Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


Factory Bastard
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And do you think those labels matter? Are they helpful? Or are they stupid, pointless, demeaning?

Probably a bit of both..

It's nice ta have privacy, but also being able to go out and meet people once in a while too.

I know I became depressed during the height of the pandemic last year when the restrictions were greatest.

It was hard coping with that level of isolation.

Things have improved somewhat since they relaxed the regulations a bit.

But it was hard during the first part of the pandemic, I'll admit.

I thought I'd enjoy it but I didn't.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm a "socialized" introvert. I can be social because of my cultural background that is rooted in an extended family and friends. But, I'm a natural introvert. Being social drains my energy and I need time alone.

I don't think they're demeaning. It's just a method of trying to identify different personality types. That being said, I don't think it's a binary thing. I think it's more of a spectrum.


Bastard of the Century
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Same as Lily for me. I consider myself somewhere in the middle on the introvert/extrovert spectrum.

I'm very sociable when I'm in groups but I keep my time in groups to a minimum serviceable level.

If given the choice, I prefer solitude and silence. But 'll join in the revelry if there's a gang plopped in around me.

Also, who I'm with will have an impact on whether I'm more of an introvert or an extrovert in that specific circumstance. Some groups are comfortable with "thinking pauses" whereas other groups require that every interstice be bursting with social juice.

I do notice something about myself, though: when alcohol is flowing liberally and people start animatedly talking over each other--nobody actually hearing what anybody else is actually saying--in a mad dash for mirth and merriment, I tend to go silent and focused in an attempt to find even one convo thread I can follow.

Like Lily said, it's draining. And I start dreaming of picking my book back up at home.


Put your glasses on!
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Im an extrovert, a social butterfly lol.

I love being around friends, and making folks smile and laugh.

If a friend says "lets do this", Im usually there.

I'll usually take a day out of the week to be solo, but its mostly to catch up on things.

When the lockdowns started in '19, I became real depressed. I was living by myself starting that year too. My alcohol increased immensely. I hated the masks, I couldnt see smiles, or read lips since Im half deaf.

So glad a lot of that is over. Im gonna go be an extrovert tonight lol.


Factory Bastard
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I'm a "socialized" introvert. I can be social because of my cultural background that is rooted in an extended family and friends. But, I'm a natural introvert. Being social drains my energy and I need time alone.

I don't think they're demeaning. It's just a method of trying to identify different personality types. That being said, I don't think it's a binary thing. I think it's more of a spectrum.

I totally agree it's a spectrum. Almost nothing in life is actually binary.

I think I'm a social introvert. I love social events and seek them out, but I have a time limit. After 4 or 5 hours, I'm done. I need more time alone, or at least with very close family members that I don't have to talk to :Happy5:


Factory Bastard
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Same as Lily for me. I consider myself somewhere in the middle on the introvert/extrovert spectrum.

I'm very sociable when I'm in groups but I keep my time in groups to a minimum serviceable level.

If given the choice, I prefer solitude and silence. But 'll join in the revelry if there's a gang plopped in around me.

Also, who I'm with will have an impact on whether I'm more of an introvert or an extrovert in that specific circumstance. Some groups are comfortable with "thinking pauses" whereas other groups require that every interstice be bursting with social juice.

I do notice something about myself, though: when alcohol is flowing liberally and people start animatedly talking over each other--nobody actually hearing what anybody else is actually saying--in a mad dash for mirth and merriment, I tend to go silent and focused in an attempt to find even one convo thread I can follow.

Like Lily said, it's draining. And I start dreaming of picking my book back up at home.

Do you mind the label -- the word itself -- either "introvert" or "extrovert."

I find it too simplistic, and actually really annoying.


Domestically feral
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United states
I like my peace and quiet moreso the older I get.

I was always going through my 20s. I'm totally able to be the life of the party and make my own fun and others like to join me in it.

But.... I have my issues and need my down time and quiet. If I go out in the wrong mindset I'll be a ball of anxiety and I get over loaded or over stimulated easily. I really enjoy people and I prefer being able to give my whole attention to them.

These days ill plan lunch or an outting with a friend a week or two in advance and I always leave room for an out just in case. And the same is done on the other it's cool. I usually never cancel.

I'm supposed to go to a wedding tomorrow but it's looking like it's not happening. We have had some germs moving around the house.


Have kink will travel.
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I like my peace and quiet moreso the older I get.

I was always going through my 20s. I'm totally able to be the life of the party and make my own fun and others like to join me in it.

But.... I have my issues and need my down time and quiet. If I go out in the wrong mindset I'll be a ball of anxiety and I get over loaded or over stimulated easily. I really enjoy people and I prefer being able to give my whole attention to them.

These days ill plan lunch or an putting with a friend a week or two in advance and I always leave room for an out just in case. And the same is done on the other it's cool. I usually never cancel.

I'm supposed to go to a wedding tomorrow but it's looking like it's not happening. We have had some germs moving around the house.

I had issues in my youth but I got past them.... TRYING to get past them never solved the problem.

Surrendering yourself to chaos DID help me get past everything.... and kids... caring about offspring elevates your head space and tells you "it's not about you, it's about them"...

So you'll do anything for your kids, within reason.... and by doing that, your issues suddenly become inconsequential.... then NON issues.


Put your glasses on!
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Lol, so last night I wound up at a brewery, where 7 other friends met up, and we did a trivia thing. We got 3rd place in both rounds out of 20 groups.

Then one friend said "its only 9 o'clock, lets go do karaoke!" lol. So off I went, sang til 1am lol. Ended with Puff the Magic Tampon hahaha. Did Joy to the World, Monster Mash, Fortunate Son, and Dragula, cant remember a couple others I did with my friend.


Put your glasses on!
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I like my peace and quiet moreso the older I get.

I was always going through my 20s. I'm totally able to be the life of the party and make my own fun and others like to join me in it.

But.... I have my issues and need my down time and quiet. If I go out in the wrong mindset I'll be a ball of anxiety and I get over loaded or over stimulated easily. I really enjoy people and I prefer being able to give my whole attention to them.

These days ill plan lunch or an putting with a friend a week or two in advance and I always leave room for an out just in case. And the same is done on the other it's cool. I usually never cancel.

I'm supposed to go to a wedding tomorrow but it's looking like it's not happening. We have had some germs moving around the house.

I had issues in my youth but I got past them.... TRYING to get past them never solved the problem.

Surrendering yourself to chaos DID help me get past everything.... and kids... caring about offspring elevates your head space and tells you "it's not about you, it's about them"...

So you'll do anything for your kids, within reason.... and by doing that, your issues suddenly become inconsequential.... then NON issues.

Having a kid was a game changer for me. Changes everything.

Suddenly becoming single AND your kid moving out, was also a game changer lol.


Factory Bastard
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I like my peace and quiet moreso the older I get.

I was always going through my 20s. I'm totally able to be the life of the party and make my own fun and others like to join me in it.

But.... I have my issues and need my down time and quiet. If I go out in the wrong mindset I'll be a ball of anxiety and I get over loaded or over stimulated easily. I really enjoy people and I prefer being able to give my whole attention to them.

These days ill plan lunch or an putting with a friend a week or two in advance and I always leave room for an out just in case. And the same is done on the other it's cool. I usually never cancel.

I'm supposed to go to a wedding tomorrow but it's looking like it's not happening. We have had some germs moving around the house.

I had issues in my youth but I got past them.... TRYING to get past them never solved the problem.

Surrendering yourself to chaos DID help me get past everything.... and kids... caring about offspring elevates your head space and tells you "it's not about you, it's about them"...

So you'll do anything for your kids, within reason.... and by doing that, your issues suddenly become inconsequential.... then NON issues.

Having a kid was a game changer for me. Changes everything.

Suddenly becoming single AND your kid moving out, was also a game changer lol.

So you're more social now?


Put your glasses on!
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I like my peace and quiet moreso the older I get.

I was always going through my 20s. I'm totally able to be the life of the party and make my own fun and others like to join me in it.

But.... I have my issues and need my down time and quiet. If I go out in the wrong mindset I'll be a ball of anxiety and I get over loaded or over stimulated easily. I really enjoy people and I prefer being able to give my whole attention to them.

These days ill plan lunch or an putting with a friend a week or two in advance and I always leave room for an out just in case. And the same is done on the other it's cool. I usually never cancel.

I'm supposed to go to a wedding tomorrow but it's looking like it's not happening. We have had some germs moving around the house.

I had issues in my youth but I got past them.... TRYING to get past them never solved the problem.

Surrendering yourself to chaos DID help me get past everything.... and kids... caring about offspring elevates your head space and tells you "it's not about you, it's about them"...

So you'll do anything for your kids, within reason.... and by doing that, your issues suddenly become inconsequential.... then NON issues.

Having a kid was a game changer for me. Changes everything.

Suddenly becoming single AND your kid moving out, was also a game changer lol.

So you're more social now?


Before, I was more social with family. Not much friend time. Though I did start making friends in the music community nearly 3 years ago and starting hanging with them playing music once a week.

Now, I cant stand sitting at home in an empty house. It gets depressing and boring, and I wind up falling asleep lol. So I venture out as often as possible.


Put your glasses on!
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Introvert.. Alone is bestest :D

Not true!!!

Lol, you would have a blast hanging with me, promise! Then we invite Weeg and have a pizza party!
HAHA... I'm sure you'd convert me to full-blown extrovert, Blazor..

Being a Yes Man helps lol.

Im also called "the hype man" lol, woooooooooo!!! lol

Simply take my hand, and AWAY we go! Weeeeeeee!!!

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not" - Jeremiah 33:3



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
HAHAHA.. I'd be a tough nut to crack, Blazor LOLOL.. I'm a serious loner.. Have been my whole life.. I get by day to day socially because I have to for work and stuff.. but prefer to be alone :D lol I'm the black sheep of my family.. rarely making an appearance anywhere.. lol


Put your glasses on!
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HAHAHA.. I'd be a tough nut to crack, Blazor LOLOL.. I'm a serious loner.. Have been my whole life.. I get by day to day socially because I have to for work and stuff.. but prefer to be alone :D lol I'm the black sheep of my family.. rarely making an appearance anywhere.. lol

What... with my smile and laugh, you cant resist to follow me somewhere fun lol. Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated lol.

Your Jeep must be sad. It wants to go play lol.


Have kink will travel.
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HAHAHA.. I'd be a tough nut to crack, Blazor LOLOL.. I'm a serious loner.. Have been my whole life.. I get by day to day socially because I have to for work and stuff.. but prefer to be alone :D lol I'm the black sheep of my family.. rarely making an appearance anywhere.. lol

I'm exactly the same but I care for my wife's family members too... my wife's youngest sibling made it a point to hug me while I squirmed for decades... (I'm not a huggy or kissy person)... then she transferred that momentum towards my mother in law... and fuck me running, I feel good hugging her and she feels good hugging me.

It's become a thing... I don't know why or how it did.... but it's a thing.

My wife and I got married in the 90's...separated after a few years... (youth troubles)... and were hard and fast friends until 2010.... but her family never shut me out. They regularly invited me to visit them...but I never did... I never thought it was proper.

A few years ago my father in law asked me if her and I were real.... and I said "till the end"...

But they always treated me like that anyway... and whatever my inlaw cousins did or do, it's all inclusive.

I have the best inlaw family out there... just a shame that they harp on about vaccines.... and/but I will be inclusive back at them.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lol, so last night I wound up at a brewery, where 7 other friends met up, and we did a trivia thing. We got 3rd place in both rounds out of 20 groups.

Then one friend said "its only 9 o'clock, lets go do karaoke!" lol. So off I went, sang til 1am lol. Ended with Puff the Magic Tampon hahaha. Did Joy to the World, Monster Mash, Fortunate Son, and Dragula, cant remember a couple others I did with my friend.

I love karaoke :D


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
HAHAHA.. I'd be a tough nut to crack, Blazor LOLOL.. I'm a serious loner.. Have been my whole life.. I get by day to day socially because I have to for work and stuff.. but prefer to be alone :D lol I'm the black sheep of my family.. rarely making an appearance anywhere.. lol

I'm exactly the same but I care for my wife's family members too... my wife's youngest sibling made it a point to hug me while I squirmed for decades... (I'm not a huggy or kissy person)... then she transferred that momentum towards my mother in law... and fuck me running, I feel good hugging her and she feels good hugging me.

It's become a thing... I don't know why or how it did.... but it's a thing.

My wife and I got married in the 90's...separated after a few years... (youth troubles)... and were hard and fast friends until 2010.... but her family never shut me out. They regularly invited me to visit them...but I never did... I never thought it was proper.

A few years ago my father in law asked me if her and I were real.... and I said "till the end"...

But they always treated me like that anyway... and whatever my inlaw cousins did or do, it's all inclusive.

I have the best inlaw family out there... just a shame that they harp on about vaccines.... and/but I will be inclusive back at them.
My parents weren't very affectionate when I was hugs or kisses.. maybe once or twice in my childhood. So, yeah.. I've always been awkward when showing affection in social gatherings.. I remember meeting my ex's family, who were huggy kissy types.. and yeah.. It was extremely awkward and uncomfortable for me. (they actually made fun of me for it.. guess because I was so stiff when they hugged me hahahaha) I've gotten better.. but still have a little anxiety about that kind of stuff..