Caitlin Johnstone knows what time it is


Mutants Rule!
Factory Bastard
Redneckistan, USA
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Excerpt from article:

"Whenever I talk about this stuff I get people accusing me of being defeatist and interpreting this message as a position that there’s nothing anyone can do, but that’s not true at all. I’m just saying the fake election ritual you’ve been given by the powerful and told that’s how you solve your problems is not the tool for the job. You’re as likely to solve your problems by voting as you are by wishing or by praying — but that doesn’t mean problems can’t be solved. If you thought you could cure an infection by huffing paint thinner I’d tell you that won’t work either, and tell you to go see a doctor instead.

Just because the only viable candidates in any US presidential race will always be murderous empire lackeys doesn’t mean things are hopeless; that’s just what it looks like when you live in the heart of an empire that’s held together by lies, violence and tyranny, whose behavior has too much riding on it for the powerful to allow it to be left to the will of the electorate.

Your vote won’t make any difference to the behavior of the empire, but what can make a difference is
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to help pave the way toward a genuine people’s uprising against the empire later on down the road. You do this by opening people’s eyes to the reality that what they’ve been taught about their government, their nation and their world is a lie, and that the mainstream sources they’ve been trained to look to for information are
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What we can all do as individuals right here and now is begin cultivating a habit of committing small acts of sedition. Making little paper cuts in the flesh of the beast which add up over time. You can’t stop the machine by yourself, but you can sure as hell throw sand in its gears.

Giving a receptive listener some information about what’s going on in the world. Creating dissident media online. Graffiti with a powerful message. Amplifying an inconvenient voice. Sharing a disruptive idea. Supporting an unauthorized cause. Organizing toward forbidden ends. Distributing eye-opening literature. Creating eye-opening literature. Creating eye-opening art. Having authentic conversations about real things with anyone who can hear you.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
A rather bleak cynical outlook @Garraty_47 from Caitlyn Johnson.

However a major flaw in Caitlyn Johnson's analysis is that she fails to mention the rise of other empires & power blocs who threaten to challenge the formerly monopolistic America Inc.

Like hey...theres a new Kid on the block challenging the supremacy of the USA which is just as power hungry, greedy & murderous as the USA. And steps on human rights just as much and even more.

The BRICS Nations which include China, Russia, Iran, the Arab Gulf States & North Korea.

Only they dont wear this facade or make any pretense that they are interested in democracy or freedom. They will take away ALL of your freedoms in pursuit of power Garraty.

If the USA is Evil, do you think these countries are any better? They are all semi or outright dictatorships.

Anyway something to think about Gar.
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My black son dindu nuthin wrong.
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A rather bleak cynical outlook @Garraty_47 from Caitlyn Johnson.

However a major flaw in Caitlyn Johnson's analysis is that she fails to mention the rise of other empires & power blocs who threaten to challenge the formerly monopolistic America Inc.

Like hey...theres a new Kid on the block challenging the supremacy of the USA which is just as power hungry, greedy & murderous as the USA. And steps on human rights just as much and even more.

The BRICS Nations which include China, Russia, Iran, the Arab Gulf States & North Korea.

Only they dont wear this facade or make any pretense that they are interested in power & taking away ALL of your freedoms Garraty.

If the USA is Evil, do you think these countries are any better? They are all semi or outright dictatorships.

Anyway something to think about Gar.
Where do you whack jobs come up with the bullshit?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It's not for the very reasons she SPELLS OUT in the article.

So... you didn't bother to actually read it or you're playing silly buggers.

Either way: go fuck yourself.
Yeah but the USA isn't the only nation that pursues those power games within their own borders or internationally @Garraty_47

That's a rather naive assumption on her part.

Even if the USA fell or went away do you think meddling in other nations affairs would miraculously end? The international situation would be even worse.

Likewise when Ancient Rome fell all that replaced it were barbarian empires that made war on each other. In fact Europe was perpetually at war for 1500 years after the fall of Rome. It took the Second World War and the intervention of an external power, the USA, to stabilize it once the War was over.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
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Excerpt from article:

"Whenever I talk about this stuff I get people accusing me of being defeatist and interpreting this message as a position that there’s nothing anyone can do, but that’s not true at all. I’m just saying the fake election ritual you’ve been given by the powerful and told that’s how you solve your problems is not the tool for the job. You’re as likely to solve your problems by voting as you are by wishing or by praying — but that doesn’t mean problems can’t be solved. If you thought you could cure an infection by huffing paint thinner I’d tell you that won’t work either, and tell you to go see a doctor instead.

Just because the only viable candidates in any US presidential race will always be murderous empire lackeys doesn’t mean things are hopeless; that’s just what it looks like when you live in the heart of an empire that’s held together by lies, violence and tyranny, whose behavior has too much riding on it for the powerful to allow it to be left to the will of the electorate.

Your vote won’t make any difference to the behavior of the empire, but what can make a difference is
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to help pave the way toward a genuine people’s uprising against the empire later on down the road. You do this by opening people’s eyes to the reality that what they’ve been taught about their government, their nation and their world is a lie, and that the mainstream sources they’ve been trained to look to for information are
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What we can all do as individuals right here and now is begin cultivating a habit of committing small acts of sedition. Making little paper cuts in the flesh of the beast which add up over time. You can’t stop the machine by yourself, but you can sure as hell throw sand in its gears.

Giving a receptive listener some information about what’s going on in the world. Creating dissident media online. Graffiti with a powerful message. Amplifying an inconvenient voice. Sharing a disruptive idea. Supporting an unauthorized cause. Organizing toward forbidden ends. Distributing eye-opening literature. Creating eye-opening literature. Creating eye-opening art. Having authentic conversations about real things with anyone who can hear you.

Sounds like an over-educated, hubris-filled Leftist. Clearly she's read and is a fan of Saul Alinsky:

"What we can all do as individuals right here and now is begin cultivating a habit of committing small acts of sedition. Making little paper cuts in the flesh of the beast which add up over time. You can’t stop the machine by yourself, but you can sure as hell throw sand in its gears."

Why is it so many Leftists think they "know" so much better than the rest of us what's best for all of us? Why is it so many Leftists want to undermine and destroy what is, and have no sound plan to replace what they want to destroy besides unicorn fart utopian fairy tales?

This broad's just a rage-filled Leftist cunt who probably practices her lines for her cats before she commits them to writing.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Sounds like an over-educated, hubris-filled Leftist. Clearly she's read and is a fan of Saul Alinsky:

"What we can all do as individuals right here and now is begin cultivating a habit of committing small acts of sedition. Making little paper cuts in the flesh of the beast which add up over time. You can’t stop the machine by yourself, but you can sure as hell throw sand in its gears."

Why is it so many Leftists think they "know" so much better than the rest of us what's best for all of us? Why is it so many Leftists want to undermine and destroy what is, and have no sound plan to replace what they want to destroy besides unicorn fart utopian fairy tales?

This broad's just a rage-filled Leftist cunt who probably practices her lines for her cats before she commits them to writing.
Well @Reggie_Essent I think she's too simplistic in her understanding of the world, who controls it, what ails it & how to remedy its ills.

There are better analysts on the 'Left' like her who seem to have a better grasp or comprehension of the US political situation and its relationship to the rest of the World.

She seems rather naive, simplistic and cant identify the root causes of the problem.

And her 'solutions' don't really solve anything


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Well @Reggie_Essent I think she's too simplistic in her understanding of the world, who controls it, what ails it & how to remedy its ills.

There are better analysts on the 'Left' like her who seem to have a better grasp or comprehension of the US political situation and its relationship to the rest of the World.

She seems rather naive, simplistic and cant identify the root causes of the problem.

And her 'solutions' don't really solve anything

Did she offer "solutions?" I only read the excerpt, not the entire article. There were no "solutions" in the excerpt.

From reading the excerpt, I have no desire to click on her link to read more. So she doesn't like America being the premier hegemonic power these last 80 years. Does she say what she would like that hegemony replaced with? Or does she just go on and on and on about how the United States is an evil exploitative "empire" that needs to have sand thrown in the gears of its workings to "bring it all down, man!"?

If we are an "empire," we're doing a piss poor job of "empiring" if you ask me. I don't see vast amounts of tribute and resources flowing into America from our imperial possessions, rather, I see the American taxpayer giving huge amounts of our treasure to third world shitholes for no discernible return on our investment.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Did she offer "solutions?" I only read the excerpt, not the entire article. There were no "solutions" in the excerpt.
While it may be the main player, I don't think the USA is the only Mover
and Shaker that shapes world events anymore.

The US may still be the Dominant power but it's not the only one.
They are slowly losing their grip and their hegemony is eroding.
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
If we are an "empire," we're doing a piss poor job of "empiring" if you ask me. I don't see vast amounts of tribute and resources flowing into America from our imperial possessions, rather, I see the American taxpayer giving huge amounts of our treasure to third world shitholes for no discernible return on our investment.
This is often the case with Empires @Reggie_Essent
It was also the situation with the Soviet Empire when they controlled Eastern Europe too.

Many of these Eastern Satellites they conquered and controlled until the fall of communism had better living standards than the citizens in the USSR. Better housing, better quality of life, longer lifespans, better food. The USSR spent so much on armnaments at the expense of its own citizens and ironically to the betterment of its satellite nations. Even Cubans were living better than the Average Russian.

People living behind the Iron Curtain told me they visited Russia when it was the USSR and remarked on the poverty being much worse than the Eastern European satellites they occupied.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Do you have any proof of that, Senile @Joe?

And "Some guy that rented a limo told me." is not an acceptable answer.
I know for fact that you are an unsafe and unprofessional driver who needs to take professional driving lessons, Lex @The Prowler.

Never mind being in the car with you, just having your presence on the local roads of Kitchener, Ontario is a severe safety harzard to the residents there.

Evidently, you are are a very dangerous driver Lex the Pukeler given the road footage you had posted.

At least if somebody's gonna die in your town, make sure it's you and nobody else.


Factory Bastard
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Excerpt from article:

"Whenever I talk about this stuff I get people accusing me of being defeatist and interpreting this message as a position that there’s nothing anyone can do, but that’s not true at all. I’m just saying the fake election ritual you’ve been given by the powerful and told that’s how you solve your problems is not the tool for the job. You’re as likely to solve your problems by voting as you are by wishing or by praying — but that doesn’t mean problems can’t be solved. If you thought you could cure an infection by huffing paint thinner I’d tell you that won’t work either, and tell you to go see a doctor instead.

Just because the only viable candidates in any US presidential race will always be murderous empire lackeys doesn’t mean things are hopeless; that’s just what it looks like when you live in the heart of an empire that’s held together by lies, violence and tyranny, whose behavior has too much riding on it for the powerful to allow it to be left to the will of the electorate.

Your vote won’t make any difference to the behavior of the empire, but what can make a difference is
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to help pave the way toward a genuine people’s uprising against the empire later on down the road. You do this by opening people’s eyes to the reality that what they’ve been taught about their government, their nation and their world is a lie, and that the mainstream sources they’ve been trained to look to for information are
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What we can all do as individuals right here and now is begin cultivating a habit of committing small acts of sedition. Making little paper cuts in the flesh of the beast which add up over time. You can’t stop the machine by yourself, but you can sure as hell throw sand in its gears.

Giving a receptive listener some information about what’s going on in the world. Creating dissident media online. Graffiti with a powerful message. Amplifying an inconvenient voice. Sharing a disruptive idea. Supporting an unauthorized cause. Organizing toward forbidden ends. Distributing eye-opening literature. Creating eye-opening literature. Creating eye-opening art. Having authentic conversations about real things with anyone who can hear you.
Tell it Stubby. Hell listen. 5 more days until the 1st amigo.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Do you have any proof of that, Senile @Joe?

And "Some guy that rented a limo told me." is not an acceptable answer.

I know for fact that you are an unsafe and unprofessional driver who needs to take professional driving lessons, Lex @The Prowler.

Never mind being in the car with you, just having your presence on the local roads of Kitchener, Ontario is a severe safety harzard to the residents there.

Evidently, you are are a very dangerous driver Lex the Pukeler given the road footage you had posted.

At least if somebody's gonna die in your town, make sure it's you and nobody else.
