Have You Ever Destroyed Someone's Life?


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Have you ever ruined someone's life?

Has anyone destroyed yours?

Have you destroyed your own?

I destroyed your life

I raped your wife

I am whargoul

I am uncool ~ GWAR

Have I? Of fucking course I have - I'll probably run out of fingers to count.

Two female soldiers were instantly in love, they both looked about the same. My old roommate got narced on by one of them that put him in a really fucked situation over some bullshit. I was on my way out, so I told him about her gaylationship so he could smack back.

He did, and both were completely fucked by that: Don't ask, don't tell. Now, does that well-known phrase about the Army finding out about faggotry through a third party soldier? Nope. They were destroyed by me telling their secret to someone who used it for shit to unravel real quick.

Another one comes from James. He's a DJ and pretty fuckin' cool and good looking. That's how he got herpes. That's also how he stole someone's pretty wife, who had a kid. That meant the enraged motherfucker didn't have to pay child support because the wife was married to a man who needed to make the kind of money his ex lived up.

He couldn't come close to affording that lifestyle, and he also gave the cunt herpes. So ending up broke with a lovely STD, she screamed in his face: "You ruined my life!" He did. They divorced quickly and she did start getting child support, she didn't have access to all of her ex-husbands impressive bank account. Crushed.

I have many more examples, so wait in nail-biting suspense for another number by Mr. Irreverence. Will you come clean on any of the three questions above? Of course, you won't because you're afraid to stain your reputation by finally blurting out hurt because whatever it was, it stays and stays and stays with you, and only you I'm sure.

I fucking suck and everyone around me should hate my guts after they figure it out that I was just using them up, playin' 'em out like Too Short...

- Blow job Betty


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HERE is the QUESTION !!!

hAVE you EVER read one of SSS'sus's threads ?? :LMAO::LMAO:


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Does this thread make you back your heads wearing a fucked up face while you ain't gonna post shit, but you wanna read it! *shrug*

- ask nicely


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Hah! Another Army story. This one will be hard-stomached to those have go through the same fuckin' thing or similar. I had to go to DC while stuck at the War College. Soldier pay sucks, so hitchin' a ride with another soldier. She dropped me off in front of a 3-story, ancient *beuty that cannot be torn down and boomed, thanks to impossible traffic

Oh yeah, what happeh? We rode 6 hours together in a small compartment to see what's really up. It was up! Everyone wanted to fuck her, it ain't even a question; but after being tortured by my charm through our winter adventure. She threw her engagement ring back at him like she knew she was gonna marry. Nope!

Bitch wanted me to strap-on before I fuck her pretty ass... ass. Oh yeah! Those fuckin' things always get way too tight and makes my dick look likes something from some sick shit from outer space *8's. Hey, the tits were all natural back then. You wanna hear about model life, and how terrible it actually is when they resort to get picked up? Sure you dooooo! Sure you do.

You gotta be over six feet tall, (sorry chicas and manlets) and make weight like a UFC fighter. Know how they stay trim? That's right, they eat torn toilet paper to soak up the stomach acid. They get shoved onto the catwalk and only have to make it about 28' total. Yes, she was exposed in a sense that her left breat was showing. Nobody gives a fuck at this point.

Boom! There it is, an invitation to so-and-so's party! "Whoo-motherfuckin'-hoooooo, baybeh!" (I ain't Street Military so fuck you.) Talent scouts litter the enormous patio while naked wome swam naked in the pool. Nobody noticed.

Now, do you think you could look as good as where you'd be wearing the newest laughable curtains, showing a fucking nipple or two? Nah, just gay guys and rich fat slugs, no worries.

"Want so Columbian marching powder? Go eat some single ply, free TP, you need it sweety, and don't stop marching!"

- Fat chicks with huge tits are a go in my

Val Gina

Factory Bastard
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Nahh, even total cunts trigger some empathy when it comes to total revenge. Would rather walk away.


Internet Pirate! Fuck this..release the kraken!
The Seven Seas
Nahh, even total cunts trigger some empathy when it comes to total revenge. Would rather walk away.
Hey Hornykate


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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[QUOTE="SirSuperSouthern, post: 69718, member: I had to go to DC while stuck at the War College. Soldier pay sucks, so hitchin' a ride with another soldier.


When I was in the Military always got travel pay and flew 1st class ??? in any case you are a good story teller- - - - - - -


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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They deserve another G they way those playas let the true G shit go...

- Should I throw another S in there somehow?


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Good morning, it's time for another one. Go wash your butt plug before crammin' it so you'll be both comfortable and interested for the upcoming tale of heyale.

Sex. Sex is kinda like throwing a football in a live game in the sense that it could fall incomplete, dropped, intercepted, sacks for huge dips in yardage, etc. Sex has a buncha bullshit attached to it as well. Condoms, STDs, whiskey dick in the middle of the slappin', sex has lots of 'em.

When I was in my mid-20s I knocked some dumb bitch somewhere up where angels would be too scared to fly. She didn't realize it for a couple of weeks after. "Holy fuck!", I says.

What are we gonna do!?


Oh my God! Blah blah blah herp derp blaaaaa...

Slow down honey, I've come to the best possible conclusion concerning this... matter.


Well, I'm an honorable man, says Uncle Sam, in writing. That means whatever I do is the honorable thing to do so I'll fucking do it already.

I know who I'm cheering for in the Planned Parenthood vs the extremely conservative Republicans current squabble over it. I don't even know where they go, you know? Any fuckin' way, I drove the bawling bitch where she needed t'go. I stop the car, pull out my wallet, give her $300, and uh, hoped for the best!

I never saw or talked to her again. Karma was on my side on that one - she couldn't remember what shitty apartment complex I lived in. If she did, she certainly wouldn't remember the number of my unit...

- honorable, decisive, responsible man


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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This post is going to strongly support the right to abort. Stop reading here if you're against it because I will solid logic and reasoning to change your mush minds.

Here we go. We, as a whole, as creatures on a planet, are headed to maximum capacity. That means that beef will disappear because they require very large servings before they get whacked. When maximum capacity comes along, nice and slowly, right under our collective noses.

Philip Rivers has like, 8 kids. He can afford that and doesn't care about any of that planetarian bullshit about no new land to grow crops, and on top of that, our seas now stink and have such a bevy of problems that it's unfixable. So there will be many more people and fewer food sources. Good reason for WW3 that I wish I could participate in, charging the battlefield, pushing my tennis ball equipped walker with one hand and carrying a big fuckin' stick in my other.

Back to abortion and another huge reason to keep it legal in every state (it's not anymore). Fanatical Christians pound tables with their fists and raising their voices. At restaurants. Well, that old couple just can't wait for their first grandchild! Baby might come out blue. Baby may be autistic. Baby might need shunt after shunt as s/he grows up. I mean, so much shit can go wrong that parents have killed their standing children because of all the time and trouble they have to deal with. I would.

Now, OK faggots, abortion is now totally illegal. Murdering fetuses is the wrong thing to do and your bitch would get locked up for life, I'm guessing. So children grow up, and many turn into murderers and go to jail too, like they currently do. You can never know until it's far too late to abort. Kinda. Putting your kids on restriction is pointless, they'll keep doin' what they do.

Wait, I got ahead of myself, there is still some open land. Not to discover, but try to make the poles work. You Oirish? Good fuckin' luck with those potatoes. You a spic, or a nigger? You won't be allowed to come over until a frozen prison is built there. You a smokin' hot ginger?


Doesn't matter if you're a whiny bitch who is always cold, no matter what. Babies from gorgeous women cannot have abortions. There. I'm a Christian now. Want me to autograph your unopened Bible? Nothin's free honey, disrobe...

- You've always wanted to from the moment you first saw me


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Oh, and Stinky completes my point about keeping abortion legal...

..The only point I see is on your head ..... and fuck be damned if you don't even have hair to cover it :LMAO::LMAO::LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:


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