Good rant by woman on GAB


Put your glasses on!
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My rant for today...
I worked in the health field for over 22 years in MedSurg.

I didn’t get any handouts. I did my daily job as a wife, mother, employee, and the rest that goes along with the daily grind of life.

We had a budget. We paid our bills. We struggled. Life was good.

When we went on vacation, we went to all the free places such as museums, parks, beaches.

A normal American family, loving our freedom, and working hard.


You take over my nation with a fraudulent election.

You try to brainwash me by telling me I may die without a vaccine.

You try to force me to give up my guns, my means of self-defense.

You try to convince me that everything you do is for my benefit.

You have brainwashed millions.
You also have murdered millions by withholding the inexpensive medicine they could have save their lives.

You have brainwashed my children. Your liberal education as taking them down the road of socialism and hate.

You have lied, you have lined your pockets with taxpayer money, you have sat in Washington and taking away our freedom, yet you build up for yourselves wealth.

You try to take away my freedom of speech, my freedom of worship, my second amendment rights.

You now want to force me to Take a vaccine.
I know better. I have read the package inserts.
I myself have never taken one of your vaccines. Never a flu vaccine, never a pneumonia vaccine, never the shingles vaccine, and I never will!

You have done so much to harm the United States of America in six months, you are all traitors.

You are the ones who should live in fear.
You are the ones who should be isolated and locked up.
You are the ones whose rights should be taken away forever and placed in prison.

You are the ones who should be forced to reveal your financial history so all the world can see how you have stolen from the American people.

We the people, will not allow you to steal from our lives any longer.

You are liars.
You are murderers.
You are stealing in our children both physically and mentally.

Just how long do you think we will take this abuse? No that is not a threat. That is honesty.

For you see, the same patriotic blood that ran in the veins of those Americans in 1775, still runs in our veins today.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
The Jew must pay.
I see way more non Jews that should pay with their lives.

Just consider the disproportionate amount of Jews who vote Democrat and lean to the left. Sure, in total more whites do, but that's because whites are a larger demographic within the US.

Trust me, any form of Nationalism, be it of the racial or civic variety, is vehemently opposed by the vast majority of Jews, who instead support the open borders, Globohomo narrative which is set to destroy both your country and mine.


Factory Bastard
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The Jew must pay.
I see way more non Jews that should pay with their lives.

Just consider the disproportionate amount of Jews who vote Democrat and lean to the left. Sure, in total more whites do, but that's because whites are a larger demographic in the US.

Trust me, any form of Nationalism, be it of the racial or civic variety, is vehemently opposed by the vast majority of Jews, who instead support the open borders, Globohomo narrative which is set to destroy both your country and mine.
I agree with that and consequently, those same jews want to destroy Israel as well.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
The Jew must pay.
I see way more non Jews that should pay with their lives.

Just consider the disproportionate amount of Jews who vote Democrat and lean to the left. Sure, in total more whites do, but that's because whites are a larger demographic in the US.

Trust me, any form of Nationalism, be it of the racial or civic variety, is vehemently opposed by the vast majority of Jews, who instead support the open borders, Globohomo narrative which is set to destroy both your country and mine.
I agree with that and consequently, those same jews want to destroy Israel as well.

Some leftist Jews do, that's how much they loathe the notion of Nationalism and an ethno-state, even when it's for their own people. However there are examples of ridicously hypocritical Jews who parrot the joys of diversity and multiculturalism in every country, usually white ones, while proclaiming that the same doesn't apply for Israel.

Those kind of Jews are the absolute fucking worst.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I'm not off the mark at all!!

Jesus wept, I can't get my head around just how many American righties are pro Jew!

It's simply mind boggling.....

Yes, what a great idea to support a tribe of people who are renowned for promoting leftist causes, created Antifa back in the 1930's, coined the whole white privilege nonsense and have done everything in their power over the last 60 years to suppress, vilify and oppose whites who espouse Nationalist views.

Rant over and mic drop.


Domestically feral
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United states
I'm not anti vax by any means but vaccines are a choice and need to stay a choice.

I agree with this post.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
The abolition of the white race means the messiah will rise again, it's in their religous book ffs... Jews are the fuckin enemy of freedom, never forget it...

Edit; These fuckers mummify themselves in caves in Israel for the second coming... That happens when whites are no more, educate yourselves...

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
It's the Christian Zionist collaboration which has poisoned the minds of many American right wingers.

Imagine how better off the US would be financially if it severed ties with Israel?


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
It's the Christian Zionist collaboration which has poisoned the minds of many American right wingers.

Imagine how better off the US would be financially if it severed ties with Israel?
Christians in that sense are blinded do goods, it's got fuck all to do with Christians or Zionists the latter being a false flag of Judea...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The problem with you 2 is you fail to recognize that Judeo-Christianity has created the greatest conditions for human life that have ever existed and the rejection of it is poised to create the greatest chances for the extermination of it. This is not unlike when a parent tells you "dont do that or...." and you do it and fuck yourself up real good.


Domestically feral
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United states
The abolition of the white race means the messiah will rise again, it's in their religous book ffs... Jews are the fuckin enemy of freedom, never forget it...

Edit; These fuckers mummify themselves in caves in Israel for the second coming... That happens when whites are no more, educate yourselves...

What religious book is that?

No where in the bible does it say Christ(the Messiah) will return when white people are exterminated.

Racism is a sin. It says do not judge on outward appearances.

Most of the Jews today reject the Messiah.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The abolition of the white race means the messiah will rise again, it's in their religous book ffs... Jews are the fuckin enemy of freedom, never forget it...

Edit; These fuckers mummify themselves in caves in Israel for the second coming... That happens when whites are no more, educate yourselves...

What religious book is that?

No where in the bible does it say Christ(the Messiah) will return when white people are exterminated.

Racism is a sin. It says do not judge on outward appearances.

Most of the Jews today reject the Messiah.
Good catch! I missed that. I believe thats some kabbalistic bullshittery. The kabbal is about as heretical as scientology.