

white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
This is my official LADIES ONLY thread.
You must be female or dress like one to post in this thread.

Just another noobie. my name is Sharona and I am currently working at a very busy hospital that's understaffed. I am recently divorced after a 4 month marriage. I'm new to these type forums so go easy on me. If I have a niche, I'm not aware of it. I keep lurking about and trying to fit myself into this and that category here, but it never sticks, because I LIKE IT ALL! Well most. Look forward to saying hi to some of you.

Okay, I need to rant...…….I usually don't do this online but I have gotten to the point of disgusted with the MANtality that I have witnessed since moving to Chicago. Yesterday I've been pushed, shoulder checked, cut in front of, blatantly ignored when I needed assistance, shoved and now injured by a swinging door. All circumstances of which involved male adults with zero regard for myself, the female present. It saddens me to see how pathetic some men are in this area interact with women, and in the same breath I also blame the women in this area who demand to do all themselves, who reject chivalry and who don't appreciate it. We are simultaneously ruining the dynamic of how a true gentlemen should treat a lady and (visa versa), with men (just like realgrimm) not stepping up and with women killing mens ability to do so. Can this society please shape up, pay attention and throw each other some respect?

Then the guy here with ''angry looking avatar'' wanted to know if I swallowed. Obv. not a way to talk to a lady. So yeah, Im gonna go slow. haha. Little diff than POF, because you people are quite 'shadowy. Nothing is personal and its all like really vague on who you all are. I dunno. Its okay though, I'm sorta a Tomboy and like gross things. I am into things that you will need a shot for in the morning. I think Im one of the few girls who don't get cranky. I'm mainly into voyeurism. I don't like violence or whips, no pain thank you. I'm gonna post more pictures of things I'm into soon as I get time.

This is what a Feminist looks like!

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white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So..let me understand...
You want a male who hangs in the background and is just around when you deign to talk to him. Would you offer to open the door for him if he is first to the door, OR, because of his gender, must defer to YOU first and open the door for you, at your convenience?

You want equality, yet demand to treat the male in your relationship as a lesser?

I have a few demands:
1: Take less than 20 minutes to get yourself ready to go out.
2: Mean what you say. If you're "fine" with him going out.. don't come back later to admonish him for doing so.
3: Apply ALL the demands you make of men to yourself. ie; Forgiving, slow to anger, not be domineering, etc.
4: And no, your monthlies does not give you carte blanche to be a royal bitch.


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
There's an underlying inequality in our society that heavily favors men.

So..let me understand...
You want a male who hangs in the background and is just around when you deign to talk to him. Would you offer to open the door for him if he is first to the door, OR, because of his gender, must defer to YOU first and open the door for you, at your convenience?

You want equality, yet demand to treat the male in your relationship as a lesser?

I have a few demands:
1: Take less than 20 minutes to get yourself ready to go out.
2: Mean what you say. If you're "fine" with him going out.. don't come back later to admonish him for doing so.
3: Apply ALL the demands you make of men to yourself. ie; Forgiving, slow to anger, not be domineering, etc.
4: And no, your monthlies does not give you carte blanche to be a royal bitch.

All men are rapist. Plain and simple.

This is a developed recap from what I’ve been saying in various comments here and there in the last two weeks or so. As a feminist I’ve always said PIV is rape and I remember being disappointed to discover that so few radical feminists stated it clearly. How can you possibly see it otherwise?


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
Intercourse is the very means through which men oppress us, from which we are not allowed to escape, yet some instances of or PIV and intercourse may be chosen and free?

That makes no sense at all Mr. man.


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
First, well intercourse is NEVER sex for women. Only men experience rape as sexual and define it as such. Sex for men is the unilateral penetration of their penis into a woman (or anything else replacing and symbolizing the female orifice) whether she thinks she wants it or not...…...which is the definition of rape: that he will to do it anyway and that he uses her and treats her as a receptacle, in all circumstances – it makes no difference to him experiencing it as sexual.

That is...…..…….at the very least, men use women as useful objects and instruments for penetration, and women are dehumanized by this act.

It is an act of violence.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
You could use some dick. Sounds like "its been a while"....



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There's an underlying inequality in our society that heavily favors men.

So..let me understand...
You want a male who hangs in the background and is just around when you deign to talk to him. Would you offer to open the door for him if he is first to the door, OR, because of his gender, must defer to YOU first and open the door for you, at your convenience?

You want equality, yet demand to treat the male in your relationship as a lesser?

I have a few demands:
1: Take less than 20 minutes to get yourself ready to go out.
2: Mean what you say. If you're "fine" with him going out.. don't come back later to admonish him for doing so.
3: Apply ALL the demands you make of men to yourself. ie; Forgiving, slow to anger, not be domineering, etc.
4: And no, your monthlies does not give you carte blanche to be a royal bitch.

All men are rapist. Plain and simple.

This is a developed recap from what I’ve been saying in various comments here and there in the last two weeks or so. As a feminist I’ve always said PIV is rape and I remember being disappointed to discover that so few radical feminists stated it clearly. How can you possibly see it otherwise?

Not saying there isn't a Patriarchy and you can easily see it if you are willing. Most are not.

However, we often become the very thing we hate. "ALL men are rapist" The use of an absolute asserts an opinion, not a fact.

And exactly how is being a "radical feminist" any different than a "radical misogynist"? If you had the backing of a Matriarchy would you feel better? Or do you want equality? And simply because you have encountered, apparently for most of YOUR life, a series of males whom have hurt you deeply enough to form this hate, does not mean ALL of us are of the same quality. Given that you want to project this image of a "Radical feminist" you probably won't encounter the male you have such a high criteria for.


Have kink will travel.
Factory Bastard
This is my official LADIES ONLY thread.
You must be female or dress like one to post in this thread.

Just another noobie. my name is Sharona and I am currently working at a very busy hospital that's understaffed. I am recently divorced after a 4 month marriage. I'm new to these type forums so go easy on me. If I have a niche, I'm not aware of it. I keep lurking about and trying to fit myself into this and that category here, but it never sticks, because I LIKE IT ALL! Well most. Look forward to saying hi to some of you.

Okay, I need to rant...…….I usually don't do this online but I have gotten to the point of disgusted with the MANtality that I have witnessed since moving to Chicago. Yesterday I've been pushed, shoulder checked, cut in front of, blatantly ignored when I needed assistance, shoved and now injured by a swinging door. All circumstances of which involved male adults with zero regard for myself, the female present. It saddens me to see how pathetic some men are in this area interact with women, and in the same breath I also blame the women in this area who demand to do all themselves, who reject chivalry and who don't appreciate it. We are simultaneously ruining the dynamic of how a true gentlemen should treat a lady and (visa versa), with men (just like realgrimm) not stepping up and with women killing mens ability to do so. Can this society please shape up, pay attention and throw each other some respect?

Then the guy here with ''angry looking avatar'' wanted to know if I swallowed. Obv. not a way to talk to a lady. So yeah, Im gonna go slow. haha. Little diff than POF, because you people are quite 'shadowy. Nothing is personal and its all like really vague on who you all are. I dunno. Its okay though, I'm sorta a Tomboy and like gross things. I am into things that you will need a shot for in the morning. I think Im one of the few girls who don't get cranky. I'm mainly into voyeurism. I don't like violence or whips, no pain thank you. I'm gonna post more pictures of things I'm into soon as I get time.

This is what a Feminist looks like!


What a dog! Woof! Woof!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I often wonder about those who "feel" persecuted yet meet every new situation or person with a chip on their shoulder and an open challenge to the world to persecute them. It seems a bit counter-productive in my eyes. The reality, in my opinion, is that the the United States (and most first world countries) have made some serious improvements in the way of gender equality in the last 50 or so years, perhaps there needs to be more, perhaps not. I'm not qualified to say one way or the other.

Did it ever occur to you that people don't treat you as you would like to be treated not because you are (insert minority group here), but rather because you are a jerk?


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard

...intercourse is inherently harmful to women and intentionally so, because it causes pregnancy in women. The purpose of men enforcing intercourse regularly (as in, more than once a month) onto women is because its the surest way to cause pregnancy and force childbearing against our will,,, and thereby gain control over our reproductive powers. You sub-human posters in here know damn well there is no way to eliminate the pregnancy risk entirely off PIV (Penis in Vagina) and the mitigating and harm-reduction practices such as contraception and abortion are inherently harmful, too.
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white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
The fact intercourse causes so many infections and tears and warts attests to the unnaturalness of intercourse, that it’s not meant to be!!!

The vagina's primary function isn’t to be penetrated by a penis but to eject a baby for birth. They are two muscle tissues / sphincters pressed against each other to help the baby be pushed out. Penetration of the penis into the vagina is completely unnecessary for conception.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The fact intercourse causes so many infections and tears and warts attests to the unnaturalness of intercourse, that it’s not meant to be!!!

The vagina's primary function isn’t to be penetrated by a penis but to eject a baby for birth. They are two muscle tissues / sphincters pressed against each other to help the baby be pushed out. Penetration of the penis into the vagina is completely unnecessary for conception.
Well to think most species have been doing it wrong for the past thousands of years. Good to know.


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
You sir, are a perfect example of all-pervasive and powerful male propaganda, they stuff our minds from infancy with the idea that PIV is normal, desirable and erotic (look at those topics in this places erotica forum!!mygod), before we can even conceive of it as something horrifying, and make sure we never see any alternative to their lie ----– or that if we do, we can no longer take in the information, are punished for thinking and saying otherwise.

The fact we may not immediately feel raped doesn’t mean it’s not rape, objectively speaking!

Why am I yelling!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You sir, are a perfect example of all-pervasive and powerful male propaganda, they stuff our minds from infancy with the idea that PIV is normal, desirable and erotic (look at those topics in this places erotica forum!!mygod), before we can even conceive of it as something horrifying, and make sure we never see any alternative to their lie ----– or that if we do, we can no longer take in the information, are punished for thinking and saying otherwise.

The fact we may not immediately feel raped doesn’t mean it’s not rape, objectively speaking!

Why am I yelling!!
I am left to wonder about your childhood if you were already learning about sex ed when you were an infant. But that most likely explains all the hate.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
Site Supporter
What REQUIRE from a MAN...…………………………………
1. He must be quiet and unassuming
2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.
3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbors, shouting to me in the street "well, are you comin' in?" and letting everyone know we are having a fight.
4. Not to treat me like a sex object, unlike the Bangerdash or realgrim members do here.
5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc.
6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have".
7. Treat me as an equal.
8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy.
9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans
10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership.
11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!"
12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually.
13. He must be forgiving.
14. He must be slow to anger.
15. He must love me unreservedly
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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
Site Supporter
You sir, are a perfect example of all-pervasive and powerful male propaganda, they stuff our minds from infancy with the idea that PIV is normal, desirable and erotic (look at those topics in this places erotica forum!!mygod), before we can even conceive of it as something horrifying, and make sure we never see any alternative to their lie ----– or that if we do, we can no longer take in the information, are punished for thinking and saying otherwise.

The fact we may not immediately feel raped doesn’t mean it’s not rape, objectively speaking!

Why am I yelling!!
Is this why you were only married for 4 months- - - - - - -

Can You Divorce Your Wife for Not Consumating the Marriage?
By Kevin Owen
In many states, the refusal of spouses to engage in sexual relations with their husband or wife may help establish grounds for divorce on claims such as desertion or abandonment. Other states require parties to a "no-fault" divorce, where neither spouse blames the other for the dissolution of the marriage, to refrain from sexual intercourse for a period of time before the divorce can become final.


Site Supporter
Anal Creampie
There was a guy in Canada a couple years ago who ran a shelter for male victims of domestic violence, somehow radfems got it shut down and he hung himself because of it. In his suicide note he blamed the government for not taking male victims seriously enough.

I forget the exact numbers but I read a study once that said while most domestic violence is reciprocal, women commit more non-reciprocal violence against men than men do against women, and that lesbian relationships in particular have the most domestic violence.

The female on male rape stats are also misleading. Not only are men even less likely to report than women(less likely to be taken seriously), up until a couple years ago the CDC didn't even record those instances as rape, they'd get marked down in some miscellaneous category or as "made to penetrate" or something stupid.


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
You sir, are a perfect example of all-pervasive and powerful male propaganda, they stuff our minds from infancy with the idea that PIV is normal, desirable and erotic (look at those topics in this places erotica forum!!mygod), before we can even conceive of it as something horrifying, and make sure we never see any alternative to their lie ----– or that if we do, we can no longer take in the information, are punished for thinking and saying otherwise.

The fact we may not immediately feel raped doesn’t mean it’s not rape, objectively speaking!

Why am I yelling!!
Is this why you were only married for 4 months- - - - - - -

Can You Divorce Your Wife for Not Consumating the Marriage?
By Kevin Owen
In many states, the refusal of spouses to engage in sexual relations with their husband or wife may help establish grounds for divorce on claims such as desertion or abandonment. Other states require parties to a "no-fault" divorce, where neither spouse blames the other for the dissolution of the marriage, to refrain from sexual intercourse for a period of time before the divorce can become final.

I am now happily divorced because Kevin wanted to play video games and hang out with his friends more than spend time with me at the library or reading on the patio.
He ate too much too. I've never lived with a man before and we went through $100 in groceries a week. Never flushed, farted in the kitchen and always left the water running. I found his gun under our bed moving my shoes and he had to confess. He also bet on golf. A lot. Just an overall evil man with too many vices.


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
You sir, are a perfect example of all-pervasive and powerful male propaganda, they stuff our minds from infancy with the idea that PIV is normal, desirable and erotic (look at those topics in this places erotica forum!!mygod), before we can even conceive of it as something horrifying, and make sure we never see any alternative to their lie ----– or that if we do, we can no longer take in the information, are punished for thinking and saying otherwise.

The fact we may not immediately feel raped doesn’t mean it’s not rape, objectively speaking!

Why am I yelling!!
I am left to wonder about your childhood if you were already learning about sex ed when you were an infant. But that most likely explains all the hate.

dad killed mom back in '97 and this has ruined fathers day as well