I knew a man who fought at Bastogne. He was one of seven guys that survived the battle from his Rifle Company. He never talked about his wartime experiences that I ever heard, but everyone knew he was a fucking war hero like Audi Murphy and personally killed a thousand krauts. He was from my parents generation and went to high school with my mother in a small town in western Illinois. After the war he came home and became a pharmacist on the GI Bill and opened a drug store.
I used to buy comic books and silly little kid toys there when I was little.
Every year when the Detroit Tigers would come to Chicago to play the White Sox, he would come with his whole family to visit for a few days to take in the series at Old Comisky Park. Only White Sox fans can appreciated the significance of this factoid.
It was this great war hero, along with my father and mother, who taught me to revile and loath Registered Democrats. In fact, it was this great man, a hero of the Battle of the Bulge, who coined the term "vermin scum" to accurately describe Registered Democrats.
He hated Democrats almost as much as he hated the Detroit Tigers.
So just remember that when you use the term "vermin scum" to describe our proggie Democrat friends here on these message boards, you are following in the footsteps of a true Hero of the Republic who personally killed a thousand Nazi krauts back in WWII.