Remember when Trump was accused of "mocking a disabled reporter"?
Anyone remember why? Because that reporter LIED about Muslims in NY celebrating the WTC being attacked?
Yep. There are never ending examples of the media lying, distorting the truth....the help the establishment. Everyone SHOULD be mad about this.
Especailly people who oppose corporate fascism. It's not a cute game anymore to play "anti establishment anti corporate elites" while you support BOTH in that you believe their narratives, spread their misinformation, and mock and attack other AMERICANS instead of them, the real liars.
Actual leftists are not gonna get shit out of aligning with democrats, they get used and tossed under the bus everytime. They were MUCH closer to getting something out of government with Trump in office than they ever will be again. If they were not driven on pure hate and unwilling to even talk to people in other parties....they would be getting much further.
The manipulation they use really works against them. The whole "if you disagree with me or dont support something I want you are a murderer/child abuser/racist" and accusation depending on the topic.
I mean you gotta be willing to see weaknesses in your own agenda, like M4A. You know there are parts of that people agree with, if they were more willing to compromise (since this is a liberal democracy you know)....we could probably be fixing real problems.
Oh well. Not with the corporate owned establishment behind the wheel driving unhinged hate, and massive division by spreading lies and distortions of truth just like Orwell warned about.