You guys know how i often compared the left to nazis


Domestically feral
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United states
With the propaganda take over and the viscious hatred they have towards everyone who thinks differently?

How they demonize and dehumanize anyone right of Hilter? How they will attack and dehumanize us?

Here is a good article about the psychology behind that and how it's a driving force in genocide

It's really unfortunate the cycle humanity gets stuck in. Going through these authoritarian genocidal cycles. The left already treats human beings in the womb like total meaningless garbage. And they been trained to look at us like complete racist scum.

I feel like we should all be enlightened enough to notice when this is happening on our end....and I know many former leftists have but the ones very stuck in it.

If you had told me ten years ago that men would get the legal ability to declare themselves women and come into our private spaces and rape and beat women in prison and we would fight this against a whole group of brainwashed savages openly calling for violence against women and death? I would have laughed.

Now I'm just terrified of the country my daughters are inheriting.

"Thinking sets the agenda for action, and thinking of humans as less than human paves the way for atrocity. The Nazis were explicit about the status of their victims. They were Untermenschen — subhumans — and as such were excluded from the system of moral rights and obligations that bind humankind together. It's wrong to kill a person, but permissible to exterminate a rat. To the Nazis, all the Jews, Gypsies and others were rats: dangerous, disease-carrying rats."

^^^^ you see left wing activists say shit like this all the time. They label everyone a nazi, a white supremacist, a racist or transphobe and once they do that they make it a moral duty to harass and assault and threaten to kill. It's that psychotic and irrational hatred that leads to human rights atrocities.

And they act all shocked when we talk about needing a civil war or killing them.....but if they weren't dehumanizing and threatening us, we wouldn't be. They have no self awareness or boundaries and they make their nastiness our responsibility.

If they are hateful and threatening towards us, it's our They fail to understand that if they continue down this path they are on, there is going to be a blood bath. And that's not what WE want....its their hate, their dehumanization and their imposing on individual rights.
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Domestically feral
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United states
"It's all too easy to imagine that the Third Reich was a bizarre aberration, a kind of mass insanity instigated by a small group of deranged ideologues who conspired to seize political power and bend a nation to their will. Alternatively, it's tempting to imagine that the Germans were (or are) a uniquely cruel and bloodthirsty people. But these diagnoses are dangerously wrong. What's most disturbing about the Nazi phenomenon is not that the Nazis were madmen or monsters. It's that they were ordinary human beings."

From the article. Posting the link just gives an audio.


Domestically feral
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United states


Factory Bastard
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Mankind always has to operate by some set of rules and morality. Judeo/Christianity is superior because it comes from the Creator. Today, America has had its moral base stripped away and thats why its failing. America doesnt have a common people to bind it together so a common code of morality/ethics was all we had.


Domestically feral
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United states
I mean, imagine constantly reminding someone you dont read their posts.

Yeah Lotus we know none of you read anything.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
You're using a buzzword like the left do, National Socialism isn't evil... How dare a leader put his people first eh?
Shitty, cause all 3 are pure shit. America as founded is far superior.
That's all you got, your stupid wee neg bombs and samey shit day after day after day... Yeah that superior that yous flooded it with negroes because you got too fat and lazy to do shit for yourselves... Baha Brits built America and the mutts ruined it... Don't get excited though hoping you can turn this into a UK v US thing now Moshe, you're a kike loving super fahg who comes across like an angsty teenage girl on the rag, let's talk about how you said you were born to be a killer yet you probably don't even have a misdemeanor on your record fahget... :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You're using a buzzword like the left do, National Socialism isn't evil... How dare a leader put his people first eh?

I'm a nationalist. I'm NOT a socailist. Or a marxist or a fascist. That chart looks just like our left.

And I think you are missing the point. This was using WW2 as an example of the dehumanizing hate that leads to genocide.....not so much a critic on ideology. ;)

Although these ideologies tend to lead to genocide.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You're using a buzzword like the left do, National Socialism isn't evil... How dare a leader put his people first eh?
Shitty, cause all 3 are pure shit. America as founded is far superior.
That's all you got, your stupid wee neg bombs and samey shit day after day after day... Yeah that superior that yous flooded it with negroes because you got too fat and lazy to do shit for yourselves... Baha Brits built America and the mutts ruined it... Don't get excited though hoping you can turn this into a UK v US thing now Moshe, you're a kike loving super fahg who comes across like an angsty teenage girl on the rag, let's talk about how you said you were born to be a killer yet you probably don't even have a misdemeanor on your record fahget... :LOL3:

Dont get so mad DDD. History proves hitler was a maniac and a failure that nearly got germany exterminated. The country paid by being split in 2 for 45 years. Sad.


Factory Bastard
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"It's all too easy to imagine that the Third Reich was a bizarre aberration, a kind of mass insanity instigated by a small group of deranged ideologues who conspired to seize political power and bend a nation to their will. Alternatively, it's tempting to imagine that the Germans were (or are) a uniquely cruel and bloodthirsty people. But these diagnoses are dangerously wrong. What's most disturbing about the Nazi phenomenon is not that the Nazis were madmen or monsters. It's that they were ordinary human beings."

From the article. Posting the link just gives an audio.

I am neither pro-German or Nazi Sympathizer.

But I think the ones who were ultimately responsible for the rise of the Nazis were the British.
their Establishment, their Nobility & their Elites such as the bankers and Industrialists.
Because they started World War I and forced the Germans to fight them.
And 20 years later this created the conditions for World War II
The British and the French destroyed the monarchies & the traditional societies of their enemies in World War I, and it came back to bit them in the ass in World War II.
Hitler and the Germans got revenge on them by destroying the British, French, Belgian & the Dutch Empires.

The Germans never offcially declared War with the British in World War I & even tho they tried to back out of a War, the British wouldn't let them.

Same in World War II. The British didn't allow the Germans to seek any compromise with them after the invasion of Poland which could averted that War. The Germans declared War on the British after they declared war on Germany - who couldn't back down.

By no means does this absolve Germany of its guilt or its atrocities, but the British themselves are not guiltless.

The British themsleves were ruthless Imperialists and colonialists. They gave the USA such a hard time for its Jim Crow laws. but were practising the same thing in their own colonies. Even the Whites in those colonies such as the Australians and South Africans got treated like 2nd class citizens and dirt.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Mankind always has to operate by some set of rules and morality. Judeo/Christianity is superior because it comes from the Creator. Today, America has had its moral base stripped away and thats why its failing. America doesnt have a common people to bind it together so a common code of morality/ethics was all we had.

100% correct however in our better times were only good for men and that was the same as putting a vampire in charge of the blood bank.

Post WW 2 with a smaller population we had no choice but to work together to rebuild.

Now where do we go? There is only a BIG mess to clean up.

Gawd, I sound cheery today, don't I?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The King of Germany started WW1 Joe.... And the British Royalty at the time were GERMAN...

But Germany never actually declared war on Britain in WWI.

But the British were eagre to declare war on Germany.

Same thing in WWII, the germans for a brief time staged this 'phony war' and the Nazis sent Rudolf Hess to try to negotiate an end to hositilities with the Brits. But of course, Hess was imprisoned almost immediately, and the war carried on.

You may not believe either account, but those are the facts.

Just look them up.

Not saying the Germans didn't have ulterior motives, but they didn't really want to fight the British in either war.

Their lack of naval force may have actually been an indication of this.

They weren't prepared for a naval war with the British.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Churchill refused peace with Germany because his Zionist paymasters ordered him to. It's really that simple.

The Jews wanted Hitler brought down and NS Germany destroyed at any cost.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Churchill refused peace with Germany because his Zionist paymasters ordered him to. It's really that simple.

The Jews wanted Hitler brought down and NS Germany destroyed at any cost.

I'm more inclined to think it was White British Western Anglo Saxon Protestant Bankers with a few Scots perhaps a few Jews thrown in.

Then as now, they Anglo Bloc still controls the world.

Only they moved to America after WWII.

So the seat of power transferred from a White ruling class in Britain to a WASP ruling class in America where it remains today.

Not saying Jews don't have influece, but I hink the old power arrangment, and the people who control it still are the same.

BTW, Churchill's mother was an American.

Probably why it wasn't so hard for him to hand over the keys to the Americans.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I researched it all years ago, Churchill was part of a group of elites called 'The Focus' which consisted of bankers, freemasons and other super-wealthy types.

These people wanted Hitler gone, largely due to the fact that he had closed the Rothschild central bank in Germany and had one of the Rothschilds arrested. Unfortunately though, they released him, due to pleas from various British influential figures.

These Zionists and other elites promised Churchill fame, wealth and glory if he focused his efforts on bringing down NS Germany.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Churchill refused peace with Germany because his Zionist paymasters ordered him to. It's really that simple.

The Jews wanted Hitler brought down and NS Germany destroyed at any cost.

I'm more inclined to think it was White British Western Anglo Saxon Protestant Bankers with a few Scots perhaps a few Jews thrown in.

Then as now, they Anglo Bloc still controls the world.

Only they moved to America after WWII.

So the seat of power transferred from a White ruling class in Britain to a WASP ruling class in America where it remains today.

Anglo bankers and Anglo elites? LOL! Joe, Jews control the banking system and have done for centuries. The US is essentially owned by these people too, the mainstream media, government, judiciary, big pharma etc..... Jews monopolise just about every influential and important sector of society.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I researched it all years ago, Churchill was part of a group of elites called 'The Focus' which consisted of bankers, freemasons and other super-wealthy types.

These people wanted Hitler gone, largely due to the fact that he had closed the Rothschild central bank in Germany and had one of the Rothschilds arrested. Unfortunately though, they released him, due to pleas from various British influential figures.

These Zionists and other elites promised Churchill fame, wealth and glory if he focused his efforts on bringing down NS Germany.

Churchill was the prvileged son of the British nobility going way back to the 1700s.

So I'm sure he was very much part of the Elite.

Plus he held some very high cabinet posts in the British government in the First World War.

Many think he was behind the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, intentionally let it happen to facilitate the entry of the USA into WWI.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Yes he came from wealth already but he was a glory hound with a bad drink habit and gambling addiction. As I said, he attacked Hitler for his own selfish reasons, not because it was for the good of the nation, far from it in fact.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
A got an "A" for German history 1850-1939 back in 1993... Don't make me drag out my old history books about Germany's last King, Wilheln 2, and WAS ALSO the Grandson of Queen Victoria of England but he was a warring king...HE wanted a war.... And @Aryan, I'm not talking about Hitler, I am correcting Joe's comment about WW1.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The wars all originate in the Balkans... they are the ones who ran around assassinating Austrian royalty.... and like all the European Royalty are family ie, related.


Domestically feral
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United states
The kitten that just left for his new home.....I called him Winston Churchill. Just a grey and white tuxedo who always looked so thoughtful.

Now I'm crying :(


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The kitten that just left for his new home.....I called him Winston Churchill. Just a grey and white tuxedo who always looked so thoughtful.

Now I'm crying :(

the worse feeling is to pass on baby pets... just pray for courage and passing them on to the right owners.... get them to agree to sending you pictures of their new bed or something... that will help.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The kitten that just left for his new home.....I called him Winston Churchill. Just a grey and white tuxedo who always looked so thoughtful.

Now I'm crying :(

the worse feeling is to pass on baby pets... just pray for courage and passing them on to the right owners.... get them to agree to sending you pictures of their new bed or something... that will help.

I have the adoptees signing "contracts" me and GB typed up.

We got all the cats (7 kittens and 3 adults) fixed, given shots and micro chips, and got dewormer meds and Flea and tick meds. So we are charging a fee as well as having these people sign a paper agreeing the cats will be indoors, taken to a vet, not be declawed and that if for any reason it doesnt work out they BRING THEM BACK to us.

But that doesnt mean they will actually do any of that.....and I feel like the whole world sucks and no one is good enough lol.

I'm more emotional about this than I was expecting. 2 of these kittens were born on my leg and one of them I had to supplement feed with a syringe. I wish they could telepathically call to me if they are being mistreated.

I gotta get a grip lol

I do say I wouldnt mind updates.... but I dont feel like I have a right to push that as much as I want to. :/

I am gonna call in a month for a follow up just to see how it's going. ....and after that nothing.

I'm trying to help the cat population in this camp ground. There is a feral colony and than strays that were pets. They get pregnant like crazy. I'm trying to TNR. And get kittens healthy and adopted. It's been kitten season so all shelters are I had to step up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The kitten that just left for his new home.....I called him Winston Churchill. Just a grey and white tuxedo who always looked so thoughtful.

Now I'm crying :(

the worse feeling is to pass on baby pets... just pray for courage and passing them on to the right owners.... get them to agree to sending you pictures of their new bed or something... that will help.

I have the adoptees signing "contracts" me and GB typed up.

We got all the cats (7 kittens and 3 adults) fixed, given shots and micro chips, and got dewormer meds and Flea and tick meds. So we are charging a fee as well as having these people sign a paper agreeing the cats will be indoors, taken to a vet, not be declawed and that if for any reason it doesnt work out they BRING THEM BACK to us.

But that doesnt mean they will actually do any of that.....and I feel like the whole world sucks and no one is good enough lol.

I'm more emotional about this than I was expecting. 2 of these kittens were born on my leg and one of them I had to supplement feed with a syringe. I wish they could telepathically call to me if they are being mistreated.

I gotta get a grip lol

I do say I wouldnt mind updates.... but I dont feel like I have a right to push that as much as I want to. :/

I am gonna call in a month for a follow up just to see how it's going. ....and after that nothing.

I'm trying to help the cat population in this camp ground. There is a feral colony and than strays that were pets. They get pregnant like crazy. I'm trying to TNR. And get kittens healthy and adopted. It's been kitten season so all shelters are I had to step up.

That is the best you can do... no one can ask more than that. I'm on my main PC now for awhile.. it's 7:15 PM here now.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The kitten that just left for his new home.....I called him Winston Churchill. Just a grey and white tuxedo who always looked so thoughtful.

Now I'm crying :(

the worse feeling is to pass on baby pets... just pray for courage and passing them on to the right owners.... get them to agree to sending you pictures of their new bed or something... that will help.

I have the adoptees signing "contracts" me and GB typed up.

We got all the cats (7 kittens and 3 adults) fixed, given shots and micro chips, and got dewormer meds and Flea and tick meds. So we are charging a fee as well as having these people sign a paper agreeing the cats will be indoors, taken to a vet, not be declawed and that if for any reason it doesnt work out they BRING THEM BACK to us.

But that doesnt mean they will actually do any of that.....and I feel like the whole world sucks and no one is good enough lol.

I'm more emotional about this than I was expecting. 2 of these kittens were born on my leg and one of them I had to supplement feed with a syringe. I wish they could telepathically call to me if they are being mistreated.

I gotta get a grip lol

I do say I wouldnt mind updates.... but I dont feel like I have a right to push that as much as I want to. :/

I am gonna call in a month for a follow up just to see how it's going. ....and after that nothing.

I'm trying to help the cat population in this camp ground. There is a feral colony and than strays that were pets. They get pregnant like crazy. I'm trying to TNR. And get kittens healthy and adopted. It's been kitten season so all shelters are I had to step up.

That is the best you can do... no one can ask more than that. I'm on my main PC now for awhile.. it's 7:15 PM here now.

Every morning while I make coffee these kittens would surround me and some would climb up my legs and they'd mew like crazy. I hated it. One of them I call Mewsolinni (he is a runt and food aggresive...the bigger cats were afraid of him at feedings lol) would jump onto my shoulder and ride on me. I'm really attached to him.

But now I'm like grieving it lol.