Leftists Make No Sense


peace through anarchy
Ruth Bader Ginsburg said it was dumb for Kaepernick to kneel during the national anthem. Then later she said she was harsh and dismissive and that she should have declined to respond.

Well... she was right the first time. As most gut instincts are. Then she effed up, apologized and cancelled herself. To death. Forever.

Standing with people as a moment together doesn't mean you approve of everything the government does and kneeling in spite of it doesn't mean the opposite. The dumb is very real here. Kaepernick has a job to do. You go to work and do your job. When you are off work, then go spout grievances until the cows come home. Solved. Science. Simple. The guy sucks because he's on his knees when he should be standing and he's throwing interceptions instead of touchdowns. One sad, confused loser.

Now, I'm not saying he can't kneel. Sure you can kneel. Like a douche. Some people I talk to are offended when lefties burn the American flag. The Supreme Court says it's free speech. I agree. I wouldn't burn it, but if you want to; go right ahead. It's as worthless as kneeling during a standing ceremony. Illogical as fuck. But whatever. They don't even show the Seinfeld episode in reruns where they step on the Puerto Rican flag during Puerto Rican Day in New York City. That really says alot doesn't it? Ruth Bader Ginsburg silenced & cancelled her own freedom of speech just like liberal tv people by not showing that episode. Are they ashamed? You see, people who TRULY believe in free speech don't give a fuck about your feelings. You want to fly confederate flags? Go right ahead. I know a confederate flag on a big truck means hillbilly. Now sure you can ban that flag. But the hillbilly is still a hillbilly.

Sure you can kneel when you should stand, you can scream, "trans rights are human rights", at point blank range into the face of a lady, you can piss on & burn an American flag. But why be dumb? These things are all so very very stupid. Sure you can make fun of religion(Christianity) and Christians while TOTALLY ignoring the fact Islam throws gays off roofs, and think you are infidels who should be beheaded. But like uncle dirt nap Joe says, the alt right is the problem, LOL. For being more academic, you lefties sure as hell seemed so very bent on Barney Fife shooting your holstered pistol off into your own foot before sticking your foot in your mouth.... maybe to suck the bullet out? Or just to further SUCK.

People who stand for the national anthem are some of the same ones who thought covid vaccines the gov't pushed are a conspiracy. People who kneel for the national anthem are some of the same ones who think the system is racist. If you think the system is racist, why would you want the system to get any goddamned more bloated, big-assed and out of fucking control? Are you for real now? If more liberals have college degrees, more liberals are in the system, more liberals voted which is how Trump lost the popular vote, then why more iberals = rigged system? It's like more cooks in the kitchen so why is the food still shit? It's a riddle, isn't it? People who stand for the National Anthem don't trust the government but still love where they live & people who kneel for the National Anthem trust the government (but not the system L O fucking L), hate where they live but yet want the government they trust with the system they don't trust to be BIGGER so it can be MORE FAIR???? huh argh fuck no. GIGO Garbage In = Garbage Out

If you're going to be offended, then you probably shouldn't pretend to defend free speech.

Leftists also hate big corporations, unless it's Disney, because Disney pulled the wool over their eyes by pretending to care about their politics. Rightys ain't much better here. Not buying beer? C'mon man, like Biden says. Boycotting is such a worthless motion, like kneeling in place of standing.

If leftists were born somewhere else, I wonder if they would complain about the origin of like ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD? Whiners, man. Bill Maher was saying being progressive meant caring about people so why do lefties want the homeless left on the streets? Is it more compassionate to let homeless pitch tents and shit on sidewalks or get them the hell off the sidewalks? Rhetorical, let it go.

Maybe some lefties can enlighten a poor middle of the road dude looking to not get run over by the semi truckload of bullshit coming from both sides like not having a shopping cart as a shield to deflect the masses while in the middle of a sales floor on Black Friday. hashtag roadkill

Show me some logic. I double dog dare you.
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peace through anarchy
By the way sAdmin.... the fact Trump is avoiding the debate is awesome.

He's just a diversionary piece of fool's gold. Now real candidates can have a discussion without his worthless ass.

Good thing Uncle Joe doesn't have to debate either. He's one cognitive dissonance away from sounding less than a Fetterman stroke victim.

Sho shad.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ruth Bader Ginsburg said it was dumb for Kaepernick to kneel during the national anthem. Then later she said she was harsh and dismissive and that she should have declined to respond.

Well... she was right the first time. As most gut instincts are. Then she effed up, apologized and cancelled herself. To death. Forever.

Standing with people as a moment together doesn't mean you approve of everything the government does and kneeling in spite of it doesn't mean the opposite. The dumb is very real here. Kaepernick has a job to do. You go to work and do your job. When you are off work, then go spout grievances until the cows come home. Solved. Science. Simple. The guy sucks because he's on his knees when he should be standing and he's throwing interceptions instead of touchdowns. One sad, confused loser.

Now, I'm not saying he can't kneel. Sure you can kneel. Like a douche. Some people I talk to are offended when lefties burn the American flag. The Supreme Court says it's free speech. I agree. I wouldn't burn it, but if you want to; go right ahead. It's as worthless as kneeling during a standing ceremony. Illogical as fuck. But whatever. They don't even show the Seinfeld episode in reruns where they step on the Puerto Rican flag during Puerto Rican Day in New York City. That really says alot doesn't it? Ruth Bader Ginsburg silenced & cancelled her own freedom of speech just like liberal tv people by not showing that episode. Are they ashamed? You see, people who TRULY believe in free speech don't give a fuck about your feelings. You want to fly confederate flags? Go right ahead. I know a confederate flag on a big truck means hillbilly. Now sure you can ban that flag. But the hillbilly is still a hillbilly.

Sure you can kneel when you should stand, you can scream, "trans rights are human rights", at point blank range into the face of a lady, you can piss on & burn an American flag. But why be dumb? These things are all so very very stupid. Sure you can make fun of religion(Christianity) and Christians while TOTALLY ignoring the fact Islam throws gays off roofs, and think you are infidels who should be beheaded. But like uncle dirt nap Joe says, the alt right is the problem, LOL. For being more academic, you lefties sure as hell seemed so very bent on Barney Fife shooting your holstered pistol off into your own foot before sticking your foot in your mouth.... maybe to suck the bullet out? Or just to further SUCK.

People who stand for the national anthem are some of the same ones who thought covid vaccines the gov't pushed are a conspiracy. People who kneel for the national anthem are some of the same ones who think the system is racist. If you think the system is racist, why would you want the system to get any goddamned more bloated, big-assed and out of fucking control? Are you for real now? If more liberals have college degrees, more liberals are in the system, more liberals voted which is how Trump lost the popular vote, then why more iberals = rigged system? It's like more cooks in the kitchen so why is the food still shit? It's a riddle, isn't it? People who stand for the National Anthem don't trust the government but still love where they live & people who kneel for the National Anthem trust the government (but not the system L O fucking L), hate where they live but yet want the government they trust with the system they don't trust to be BIGGER so it can be MORE FAIR???? huh argh fuck no. GIGO Garbage In = Garbage Out

If you're going to be offended, then you probably shouldn't pretend to defend free speech.

Leftists also hate big corporations, unless it's Disney, because Disney pulled the wool over their eyes by pretending to care about their politics. Rightys ain't much better here. Not buying beer? C'mon man, like Biden says. Boycotting is such a worthless motion, like kneeling in place of standing.

If leftists were born somewhere else, I wonder if they would complain about the origin of like ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD? Whiners, man. Bill Maher was saying being progressive meant caring about people so why do lefties want the homeless left on the streets? Is it more compassionate to let homeless pitch tents and shit on sidewalks or get them the hell off the sidewalks? Rhetorical, let it go.

Maybe some lefties can enlighten a poor middle of the road dude looking to not get run over by the semi truckload of bullshit coming from both sides like not having a shopping cart as a shield to deflect the masses while in the middle of a sales floor on Black Friday. hashtag roadkill

Show me some logic. I double dog dare you.

I am not reading all that...nope.


peace through anarchy
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"The lifetime risk of death from firearms is about 1%, meaning that approximately 1 out of every 100 children will die from firearms if current death rates continue. The lifetime risk of death from drug overdoses is 1.5%, meaning that 1 out of every 70 children will die from overdoses."

Drugs kill more than guns. You want "common sense" rules for guns? Some drugs are totally illegal and drugs still kill more than guns. Not only that, but the federal gov't gives states like California money to deal with the drug problem and all California does is give people free needles and safe injection sites in which to commit suicide. And for all the mass shootings, you must realize that people who sell drugs are still killing more people, because drugs kill more than guns.

You are on the wrong side of this.

The law. Liberal cities are allowing theft. Because they feel stopping a crime causes more harm than preventing crime. But businesses are being looted so much, they are moving away. Populations feel unsafe because cops don't intervene and liberal prosecutors do not prosecute crimes. So now populations are moving away too. It's not compassionate to let theives steal just because there is no such bullshit as a "living wage". You want more gun laws on guns even already though we have gun laws on the books but when it comes to criminals, you don't even want to enforce the laws already in place thereby creating suffering. Not very progressive.

You are on the wrong side of this.

Free speech. Liberalism used to be a bastion of free speech. The ACLU defended hate speech once upon a time. The cornerstone of our democracy is freedom of speech, that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Now, people are cancelled. Comedy & jokes are under fire because, "offensive". Men mansplain to women and women feminstrate to men. Why was the crowd who yelled in Riley Gaines face so afraid of one voice? No free speech anymore? No free speech advocacy? When a conservative leaning figure attempts to speak at a college, they are shouted down. What? No free speech? Now you can say someplace like Germany has laws where you can't deny the holocaust and disseminate nazi propaganda but remember, Russians occupied East Germany and erected a wall for 28 years and the US occipied West Germany. Is this how you intend to keep speech free from offending people? With anti laws and occupying force? Liberals think free speech is dangerous because lies can be told. No shit, sherlock. It's free for a reason. More is better than less when it comes to everyone having a voice. Period.

You are on the wrong side of this.


peace through anarchy
I am not reading all that...nope.