The first dead giveaway that you're the furthest thing from a "man" is your dumbass standing on a soapbox full of dirty dicks and actually thinking anyone gives one Biggie Tard Fuck about your homoerotic themed challenge.
Secondly, only a fucking nimrod with a lisp from somewhere deep in the dirty ass of some European inbred village would post his own subconscious fears about his own failed "manhood," (This time I am not talking about Aryan) then challenge the forum dipshits to a game of,
"Who can be the gayest while trying not to be gayest, while saying the gayest shit."
If you need any kind of reaffirmation or a tongue up your rectum to get you through this sad time in your pathetic life, I hear Dove has some competitive holiday rates you should probably check out. Oh, a word of warning, Dove has broken teeth. I have it on good authority chipped teeth is what ended Dove and Murdy's physical relationship because Dove went down on Murd and almost gave her a hysterectomy with an out of control jagged "tooth."