Vaccinate or be Outcast


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This article directly explains why people are not trusting any official narratives and this is why other people are being driven to conspiracies.

We really are in a huge mess and there is really no solutions, especailly with a leftwing so obsessed with control and power.

Meanwhile, Pfizer is nw pushing a 3rd or booster shot, emphatically stating that we all need it t combat the Delta Variant.

But the Head Doctor and other physicians in the US have stated that this is not needed at this time:

Also one of them actually stated that she's apprehensive to approve a 3rd shot because of unkonwn side effects and that they have nt been properly tested.

So Pfizer appears to be pushing a vaccine primarily for profit, not safety - even AGAINST the recommendations of the top registered board Physicians educated at the best medical schools in the United States.

You can't trust Big Pharma.


And if that wasnt bad enough.....people are attacking, degrading and calling people "murderers" if they are uncomfortable.

I swear. If the left didnt exist.....there would be thousands of people alive today and more people vaccinated.

NO ONE wants to comply with these people.

We need succession. People need to be allowed to ask questions and see transparency and that's just not possible with psychotic control freaks who just hate half the country.

I just thought that news story made Pfizer look really bad.
Pfizer's PR team really blew that one.

Instead of pushing this 3rd dose as if should be mandatory, they should have first inquired to the top medical authorities if they thought a 3rd shot was necessary, reached a consensus and then devised a realistic approved timeline as to when it might or should be available.

Now Big Pharma just look like greedy opportunists who don't care about the health of the public.

Nobody's gonna trust them now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Pfizer shot may offer only as little as 6 months protection against COVID:


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You are wrong about some things, Joe.

The people you refer to as "top medical authorities" are not running trials or doing any kind of hands-on research. They have always just quoted studies done by the real researchers. And the majority of those studies have been funded and/or performed by Big Pharma.

If these "top medical authorities" are only waking-up now and understanding that the vaccines are dangerous, that just makes them slower to react to the warning that many scientists have been giving them for months.

Everyone should keep an eye on Israel. They were quick to get a large percentage of their population vaccinated. And now it appears they are headed into a third wave. And the vaccines do not seem to be a factor in whether or not people get infected nor whether or not they are hospitalized. For instance, in age brackets where 80% of people are fully vaccinated, about 80% of the positive cases are from fully vaccinated people, and about 80% of the hospitalizations are fully vaccinated people.

But this is still very short term. I fear the real damage caused by these vaccines will be realized in the months and years to come.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
You are wrong about some things, Joe.

The people you refer to as "top medical authorities" are not running trials or doing any kind of hands-on research. They have always just quoted studies done by the real researchers. And the majority of those studies have been funded and/or performed by Big Pharma.

If these "top medical authorities" are only waking-up now and understanding that the vaccines are dangerous, that just makes them slower to react to the warning that many scientists have been giving them for months.

Everyone should keep an eye on Israel. They were quick to get a large percentage of their population vaccinated. And now it appears they are headed into a third wave. And the vaccines do not seem to be a factor in whether or not people get infected nor whether or not they are hospitalized. For instance, in age brackets where 80% of people are fully vaccinated, about 80% of the positive cases are from fully vaccinated people, and about 80% of the hospitalizations are fully vaccinated people.

But this is still very short term. I fear the real damage caused by these vaccines will be realized in the months and years to come.
Without citations, a cynic might wonder if this information is seeping out of one of your orifices.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You are wrong about some things, Joe.

The people you refer to as "top medical authorities" are not running trials or doing any kind of hands-on research. They have always just quoted studies done by the real researchers. And the majority of those studies have been funded and/or performed by Big Pharma.

If these "top medical authorities" are only waking-up now and understanding that the vaccines are dangerous, that just makes them slower to react to the warning that many scientists have been giving them for months.

Everyone should keep an eye on Israel. They were quick to get a large percentage of their population vaccinated. And now it appears they are headed into a third wave. And the vaccines do not seem to be a factor in whether or not people get infected nor whether or not they are hospitalized. For instance, in age brackets where 80% of people are fully vaccinated, about 80% of the positive cases are from fully vaccinated people, and about 80% of the hospitalizations are fully vaccinated people.

But this is still very short term. I fear the real damage caused by these vaccines will be realized in the months and years to come.
Without citations, a cynic might wonder if this information is seeping out of one of your orifices.
Betcha if it were sperm seeping out of an orifice you'd happily accept it in full no questions asked. Faggot


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You are wrong about some things, Joe.

The people you refer to as "top medical authorities" are not running trials or doing any kind of hands-on research. They have always just quoted studies done by the real researchers. And the majority of those studies have been funded and/or performed by Big Pharma.

If these "top medical authorities" are only waking-up now and understanding that the vaccines are dangerous, that just makes them slower to react to the warning that many scientists have been giving them for months.

Everyone should keep an eye on Israel. They were quick to get a large percentage of their population vaccinated. And now it appears they are headed into a third wave. And the vaccines do not seem to be a factor in whether or not people get infected nor whether or not they are hospitalized. For instance, in age brackets where 80% of people are fully vaccinated, about 80% of the positive cases are from fully vaccinated people, and about 80% of the hospitalizations are fully vaccinated people.

But this is still very short term. I fear the real damage caused by these vaccines will be realized in the months and years to come.


But what I find interesting is that the Medical Authorities do not agree with nor chose to side with Pfizer this time.

And of course, Pfizer would have its own Medical Staff of first rate physicians too.

And yet, Pfizer was not able to convince these top rated physicians in the US about the need for a 3rd booster shot.

So....that must be like egg on the faces of Pfzier and its medical staff.

If US medical authorities won't endorse Pfizer and its plans, then why should the public trust them?

Is their only rationale - "Get a vaccine cuz it will make us even richer and our shareholders happy!"?
Last edited:


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.

Every sperm is sacred, stop masterbation now!


Now Big Pharma just look like greedy opportunists
Nobody's gonna trust them now.
LoLz - Next to the Church of Rome, the AMA/FDA/Big Pharma cabal is the evilest cabal on earth (okay, maybe tied with modern american conservatives for second).
Purvayors of Allopathy have been untrustworthy for well over 100 years (since all that matters is money and return customers) - why would anyone trust them?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Now Big Pharma just look like greedy opportunists
Nobody's gonna trust them now.
LoLz - Next to the Church of Rome, the AMA/FDA/Big Pharma cabal is the evilest cabal on earth (okay, maybe tied with modern american conservatives for second).
Purvayors of Allopathy have been untrustworthy for well over 100 years (since all that matters is money and return customers) - why would anyone trust them?

...but why is Big Pharma...aka Pfizer...pushing a booster o4 3rd dose when top medical authorities in the US have not approved/endorse it, and in fact have recommended against it due to safety concerns?

Seems more like a money grab than acting in the best interests of the public, don't you think, Holliday?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The vaccine is a waste of time. Getting it doesnt prevent COVID.

I think the vaccine could be effecive - but not sure for how long tho.

and ya gotta wonder how long the public will put up with being jabbed with an uknown substance with unforseen side effects every year or even 6 months. Almost every vaccine for other viruses lasts for 5 years minimum to life.

I don't think Pfizer's executives seem very honest.

Putting profits before people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The vaccine is a waste of time. Getting it doesnt prevent COVID.

I think the vaccine could be effecive - but not sure for how long tho.

and ya gotta wonder how long the public will put up with being jabbed with an uknown substance with unforseen side effects every year or even 6 months. Almost every vaccine for other viruses lasts for 5 years minimum to life.

I don't think Pfizer's executives seem very honest.

Putting profits before people.
Its a waste of time, asshole. Dont doubt me.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
pushing a booster o4 3rd dose

Canada already has a deal for them...

I haven't even gotten the 2nd dose yet.

And now the Government is pushng a 3rd?

It's like MIcrosoft pushing Windows 11 on everybody when they haven't installed Windows 10 yet.

They're a bit too itchy on the trigger, aint they?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Seriously, for those who have done their homework and checked out who is behind (((Big Pharma))), ie the same elitist fucks who are responsible for mass opioid addiction in the US, and you still went ahead and got the jab anyway, you need your head examining.

These people only care about money and it's almost undeniable that there's something sinister which has been cooked up behind the scenes in regards to the vaccination, it's just difficult to determine what exactly, but the chances are the detrimental side effects won't show up until years later down the line and will no doubt be blamed on something else.

Hell, they're bribing kids in the UK with takeaways in return for getting vaccinated! Desperation much? Are you Covid enthusiasts really trying to tell me that this is normal behaviour? Kids aren't even at risk ffs...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Seriously, for those who have done their homework and checked out who is behind (((Big Pharma))), ie the same elitist fucks who are responsible for mass opioid addiction in the US, and you still went ahead and got the jab anyway, you need your head examining.

These people only care about money and it's almost undeniable that there's something sinister which has been cooked up behind the scenes in regards to the vaccination, it's just difficult to determine what exactly, but the chances are the detrimental side effects won't show up until years later down the line and will no doubt be blamed on something else.

Hell, they're bribing kids in the UK with takeaways in return for getting vaccinated! Desperation much? Are you Covid enthusiasts really trying to tell me that this is normal behaviour? Kids aren't even at risk ffs...

They seem like a Microsoft version of a vaccine.
If they don't work the first time, then wait for the next update/upgrade.
Shoulda known better with Bill Gates promoting them.
If his Windows Operating system is any indication.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.

You reckon it really was developed in a lab though? The chinks eat bats, they say it originated from a bat cave in Wuhanpinglingting!?

They traced the first case to the Wuhan wet market where the keep live animals, slaughter, cook and serve in the same facility.

It wasn't the first case. They never found the first case, officially, at least according to the Chinese Communist Party. U.S. intelligence info released by the Biden Admin said several workers in the Wuhan lab got sick with covid like symptoms in very early September 2019. BTW the lab is run by the People's Liberation Army and it has two sides, one is the public research side while the other is believed to be part of communist China's biological warfare program.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.

You reckon it really was developed in a lab though? The chinks eat bats, they say it originated from a bat cave in Wuhanpinglingting!?

They traced the first case to the Wuhan wet market where the keep live animals, slaughter, cook and serve in the same facility.

It wasn't the first case. They never found the first case, officially, at least according to the Chinese Communist Party. U.S. intelligence info released by the Biden Admin said several workers in the Wuhan lab got sick with covid like symptoms in very early September 2019. BTW the lab is run by the People's Liberation Army and it has two sides, one is the public research side while the other is believed to be part of communist China's biological warfare program.

the first case I ever heard about and that was all over the news was from the Wuhan wet market… I’m not trying to establish myself as a covid expert tho. I’m merely repeating what everyone was talking about in my circles.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.

You reckon it really was developed in a lab though? The chinks eat bats, they say it originated from a bat cave in Wuhanpinglingting!?

They traced the first case to the Wuhan wet market where the keep live animals, slaughter, cook and serve in the same facility.

It wasn't the first case. They never found the first case, officially, at least according to the Chinese Communist Party. U.S. intelligence info released by the Biden Admin said several workers in the Wuhan lab got sick with covid like symptoms in very early September 2019. BTW the lab is run by the People's Liberation Army and it has two sides, one is the public research side while the other is believed to be part of communist China's biological warfare program.

Believed* being the keyword in your standard propaganda bs


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This article directly explains why people are not trusting any official narratives and this is why other people are being driven to conspiracies.

We really are in a huge mess and there is really no solutions, especailly with a leftwing so obsessed with control and power.

Meanwhile, Pfizer is nw pushing a 3rd or booster shot, emphatically stating that we all need it t combat the Delta Variant.

But the Head Doctor and other physicians in the US have stated that this is not needed at this time:

Also one of them actually stated that she's apprehensive to approve a 3rd shot because of unkonwn side effects and that they have nt been properly tested.

So Pfizer appears to be pushing a vaccine primarily for profit, not safety - even AGAINST the recommendations of the top registered board Physicians educated at the best medical schools in the United States.

You can't trust Big Pharma.


And if that wasnt bad enough.....people are attacking, degrading and calling people "murderers" if they are uncomfortable.

I swear. If the left didnt exist.....there would be thousands of people alive today and more people vaccinated.

NO ONE wants to comply with these people.

We need succession. People need to be allowed to ask questions and see transparency and that's just not possible with psychotic control freaks who just hate half the country.

I just thought that news story made Pfizer look really bad.
Pfizer's PR team really blew that one.

Instead of pushing this 3rd dose as if should be mandatory, they should have first inquired to the top medical authorities if they thought a 3rd shot was necessary, reached a consensus and then devised a realistic approved timeline as to when it might or should be available.

Now Big Pharma just look like greedy opportunists who don't care about the health of the public.

Nobody's gonna trust them now.

Sadly the only ones left that are trusting have made it very political and drug in their heels. And are shaming and attacking the other side of this. Which just digs in their heels as well.

There is no possible common ground on this. So of course the pharmaceutical companies can take strong advantage of the total lack of accountability and even ethics and just send their minions to smear the "non compliant".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.

You reckon it really was developed in a lab though? The chinks eat bats, they say it originated from a bat cave in Wuhanpinglingting!?

They traced the first case to the Wuhan wet market where the keep live animals, slaughter, cook and serve in the same facility.

It wasn't the first case. They never found the first case, officially, at least according to the Chinese Communist Party. U.S. intelligence info released by the Biden Admin said several workers in the Wuhan lab got sick with covid like symptoms in very early September 2019. BTW the lab is run by the People's Liberation Army and it has two sides, one is the public research side while the other is believed to be part of communist China's biological warfare program.

the first case I ever heard about and that was all over the news was from the Wuhan wet market… I’m not trying to establish myself as a covid expert tho. I’m merely repeating what everyone was talking about in my circles.

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