New Zeal-land.


God's Holy Warrior
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Who's not impressed? Really, if you have no admiration for the lack character. No man is perfect but he did very well. Anyone have the score, New Zeal-land Slayers VS The Anders Behring Breivik Pioneers? C'mon gore fans, you badass veterans. Speak your mind on this latest proof that God exists? Do you doubt who The Enemy is? This man should have a fucking statue erected. That will never happen. Rejoice, and be saddened.


God's Holy Warrior
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Pussies. His politics are confused, but he did not falter in his commitment. When a real man steps up, the weak shy away. Pussies. I wish I had the second half of the video. The first half was good. You keyboard gore freaks lack spine, and awareness. You live in fear. God helps those who help themselves. To the rest, suffer and die.


Factory Bastard
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Well I don’t live in fucking fear, and I don’t fear your Hebrew Middle Eastern god either, or its Jew boy son. I don’t need them telling me wright from wrong, that shooter stooped down to their stinking isis level, nothing honorary about that.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Only thing I got to say is that fucker sure is a good shot and could have use him in Vietnam !
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Factory Bastard
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Let's all go light candles and Kumbaya at the pub, there's your answer, just don't go outside with a drink in your hands or a skirt above the knees. Sharia Law, ya see.. Now comply and don't complain.
Fucking people, complain about shit skins all the time but they ain't got the fucking spine to watch 'em die?
I ain't afraid of shit, I AM afraid for those I care about and realize I'm not the center the universe.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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The only thing I fear is KW posting 1000 vids of sweating women- - - - - - -


God's Holy Warrior
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Well I don’t live in fucking fear, and I don’t fear your Hebrew Middle Eastern god either, or its Jew boy son. I don’t need them telling me wright from wrong, that shooter stooped down to their stinking isis level, nothing honorary about that.
How dissapointing, I liked you best. What high level do you plan to fight muslims from, when white, brown, and black schoolgirls are being pulled in and gang raped? For wearing dresses and skirts to school? Do you realize this filth, these foul, third world apes come from a society that treats women as unfeeling cattle? While I believe, in marriage a man's word is the final word, I also believe women must be protected and honored and held above men. Am I so horrible, for that? Which do you choose? Because, punk rock girl, with the cute shoes, those same "innocent" muslims at prayer that got slaughtered like geese? They would watch you be stoned to death, or raped to death, for being a western woman, and raise not a single fucking finger. Your gorgeous heart has its place, but not with boyfucking muslims. Don't waste your energy. Really, its dissapointing. Check yourself, woman.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Well I don’t live in fucking fear, and I don’t fear your Hebrew Middle Eastern god either, or its Jew boy son. I don’t need them telling me wright from wrong, that shooter stooped down to their stinking isis level, nothing honorary about that.
How dissapointing, I liked you best. What high level do you plan to fight muslims from, when white, brown, and black schoolgirls are being pulled in and gang raped? For wearing dresses and skirts to school? Do you realize this filth, these foul, third world apes come from a society that treats women as unfeeling cattle? While I believe, in marriage a man's word is the final word, I also believe women must be protected and honored and held above men. Am I so horrible, for that? Which do you choose? Because, punk rock girl, with the cute shoes, those same "innocent" muslims at prayer that got slaughtered like geese? They would watch you be stoned to death, or raped to death, for being a western woman, and raise not a single fucking finger. Your gorgeous heart has its place, but not with boyfucking muslims. Don't waste your energy. Really, its dissapointing. Check yourself, woman.



God's Holy Warrior
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Check myself ? For not wanting to live in a war zone ?
No, for defending people who would never defend you, and defying people who would.
Stinky. Seriously, I don't go around just shit emojiing your posts. I think you're a weak faggot, and a nigger, but I don't try to harass you. Because bitches do that. Are you a bitch, stinky? Because I've had experience schooling bitches. A bad motherfucker comes into booking, acting hard, and insults and threatens one of my officers. After a little county justice, some hollering, and time in the violent cell, voila! "Yes sir" "No sir" " I appologize for my behavior or actions sir". Almost to a man, these punk bitches never had a father around. Do you have a daddy, stinky? Did he teach you anything? So many niggers act hard, then scream for their welfare mommies when they get beat. Are you a welfare nigger, Stinky?


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Anal Creampie
I just watched the full 17 minutes.

A+ for the memes and soundtrack.

Shooting a shotgun wildly down a hallway like nine times and then switching to a rifle, quite a bold opening.

It was pretty disturbing when he was shooting inside the mosque, and the gunshots kept making the audio fuck up but then it’d even out and all you could was moaning. There was considerably less moaning when he left the mosque for real, the second time.

I probably feel the most badly for the last girl he killed outside the mosque. He downed her from like 20 feet, and then closed in and shot her in the shoulder and head while she was screaming for help. Then he just drove over her like she was a speed bump.

The part where he smashed his windows out and was shooting the shotgun while driving was cool, reminded me of GTA. I’m curious why he was shooting at some people but yet he stopped and honked impatiently for two people in the crosswalk. Maybe they were white?


Factory Bastard
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When he messed around with those gas containers I thought he was gonna light the place up and have a mosque-light vigil.


God's Holy Warrior
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I just watched the full 17 minutes.

A+ for the memes and soundtrack.

Shooting a shotgun wildly down a hallway like nine times and then switching to a rifle, quite a bold opening.

It was pretty disturbing when he was shooting inside the mosque, and the gunshots kept making the audio fuck up but then it’d even out and all you could was moaning. There was considerably less moaning when he left the mosque for real, the second time.

I probably feel the most badly for the last girl he killed outside the mosque. He downed her from like 20 feet, and then closed in and shot her in the shoulder and head while she was screaming for help. Then he just drove over her like she was a speed bump.

The part where he smashed his windows out and was shooting the shotgun while driving was cool, reminded me of GTA. I’m curious why he was shooting at some people but yet he stopped and honked impatiently for two people in the crosswalk. Maybe they were white?
Exactly why. He stopped to kill random muzrats, didn't harm a hair on any real people. Soft targets, sure. Easy money, but it needed to be done. His one fuck up was not killing the cunt PM first, but it didn't fit his agenda, she did exactly what he expected her to do. Every time I see her face I want to stomp her skull flat. Hopefully theres some kiwis who feel the same now.


God's Holy Warrior
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When he messed around with those gas containers I thought he was gonna light the place up and have a mosque-light vigil.
I think he used them at the next mosque. I wish I had that video too. His manifesto is interesting. He wasn't crazy, not even a little.