Actually it was Obama you bedwetting fucktard........remember selling of GOF research in 2014?
Obama's little gift because he knew the next President would be a Republican after he fucked with America the way he did. So lets set up a little recipe for disaster that will take a few years to come to fruition. Build a lab, develop a strain of virus.....set it out to
Did you lose a loved on during the C19 pandemic? Did you vote for Obama? voted for their death.....congradulations.
Now about that GOF did that work out......oh yeah.......the pandemic Fauci predicted in 2017......happened in 2020 no?......what happened to the supply chains when the world shut down you bedwetting idiot?
The largest influence on inflation effecting folks is with food and energy........all a result of Bidumb's policies.
Here......once you are done changing your piss soaked sheets and clean the plastic cover that protects your mattress, you can invest some time to learn something