Posting Pictures of Yourself Online


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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..

Before Fakebook, folks on sites very similar to this (CJ, BAS, etc) did not mind posting their pics, and even supplied goofy pics because they liked to be chopped lol. We were a bunch of fuckers but we all had fun. Hell even the ladies would post their bits.

I think where things went down the shitter was Fakebook coming on the scene. People started getting fired for posting things, so Bastard type forums the posters got even more anonymous. Anonymous is still fine, for those posters who like to leave some mystery, but for those who choose not to simply cause they are afraid, well, those kind of folks dont belong in the Dilf Clan :Grin3:


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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..
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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Most posters don't want to expose them self's such as KW who most likey is a 5 foot midget or some of the males posing as females,just saying- - - - - - -


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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..
Does it really matter who saves them? I’m stuck with my face and strangers see it everyday lol

Exactly lol.

I cant help but wonder, if those that choose not to, look at the screen and think "Stranger Danger!" lol.

I've posted my pic on every forum I've been on except two, perhaps I'll post mine on here and narrow it down to one lol.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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[QUOTE="Blazor, post: 69375, member:

I cant help but wonder, if those that choose not to, look at the screen and think "Stranger Danger!" lol.

I've posted my pic on every forum I've been on except two, perhaps I'll post mine on here and narrow it down to one lol.[/QUOTE]

I have seen your mug shot already down at the post office- - - - - - -


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[QUOTE="Blazor, post: 69375, member:

I cant help but wonder, if those that choose not to, look at the screen and think "Stranger Danger!" lol.

I've posted my pic on every forum I've been on except two, perhaps I'll post mine on here and narrow it down to one lol.

I have seen your mug shot already down at the post office- - - - - - -[/QUOTE]

Dont be jealous lol.


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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..

Before Fakebook, folks on sites very similar to this (CJ, BAS, etc) did not mind posting their pics, and even supplied goofy pics because they liked to be chopped lol. We were a bunch of fuckers but we all had fun. Hell even the ladies would post their bits.

I think where things went down the shitter was Fakebook coming on the scene. People started getting fired for posting things, so Bastard type forums the posters got even more anonymous. Anonymous is still fine, for those posters who like to leave some mystery, but for those who choose not to simply cause they are afraid, well, those kind of folks dont belong in the Dilf Clan :Grin3:
you do realize there are people who get butt hurt and create fake profiles around the web with 'saved' pics ... don't know if you've heardf but the netzzz a fucked up place


Put your glasses on!
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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..
Does it really matter who saves them? I’m stuck with my face and strangers see it everyday lol
But why save a strangers pic ? it's creepy no argument....'who's that SHAMPAIN ? oh just some random guy on the net, I save his picture for ??????? " lol

How is it any different than Fakebook? I dont see everyone on a forum as a stranger, hell we're talking right now, I've seen you around the block, even waved, pretty sure you waved back lol.

I save them for the sole purpose of photochopping, its fun, and everyone including the one being chopped gets a laugh out of it. The master was Mandarb, I miss that bastard. Seeing his chops was what made me wanna start doing them 13-14 years ago. I've done hundreds of chops, ok maybe like 250 or so lol.


Put your glasses on!
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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..

Before Fakebook, folks on sites very similar to this (CJ, BAS, etc) did not mind posting their pics, and even supplied goofy pics because they liked to be chopped lol. We were a bunch of fuckers but we all had fun. Hell even the ladies would post their bits.

I think where things went down the shitter was Fakebook coming on the scene. People started getting fired for posting things, so Bastard type forums the posters got even more anonymous. Anonymous is still fine, for those posters who like to leave some mystery, but for those who choose not to simply cause they are afraid, well, those kind of folks dont belong in the Dilf Clan :Grin3:
you do realize there are people who get butt hurt and create fake profiles around the web with 'saved' pics ... don't know if you've heardf but the netzzz a fucked up place

Oh I know, I've seen what you speak of. That can turnout either comical, or fucked up. Give ya my word though, I dont do shit like that. Folks pics stay on the site I find them. In the event a site dies, like CJ or BAS, I have reposted those chops on another site where those members usually are too.


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Here ya go, one from BAS, the chop with the most members in it lol.



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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..
Does it really matter who saves them? I’m stuck with my face and strangers see it everyday lol
But why save a strangers pic ? it's creepy no argument....'who's that SHAMPAIN ? oh just some random guy on the net, I save his picture for ??????? " lol

How is it any different than Fakebook? I dont see everyone on a forum as a stranger, hell we're talking right now, I've seen you around the block, even waved, pretty sure you waved back lol.

I save them for the sole purpose of photochopping, its fun, and everyone including the one being chopped gets a laugh out of it. The master was Mandarb, I miss that bastard. Seeing his chops was what made me wanna start doing them 13-14 years ago. I've done hundreds of chops, ok maybe like 250 or so lol.
...The concentration of outcasts is not comparable to that of Fb's ...


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Your friendly personable manner makes me feel safe then BLAMO ..Next thing you know you got me fucking a nigger LMFAO BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA RIGHT HELLFIRE ?? LOLOLOL


Put your glasses on!
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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..
Does it really matter who saves them? I’m stuck with my face and strangers see it everyday lol
But why save a strangers pic ? it's creepy no argument....'who's that SHAMPAIN ? oh just some random guy on the net, I save his picture for ??????? " lol

How is it any different than Fakebook? I dont see everyone on a forum as a stranger, hell we're talking right now, I've seen you around the block, even waved, pretty sure you waved back lol.

I save them for the sole purpose of photochopping, its fun, and everyone including the one being chopped gets a laugh out of it. The master was Mandarb, I miss that bastard. Seeing his chops was what made me wanna start doing them 13-14 years ago. I've done hundreds of chops, ok maybe like 250 or so lol.
...The concentration of outcasts is not comparable to that of Fb's ...

Ya got me there, but we're funner!!! Bunch of pansies on FB, bending to the will of social media giant, not saying what they want.


Put your glasses on!
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Your friendly personable manner makes me feel safe then BLAMO ..Next thing you know you got me fucking a nigger LMFAO BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA RIGHT HELLFIRE ?? LOLOLOL

Wouldnt be the first time I've done that lololol. To be fair though, usually they had it coming to them lol.... and it was only like 3, maybe 4 of the chops I've done out of 250 lol. More so some got fucked by a suspected tranny on the site (they weren't, but still laughable folks thought those females were trannys lol)


Factory Bastard
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"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..

Before Fakebook, folks on sites very similar to this (CJ, BAS, etc) did not mind posting their pics, and even supplied goofy pics because they liked to be chopped lol. We were a bunch of fuckers but we all had fun. Hell even the ladies would post their bits.

I think where things went down the shitter was Fakebook coming on the scene. People started getting fired for posting things, so Bastard type forums the posters got even more anonymous. Anonymous is still fine, for those posters who like to leave some mystery, but for those who choose not to simply cause they are afraid, well, those kind of folks dont belong in the Dilf Clan :Grin3:
you do realize there are people who get butt hurt and create fake profiles around the web with 'saved' pics ... don't know if you've heardf but the netzzz a fucked up place

Oh I know, I've seen what you speak of. That can turnout either comical, or fucked up. Give ya my word though, I dont do shit like that. Folks pics stay on the site I find them. In the event a site dies, like CJ or BAS, I have reposted those chops on another site where those members usually are too.

but other ppl can save & share them once posted - i know cause i saved one of stinkyfinger taking it in the butt by kinta kuntay lol


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basically you can't be a pussy with self confidence problems or if you have low self esteem to post pics here because jealous peeps will chew you up alive if you have really nifty hands you could always post those BAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA ffs I kill mE!! lolol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..

Before Fakebook, folks on sites very similar to this (CJ, BAS, etc) did not mind posting their pics, and even supplied goofy pics because they liked to be chopped lol. We were a bunch of fuckers but we all had fun. Hell even the ladies would post their bits.

I think where things went down the shitter was Fakebook coming on the scene. People started getting fired for posting things, so Bastard type forums the posters got even more anonymous. Anonymous is still fine, for those posters who like to leave some mystery, but for those who choose not to simply cause they are afraid, well, those kind of folks dont belong in the Dilf Clan :Grin3:
you do realize there are people who get butt hurt and create fake profiles around the web with 'saved' pics ... don't know if you've heardf but the netzzz a fucked up place

Oh I know, I've seen what you speak of. That can turnout either comical, or fucked up. Give ya my word though, I dont do shit like that. Folks pics stay on the site I find them. In the event a site dies, like CJ or BAS, I have reposted those chops on another site where those members usually are too.

but other ppl can save & share them once posted - i know cause i saved one of stinkyfinger taking it in the butt by kinta kuntay lol

Sounds more like authentic footage from his Fantasy Island vacation.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
"Saving them" lol and you wonder why people won't show themselves ..

Before Fakebook, folks on sites very similar to this (CJ, BAS, etc) did not mind posting their pics, and even supplied goofy pics because they liked to be chopped lol. We were a bunch of fuckers but we all had fun. Hell even the ladies would post their bits.

I think where things went down the shitter was Fakebook coming on the scene. People started getting fired for posting things, so Bastard type forums the posters got even more anonymous. Anonymous is still fine, for those posters who like to leave some mystery, but for those who choose not to simply cause they are afraid, well, those kind of folks dont belong in the Dilf Clan :Grin3:
you do realize there are people who get butt hurt and create fake profiles around the web with 'saved' pics ... don't know if you've heardf but the netzzz a fucked up place
You probably saved mine for dart practice lol