Fucking shit! It sounded like that cat was dying.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
So normally we make sure to bring our cat in before it gets dark, there are coyotes around here so you don't want kitties out near sundown. That said, my wife normally keeps track of these things but she was business cooking Asian noodles. I was in our bedroom, surfing the net, and next to my window when I heard what sounded like a cat fighting for its life and slowly losing. I ran out front only to see a raccon running across the street, one of my neighbors who had been walking her dog screaming about a cat dying, and there I was trying to find a cat in the dark.

Luckily, my wife followed me out and the cat immediately ran up to her. Apparently, the cat was stalking a raccoon and the raccoon didn't like the cat being near it. So the raccoon attacked the cat but, as near as I can tell, they cat isn't bleeding and wasn't bit. They cat sure screamed like it was dying though.

Luckily we got the cat inside and were able to inspect him while the ten year old whaled about his poor dying kitty. The cat seems fine. Hopefully everything will be ok.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
theres a pair of feral tomcats around here that kill coons - its like i live in a mini-africa lol


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Take it to the vet tomorrow.

Does it have its rabies shot?

I don't think so. We adopted it last June and it only had the shots it came with at 3 months old.

Oh man, O. You gotta make sure that cat has its rabies shot. Especailly since you let it outside

Not only for the cats protection, but your son's. Rabies is a God awful way to die and by the time you see symptoms it's too late.

Let's say your cat gets in a scuffle with a rabies infected raccoon or squirrel and contracts it and you guys have no idea. And then the cat bites your son(rabid animals are unpredictable), or breaks the skin scratching while playing before you guys realize the cats infected....now your child has rabies and will need several shots to the stomach immediately. And if the cat isnt showing symptoms yet...you likely wont take action fast enough because you wont even know.

Dont let kitty outside until you KNOW it cannot bring rabies into your home, please. This kinda shit happens to people more often than you think and its fucking horrible. It's not something people actively think about much because regular people dont really SEE rabies going around, so they dont think about it. Usually its squirrels and raccoons out passing it and when they get symptomatic they go off to suffer and die out of sight. It's a scary disease because by the time the symptoms show, you are dead. You'll die a horrible, painful death too. I'm not trying to be morbid or an alarmist, I'm just pointing this out so you and your wife can protect your child. (And kitty of course)

Also I'd take the cat to get checked for any injuries you may not see(cats will hide pain and injury) and maybe just have the vet give a rabies shot anyway. It very likely has had one along with the other routine vaccines cats get when they are young and being prepared for adoption, if the cat was sterilized it probably had the shot but you really want to make sure on this because it's such a dangerous disease.

Just to show you I'm not just being a naggy psycho, here is a rabies infected cat being taken to the vet for euthanasia. Honestly if I every see a suffering, rabid animal anywhere near my house, I'm probably gonna shoot it and call animal control to come get it.

Children still die from rabies in 3rd world countries because often they dont have the shots to treat it, and once symptoms show, you are done. It's really sad and awful.

I'm totally not trying to be some lecturing random bitch on the internet.....I'm just posting this to have your families back, in case this hasnt crossed your mind. People dont often think about this happening until it does.
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Site Supporter
theres a pair of feral tomcats around here that kill coons - its like i live in a mini-africa lol

I've seen my Raccoon confront the 9 ferals I tend to ... the cat's would have no part of her growling and teeth


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
We got him in June and they told us he had to be six months or older before he could get the other shots he needed but everything has been in lockdown. I will look around to see if one of the vet places around here are open.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
We got him in June and they told us he had to be six months or older before he could get the other shots he needed but everything has been in lockdown. I will look around to see if one of the vet places around here are open.

Tell them you have an indoor/outdoor cat that needs a rabies shot.

Theyll probably come out to the parking lot to do it.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
My Grandmothers cat had its eye pulled out by a Raccoon , she had to push it back into the socket , still lost the eye though

I had a stray get its eye attacked, got infected. I took her to the vet and had it removed, now she stays inside. Thats Zena the Warrior Princess lol.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
My Grandmothers cat had its eye pulled out by a Raccoon , she had to push it back into the socket , still lost the eye though

I had a stray get its eye attacked, got infected. I took her to the vet and had it removed, now she stays inside. Thats Zena the Warrior Princess lol.
Same situation ,cat came home and its eye was hanging out of its head on a tendon, but it got infected anyway and started to rot


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Took him to the vet today for an inspection, review of his shots, and to get any needed shots. It turned out he needed two rabies and some other young cat shot. Vet couldn't find any bite marks or scratches on him just like I couldn't he said just get the shots he needed and look put for any neurological problems as that is the first sign of rabies. He also said it is exceedingly rare to catch rabies in our area and that in 30 years he had only seen exactly one case.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I thought we got him in June but after reading the adoption paperwork we adopted him on July 2nd. Estimated date of birth was April 1st.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Cat slept a lot yesterday and didn't even do his usual morning scratch the bed and meow to wake up the humans and tell them to feed me thing. I think the vaccinations have him feeling a bit under the weather.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
He is back chasing birds today so I guess he slept off the after effects of his vaccinations. He had slept for pretty much two days straight; just getting up to eat and use his liter box.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Take it to the vet tomorrow.

Does it have its rabies shot?

I don't think so. We adopted it last June and it only had the shots it came with at 3 months old.

Oh man, O. You gotta make sure that cat has its rabies shot. Especailly since you let it outside

Not only for the cats protection, but your son's. Rabies is a God awful way to die and by the time you see symptoms it's too late.

Let's say your cat gets in a scuffle with a rabies infected raccoon or squirrel and contracts it and you guys have no idea. And then the cat bites your son(rabid animals are unpredictable), or breaks the skin scratching while playing before you guys realize the cats infected....now your child has rabies and will need several shots to the stomach immediately. And if the cat isnt showing symptoms yet...you likely wont take action fast enough because you wont even know.

Dont let kitty outside until you KNOW it cannot bring rabies into your home, please. This kinda shit happens to people more often than you think and its fucking horrible. It's not something people actively think about much because regular people dont really SEE rabies going around, so they dont think about it. Usually its squirrels and raccoons out passing it and when they get symptomatic they go off to suffer and die out of sight. It's a scary disease because by the time the symptoms show, you are dead. You'll die a horrible, painful death too. I'm not trying to be morbid or an alarmist, I'm just pointing this out so you and your wife can protect your child. (And kitty of course)

Also I'd take the cat to get checked for any injuries you may not see(cats will hide pain and injury) and maybe just have the vet give a rabies shot anyway. It very likely has had one along with the other routine vaccines cats get when they are young and being prepared for adoption, if the cat was sterilized it probably had the shot but you really want to make sure on this because it's such a dangerous disease.

Just to show you I'm not just being a naggy psycho, here is a rabies infected cat being taken to the vet for euthanasia. Honestly if I every see a suffering, rabid animal anywhere near my house, I'm probably gonna shoot it and call animal control to come get it.

Children still die from rabies in 3rd world countries because often they dont have the shots to treat it, and once symptoms show, you are done. It's really sad and awful.

I'm totally not trying to be some lecturing random bitch on the internet.....I'm just posting this to have your families back, in case this hasnt crossed your mind. People dont often think about this happening until it does.

Can a person get a rabies shot as a preventative/protective measure?

Or is it only done in the event of an animal bite?

I read somewhere the rabies vaccine is so potent/powerful that it provides cross protection against other diseases.

Who knows? Maybe COVID?

Have you heard anything about Rabies cross protective properties, Dovey?