Stop Government Subsidies of Religion


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If you're not in good standing with a Christian anti gay church, you shouldnt be in office.


Factory Bastard
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If you're not in good standing with a Christian anti gay church, you shouldnt be in office.

Have you scheduled your booster lobotomy yet?
Have you registered your location with the US government so Trump can drone strike you in 2025?

Oh, so then you admit Trump is a tyrant who would murder citizens who dislike him. Thank you for your honesty.
No, but I sure wish he would. I was disappointed that he didnt call us all to arms when you people stole the election. Bet your ass if it were me, we'd be in a full blown civil war right now.

Churches, Christian anti gay churches, shouldnt ever be taxed because our rights come from God and they do God's work. Pro gay, muhzie, and satanic churches do satans work and they should be burned to the ground...preferable with the members locked inside.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
If you're not in good standing with a Christian anti gay church, you shouldnt be in office.

Have you scheduled your booster lobotomy yet?
Have you registered your location with the US government so Trump can drone strike you in 2025?

Oh, so then you admit Trump is a tyrant who would murder citizens who dislike him. Thank you for your honesty.
No, but I sure wish he would. I was disappointed that he didnt call us all to arms when you people stole the election. Bet your ass if it were me, we'd be in a full blown civil war right now.

Churches, Christian anti gay churches, shouldnt ever be taxed because our rights come from God and they do God's work. Pro gay, muhzie, and satanic churches do satans work and they should be burned to the ground...preferable with the members locked inside.

How did I steal the election? I didn't vote for Trump or Biden.

PS, Trump lost. Get a grip on reality.

You belong in a straight jacket.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I dont understand anyway, why would any democRAT wanna keep going to a church that uses the Bible for reference? I mean, the Bible prescribes death for faggits, and a whole host of crimes. Doesnt make sense that anyone democRAT would choose to be Catlick.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If you're not in good standing with a Christian anti gay church, you shouldnt be in office.

Have you scheduled your booster lobotomy yet?
Have you registered your location with the US government so Trump can drone strike you in 2025?

Oh, so then you admit Trump is a tyrant who would murder citizens who dislike him. Thank you for your honesty.
No, but I sure wish he would. I was disappointed that he didnt call us all to arms when you people stole the election. Bet your ass if it were me, we'd be in a full blown civil war right now.

Churches, Christian anti gay churches, shouldnt ever be taxed because our rights come from God and they do God's work. Pro gay, muhzie, and satanic churches do satans work and they should be burned to the ground...preferable with the members locked inside.

How did I steal the election? I didn't vote for Trump or Biden.

PS, Trump lost. Get a grip on reality.

You belong in a straight jacket.
You might even be the worst of the libtards. You watched your own guy get the nom stolen from him TWICE!....and now you deny Trump had the election stolen from him. You people are pure shit.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
If you're not in good standing with a Christian anti gay church, you shouldnt be in office.

Have you scheduled your booster lobotomy yet?
Have you registered your location with the US government so Trump can drone strike you in 2025?

Oh, so then you admit Trump is a tyrant who would murder citizens who dislike him. Thank you for your honesty.
No, but I sure wish he would. I was disappointed that he didnt call us all to arms when you people stole the election. Bet your ass if it were me, we'd be in a full blown civil war right now.

Churches, Christian anti gay churches, shouldnt ever be taxed because our rights come from God and they do God's work. Pro gay, muhzie, and satanic churches do satans work and they should be burned to the ground...preferable with the members locked inside.

How did I steal the election? I didn't vote for Trump or Biden.

PS, Trump lost. Get a grip on reality.

You belong in a straight jacket.
You might even be the worst of the libtards. You watched your own guy get the nom stolen from him TWICE!....and now you deny Trump had the election stolen from him. You people are pure shit.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
If you're not in good standing with a Christian anti gay church, you shouldnt be in office.

Have you scheduled your booster lobotomy yet?
Have you registered your location with the US government so Trump can drone strike you in 2025?

Oh, so then you admit Trump is a tyrant who would murder citizens who dislike him. Thank you for your honesty.
You douchebags aren’t citizens