Larry Flynt 78 RIP


No One Sings Me Lullabyes
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Some of the best cartoons ever published.


Factory Bastard
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hes been a paraplegic since 1978 so im shocked he made it this long


Factory Bastard
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hes been a paraplegic since 1978 so im shocked he made it this long

I actually thought Flynt had been dead for years.
Didn't think about him until the news of his passing was announced.
I was surprised to hear about it.


Factory Bastard
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43 yrs without a fap lol

im wondering - when paralyzed from the waist down does the sex drive go with it or is it a lifetime of frustration?


Factory Bastard
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hes been a paraplegic since 1978 so im shocked he made it this long

I actually thought Flynt had been dead for years.
Didn't think about him until the news of his passing was announced.
I was surprised to hear about it.
As did I.
Does anyone actually buy porn these days?

You gotta point.

These days, some girls wll expose themselves for free & perform live sex acts for what yesteryear's models were paid thousands of dollars.


Factory Bastard
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43 yrs without a fap lol

im wondering - when paralyzed from the waist down does the sex drive go with it or is it a lifetime of frustration?

Guy must've made a lot of enemies for someone to actually go out of their way to shoot him.
If the images or articles that someone publishes makes enough people angry enough, they'll go after him.
So Flynt largely brought this wrath upon himself.

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" 'I saw that interracial couple he had, photographed there, having sex,' he says. Franklin is referring to the December 1975 issue of Hustler that featured several photos of a black man with a white woman. 'It just made me sick. I think whites marry with whites, blacks with blacks, Indians with Indians. Orientals with orientals. I threw the magazine down and thought, I'm gonna kill that guy.' "


Factory Bastard
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43 yrs without a fap lol

im wondering - when paralyzed from the waist down does the sex drive go with it or is it a lifetime of frustration?
I would suppose it would depend the type of neural damage. I have heard of the few rare cases where they can't move their legs but can still get aroused.

Not busting a nut for 43 years though. Just No.

I do applaud him as a champion of Free Speech and aiding in the dismantling of Christian Morality in N.America. Dee Snider also gets a big nod for his actions during the Satanic Panic.


Factory Bastard
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Some of the best cartoons ever published.

For publishing cartoons like that, Larry Flynt should have gotten shot ta death.
He deserved it and had what was coming to him.
No wonder he incited so much hate. He brought it all onto himself and became a magnet for it.

I've known guys who've beaten up their wives or girlfriends and watched it firsthand.
It's not a pretty sight.
It's a very distrurbing & dark side of relationships.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
hes been a paraplegic since 1978 so im shocked he made it this long

I actually thought Flynt had been dead for years.
Didn't think about him until the news of his passing was announced.
I was surprised to hear about it.
As did I.
Does anyone actually buy porn these days?
It doesn't seem necessary what with all they can look at on the internet nowadays.


Factory Bastard
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Some of the best cartoons ever published.

For publishing cartoons like that, Larry Flynt should have gotten shot ta death.
He deserved it and had what was coming to him.
No wonder he incited so much hate. He brought it all onto himself and became a magnet for it.

I've known guys who've beaten up their wives or girlfriends and watched it firsthand.
It's not a pretty sight.
It's a very distrurbing & dark side of relationships.

It's disturbing, and men who do it should go to prison. Period.


Factory Bastard
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I disagree. Some women need their ass beat. When I was a kid, my dad beat my mom. I was all hysterical over it at the time. Looking back, she pushed the buttons often instead of just cutting the prick out of her life. They were both fucked up people back then. He's dead now and she can be an irrational jackass, especially to my kids. I've had to threaten to cut her out of our lives more than once. I think most people have had the time travel fantasy. If I could, I'd go back and put em both in ICU for a few weeks.

I explained all of this "choosing of drama" more than once to my daughter. I summarized by telling her I'd get her away from an abusive husband once. If she went back, it was all on her, but to make sure he knew if he ever directed his physical violence toward me or anyone else, I'd blow his fukin head off. Her husband knows this too.

Bottom line, most people choose to live with abuse.

As far as Flynt, next time he knows whats going on, he'll be roasting in hell.