Handle With Care


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter

I'm done doing hospice here for you gout-stricken, Covid sickened freaks. Walls have been thick enough around here to keep secrets, like how Flea/Countess withheld one from her husband until they got engaged:

"So uh, we still can't have sex after your period ended?"

*steel blue*

Too bad he didn't tell her why the ring she was hiding really didn't "sparkle as bright" as her eyes. Never trust spics, folks, regardless of age or gender.

Now don't make me break one of you unique embarrassments to Viagra over my THROBing dick, bitches. I'm pulling you faggots outta closets for everyone here to see - quickly pray that you're one of them instead of remaining so painfully ignored that nobody even bothers adding you to their Stinky lists.

Iggy Mclutz

People that goddamn skinny have several medical conditions they can't hide because their shadows can't cover that much ground. Jaaaysus. Is her throat made out of that squishy foam with a better memory than your black father when it comes to fatherhood, or was she born with a horseapple? Regardless of that, she's obviously bulimic with an untreatable dose of anxiety which is easily triggered when her neighbors loudly dump their extra trash in her empty can:


That picture must resemble her every time she logs onto this site and attempts to communicate with you flu spreading 'net germs. I guess she privately tells concerned family members that "Ladies do not discuss their ailments" when confronted by worried members of her dying tribe. The good news is that her misery can unexpectedly produce good results, like the time she finally asked for a color tattoo:


Not bad. What's bad is that if you and your cousin DP'd her, it would make you two incestual faggots because there's no fucking meat between her cushionless holes. Kids and minorities cut that boney bitch in every line she's ever tried standing in. Speaking of which...


WTF did Haze just witness!? His bunk buddy enthusiastically telling a real doozy of a story to a group of guys who are all cracking up, looking right at him? Unexpectedly discovered he needed to serve another tour because 11Bravo wasn't able to find warm bodies because nobody else was that fucking stupid any more? That he just saw how his young questionable son tried his best to mimic him back at home?


He may not be physically dead, but his soul obviously went AWOL over there. It may have found a better home in some dirt-floor mosque somewhere. TheMaze indubitably frequents cheap strip bars now where all the "independent contractors" have nice coughs to compliment their nice asking prices behind dingy VIP curtains. We have that much in common, I *cough* assume. Thanks for murder; love America...


- Thanks for your continued commitments here.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Yo! What up old dude!

Whoa!!! Dude! It's SSS! What a treat! Havok and SSS.

Can we put two "C" level flamers together and get a "B" level troll?


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
hmmmm.... A "B" level troll? Well, I suppose Flynn may have been one at Brawl-Hall until the day Oranje and I raised a net on the dinner table before leaving a scorched appetizer laying bare on it. Danger was scolding us about manners while Flynn was busy staining nice stuff. Oranje was nodding like he was listening, while I tried not to look at her while arousing myself again via pocket pool.

It went like this:
Volley #1 results

Oranje left at this point to go stick his snout back up TheIronDuke's royal ass, covered by either boils or red ribbons. Oranje wouldn't know.

Volley #2 results

You used to not be able to walk a block around town without seeing a picture of my dick stapled to a wooden utility pole, for love's sake. I pretended I hated it when others would shoop it onto pictures intended to make me blush - and oh boy did I! Thanks OJ.

Volley #3 results

Also accurately called a "parting shot". I pay my dues in one fashion or another, so don't call me pretending to be a collection agent. Or a cop. I get mad respect everywhere I go because I even follow some of the unwritten rules I didn't write. Come correct or get done as raggedy as I did Flynn back at BH...

- Days later, Doomsday announced a moment of silence for Flynn over the speaker system.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
hmmmm.... A "B" level troll? Well, I suppose Flynn may have been one at Brawl-Hall until the day Oranje and I raised a net on the dinner table before leaving a scorched appetizer laying bare on it. Danger was scolding us about manners while Flynn was busy staining nice stuff. Oranje was nodding like he was listening, while I tried not to look at her while arousing myself again via pocket pool.

It went like this:
Volley #1 results

Oranje left at this point to go stick his snout back up TheIronDuke's royal ass, covered by either boils or red ribbons. Oranje wouldn't know.

Volley #2 results

You used to not be able to walk a block around town without seeing a picture of my dick stapled to a wooden utility pole, for love's sake. I pretended I hated it when others would shoop it onto pictures intended to make me blush - and oh boy did I! Thanks OJ.

Volley #3 results

Also accurately called a "parting shot". I pay my dues in one fashion or another, so don't call me pretending to be a collection agent. Or a cop. I get mad respect everywhere I go because I even follow some of the unwritten rules I didn't write. Come correct or get done as raggedy as I did Flynn back at BH...

- Days later, Doomsday announced a moment of silence for Flynn over the speaker system.


I don't think so SSS.

Friday, October 20, 2006
Oranje - Romany-Rave.com's demise...
Like vultures circling over carrion, the various factions of Flametown are delighting in the demise of the apparent whipping boys of the Internet. New refugees will surely be unleashed across a variety of various sites looking for a new home, and their reception will vary by site. The refugee site FC sure could use the traffic and are offering food stamps to any RR ‘tard that makes the migration.

But what lead to this inevitable demise? What really happened?

Fortunately I have inside informants from the site who have been in touch with me for a few months now and I will set the record straight. Let’s call them by their secret names, Shamu and Double Handjob. But first let’s review the events that lead up to this entire episode.

TDM wannabe Neomonk was the first BH’er to arrive on RR’s shores and in fairness, he made an impression there, whether it was boring them to tears through his tedious posts that can be best described as laborious to read if one is feeling generous after a four cocktail lunch, or he actually managed to flame someone in his one boy raid, is inconsequential.

A few RR members did register at BH and there was some light banter between the sites.

But it was not until the arrival of myself and Rotwang that things REALLY started to heat up. In fact up until its dying day the threads that were started upon our arrival were still active and they can be counted among the busiest and most read threads on the lamentable waste of bandwidth erroneously trying to pass itself off as a “Rant” or “Flame” forum.

Now immediately after our arrival my pal Doubledee was heavily involved as was Flynn and eventually LoCo. It was this group of five that did the most damage to RR over the course of 2006, but my esteemed pal Rotwang and I can conclusively claim to have napalmed them the best and caused them to foam at the mouth like rabid dogs in the desert heat of various ruins of Kirkuk and Tikrit. Despite the hysterical clamourings of the leader of the comedic Invaders group, The Hysterical Duchess, even today claiming to have had something to do with their downfall, history indicates otherwise.

In fact, such was the nuclear damage that Rotwang and I caused together with Evil Blood with the whole Amanda and Captain episodes, that BH became inundated with low quality spammers and Flamer’s Hall was cursed with their heinously ridiculous posturing for months. Idiots like debauch and Borndragon were so outraged by the mindfucking their forum had received that they literally saw a red mist in our fine and highly reputed company.

Then the birth of the Legion was built upon the raping and pillaging of the forum and it being knocked offline for a few weeks when my compadre and RL pal Evil Blood lead HC, and Mini-Me in for a margin raping spam raid which culminated in the server eventually being brought to its knees. Oh yeah, and Hysterical Duchess DID register as Pink Pony but then the weekend came and he was no longer able to help with the spam attack nor was he able to post in Invaders that nothing was going to happen for a few weeks again, as per the norm.

Now homeless, the foolish refugees of RR descended upon BH and wanted to exact revenge. Insurgent foolishly agreed to a callout with Evil Blood and was skinned alive. The callout itself was simply a formality, debauch couldn’t have beat Evil Bastard in a callout, let alone a forum legend.

I then had the pleasure of beating RR owner Rant/Shawn in a callout, followed by the Kid65 and then trolled Borndragon into believing he was in a callout against Daspinday when he agreed to battle my regged nicswitch, DDOS. A trifecta of easy wins and some hilarious posts including the Google Earth photo of Rant’s house. For the record, the address and all his info was included on the site, as were all the photos and were on public domain, despite certain bean eating admins of a quickly failing site claming otherwise.

Funny enough, the house was soon to be home of a new server that was purchased to bring RR back online, and given the severe financial troubles that Rant and his wife had, this was an ill advised folly by a couple of spendthrifts that were leveraged up to their tits already.

Their parent company filed for Chapter 11 and was never to be seen or heard of again. The North Texas and Oklahoma property market is apparently a dangerous gamble, or they were just incompetently equipped to deal with an otherwise prosperous Yank property market. I shall leave that judgment to you good readers.

But both Shamu and Double Handjob have told me that the repo man was knocking on the door of Casa Rant with a court order, and not only was the ill advised new server seized, but they also lost their 4 poster bed, Mrs. Rant’s wedding ring and engagement ring and both their 1993 Chevrolet Beretta and the 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe that was leased in Rant’s name.

The disappearance of RR and the seizure of its server is a double edged sword. Most certainly it will eventually be forgotten and not brought to mind any more than the skidmarks in Porky’s unlaundered cheap Chinese made panties, however their membership will now be exported full time among the various forums of Flametown like tribes of unwelcome Romany. Still, at least with the Hysterical Duchess still a fixture at BH all the Romany RR wankers will have someone to make them look good.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Omg do any of you actually read this shit???? Ffs. Hahahaha. I can practically FEEL your carpal tunnel through the phone.

Are you done now, Porky Pig?

About as close as you are being done with all of your assumptions.

Okay. Have fun thinking you're thin.

I don't think I'm thin. I think YOU are. So much so that you are anorexic. Me, I'm just thick. I'm not fat. I'm not skinny. I'm somewhere in between.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Omg do any of you actually read this shit???? Ffs. Hahahaha. I can practically FEEL your carpal tunnel through the phone.

Are you done now, Porky Pig?

About as close as you are being done with all of your assumptions.

Okay. Have fun thinking you're thin.

I don't think I'm thin. I think YOU are. So much so that you are anorexic. Me, I'm just thick. I'm not fat. I'm not skinny. I'm somewhere in between.

Flynn is so anorexic, when I picture her, I think of that bitch from Pet Sematary.... the one hollerin' "Rachel!" lol.

I found actual footage, of @Jeannie trying to feed her one time....



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Omg do any of you actually read this shit???? Ffs. Hahahaha. I can practically FEEL your carpal tunnel through the phone.

Are you done now, Porky Pig?

About as close as you are being done with all of your assumptions.

Okay. Have fun thinking you're thin.

I don't think I'm thin. I think YOU are. So much so that you are anorexic. Me, I'm just thick. I'm not fat. I'm not skinny. I'm somewhere in between.

Flynn is so anorexic, when I picture her, I think of that bitch from Pet Sematary.... the one hollerin' "Rachel!" lol.

I found actual footage, of @Jeannie trying to feed her one time....



Instead of "Raaacheal" it yells "Doovveeeyyy" lol.

That fucking thing terrified me when I was a kid lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"You fucked 2 men Dovey....and this time, I'll get you....and your 3.5k will get you"

*snort* :LMAO:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"You fucked 2 men Dovey....and this time, I'll get you....and your 3.5k will get you"

*snort* :LMAO:

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Fuck :LMAO: :LMAO:

I just read what you typed lol. I can do a good "Rachel!" lolol. In fact, my friend introduced me to his recent gf, her name is Rachel...... now she hates me lol.

It really is the story of Flynn at BF. We keep her in meltdown like a dirty secret lol.

Even now I wake up and I think...."has Flynn committed suicide YET
..has she?"


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Omg do any of you actually read this shit???? Ffs. Hahahaha. I can practically FEEL your carpal tunnel through the phone.

Are you done now, Porky Pig?

About as close as you are being done with all of your assumptions.

Okay. Have fun thinking you're thin.

I don't think I'm thin. I think YOU are. So much so that you are anorexic. Me, I'm just thick. I'm not fat. I'm not skinny. I'm somewhere in between.

So. Now in addition to wanting your nasty pussy, I'm "anorexic?" Are you sure you know what "anorexic" is? You didn't even know what Filet Mignon was.

Give me a break. Go eat some Jenny Craig.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Omg do any of you actually read this shit???? Ffs. Hahahaha. I can practically FEEL your carpal tunnel through the phone.

Are you done now, Porky Pig?

About as close as you are being done with all of your assumptions.

Okay. Have fun thinking you're thin.

I don't think I'm thin. I think YOU are. So much so that you are anorexic. Me, I'm just thick. I'm not fat. I'm not skinny. I'm somewhere in between.

Flynn is so anorexic, when I picture her, I think of that bitch from Pet Sematary.... the one hollerin' "Rachel!" lol.

I found actual footage, of @Jeannie trying to feed her one time....


And you're so fucking black that I thought you were Lavar Burton's retarded older brother.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Omg do any of you actually read this shit???? Ffs. Hahahaha. I can practically FEEL your carpal tunnel through the phone.

Are you done now, Porky Pig?

About as close as you are being done with all of your assumptions.

Okay. Have fun thinking you're thin.

I don't think I'm thin. I think YOU are. So much so that you are anorexic. Me, I'm just thick. I'm not fat. I'm not skinny. I'm somewhere in between.

Flynn is so anorexic, when I picture her, I think of that bitch from Pet Sematary.... the one hollerin' "Rachel!" lol.

I found actual footage, of @Jeannie trying to feed her one time....



Instead of "Raaacheal" it yells "Doovveeeyyy" lol.

That fucking thing terrified me when I was a kid lol.

Rachel never had her kids taken away by the state, "tho."


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
"You fucked 2 men Dovey....and this time, I'll get you....and your 3.5k will get you"

*snort* :LMAO:

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Fuck :LMAO: :LMAO:

I just read what you typed lol. I can do a good "Rachel!" lolol. In fact, my friend introduced me to his recent gf, her name is Rachel...... now she hates me lol.

It really is the story of Flynn at BF. We keep her in meltdown like a dirty secret lol.

Even now I wake up and I think...."has Flynn committed suicide YET
..has she?"

So you do think of me more than your own children in foster care?


Site Supporter

I'm done doing hospice here for you gout-stricken, Covid sickened freaks. Walls have been thick enough around here to keep secrets, like how Flea/Countess withheld one from her husband until they got engaged:

"So uh, we still can't have sex after your period ended?"

*steel blue*

Too bad he didn't tell her why the ring she was hiding really didn't "sparkle as bright" as her eyes. Never trust spics, folks, regardless of age or gender.

Now don't make me break one of you unique embarrassments to Viagra over my THROBing dick, bitches. I'm pulling you faggots outta closets for everyone here to see - quickly pray that you're one of them instead of remaining so painfully ignored that nobody even bothers adding you to their Stinky lists.

Iggy Mclutz

People that goddamn skinny have several medical conditions they can't hide because their shadows can't cover that much ground. Jaaaysus. Is her throat made out of that squishy foam with a better memory than your black father when it comes to fatherhood, or was she born with a horseapple? Regardless of that, she's obviously bulimic with an untreatable dose of anxiety which is easily triggered when her neighbors loudly dump their extra trash in her empty can:


That picture must resemble her every time she logs onto this site and attempts to communicate with you flu spreading 'net germs. I guess she privately tells concerned family members that "Ladies do not discuss their ailments" when confronted by worried members of her dying tribe. The good news is that her misery can unexpectedly produce good results, like the time she finally asked for a color tattoo:


Not bad. What's bad is that if you and your cousin DP'd her, it would make you two incestual faggots because there's no fucking meat between her cushionless holes. Kids and minorities cut that boney bitch in every line she's ever tried standing in. Speaking of which...


WTF did Haze just witness!? His bunk buddy enthusiastically telling a real doozy of a story to a group of guys who are all cracking up, looking right at him? Unexpectedly discovered he needed to serve another tour because 11Bravo wasn't able to find warm bodies because nobody else was that fucking stupid any more? That he just saw how his young questionable son tried his best to mimic him back at home?


He may not be physically dead, but his soul obviously went AWOL over there. It may have found a better home in some dirt-floor mosque somewhere. TheMaze indubitably frequents cheap strip bars now where all the "independent contractors" have nice coughs to compliment their nice asking prices behind dingy VIP curtains. We have that much in common, I *cough* assume. Thanks for murder; love America...


- Thanks for your continued commitments here.

How 'bout your pic, a fucking bald cantaloupe ffs :LMAO:
Fuck ethetheth you are the single most boring fuctarded poster if ever there was
The force in which a yawn takes over mid first sentence is enormous .... every SSS post is a FIGHT to stay awake


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Omg do any of you actually read this shit???? Ffs. Hahahaha. I can practically FEEL your carpal tunnel through the phone.

Are you done now, Porky Pig?

About as close as you are being done with all of your assumptions.

Okay. Have fun thinking you're thin.

I don't think I'm thin. I think YOU are. So much so that you are anorexic. Me, I'm just thick. I'm not fat. I'm not skinny. I'm somewhere in between.

So. Now in addition to wanting your nasty pussy, I'm "anorexic?" Are you sure you know what "anorexic" is? You didn't even know what Filet Mignon was.

Give me a break. Go eat some Jenny Craig.

Nasty pussy??? Bitch, my shit is so squeaky clean it's beamin'. Wtf u talkin' bout'???? Bwahahahaha. Proof is in the pudding isn't it, Flynn?