discuss political topics without having toxic political back and forths all over the board. They are not worried about light hearted snarky comments.

Havent you been on boards that host mostly trolls before?

I have always been on boards full of trolls with free rein to post about politics as well. Never until SG did I ever post on a board that flipped out about politics. And the flipping out on SG was 100% double standard bullshit. Now it's happening here. Give me a break. I was talking about your endless diatribes about abortion, and about liberals in general, and how they are ruining the world, not that stupid white supremacy comment. Come on, Dovey. You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.

The issue isnt on topic comments or on topic "diatribes". It's the inability for people to lighten up and participate in other discussions......without political arguments.

I'm not trying to argue right now, either. It's their board and we are the newbies, and I get what their issue is and I'm trying to communicate that.

They just dont want the arguments being the main course at this board. More like a side dish. And they feel its taking over and shifting the board into something else.

It really doesn't have to be extremes like "no mention of politics whatsoever" or "let's talk about politics all day in every thread".

They just wanna find a middle that works for the whole board.

Well, I've posted hundreds of non-political posts. It's not my fault the only reactions and actual two way conversations that arise come up in political threads. That's not on me. I find it funny that the only thing Brainfail involves himself in talking about passionately is the very thing he wants to curtail.

I'm fine with leaving, as I've said before. If someone is going to dog me all the time and tell me I should be talking about something else, then this place is no fun for me. I'll let Brainfail have his little control freak platform, gladly.

And btw, I joke about political stuff all the damn time. It's not my fault people aren't nuanced enough to get that.
Hey...I don’t want you to leave, just show us your more gracious side. You can still be rough around the edges, just not a pain in arse!

I don't take kindly to people telling me I can't post about politics. I don't enjoy watching grown men literally melt when someone has an intelligent counter argument to their political stupidity, either. And I demand my right to be as much of a pain in the arse as the next guy.
I’m actually more intelligent than you, would you believe? But I certainly won’t be divulging that fact just now.
in Bizarro World.
  • Agree!
Reactions: Q


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?
You are a good sort Dove! I have your back anytime you require it. It’s people like you that make a difference in this shitty socioeconomic world. Thank you kindly. Xx


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Duhv is willing to let politics take a back seat now that its fuhrer is out of power
but as you noted, Lotus, next time it gets a belly full of JD it'll be spewing right-wing hate posts
easy as barfing bad chili.

Dude you dont even participate in political discussions.

You just blubber incoherent bullshit about how everyone who doesnt support the establishment is a Russian putanist.

I'm sorry you think so highly of these frontal lobe abortions you dazzle everyone with, but it looks like the regulars here do not.

It's not our place to come in here, expect to be catered to and shriek like we are being persecuted because they dont want us consuming their board with political fights.

Key word "consuming". Yanno like the mold that took over your white matter.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with them wanting to keep the politics as a side convo.

Maybe the fucking reason why you only seem to see me discussing politics is because that's all you try to engage in? Have you thought of that?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.
You didn’t read the fine print darling!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.

They dont want anyone to leave.....they just want everyone to chill.

Yanno, just hang out. Talk about other stuff too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yup is politics.... As I promised I would help you by reporting those illegal posts

LMAO. Check out Brainfail. He's making political posts all over the place. So is Strapon.
@Bastard Factory yes they are.... Lots of those posts have also been reported. Why do you not act?! These people deserve a timeout in Meltdown

Why cant you ask him in a pm? We arent even talking about politics right now. Not really .....we are talking the abuse of a child in a well known political family.

BF doesnt want to be treated like the Conway kid. So it's a good analogy for why BF wants to find a way to manage the political exchanges without killing the board and without cutting off discussions entirely.

He is trying to navigate something new so the board works for everyone. Not just us that like to cluck about this topic all day.

Dont be a dick, mang. There is a bigger picture here.
Check who posted a screenshot of a personal message.... Your friendly @Bastard Factory. He's the one moving the discussion here....

Ah true. Fair enough.

But the point of my post still stands, Q.

He isnt doing this to punish or silence anyone.

Let's be patient while he figures out how to let us Americans blow our political loads in these unprecedented times without getting it all over everyone elses face, yeah?

He doesnt have to host us at all.

Q isn't American.

It's Brainfail's whinging that brought us here. He's not upset about us posting American politics, he's upset about liberals posting about politics. He is free to say anything he wants, and to post about SA politics all he wants. He just doesn't want any liberal posts. He is closed-minded and a big crybaby.

Yeah, I love you, too, @Breakfall

It's really more nuanced than that. It's probably easier for me to see how because I'm used to these kinds of boards.

It's not so much they want no mention of politics whatsoever. You guys are mistaking snarky comments mocking culture for right wing political comments. I can see why.....but I can also see the difference between those comments and actual partisan arguing.

What's going on is you guys are taking comments like that as a serious political jab and than an argument kicks up.

Do you really think a guy who is posting shit and piss gifs in every political thread is worried about which group has the bigger megaphone? He has gotten after me a few times too.

He just wants you guys to loosen up and not take it all so seriously here.

No. He doesn't want liberal posts. Just like Strapon. It's not nuanced at all. I am quite good at nuance. These guys aren't smart enough for that.

I don't think he's worried about who has a bigger megaphone. He just wants no left-leaning anything here, including nuance. Nuance, if you can call what they do that, has to be righty.

Lotus.....that's really not it. I can understand how it might feel like that, but that's really not the case. You guys tend to take the posts much more seriously than the rest of us.....he just wants people to loosen up a bit. That's all.

If you made some snarky and funny comments about the current political culture they wouldnt have a problem, they'd just laugh about it.

It's the seriousness and the fighting about it ending up all over the place that's problematic because it's taking BF in a direction it's not intended to go in. The shits serious enough in real life....this place is a break from real life.

I cant speak for BF but I'm 90 percent sure they wanted a time out on politics so that those of fighting about them can start getting along better by posting together on different topics and finding some sort of common grounds so that when politics are allowed again it wont be the toxic cancer spreading into everything.

They want to keep things light is all. Try not to take Big so seriously. He just pushes buttons.

But that's just not fucking true. It's a typical "I see it when you do it, but not when I do it," response. You righties go on diatribes, serious ones, all the damn time. Jesus, Dove, you have done it literally a thousand times and all of your diatribes were 10 times longer than any I ever wrote. Why do you do that, instead of just posting light one liners? And why is it no big deal when you do it? Because it's okay for you, and not for us.

Lotus! Dude I made a comment how if I masturbated to a video of a black woman teaching cunniligus on a cut fruit I would be "doing a white supremacy" and you took that as a serious political comment lol.

I'm not saying I've never gone off on this topic, I know I have. And Breakfall has gotten after me for it too.

All I'm saying is, they just want us to keep it light. BF is trying to find a balance with letting people discuss political topics without having toxic political back and forths all over the board. They are not worried about light hearted snarky comments.

Havent you been on boards that host mostly trolls before?

I have always been on boards full of trolls with free rein to post about politics as well. Never until SG did I ever post on a board that flipped out about politics. And the flipping out on SG was 100% double standard bullshit. Now it's happening here. Give me a break. I was talking about your endless diatribes about abortion, and about liberals in general, and how they are ruining the world, not that stupid white supremacy comment. Come on, Dovey. You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.

The issue isnt on topic comments or on topic "diatribes". It's the inability for people to lighten up and participate in other discussions......without political arguments.

I'm not trying to argue right now, either. It's their board and we are the newbies, and I get what their issue is and I'm trying to communicate that.

They just dont want the arguments being the main course at this board. More like a side dish. And they feel its taking over and shifting the board into something else.

It really doesn't have to be extremes like "no mention of politics whatsoever" or "let's talk about politics all day in every thread".

They just wanna find a middle that works for the whole board.

Well, I've posted hundreds of non-political posts. It's not my fault the only reactions and actual two way conversations that arise come up in political threads. That's not on me. I find it funny that the only thing Brainfail involves himself in talking about passionately is the very thing he wants to curtail.

I'm fine with leaving, as I've said before. If someone is going to dog me all the time and tell me I should be talking about something else, then this place is no fun for me. I'll let Brainfail have his little control freak platform, gladly.

And btw, I joke about political stuff all the damn time. It's not my fault people aren't nuanced enough to get that.
Hey...I don’t want you to leave, just show us your more gracious side. You can still be rough around the edges, just not a pain in arse!

I don't take kindly to people telling me I can't post about politics. I don't enjoy watching grown men literally melt when someone has an intelligent counter argument to their political stupidity, either. And I demand my right to be as much of a pain in the arse as the next guy.
I’m actually more intelligent than you, would you believe? But I certainly won’t be divulging that fact just now.

I look forward to you showing it at some point in time. If I don't leave first.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.
You didn’t read the fine print darling!

Which fine print would that be, boss?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.

They dont want anyone to leave.....they just want everyone to chill.

Yanno, just hang out. Talk about other stuff too.

I know. They want to control what I post about. I got it. A long time ago.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.
You didn’t read the fine print darling!

Which fine print would that be, boss?
Politics is being shunted into AssBoxx and y’all can post under one generic. No more multiple thread starters and et al. Seems fair yeah?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?
You are a good sort Dove! I have your back anytime you require it. It’s people like you that make a difference in this shitty socioeconomic world. Thank you kindly. Xx

This board reminds me of my old "home board" Troll Valhalla. That's were a few of us first came from.

So I get what you guys are talking about.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.

They dont want anyone to leave.....they just want everyone to chill.

Yanno, just hang out. Talk about other stuff too.

I know. They want to control what I post about. I got it. A long time ago.

Well, yeah....sort of.

They dont mind people discussing politics.....they just dont want it so serious and taking over. That's all.

They are trying to protect the board from getting killed by politics.


Factory Bastard
Kellyanne's kid has been playing politics between her parents for a long time. She's a little bitch no matter her political bent.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.
You didn’t read the fine print darling!

Which fine print would that be, boss?
Politics is being shunted into AssBoxx and y’all can post under one generic. No more multiple thread starters and et al. Seems fair yeah?

Nope. But you have your way, boss man. I quit.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.

They dont want anyone to leave.....they just want everyone to chill.

Yanno, just hang out. Talk about other stuff too.

I know. They want to control what I post about. I got it. A long time ago.
If only I could be allowed to broaden your political horizons! :CooL:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.

They dont want anyone to leave.....they just want everyone to chill.

Yanno, just hang out. Talk about other stuff too.

I know. They want to control what I post about. I got it. A long time ago.

Well, yeah....sort of.

They dont mind people discussing politics.....they just dont want it so serious and taking over. That's all.

They are trying to protect the board from getting killed by politics.

We can go around and around about this more if you'd like. Or, I could just say bye, I'm done with the bullshit. Cause that's all it is. Bullshit.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.
You didn’t read the fine print darling!

Which fine print would that be, boss?
Politics is being shunted into AssBoxx and y’all can post under one generic. No more multiple thread starters and et al. Seems fair yeah?

Nope. But you have your way, boss man. I quit.
Do you want me to kiss your toes for you to stay blossombud?


You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.
You didn’t read the fine print darling!

Which fine print would that be, boss?
Politics is being shunted into AssBoxx and y’all can post under one generic. No more multiple thread starters and et al. Seems fair yeah?

Nope. But you have your way, boss man. I quit.
Don't go, Lotus. at least till I make my last post. Only 56 to go.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
You, like Brainfail and Strapon, are blind to your own behavior.
No it isn't. It knows what it's doing. It's a troll - it's what it does.
Yes, I believe the same thing. Their ultimate goal is to fuck up the forum into something only they will love

Dude......WE are the newbies. Yes, you too. I dont recall you being here when I signed up here.

And I signed up here to cunt punt a psycho who ran to this board to talk about how he called my fucking job to get me fired because instead of moving his fucked up ass into my house, i cut him off entirely.

This board was perfectly fine before us, and it would fine if they banned every one of us.

They are allowing us to post here and they want us to assimilate to their flow. They absolutely do not have to change their board for anyone. That is such an entitled mentality, I cannot believe you actually said that.

They ARE trying to accommodate everyone right now. I just think we need to be mindful of the fact that we are in their "home" right now and they really do not have to put up with any of us. This board has been up for years.....believe me, they do not need us.

Why cant we just use our good sense here and keep it chill?

If they want me to leave I will. No problem. I'm just saying I'm not staying if this is a politics free forum. I don't think they need me. That's not my argument.

They dont want anyone to leave.....they just want everyone to chill.

Yanno, just hang out. Talk about other stuff too.

I know. They want to control what I post about. I got it. A long time ago.

Well, yeah....sort of.

They dont mind people discussing politics.....they just dont want it so serious and taking over. That's all.

They are trying to protect the board from getting killed by politics.

We can go around and around about this more if you'd like. Or, I could just say bye, I'm done with the bullshit. Cause that's all it is. Bullshit.
Don’t be so immature. You started the angst, and you were quite good at it. You’re almost troll_worthy twinkle-toes!