Murder + Suicide


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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I never go to theaters, where the person who sat in the chair I decide to squat on is dangerous business. I won't bother getting into that topic despite its funny/gross reality. I mean hey, the teenager sweeps the isles, not scrub the top third of the seats. Anyway, I just read a short Joker article that is about as long as a Master Blaster post, so click the link real quick so you can form your own opinion on the following matter before reading mine:

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So here's the thing about those illogical shootings that I have an original, somewhat odd-but-honest point of view about those miraculous shootings:

Wanna go ahead and die by your own hand because you live in a world of shit? By all and any means, go right ahead. My guess is that the number of people attending their unnecessary funerals will be just like Junebug Spade's burial in I'm Gonna Get You Sucka. That's it. So why not make yourself known so well that you get spit on, or worse, by all the citizens who attend your open-casket funeral? No birthday parties, one huge jamboree a couple days after your berserk round wasting incident.

You armed misanthropes out there just need a single bullet to accomplish your goal - why would one of you nuts do the public such a huge favor by cutting them down? I mean, your miserable life does indeed need to end. Every day tragically sucks to the point that you can no longer do anything for yourself, thanks to your rabbit hole depression caused by repeated failures.

Stop. Sure, your life is a self-propelled despondency machine, now how about all those fat people you shot in your grand goal to rid your sorry self of this tumultuous uncaring mud ball? You just unknowingly did them all the biggest favor anyone could. America is packed with delusional twats who freak out over so many reasons that I can assure you, readers, that shooters unintentionally kill folks with worse lives than you theirs.

See, everyone has problems - lots of small ones, a huge one, lots of huge ones, etc. They think about suicide sometimes too, but you just gave them what they wanted/needed without ever being asked to oblige their last wishes. Total losers who get randomly shot suddenly have people who, at the very least, pretend they liked the casket crusher. Before they got shot - nuthin'. Being shot by some strange stranger? Sad way to go to your neighbors who never actually liked you.

Organic Chemistry class? Please shoot me. Thanks gook. And there we go. Killing other people you don't know what on-going crisis's they have can be blessings in the silver-lining of those bad situations. Fat divorced insignificant plodders in deep debt could use a quick unseen well-placed bullet in the back of their heads. No more mountain of insurmountable problems; lots of new friends and suddenly broken-hearted children of yours who hated you before you got dropped...

- killing is fun, so make sure to try it yourself to make sure it works before going on your meticulous planned rampages


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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I'll elaborate a bit now that I feel like clearing things up. Any of you bitch-made busters minor in History? No? Any of you watch the History Channel when all their shows were tied to WWII? Good. The Soviets wound up beating Germany's 6th Army, their largest group of over 600,000 soldiers by the end.

Now, logistics Trump strategies in war - fact. So how will you efficiently kill all 600,000, shoot them all? Well, it went down like this: a Soviet trooper would point to another Johan and walk them at gun-point to a small building. Door Opens.

Nazi sees an important Soviet officer sitting behind a desk and I'm sure every last Nazi was trying to think up excuses to cry out for mercy to the man. This means the German is looking straight forward when a long, rusty, blunt bayonet is suddenly shoved through their throats because they all looked straight ahead, not to their right when they entered The Room. Sheet.

Ammunition is expensive, why waste it on the helpless? Helpless fat Americans who fart beside you at the Blackjack table in casinos? I guess knifing them anywhere but their eyeballs wouldn't do any damage so that one's debatable.

Suicidal messes can buy a box of ammo, but load only one in the chamber or cylinder. One should name that bullet, helping to prove that the old saying "You've got a bullet with your name on it" right. You pet the bullet, your newest pet. You name it, use it as a tiny butt plug, become fascinated with the object that is going to kill you. Waiting for some special occasion would be a good thing to do. Your birthday comes first, then your mother's birthday, then one of America's uncountable number of holiday celebrations. That would finally make you interesting - good call.

Just don't go around shooting random people like a Compton nigger. That could get a bit expensive and you'd have nothing to give to someone you know except unexpected debts. You just need one, kids. One behind an ear like a pro. Firing a round up through your mouth isn't nearly as effective. Now go buy a gun before our favorite amendment in our Constitution - the Second - gets re-amended. You'll probably need it some day...

- want almost always answers need
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It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Who wants to live forever?

Not the AIDS faggot who sang that classic song about it. Others do.


Nothing as always, and more always.

Your troubles would fade away, along with your joy and memories of both. You'd just be a boring sentient being with nothing to do and nowhere to go. Ever. Forever.

Causing genuine fear in others is power, both in Star Wars and here, in so many wonderful ways.

Fear causes servitude and suicide. It also keeps people on guard, which is a good thing.

Where's the child support?

In my checking account, you cunt, who I never should have fucked or fucked over. Fuck off and crash that clown car you drive everyone around in.

So who here is terrified of dying and wants to live forever?

- just curious
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It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Yes faggots, I have a crystal ball. Murders and suicide Arabs running into buildings and blow up will happen soon in the large variety.

I'm confident that you toilets I like to miss the mark (you) on have heard the old saying: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...

Nobody can change what just happened in Saudi Arabia. Well, over the years they could reconstruct their largest base of oil production in the world. Which takes us to the second sentence: Courage to change the things I can

Uh-oh. Impeaching or assassinating the clown (Tramp) in charge should happen. George Bush looked a little confused when he heard about what went down the other day, so my concerns about what we're about to see on liveleak will be exciting! Until the Big Boys "can't agree on the color of shite" (Braveheart), that is. Then it has the potential to be the End of Times, which will squash the trendy new cis/military lesbianism. So fuck it, drop 'em if ya got 'em...

The end goes: and the wisdom to know the difference
*bursts out laughing!*

- I'll be sitting on my roof with an unlit joint in my mouth


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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"One police officer was slightly injured, and the rest of the wounded were students and staff of the school, mostly women aged 15-50."

Some dinks still use swords - groovy. Husbands out there are praying their wife's wound gets so infected that he'll be the one to permanently shut her eyes...

- life is too short to keep one bitch


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Holy fuck bro .. do you really expect people to read all that drivel ?? surely you jest .

or were you attempting too, not sure, not reading

- Nope


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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German 27-year old guy shoots up a synagogue on the holiest day of the Jews: Yom Kippur.

I forget who posted his stash of weapons so I could use some clarification on the weapon the shooter shot. I mean, just look at all that grey smoke that makes it seem like he's using an antique black powder 'n ball rifle. The video on the link is very short, you should check it out. It does look like he fired a shotgun, although that weapon isn't entirely visible. I'm a Texan, I have a shotgun:


I've never seen one smoke like that, and he should've asked you for your wooden .308 with that long rage scope accessory you blessed that "fix it all" tool with. I mean, you can't see who he's shooting at, which means the use of a shotgun is dumb. Who the fuck knows where all of the pellets found their way to. You OK, Brent?

- curious

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I watched the livestream, he didn’t even get inside the Synagogue, it was locked down.

He just ends up shooting some random fat woman in the road and a raghead in a kebab shop. He even tries shooting some white guy who walks past him.

It was a massive fail to be honest. The guy is clearly a moron.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Pfff, and? Shit ain't even worth reporting on, like the rest of our political machine that keeps spamming desperate Trump drama so nobody important knows what the fuck's really goin' on. Does Stinky know what's up?

“The King said that the Saudi people are greatly angered by the barbaric actions of the shooter, and that this person in no way shape or form represents the feelings of the Saudi people who love the American people,” said Trump in a tweet.

- disappointed by the count


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
I watched the livestream, he didn’t even get inside the Synagogue, it was locked down.

He just ends up shooting some random fat woman in the road and a raghead in a kebab shop. He even tries shooting some white guy who walks past him.

It was a massive fail to be honest. The guy is clearly a moron.
Shut the fuck up dickhead!


Factory Bastard
I work part timing at a small family run funeral home and suicide is at an all time high out here. Young, attractive too.