It's about damn time.


Factory Bastard
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BRICs is just a photo op and none of them trade with each other other than China. So, no, it will never been a trade block. Also, good luck trying to find an alternative to the dollar.



Factory Bastard
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Brazil is going to learn what Russia did last year. After sanctions Russia made a big deal about buying CCP yuan but then when they went to try to use that yuan no one wanted it. The CCP literally told them they didn't want it back so Russia just lost billions.


Factory Bastard
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….except that the unity of this new bloc is questionable. Other than their hatred of the US or dislike of its policies do they have much else in common? In fact do they have even trust one another enough to abide by their own agreements or treaties? What happens when they have disputes? Even if it gets off the ground it often takes years or decades for these new orders to flourish.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Greenback is not long for this earth....
If so then the value of stocks could crash & inflation would accelerate. Also imported goods would become much more expensive. Not just the USA but other nations including Australia. Were this to happen then there would be great upheaval including those nations such a collapse it is supposed to benefit.

I’d be careful about investing too much money in the stock market. Even your crypto would collapse in value because much of it was s tied to the value of the US dollar.

I suspect we might return to a mercantilist world where gold or even barter would be some of the major means of exchange. Commodities would become more valuable & those without might starve. That was the world over 100 years ago when famines were common @Frood. There was also a lot of unemployment & jobs were scarce. People relied a lot more on creating their own ‘jobs’ such as farming.

All those tech toys ya’ll take for granted would become much more expensive and out of the reach for many like they are for the masses in their places like Brazil or China. It takes months or years for their citizens to save up and buy something we can buy instantly. Ie Many a Chinese factory worker can’t even afford an iPhone they work so hard to manufacture whose abundant supply we take for granted.

Credit would be much harder to obtain. Not just the USA but Australia. So I hope you’re well prepared and financed for the future you wish for Frood. Keep in mind that your holdings in crypto could become worthless eh.
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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
If so then the value of stocks could crash & inflation would accelerate. Also imported goods would become much more expensive. Not just the USA but other nations including Australia. Were this to happen then there would be great upheaval including those nations such a collapse it is supposed to benefit.

I’d be careful about investing too much money in the stock market. Even your crypto would collapse in value because much of it was s tied to the value of the US dollar.

I suspect we might return to a mercantilist world where gold or even barter would be some of the major means of exchange. Commodities would become more valuable & those without might starve. That was the world over 100 years ago when famines were common @Frood. There was also a lot of unemployment & jobs were scarce. People relied a lot more on creating their own ‘jobs’ such as farming.

All those tech toys ya’ll take for granted would become much more expensive and out of the reach for many like they are for the masses in their places like Brazil or China. It takes months or years for their citizens to save up and buy something we can buy instantly. Ie Many a Chinese factory worker can’t even afford an iPhone they work so hard to manufacture whose abundant supply we take for granted.

Credit would be much harder to obtain. Not just the USA but Australia. So I hope you’re well prepared and financed for the future you wish for Frood. Keep in mind that your holdings in crypto could become worthless eh.

It's all part of the grift and planned reduction in troublesome population numbers.

We're intentionally being plunged into a neo- feudalism and I doubt anybody can stop it or resist it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The single biggest problem is the uniparty needs to massively cut government spending. The debt is just out of control which is not sustainable given higher interest rates needed to fight inflation.

I don't buy Bitcoin as an alternative because regulators are going after crypto, the exchanges, and banks which back it. What value does crypto have of you cannot convert it into cash?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The single biggest problem is the uniparty needs to massively cut government spending. The debt is just out of control which is not sustainable given higher interest rates needed to fight inflation.

I don't buy Bitcoin as an alternative because regulators are going after crypto, the exchanges, and banks which back it. What value does crypto have of you cannot convert it into cash?

Stay away from the exchanges and banks and keep a hard or soft wallet. Point of crypto is having control of it and being able to send and receive in desired situations.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Didn’t you lose what little you had with Crypto currency? Pretty sure you did DD


Factory Bastard
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I never put a penny in crypto. I just pay attention to what is real and what is speculative.


Factory Bastard
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BTW lok at the garbage that Twitter account posts. It is literally just regurgitated Putinist propaganda. Brave Russia is fighting against the Satanic west. The Jewish guy is some how a secret Nazi. The west should stand aside and let Putin conquer his neighbors. Even trying to revive Soviet iconography to justify Putin's wars of conquest and aggression. All the usual Putinist lies and propaganda.

Learn to evaluate sources.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I never put a penny in crypto. I just pay attention to what is real and what is speculative.

Apparently lots of fools did. Gold Silver and Copper. These metals will mean more and more as shit falls apart.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
If so then the value of stocks could crash


When you own a share in a company, you own a share in the assets.

Cash is not a significant asset for companies. It is just a tool used to barter.

Significant assets are the I.P., the hard assets, and the organizational systems that have been developed.

None of that changes if the tool used to barter changes.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Apparently lots of fools did. Gold Silver and Copper. These metals will mean more and more as shit falls apart.

Oh fuck, metals are nothing without companies who use them in their production.

Who do you use to trade your commodities?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Seamajor is pretty fucking stupid. Isn’t he?

Actually I’m not interested in selling any of it. Copper is a jewel right now. I must own 10 tons of the physical thing in a warehouse. It keep growing too. We have equipment to strip it and bale it. As if the world doesn’t need Copper. Way easier to recycle it then mine it. How would a little break dancing cowboy even have a clue?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh fuck, metals are nothing without companies who use them in their production.

Who do you use to trade your commodities?

Gold and Silver J.M. Bullion. Inherited a nice Silver collection, and add to it. The Copper, we’ve scrapped and recycled for many years. I buy Gold when I have extra cash. No need to sell any of it. Why not, the Chinese own much of the US currency. What’s that gonna be worth in the future? I buy the real thing delivered to my part time residence in Ca.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Copper is about $4 a pound.

If you have 10 tonnes of it, that is worth about $80,000 less processing costs.

Joo Dog spent that much on manicures last year.

Know you place, peasant.

At some point, copper's gonna be good @The Prowler

...and so will many other commodities, eh?

Ask yerself.....

If the dollar keeps goin' down, and it's worth like...

10 cents in ten years (2033) compared to 2023, what will people ask to be paid in?

Stuff they can use. Coffee, Wheat, Oil, lumber, minerals, whatever.

If our currencies keep goin' down, the price of commodities will keep going up.

Where the commodities will be the stuff we buy, the medium we will like use to buy them is something like gold. Or else an exchange to buy a commodity with another commodity. Barter

I still remember the 1970s Prowler. I was young, but not that young to not remember.

This is what happened to the price of gold and oil back then.



I reckon we're at the '1973 stage'. Anyways, that's what it feels like ta me.


Like the 1970s, I suspect the 2020s will be remember as 'a lost decade'.

Shitty returns from the stock market. Higher interest rates, possibly double digit by the end of the decade.

There's so much inflation now cuz there's been too much money printed into the system like there was in the 1970s to pay for the Vietnam War and the oil shock from the Middle East. So just like back then, that's what the rest of the 2020s will be like too.

For this reason I believe commodities not stocks is the place to be these days. at least until there's a crash or big correction just like the early 1980s.
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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Oh fuck, metals are nothing without companies who use them in their production.

Who do you use to trade your commodities?

If shit falls apart, precious metals will work for awhile.... but non GMO heirloom seeds will outpace the value of metals, as well as other self sustaining commodities most people have never thought about....until that point when they're completely unavailable and the Gold hoarders and silver stackers are willing to throw previously seen as absurd amounts of bullion at anything they want, thus shutting out the modest income collectors, and starting a temporary bullion free fall.

If in doubt read about gold rush booms of the 1800's and early 1900's, and see how much a hot shower, a serve of very scarce eggs, a shot of whiskey, or a hotel room for the night was.

Alternately, watch old gold rush movies and pay attention to the shopfront signs and prices..


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
For the sake of the entire planet 'Murican hegemony must be destroyed.

Unipolarity has been a disaster.

While I agree in principle, the outcome could be far worse for generations to come..

The globalists have been slowly kicking out America's legs.... ask yourself what THEY intend to replace it with.

Use a Magic 8 Ball if you need....

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
At some point, copper's gonna blah blah blah

@Joe What you ramble on about is nonsense.

Shares of a company is ownership of the company's hard assets.

If you cannot understand that, then maybe this will help you: My house is worth about $1.1 million in the current market. But the true value is that it provides me a place to live, to play my music, to watch my televisions, to use my computers, to use my exercise equipment, to store and use my tools, to store all my other equipment, etc. etc.. If the value of the dollar nosedives, do you think that the true value of my house changes? No. If the value of the dollar goes up, do you think that the true value of my house changes? No. Even as the real estate market fluctuates, the true value of my house stays exactly the same.

Now apply that same thought process to ownership of a company that provides goods and services. The hard assets will still be valuable and will still be there for the company to provide goods and services no matter what the value of the dollar does.

@Joe For how much you worry about money, where has it got you? You telling me how to handle money is like a little retarded kid who cannot skate telling Wayne Gretzky how to play hockey.


Factory Bastard
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Hey, look pn the bright side. If you hate the dollar so much you can convert everything to Argentine Peso, the Venezuelan Bolivar, the Turkish Lira, or the Zimbabwe what ever the fuck. Of course all of those countries are either collapsing or collapsed long ago.

Meanwhile Russia is fucked and despite the lies of the Chinese Communist Party the Chinese economy is in deep doodoo. We are seeing tons of illegal aliens from China showing up at the southern border and like every other illegal aliens Biden just lets all of them in.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

The Europeans can't be a reserve currency because it can't run endless negative balances of trade as its demographics are so bad they do not have a growing consumption class as they lack young people. Who does that leave? The UK or Japan? Both tied their currencies to the dollar just like the Euro did.

So repeat all the Putinist propaganda you won't but reality is not on your side. The dollar is going to be even more dominant not less.
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