No, I don't deface public property, I think the punishments for Graffiti are way too soft.
Are you a tranny?
Please someone other than @Seamajor answer.
so thats what ur going 2 do here, just ask the same Q over and over?
Ah! I see now why I'm having trouble with this thread. The replies made no sense.
There must be someone inquiring about trans sex and gender. I assume it must be our Tranny Tit Romeo, Wizer. If it is, I can't see him; at this gentleman's (indirect) request, I've put him on Ignore in order to shield him from any further inadvertent trauma, dare I say "engendered" by his having to interact with people that cause him such damage and such pain.
Too bad. I sort of enjoyed this thread.
Why would anyone be concerned with the sexual orientation of an anonymous poster on an obscure flame forum???
Are you a tranny?
Please someone other than Seamajor answer.
fuck buddy, you want tit dick go fuck off already, others use this place for fun not hook ups beat it already
Who gives a flying fuck? Just don’t inundate the forum with your soft_on approach.fuck buddy, you want tit dick go fuck off already, others use this place for fun not hook ups beat it already
Are you a Tranny?