5 Republican Senators call out unequal justice

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
5 Republican Senators Write Letter to AG Claiming Unequal Justice of Capital Rioters Compared to Protesters

Signed by Senators Ron Johnson,
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, Mike Lee, Rick Scott and
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, the letter highlighted a few instances of disruption by protests that may have resulted in unequal justice in the prosecution of those involved. They requested "information about our concerns regarding potential unequal justice administered in response to other recent instances of mass unrest, destruction, and loss of life throughout the United States."

"DOJ's apparent unwillingness to punish these individuals who allegedly committed crimes in the spring and summer 2020 protests stands in stark contrast to the harsher treatment of the individuals charged in connection with the January 6, 2021 breach of the US Capitol building in Washington D.C.," according to the letter.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The people attacking the White House on Jan 6th were lucky to have not been executed. Only thorough morons would go attack a place with a fully armed secret service.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
One female Trump supporter did get "executed". Interesting how BLM and Antifa protesters never get killed by the authorities, quite the opposite in fact, they get treated with kid gloves.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The people attacking the White House on Jan 6th were lucky to have not been executed. Only thorough morons would go attack a place with a fully armed secret service.

It was the Capitol.

And we have the 1st Ammendment which protects protest and liberty to dissent against the government.

People who broke the law that day should be held accountable.

But it's disgusting and telling how the Capitol "riot" was treated and covered compared to the violent riots....riots that destroyed entire communities. Destroyed the private property of citizens. Where citizens were brutally beaten to the point of hospitalization. Where people were trapped inside their cars with mobs of people beating on the car, cussing and threatening. Where several people were murdered.

So many resources in vulnerable communities were destroyed. Mostly minority communities.

These mobs attempted to burn down buildings that were occupied by innocent people. Even children.

These mobs have thrown rocks at passing cars.

And Biden/Harris raised money to keep bailing these people out. Not raising money to rescue and help rebuild these destroyed communities.... but to bail out rioters.

This is the definition of domestic terror. Mobs of terrorists inflicting massive damage and committing political violence.....all against completely innocent people. Who can't defend themselves or their communities and who cant afford to leave.

Detroit STILL suffers from the riots that occurred there decades ago.

So we are being told loud and clear that political violence and destruction of communities will be tolerated. That the people are on their own. That those who commit injustice against innocent tax paying people will be continually minimized as "mostly peaceful protest" even when blm terrorists shoot at a car for being on the wrong road and end up murdering a CHILD. A black child, too. In fact most of the people murdered from these riots were black.

But if people get fed up enough to take to the Capitol and take the fight to the politicains responsible... .they will be labeled indurrectionists by the media and suddenly law is taken seriously. So those who were arrested from Jan 6th are still sitting in jail while those who attacked people and destroyed towns were bailed out to continue.

So basically, you can abuse and destroyed and kill regular people. But if you scare politicains or break a window at the Capitol....that's serious now.

Clearly the peasents are expendable garbage and the political class is highly valued.

Before Jan 6th, when BLM took to DC to riot there.. burnt down a church, announced during a speech that they want to murder all police, burn down the WH, and attack Senators.....before rioting in DC....that wasnt even talked about. Nothing was done. No one involved in these riots who openly encouraged it was ever held accountable for ACTUAL INCITEMENT that led to deaths, harm and destruction.

But Jan 6th was legit compared to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. It's disgusting. A complete spitting on and degradation the people of this country.

And now this warped narrative is being used to further violate the rights of citizens in the form of spying more closely on Americans. To fight "white supremacy". And to possibly criminalize dissent against the government.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
One female Trump supporter did get "executed". Interesting how BLM and Antifa protesters never get killed by the authorities, quite the opposite in fact, they get treated with kid gloves.

They only care about that one cop who died of a stroke after the Capitol protest.

They dont care about the hundreds of police seriously injured in the riots though. And they dont care BLM annouced in a speech in DC that they wanted to murder all the cops.

That care very deeply about that ONE special cop though.

They also dont care that everyone who attended that Republican event was horribly harassed and threatened on their way out and that Senators were harrassed AMD threatened afterwards as they left.

These thug terrorists are so incredibly stupid and vile that they went after and harrassed Rand Paul. Screaming at him and his wife as they were leaving. Yelling at him to "say her name!" regarding Breona Taylor. And Rand Paul is the one who got a bill passed in HER name to prevent deaths like hers from occurring again. That's how stupid, low info and savage these mobs are.

Rand Paul is a libertarian. But the left views everyone not left as a conservative Republican, and they view conservatives Republicans as evil EVEN though ALL the issues they wail over are the direct results of years of democrat policies.

They should be going after their local leadership and not terrorizing innocent people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The people attacking the White House on Jan 6th were lucky to have not been executed. Only thorough morons would go attack a place with a fully armed secret service.

It was the Capitol.

And we have the 1st Ammendment which protects protest and liberty to dissent against the government.

People who broke the law that day should be held accountable.

But it's disgusting and telling how the Capitol "riot" was treated and covered compared to the violent riots....riots that destroyed entire communities. Destroyed the private property of citizens. Where citizens were brutally beaten to the point of hospitalization. Where people were trapped inside their cars with mobs of people beating on the car, cussing and threatening. Where several people were murdered.

So many resources in vulnerable communities were destroyed. Mostly minority communities.

These mobs attempted to burn down buildings that were occupied by innocent people. Even children.

These mobs have thrown rocks at passing cars.

And Biden/Harris raised money to keep bailing these people out. Not raising money to rescue and help rebuild these destroyed communities.... but to bail out rioters.

This is the definition of domestic terror. Mobs of terrorists inflicting massive damage and committing political violence.....all against completely innocent people. Who can't defend themselves or their communities and who cant afford to leave.

Detroit STILL suffers from the riots that occurred there decades ago.

So we are being told loud and clear that political violence and destruction of communities will be tolerated. That the people are on their own. That those who commit injustice against innocent tax paying people will be continually minimized as "mostly peaceful protest" even when blm terrorists shoot at a car for being on the wrong road and end up murdering a CHILD. A black child, too. In fact most of the people murdered from these riots were black.

But if people get fed up enough to take to the Capitol and take the fight to the politicains responsible... .they will be labeled indurrectionists by the media and suddenly law is taken seriously. So those who were arrested from Jan 6th are still sitting in jail while those who attacked people and destroyed towns were bailed out to continue.

So basically, you can abuse and destroyed and kill regular people. But if you scare politicains or break a window at the Capitol....that's serious now.

Clearly the peasents are expendable garbage and the political class is highly valued.

Before Jan 6th, when BLM took to DC to riot there.. burnt down a church, announced during a speech that they want to murder all police, burn down the WH, and attack Senators.....before rioting in DC....that wasnt even talked about. Nothing was done. No one involved in these riots who openly encouraged it was ever held accountable for ACTUAL INCITEMENT that led to deaths, harm and destruction.

But Jan 6th was legit compared to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. It's disgusting. A complete spitting on and degradation the people of this country.

And now this warped narrative is being used to further violate the rights of citizens in the form of spying more closely on Americans. To fight "white supremacy". And to possibly criminalize dissent against the government.

Very twisted values indeed.

If I was the President I would have got the army to clear the streets of the riots using real bullets.

The black community needs righteous leaders. Are there any these days?

Is that idiot Bidon creating jobs?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The people attacking the White House on Jan 6th were lucky to have not been executed. Only thorough morons would go attack a place with a fully armed secret service.

It was the Capitol.

And we have the 1st Ammendment which protects protest and liberty to dissent against the government.

People who broke the law that day should be held accountable.

But it's disgusting and telling how the Capitol "riot" was treated and covered compared to the violent riots....riots that destroyed entire communities. Destroyed the private property of citizens. Where citizens were brutally beaten to the point of hospitalization. Where people were trapped inside their cars with mobs of people beating on the car, cussing and threatening. Where several people were murdered.

So many resources in vulnerable communities were destroyed. Mostly minority communities.

These mobs attempted to burn down buildings that were occupied by innocent people. Even children.

These mobs have thrown rocks at passing cars.

And Biden/Harris raised money to keep bailing these people out. Not raising money to rescue and help rebuild these destroyed communities.... but to bail out rioters.

This is the definition of domestic terror. Mobs of terrorists inflicting massive damage and committing political violence.....all against completely innocent people. Who can't defend themselves or their communities and who cant afford to leave.

Detroit STILL suffers from the riots that occurred there decades ago.

So we are being told loud and clear that political violence and destruction of communities will be tolerated. That the people are on their own. That those who commit injustice against innocent tax paying people will be continually minimized as "mostly peaceful protest" even when blm terrorists shoot at a car for being on the wrong road and end up murdering a CHILD. A black child, too. In fact most of the people murdered from these riots were black.

But if people get fed up enough to take to the Capitol and take the fight to the politicains responsible... .they will be labeled indurrectionists by the media and suddenly law is taken seriously. So those who were arrested from Jan 6th are still sitting in jail while those who attacked people and destroyed towns were bailed out to continue.

So basically, you can abuse and destroyed and kill regular people. But if you scare politicains or break a window at the Capitol....that's serious now.

Clearly the peasents are expendable garbage and the political class is highly valued.

Before Jan 6th, when BLM took to DC to riot there.. burnt down a church, announced during a speech that they want to murder all police, burn down the WH, and attack Senators.....before rioting in DC....that wasnt even talked about. Nothing was done. No one involved in these riots who openly encouraged it was ever held accountable for ACTUAL INCITEMENT that led to deaths, harm and destruction.

But Jan 6th was legit compared to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. It's disgusting. A complete spitting on and degradation the people of this country.

And now this warped narrative is being used to further violate the rights of citizens in the form of spying more closely on Americans. To fight "white supremacy". And to possibly criminalize dissent against the government.

Very twisted values indeed.

If I was the President I would have got the army to clear the streets of the riots using real bullets.

The black community needs righteous leaders. Are there any these days?

Is that idiot Bidon creating jobs?

Biden create jobs? Nope. He shut down the Keystone though. So he has wrecked jobs.

The fucking democrat party has destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs since Covid AND tolerated riots.

So this is why the army didnt clear the streets. America is United STATES(duh...right? Lol). Each state has it's own government.

All those governments run the states. The federal government handles country matters. They cannot dictate state rights.

So the (Democrat, btw) local state governments literally ALLOWED the riots and told Trump NOT to help them. They REFUSED federal help. Just.....turned their citizens over to these destructive riots. It is SO evil. It infuriates me to my CORE.

In Portland, Trump was able to send National Guard and the Feds because the rioters started attacking Federal property. At that point....the federal government doesnt NEED state consent. They can go and defend ONLY federal property and arrest those attacking it.

Makes sense.....right? That if federal property gets attacked, the Feds will show up and handle it?

Well......when they fucked around with federal property and the feds showed up....they all cried foul. Yelled about "Trumps secret police".

Secret police. That's like.....jumping in the ocean and crying about secret sharks. It's common sense you mess with federal property the feds will come.

The low info audacity of these people is flabbergasting.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

Didn't Trump stack the Supreme Court judges with Cons? Why yes, yes he did.
Wow, you are comparing the president carrying out his constitutional duty of nominating justices to the break down of the rule of law? Democrats are literally dropping all charges and refusing to charge far left rioters who profess they want to over through the government yet politically charging people who were literally peacefully protesting.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

Didn't Trump stack the Supreme Court judges with Cons? Why yes, yes he did.
Wow, you are comparing the president carrying out his constitutional duty of nominating justices to the break down of the rule of law? Democrats are literally dropping all charges and refusing to charge far left rioters who profess they want to over through the government yet politically charging people who were literally peacefully protesting.

They want the SCOTUS to be another partisan activist play ground.

Watch them try to pack it.

Now that politics has entered government, the country is fucked.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

Didn't Trump stack the Supreme Court judges with Cons? Why yes, yes he did.

No. No he didnt.

It was his duty to appoint judges.

And it's not supposed to matter if they are conservatives or not. The SCOTUS ONLY exists to interpret law through the boundaries of the constitution.

The fact that their affiliation is an issue should be alarming. All that qualifies them is how their judgements hold in regard to our Constitution.

When it's a democrat president they appoint democrat judges. So its perfectly fair.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The people attacking the White House on Jan 6th were lucky to have not been executed. Only thorough morons would go attack a place with a fully armed secret service.

It was the Capitol.

And we have the 1st Ammendment which protects protest and liberty to dissent against the government.

People who broke the law that day should be held accountable.

But it's disgusting and telling how the Capitol "riot" was treated and covered compared to the violent riots....riots that destroyed entire communities. Destroyed the private property of citizens. Where citizens were brutally beaten to the point of hospitalization. Where people were trapped inside their cars with mobs of people beating on the car, cussing and threatening. Where several people were murdered.

So many resources in vulnerable communities were destroyed. Mostly minority communities.

These mobs attempted to burn down buildings that were occupied by innocent people. Even children.

These mobs have thrown rocks at passing cars.

And Biden/Harris raised money to keep bailing these people out. Not raising money to rescue and help rebuild these destroyed communities.... but to bail out rioters.

This is the definition of domestic terror. Mobs of terrorists inflicting massive damage and committing political violence.....all against completely innocent people. Who can't defend themselves or their communities and who cant afford to leave.

Detroit STILL suffers from the riots that occurred there decades ago.

So we are being told loud and clear that political violence and destruction of communities will be tolerated. That the people are on their own. That those who commit injustice against innocent tax paying people will be continually minimized as "mostly peaceful protest" even when blm terrorists shoot at a car for being on the wrong road and end up murdering a CHILD. A black child, too. In fact most of the people murdered from these riots were black.

But if people get fed up enough to take to the Capitol and take the fight to the politicains responsible... .they will be labeled indurrectionists by the media and suddenly law is taken seriously. So those who were arrested from Jan 6th are still sitting in jail while those who attacked people and destroyed towns were bailed out to continue.

So basically, you can abuse and destroyed and kill regular people. But if you scare politicains or break a window at the Capitol....that's serious now.

Clearly the peasents are expendable garbage and the political class is highly valued.

Before Jan 6th, when BLM took to DC to riot there.. burnt down a church, announced during a speech that they want to murder all police, burn down the WH, and attack Senators.....before rioting in DC....that wasnt even talked about. Nothing was done. No one involved in these riots who openly encouraged it was ever held accountable for ACTUAL INCITEMENT that led to deaths, harm and destruction.

But Jan 6th was legit compared to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. It's disgusting. A complete spitting on and degradation the people of this country.

And now this warped narrative is being used to further violate the rights of citizens in the form of spying more closely on Americans. To fight "white supremacy". And to possibly criminalize dissent against the government.

Very twisted values indeed.

If I was the President I would have got the army to clear the streets of the riots using real bullets.

The black community needs righteous leaders. Are there any these days?

Is that idiot Bidon creating jobs?

Biden create jobs? Nope. He shut down the Keystone though. So he has wrecked jobs.

The fucking democrat party has destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs since Covid AND tolerated riots.

So this is why the army didnt clear the streets. America is United STATES(duh...right? Lol). Each state has it's own government.

All those governments run the states. The federal government handles country matters. They cannot dictate state rights.

So the (Democrat, btw) local state governments literally ALLOWED the riots and told Trump NOT to help them. They REFUSED federal help. Just.....turned their citizens over to these destructive riots. It is SO evil. It infuriates me to my CORE.

In Portland, Trump was able to send National Guard and the Feds because the rioters started attacking Federal property. At that point....the federal government doesnt NEED state consent. They can go and defend ONLY federal property and arrest those attacking it.

Makes sense.....right? That if federal property gets attacked, the Feds will show up and handle it?

Well......when they fucked around with federal property and the feds showed up....they all cried foul. Yelled about "Trumps secret police".

Secret police. That's like.....jumping in the ocean and crying about secret sharks. It's common sense you mess with federal property the feds will come.

The low info audacity of these people is flabbergasting.

Same in Oz... states run themselves that is why our labor Premier Mark MacGowan locked our borders, we've never had covid and during the lockdown my state grew financially and made a 1.9 billion dollar profit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You may recall when Trump tried to lock down our borders idiot Democrats lied and claimed that was "racist".


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The people attacking the White House on Jan 6th were lucky to have not been executed. Only thorough morons would go attack a place with a fully armed secret service.

It was the Capitol.

And we have the 1st Ammendment which protects protest and liberty to dissent against the government.

People who broke the law that day should be held accountable.

But it's disgusting and telling how the Capitol "riot" was treated and covered compared to the violent riots....riots that destroyed entire communities. Destroyed the private property of citizens. Where citizens were brutally beaten to the point of hospitalization. Where people were trapped inside their cars with mobs of people beating on the car, cussing and threatening. Where several people were murdered.

So many resources in vulnerable communities were destroyed. Mostly minority communities.

These mobs attempted to burn down buildings that were occupied by innocent people. Even children.

These mobs have thrown rocks at passing cars.

And Biden/Harris raised money to keep bailing these people out. Not raising money to rescue and help rebuild these destroyed communities.... but to bail out rioters.

This is the definition of domestic terror. Mobs of terrorists inflicting massive damage and committing political violence.....all against completely innocent people. Who can't defend themselves or their communities and who cant afford to leave.

Detroit STILL suffers from the riots that occurred there decades ago.

So we are being told loud and clear that political violence and destruction of communities will be tolerated. That the people are on their own. That those who commit injustice against innocent tax paying people will be continually minimized as "mostly peaceful protest" even when blm terrorists shoot at a car for being on the wrong road and end up murdering a CHILD. A black child, too. In fact most of the people murdered from these riots were black.

But if people get fed up enough to take to the Capitol and take the fight to the politicains responsible... .they will be labeled indurrectionists by the media and suddenly law is taken seriously. So those who were arrested from Jan 6th are still sitting in jail while those who attacked people and destroyed towns were bailed out to continue.

So basically, you can abuse and destroyed and kill regular people. But if you scare politicains or break a window at the Capitol....that's serious now.

Clearly the peasents are expendable garbage and the political class is highly valued.

Before Jan 6th, when BLM took to DC to riot there.. burnt down a church, announced during a speech that they want to murder all police, burn down the WH, and attack Senators.....before rioting in DC....that wasnt even talked about. Nothing was done. No one involved in these riots who openly encouraged it was ever held accountable for ACTUAL INCITEMENT that led to deaths, harm and destruction.

But Jan 6th was legit compared to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. It's disgusting. A complete spitting on and degradation the people of this country.

And now this warped narrative is being used to further violate the rights of citizens in the form of spying more closely on Americans. To fight "white supremacy". And to possibly criminalize dissent against the government.

Very twisted values indeed.

If I was the President I would have got the army to clear the streets of the riots using real bullets.

The black community needs righteous leaders. Are there any these days?

Is that idiot Bidon creating jobs?

Biden create jobs? Nope. He shut down the Keystone though. So he has wrecked jobs.

The fucking democrat party has destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs since Covid AND tolerated riots.

So this is why the army didnt clear the streets. America is United STATES(duh...right? Lol). Each state has it's own government.

All those governments run the states. The federal government handles country matters. They cannot dictate state rights.

So the (Democrat, btw) local state governments literally ALLOWED the riots and told Trump NOT to help them. They REFUSED federal help. Just.....turned their citizens over to these destructive riots. It is SO evil. It infuriates me to my CORE.

In Portland, Trump was able to send National Guard and the Feds because the rioters started attacking Federal property. At that point....the federal government doesnt NEED state consent. They can go and defend ONLY federal property and arrest those attacking it.

Makes sense.....right? That if federal property gets attacked, the Feds will show up and handle it?

Well......when they fucked around with federal property and the feds showed up....they all cried foul. Yelled about "Trumps secret police".

Secret police. That's like.....jumping in the ocean and crying about secret sharks. It's common sense you mess with federal property the feds will come.

The low info audacity of these people is flabbergasting.

Same in Oz... states run themselves that is why our labor Premier Mark MacGowan locked our borders, we've never had covid and during the lockdown my state grew financially and made a 1.9 billion dollar profit.

State rights is actually what the Civil War was REALLY about.

Slavery was just the catalyst. The war itself was about how much sovereignty states should have.

Slaves were going to be freed either way. The union wanted to force the south to free theirs without freeing slaves in the north. It was a trade/manufacturing thing.

It was all bullshit. And most of what they teach about it is bullshit.

Itll be bullshit taught about all this, too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

Didn't Trump stack the Supreme Court judges with Cons? Why yes, yes he did.
Wow, you are comparing the president carrying out his constitutional duty of nominating justices to the break down of the rule of law? Democrats are literally dropping all charges and refusing to charge far left rioters who profess they want to over through the government yet politically charging people who were literally peacefully protesting.

It is 'throw' by the way and my comment about TRUMP stacking the supreme court bench with cons had nothing to do with riots. I corrected your, "Democrats politicized the justice system."


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You may recall when Trump tried to lock down our borders idiot Democrats lied and claimed that was "racist".

Well he should have tried harder. And I don't believe for one second he tried at all. He took 2 digs at New Zealand and Australia when there was small covid outbreaks. He was soooo misinformed by his cronnies about New Zealand and Australia he made a dick of himself.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You may recall when Trump tried to lock down our borders idiot Democrats lied and claimed that was "racist".

Well he should have tried harder. And I don't believe for one second he tried at all. He took 2 digs at New Zealand and Australia when there was small covid outbreaks. He was soooo misinformed by his cronnies about New Zealand and Australia he made a dick of himself.

He did shut down the borders. Then was slammed for "xenophobia" while democrats minimized the "corona scare".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

Didn't Trump stack the Supreme Court judges with Cons? Why yes, yes he did.
Wow, you are comparing the president carrying out his constitutional duty of nominating justices to the break down of the rule of law? Democrats are literally dropping all charges and refusing to charge far left rioters who profess they want to over through the government yet politically charging people who were literally peacefully protesting.

It is 'throw' by the way and my comment about TRUMP stacking the supreme court bench with cons had nothing to do with riots. I corrected your, "Democrats politicized the justice system."

You are wrong. A president fulfilling his constitutionally mandated duties is not politicizing anything. Only enforcing laws against your opponents while refusing to hold your own side to the same standards is politicisizing and that is exactly what Democrats have done.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You may recall when Trump tried to lock down our borders idiot Democrats lied and claimed that was "racist".

Well he should have tried harder. And I don't believe for one second he tried at all. He took 2 digs at New Zealand and Australia when there was small covid outbreaks. He was soooo misinformed by his cronnies about New Zealand and Australia he made a dick of himself.

He did shut down the borders. Then was slammed for "xenophobia" while democrats minimized the "corona scare".

To be fair, he did so a month too late.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

Didn't Trump stack the Supreme Court judges with Cons? Why yes, yes he did.
Wow, you are comparing the president carrying out his constitutional duty of nominating justices to the break down of the rule of law? Democrats are literally dropping all charges and refusing to charge far left rioters who profess they want to over through the government yet politically charging people who were literally peacefully protesting.

It is 'throw' by the way and my comment about TRUMP stacking the supreme court bench with cons had nothing to do with riots. I corrected your, "Democrats politicized the justice system."

You are wrong. A president fulfilling his constitutionally mandated duties is not politicizing anything. Only enforcing laws against your opponents while refusing to hold your own side to the same standards is politicisizing and that is exactly what Democrats have done.

The Supreme Court Bench should be 50/50 and it isn't and that was because Trump stacked it in favour of conservative values. You cannot get away with blaming libs for your justice system. What you said wasn't true. I corrected you and now I hope you drop it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You may recall when Trump tried to lock down our borders idiot Democrats lied and claimed that was "racist".

Well he should have tried harder. And I don't believe for one second he tried at all. He took 2 digs at New Zealand and Australia when there was small covid outbreaks. He was soooo misinformed by his cronnies about New Zealand and Australia he made a dick of himself.

He did shut down the borders. Then was slammed for "xenophobia" while democrats minimized the "corona scare".

To be fair, he did so a month too late.

I dont think that's fair though.

When he shut down our borders we only had 2 documented cases and no deaths.

Shutting down our borders is a HUGE....shall I say, YUGE....deal.

And he didnt have the justification to do it any sooner. He took a lot of shit for doing it when he did.

Shutting down the borders means any Americans over in those areas....dont get to come home.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

Didn't Trump stack the Supreme Court judges with Cons? Why yes, yes he did.
Wow, you are comparing the president carrying out his constitutional duty of nominating justices to the break down of the rule of law? Democrats are literally dropping all charges and refusing to charge far left rioters who profess they want to over through the government yet politically charging people who were literally peacefully protesting.

It is 'throw' by the way and my comment about TRUMP stacking the supreme court bench with cons had nothing to do with riots. I corrected your, "Democrats politicized the justice system."

You are wrong. A president fulfilling his constitutionally mandated duties is not politicizing anything. Only enforcing laws against your opponents while refusing to hold your own side to the same standards is politicisizing and that is exactly what Democrats have done.

The Supreme Court Bench should be 50/50 and it isn't and that was because Trump stacked it in favour of conservative values. You cannot get away with blaming libs for your justice system. What you said wasn't true. I corrected you and now I hope you drop it.

Nope, you are wrong. The Senate does not have to confirm anyone they do not want to. Democrats lost the Senate and elections have consequences. They always have. That was one of them.

All of this nonsense out of you all boils down to you wrongly believing that branches of government using their constitutional powers as the constitution directs them to do is some how wrong or cheating. It is not. It is the constitution working as designed.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

Didn't Trump stack the Supreme Court judges with Cons? Why yes, yes he did.
Wow, you are comparing the president carrying out his constitutional duty of nominating justices to the break down of the rule of law? Democrats are literally dropping all charges and refusing to charge far left rioters who profess they want to over through the government yet politically charging people who were literally peacefully protesting.

It is 'throw' by the way and my comment about TRUMP stacking the supreme court bench with cons had nothing to do with riots. I corrected your, "Democrats politicized the justice system."

You are wrong. A president fulfilling his constitutionally mandated duties is not politicizing anything. Only enforcing laws against your opponents while refusing to hold your own side to the same standards is politicisizing and that is exactly what Democrats have done.

The Supreme Court Bench should be 50/50 and it isn't and that was because Trump stacked it in favour of conservative values. You cannot get away with blaming libs for your justice system. What you said wasn't true. I corrected you and now I hope you drop it.

Nope, you are wrong. The Senate does not have to confirm anyone they do not want to. Democrats lost the Senate and elections have consequences. They always have. That was one of them.

I can see how people think the SCOTUS should be 50/50 to "even things out".

People from other countries definately see it like that.

But in reality politics do not belong in the SCOTUS because all they are intended to do is interpret the laws constitutionally. They are not to legislate from the bench. Not supposed to be any sort of political activist.

People have an understandable confusion about what the SCOTUS is for and partisan clashing is so intense that government has become a power struggle.

It's just all bad. Partisan politics do not belong in a court room. But now we have partisan activist DAs.....judges....governors. And the left wants to pack the SCOTUS with left wing activist judges.

And for clarity.....packing the court means adding more judges.

The fact that partisan politics are targetting the SCOTUS just tells us how fucked our country is and is getting.

The left just wants a one party government where ONLY they are represented and they also want to fundamentally change America. Abolish the Electoral College so only two states decide our president. Make all our healthcare federal government ran. Criminalize dissent. They literally want a 1 party authoritarian government that only serves their wish lists.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
It is very clear that Democrats have politicized the justice system. That truly is evil.

The left has dominated the courts for decades, it's just that now their control is so prevalent, people have started to notice.

Look at James Fields for instance, he received what basically amounts to a death sentence for driving through a mob of Antifa who were attacking his car and because one fat bitch fell over and had a heart attack Fields was given a completely outrageous prison sentence.


Factory Bastard
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All I'm saying is when an armed cracked out nigger gets smoked by the cops, its chimp out central and the cop is immediately identified but when an unarmed white woman who's a veteran gets shot and killed by an unnamed capitol cop, the left are all "she deserved it!"