

It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Fresh outta the clink after volunteering to teach a few classes to the niggers and spics who were all down to put their fucking heads down on the desks, crossed arms in place of pillows. That was a good thing because when they were awake and gave a Vile_Pile cheap fuck about the kindergarten curriculum I was slowly, very slowly, trying to teach them all the core basics of America. They couldn't have possibly given less of a fuck.

Coin had two faces, like we all did - no tails. I guess they signed up for classroom lessons because their unseen lessons elsewhere were harder than writing up their complaints legibly. I'd trade with Mexico any day: we'll take your genuinely hard working manlets in trade for however many niggers you folks can cleanse before stuffing up the dump that is half of Mexico city. That sit well with you? *smiles, nods*

Fuckin' manlets get duped on everything else here in Big Tex, you really think they'd take the nigger trade? Meh, gigantic garbage dump (Mexico) could use some stabilization, and it's safe now that Soul Glow went outta style. Smoke a fatty while you watch. Whoops, all bitch spics over the age of twelve had better had at least two kids or their fathers would wind up being the butt of all shitty jokes from the hard-of-thinking. Fetch me a few fuckin' tamales you four foot bitch. Shave before coming back...

- you suckos suck dick, except Sharron, the militant lesbian


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It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Yes, butter-hoop, you reject education like a good girl looking to get her Mrs degree. That much has been evident from your first post, wherever that was. Did you get banned there? Me too...

- teacher

*oh, and for those thinking I called Mexico City a garbage dump just to be a dick, it's a very real thing:
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an earthquake, not even a large one, would be almost unimaginable to what the aftermath would look like from above (helicopter, plane, etc).

** "four foot bitch" meant 4' if it read weird
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It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Know what I just figured out? Here, I'll give you faggots a clue: Bandana.

That's right, when I was kindly telling you all about whatever the fuck I was, some shit about mustachioed spic bitches came up.

Do we have one here? Why yes, we most certainly do! She wears dick hunting paint by her shit-brown eyes, and hides her fucking fu-man-chu in creative ways. May even be one of those dope ass Civil War fancy cuts. Hell, should I? Hmm.

So how 'bout it Spock, you down to mix it up with a motherfucker (yours) like me, pussy? Didn't fuckin' think so. Crawl back under a rock that most people mistake for your head...

- very polite gentleman


Cold as Ice
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East of the Rockies West of the rest
I never went to Mexico and to be honest I have no desire to go there. The closest I got to Mexico was way back in 1994 on my Harley FXSTC when me and my old lady went for a tour of the southwest USA. We went to Tombstone Arizona and we had a good time.
Blazor might remember the pic I posted (on CJ) of me and the old lady at the Grand Canyon. lol lots of photoshopped pics of that one.

But back to the question/quote on hand.. I have to kinda agree with SSS a bit and I hope that fucking wall gets built real quick. Why you ask? Because those illegal aliens not only settle down in the USA but they also sneak across the border into Canada.
And to be honest here in Canuckistan most people only want Legal immigrants. Fuck the illegals who come here only to rape our social services.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Ha! I've gone to Tombstone quite a few times and have seen them filming a Western show. Cool shit man. Maybe Vile_Pile could've been the waitress who got slapped around for delivering warm beer. Not in the show, of course, but in real life.

You gotta FXSTC? I call bullshit, old man. D'juh sell that beauty yet and can't post its pic, or are you fulla Vile sheehat? God that bitch sucks. In fact, she does, but you just gotta pull her bandana up a bit to fit, know wh'I'm sayin'.

Yeah, I been to Boys Town a few times and fucked a little girl with silver teeth. She lit a cigarette and placed it on the table and looked away while I coke-beer-weed thrashed that little pussy! Again, she wouldn't look at me and a few tears rolled down her cheek while she just watched the tobacco burn, nice and slow.

I had a fuckin' rubber on so I didn't cum and asked her little non-butt-yet ass if I could pay for another smoke's worth of time. She disagreed, and to just throw her 70lb self back on the fuck-mattress would've landed me in the dreaded jail they have in Boy's Town and I ain't that down. Shit.

Before posters here frown and discuss my future here, I was only 16 that time. She didn't have a mustache yet either (that means I couldn't grown my own at that age). For those of you losers reading this; if you need professional oral work done but ain't got the dough, get it done in Mexico. It sounds like bad news but it ain't. My neighbor told me this and came back straight - no bullshit. I've worked in the dental field before and examined it with a scowl before I looked back up nodding wearing a somewhat surprised face, especially what he told me he paid.

"Keep flushing the holes so you don't get dry sockets", I says. Like our gross brown bitch needs to do her own...

- even small silver teeth don't cost much