Pro life men
You know what's misogynist? The very fact that 73% of abortions are the result of coercion by men.
You know what's misogynist? The dad who is afraid his newly pregnant teen will tarnish his good family image, so he escorts her to have her child dismembered inside of her.
You know what's misogynist? Men who take a step back and say "it's completely up to you", effectively dropping ALL the weight of their decision onto her.
You know what's misogynist? The Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Austin, TX, encouraging a woman to obtain a late-term abortion if it was confirmed that the baby she was carrying was a girl, rather than the boy she wanted. Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen estimated that as early as 1990, approximately 100 million women were missing worldwide due to sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, and other such barbaric practices.
Born men have absolutely nothing to gain from a pro-life stance (except accountability and responsibility).
#men #realmen #protect #realmenprotect
#realmenprotectlife #realmenareprolife #prolife
#prolifemen #trafficking #stopcontrollingwomen
#stopcontrollingwomensbodies #prolove #misogyny #realmisogyny #holdmenaccountable
Bro choicers ARE abusers.
Bullshit. You use all those fantastical stories as excuses to avoid looking at what you yourself are doing. You are asking for laws that literally enslave women and bring children into a life of misery. All because you are upset about your own bad choices.
YOU are trying to control women's bodies, and women's and children's lives.
You do not care about born children.
Pro-"lifers" are child abusers.
You are completely unable to use logic.
Right so you are saying women are enslaved if we cant kill our children. Right?
How AWEFUL that we are women. Our bodies and children are enslavement.
That's the misogynistic shit you are serving. . .when in reality abortion enslaves.
Its laws that STOP the LEGAL KILLING of HUMANS. PERIOD. Do you know how many people rightly dont buy the cult narrative you are selling here?
Address the arguments. I'm immune to this misogynistic doesnt work.
You are saying unless we can legally kill humans we are enslaved and I literally spit on that rhetotic. I completely reject it. I'm not the only one either.........try again. Something besides leftwing propaganda please.
Don't believe in abortion? Don't get one.
I dont "believe in" anything. I KNOW facts. Its awesome over the past 50 years we have advanced so much medically that no one needs to go on "beliefs" about pregnancy and human development. There is no room for "beliefs" here.
And if a woman doesnt want to give birth, she shouldnt get pregnant.
Dont believe in theft? Dont steal. Dont believe in PLEASE ASS BOX ME!? Dont molest children. Dont believe in slavery, dont buy slaves.
All these propaganda phrases you guys use and have been using for decades have been shredded over and over.
They do not hold against facts or scrutiny.
Maybe consider updating your position on this to reflect 2021 and all the knowledge we now have, instead of repeating thought stopper mantras that were born out of ignorance decades ago.
They dont work anymore. Its anti woman to push bad and false information about life in the womb and use manipulate and misleading phrases to defend a billion dollar industry that exploits and uses vulnerable women to continue making money.