Face it liberals, you're not smart or "woke"


Factory Bastard
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Yes, we have a socialist majority.

From the first article you posted:

While anti-immigrant policies that could be forthcoming from Meloni in Italy are troubling, the parliamentary system, which fosters multiple parties and coalition governments, provides guardrails.

I talked to Trygve Olson, the president of Viking Strategies, an international political risk firm. He’s worked as a consultant in multiple countries and argued that Meloni could evolve in office.

“The mere fact that they have gained power doesn’t necessarily mean that their democratic systems are broken,” Olson told me in a phone conversation. “It’s troubling. And it says that there’s a whole lot of European voters who are feeling desperate in terms of some of their concerns not being addressed by the traditional parties.”

But the traditional parties are still there to provide checks against the far-right politicians, who now have an opportunity to try to build consensus.


Factory Bastard
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United States
Yes, we have a socialist majority.

From the first article you posted:

While anti-immigrant policies that could be forthcoming from Meloni in Italy are troubling, the parliamentary system, which fosters multiple parties and coalition governments, provides guardrails.

I talked to Trygve Olson, the president of Viking Strategies, an international political risk firm. He’s worked as a consultant in multiple countries and argued that Meloni could evolve in office.

“The mere fact that they have gained power doesn’t necessarily mean that their democratic systems are broken,” Olson told me in a phone conversation. “It’s troubling. And it says that there’s a whole lot of European voters who are feeling desperate in terms of some of their concerns not being addressed by the traditional parties.”

But the traditional parties are still there to provide checks against the far-right politicians, who now have an opportunity to try to build consensus.
My point is the right is surging through europe! Hopefully soon all countries will be controlled by right wing governments. Germany will be next!!


Factory Bastard
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My point is the right is surging through europe! Hopefully soon all countries will be controlled by right wing governments. Germany will be next!!
Like I said, this is fueled by immigration. Instead of turning into an asshole and hating on people who are forced to emigrate, look at the core issue, which is the fucking corporate control of everyone on the planet, fueling wars and poverty. You know, profits before people.


Factory Bastard
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United States
Like I said, this is fueled by immigration. Instead of turning into an asshole and hating on people who are forced to emigrate, look at the core issue, which is the fucking corporate control of everyone on the planet, fueling wars and poverty. You know, profits before people.
Let them fix their own countries! Close the borders!!


Factory Bastard
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From your article ^^^

Portugal is one of the most left-wing countries in the EU. After the military coup of April 1974, decolonization and the nationalization of the country’s main companies took place in a climate of extreme-left radicalism. Since then, Portugal’s political spectrum has been dominated – except for short periods of center-right rule – by the left.

Do you read what you post?


Factory Bastard
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Let them fix their own countries! Close the borders!!
Their countries are being destroyed by the oligarchs. They have every right to start wars with the people who are fucking them over. Instead, they emigrate. You have no soul, Weeg. Jesus weeps.


Factory Bastard
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United States
Their countries are being destroyed by the oligarchs. They have every right to start wars with the people who are fucking them over. Instead, they emigrate. You have no soul, Weeg. Jesus weeps.
Jesus says mine the border! Take care of your own! Billions would love to come to your country you’ll never be able to support them all


Domestically feral
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United states
Yeah, but the thing that really fucking kills me is they always take something sensible, like social justice, CRT, etc., and demonize it and spread this mass fucking hysteria over simple common fucking sense. Then these terms/names/ideas become weaponized and too loaded to talk about rationally. It's so fucking stupid.

Lotus I literally showed you CRT as described directly by Kimberely Krenshaw and other authors of CRT and you STILL called it "bullshit" and you offered up absolutely nothing to show what you think CRT actually is.

I showed you actual Equity CRT promoting websites and orgs. Discussions about it on Roots (?) From those who promote it. And according to you...NONE of that is what it is.

So you've got some super secret other definiton and explanation to what this this and how it's being applied in classrooms that is way different from even the activists orgs that support it and all the authors whose books are the CRT bibles.


Domestically feral
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United states
Explain your insane definition of how the golden rule is not the foundation of treating our fellow humans with dignity and respect, you mental midget.

Admin? None of you treat people with dignity and respect. None of you.

You haven't respectfully or rationally addressed anything I've ever posted. You HAVE called me an ignorant slut on several occasions. Among other hateful insults.

Maybe you guys should actually follow that golden rule yourselves and the rest of us might take you seriously when you pretend its us who hate humanity. Your behaviour and treatment of people here alone disqualifies you from preaching on the Golden Rule.

And the only black people who can escape racist abuse is when they agree with you because if they dont, they are house niggers and coons right? Like how your "side" treats Candice Owen's and Larry Elder.

What a fucking joke you guys are.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
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United states

Thanks for this example of how retarded and unhinged the brainwashed establishment cucks are.

The irony of this drooling spazz actually posting that with a Ukraine flag is incredible. So he wants to fund actual nazis.....but is finding some super secret nazi messaging in Elons post.

Boy Admin it's a good thing that you really dont view anything in Tweets as any sort of valid info.......you know? You've been saying that for a few years everytime there is a tweet with video footage of leftwing activists attacking innocent people.

If Tweets with actual evidence....like video footage to back the claim....are not valid, there is no way you find THIS unhinged conspiracy shit valid.

Of course your idea of the Golden Rule involves hatred of everyone with different opinions, name calling and supporting riots so. Cant really take you seriously at all.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like I said, this is fueled by immigration. Instead of turning into an asshole and hating on people who are forced to emigrate, look at the core issue, which is the fucking corporate control of everyone on the planet, fueling wars and poverty. You know, profits before people.

And yet your support swings to the corporate controlled democrat party of war mongers. You said yourself their "hearts" are in the "right place". And its us ordinary peasants who want our lives to belong to us who are the bad guys. It's all the small business owners whose businesses and lives were destroyed at the alter of covid while big corps made massive profits and received government bail outs who are the bad guys.

The elites want us all to hate eachother based on skin color and sexuality and to remain divided and to make unreasonable and intrusive demands.....but yeah WE are the bad guys.

That's the issue right there.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Clearly the lock ups are the straw that broke the camel's back, Rancid. Sheesh, people don't go batshit over one policy.
The Chinese accepted what they did for so long because the country was growing and money was pouring in. The lockdowns are not to stop covid, they're there to stop inflation.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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How long has it been since you've been in the US? 10 years or more? The average American has more shit in their house than any previous generation. People in the US have their homes full of crap, and many then have storage units to store more crap.

It's a good thing Americans are slowing down on buying crap. It's just a circle of buying crap to fill a void of hopelessness at their jobs that they are tied to so that they can pay the bills for the useless crap that they buy. It's insanity, Rancid.
Yeah, I was watching something about that, most people alreayd multiple consoles, cellphones, tablets, big screens, laptops and whatnot.

That's definitely gonna be a challenge for the chinese, they won't be able to sell as much stuff to you guys anymore, so they'll probably be looking into other markets.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
No. The blame is focused on whomsoever is guilty. Lefties were given an inch? By whom? And is that supposed to be a big deal? We were given an inch? An inch of fucking what?
Over the past few decades, you cockroaches have wormed your way into academia and various other institutions within western society, with virtually no resistance from the unsuspecting public.

Remember the "Long march through the institutions" catchphrase which you Marxists often gloat about?

You people have basically hoodwinked multiple generations of naive youths into believing and supporting your subversive, degenerate nonsense and today everyone is suffering (except the elites of course) from the fallout which decades worth of Cultural Marxist insanity has brought.


Factory Bastard
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Over the past few decades, you cockroaches have wormed your way into academia and various other institutions within western society, with virtually no resistance from the unsuspecting public.

Remember the "Long march through the institutions" catchphrase which you Marxists often gloat about?

You people have basically hoodwinked multiple generations of naive youths into believing and supporting your subversive, degenerate nonsense and today everyone is suffering (except the elites of course) from the fallout which decades worth of Cultural Marxist insanity has brought.
You don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing more pathetic than someone who knows ZERO about academia telling someone who knows a lot about it what is happening in academia.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Over the past few decades, you cockroaches have wormed your way into academia and various other institutions within western society, with virtually no resistance from the unsuspecting public.

Remember the "Long march through the institutions" catchphrase which you Marxists often gloat about?

You people have basically hoodwinked multiple generations of naive youths into believing and supporting your subversive, degenerate nonsense and today everyone is suffering (except the elites of course) from the fallout which decades worth of Cultural Marxist insanity has brought.

I've seen a lot of elderly people saying they can no longer deal with the younger generation.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Maybe if you had a dick, you wouldn't be so obsessed about melanin.

You support a politcal party whose only platform is spewing hateful, divisive rhetoric about race and exploiting black people.

You even want school children to be taught that black people are disadvantaged because of their skin color and white people are oppressing them. And you call that history. And you resort to some hysterical gaslighting BS that all the rest of the country who finds racism revolting (while your glorious masters find it politically useful) and doesnt want childre poisoned with racist hate....is against schools teaching history.

School have always taught history. They teach American history, including the slave trade and Dred Scott, the abolition movement the end of slavery and the civil rights movement.

You want history revisions that are not true, that cherry pick historical events to be taught through a filter of "oppressed and oppressors" and to twist the minds of children to look and judge skin color.

But yeah.....a white nationalist over in the UK(where white nationism isnt what you guys claim it is, and you have no equal criticisms or accusations about other countries who preserve a homogeneous culture....because believe it or not, white people are not the majority all over the world) exists so its him who is obsessed with "melanin".


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Do you think that's somthing new?

Years ago I had a boss that in the 60's was railing at his mom and grandmother that they just didn't get "sex, drugs and rock and roll", they were antiquated and had no idea about being young, energetic and full of life.

He said his grandmother arched an eyebrow and said "You mean like 'wine, women and song', dear?"
He remembers feeling so stupid.

Old people complaining about young people and vice-versa is just how things work...